Wedding IV – Liam and Elsa (July 2016)

Emma had gotten used to waking up like this – at least on the days she was off work and didn't need to get up at a specific time. Nimble fingers slipped under her sleep shirt, trailing lazy circles on her stomach before wandering upwards and tightening around her breast. She sighed softly when Killian started to play with her nipples that were already straining towards his touch.

"Good morning, love," a husky voice whispered in her ear, and she shifted backwards, wiggling her ass over his already hardening cock.

"Good morning, indeed."

His hand left her breast and she almost protested loudly, but knew that he wouldn't leave her high and dry. He never did when he woke her up like this. This morning was no exception. His hand drifted lower, pushing below the waistband of her panties, a satisfied grumble vibrating against her skin as his lips ghosted over her shoulder and his fingers slipped through her already soaking wet folds.

"I'm hungry," he growled as his fingers played over her already throbbing clit.

At the beginning of their relationship she'd made the error of assuming he'd been actually talking about real food while his fingers had dipped into her aching core. But she'd learned very soon that this certain timbre in his voice always meant that he was hungry for going down on her. For eating her out until she screamed his name and came hard around his fingers or tongue, whichever was in her at the time her orgasm crashed over her.

So it was no surprise that her body was already trembling with anticipation when he pushed her on her back and peeled her panties down her legs. Laying down between her thighs, he shot her a wide grin before he leaned forward and buried his face in her folds, using his skilled tongue and fingers to bring her to an earth-shattering climax.

She was still panting and her walls still fluttered with the aftershocks when his cock plunged deep into her. He didn't give her any time to come down from her high, he just pushed her up again. It took only a few thrusts before she came around him a second time, digging her nails into his ass as he let out a deep growl and spilled his release inside her.

He managed to slip out of her and crash down beside her instead of on top of her. They stayed silent for a few minutes until Emma remembered what day it was and that they didn't have the time to stay in bed and enjoy a second round.

"Okay, lover boy." She turned around and poked him in the ribs to get him moving. "Rise and shine."

"I already did rise," he replied, wiggling his eyebrows at her, his mouth curling into a lascivious smirk when he added, "And shine."

She rolled her eyes at him and poked him again. "Liam and Elsa are waiting. It's their big day and we don't want to be late, do we?"

"Of course not," Killian grumbled as he rolled out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.

She let herself enjoy the view of his naked and toned backside for a few seconds before she threw her legs off the side of the bed and followed him.


"It was about time that you finally put a ring on her finger," Killian said as he pulled his brother into a hug.

"You know bloody well that I wanted to for a very long time," Liam replied, turning around to look at his wife of thirty minutes. "She just didn't want to give in without a fight. Right, sweetheart?"

"Right, sugar," Elsa replied, blowing Liam a kiss that made his brother grin like a loon.

"I'm so happy for you, brother."

"And I for you, Killian."

Killian's eyes went to Emma who was standing a few feet away, looking gorgeous in the burgundy dress she'd chosen to wear today, making him wonder how he'd gotten so lucky to call her his girlfriend.

"We're both lucky bastards, aren't we?" Killian asked his brother without taking his eyes off Emma.

He knew without looking that his brother's eyes were locked on Elsa as he replied, "That we are."


The wedding dinner and the toasts were a rambunctious affair, the crowd howling with laughter as Killian and Emma told the obligatory embarrassing stories about Liam and Elsa.

Hours later, his head was swimming a little with all the alcohol he'd consumed and he opted to drink a few glasses of water before starting in on the wine again. Leaning back in his chair, he let his eyes roam over the people in search of Emma, and when he found her his heart skipped a beat. She laughed heartedly about something Ruby just told her, and he had to smile when Milah stepped behind Ruby and swirled her around, planting a thorough kiss on her girlfriend's lips before whisking her away. Probably towards a hot make out session in a quiet corner.

He was still utterly grateful that his brother and Ruby had prevented them from making the biggest mistake of their lives. Following the two women with his eyes as they disappeared through a door, he saw Milah's hand slip under the dress that hardly covered Ruby's backside and grope her ass. The action caused him to search for Emma again, a deep ache settling in his stomach as he realized that having her just a few hours ago didn't stop him from wanting her again. Fortunately, Emma had apparently the same idea because when he met her eyes again she sent him an inviting look and turned around. She threw him an impish grin over her shoulder and his cock replied immediately by tightening and straining against its confines.

"Bloody minx," he grumbled as he stood up to follow her out the door.

A flight of stairs upwards and a few doors down they found a closet. At least this time the closet had an actual lock, which Emma turned before dropping to her knees and pulling his pants open. His cock sprang free, eagerly jumping in the direction of her mouth. She didn't wait even a second, wrapping her lips firmly around the head and sucking at him as if his cock were her favorite candy.

How he ended up with a woman who loved giving him head as much as he loved going down on her was still a mystery to him. A mystery he didn't complain much about as he tightened his fingers in her hair and tugged softly so that she tilted her head upwards and met his eyes. He almost burst his release down her throat then, the view of her mouth stretched wide to swallow his cock and the burning desire swirling in her eyes nearly too much.

"Not today," he murmured and she understood instantly, he didn't need to clarify his request.

"How would you like to ravish me then?" she asked as she straightened, her hand going immediately back to his cock and pumping him slowly.

"Turn around, love."

She obeyed immediately, leaning forward until her ass was at the perfect height for him to fuck her hard from behind. His cock jerked with anticipation when he pulled her dress up over her thighs and ass. Not bothering with removing her skimpy panties, he just shoved them aside and stepped forward. Curling one hand around her shoulder and one around her waist, he rasped, "Hold on tight."

He practically hammered into her, the small part of his brain that still functioned wondering if he was maybe too rough with her. But then Emma actually demanded that he should fuck her harder and he lost every hold on his restraint and thrust into her with deep and hard plunges until he felt his spine start to tingle and his balls grow tight with the need to release his semen into her. But he didn't want to go alone. His fingers found her clit and it only took a few hard rubs to push her over. He groaned loudly when her walls grabbed him hard and he slammed into her one last time before he let himself fall after her.


Elsa greeted them with a knowing grin when they stumbled back into the reception hall and Liam only shook his head and rolled his eyes, but he didn't care at all. He probably had the most goofy grin on his face as he wrapped his arm around Emma's shoulders and pulled her close against his side.

"I think they're jealous."

"No, they're not," Emma replied with conviction. "They don't have a reason to be jealous."

He winced at the obvious implication and said, "I'm certain I don't wanna hear about my brother's exploits."

"They actually rival ours," Emma told him with a teasing glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, I really don't need to know that," he replied, shaking his head while trying not to smile.

She laughed out loud and pulled him towards their seats at the table of the newlyweds. A waiter was at their side the moment they sat down and filled their wine glasses anew. But he had only eyes for Emma. She was radiant. Her cheeks slightly flushed, her eyes bright with happiness and her mouth still curled up in a smug grin since she knew telling him about Elsa and Liam's sexual activities had to make him slightly uncomfortable. He didn't begrudge her the fun of teasing him. He loved her too much to even feel the slightest bit affronted.

He had found the perfect woman for him. She was everything he never knew he needed. Everything he could ever hope for, and after a rocky start they'd finally found their way to each other.

He didn't need a ring on her finger to reassure himself that she would stay with him forever. The last year with her had dissolved all the doubts that had lingered in his heart and mind.

"I love you," he whispered, brushing his lips over her forehead.

"And I love you," she replied, her eyes so full of love that a lump formed in his throat.

Her hand slipped into his, their fingers intertwined and he tilted his head towards her when hers came to rest on his shoulder. His heart was full to bursting with love and happiness, he actually had to close his eyes for a moment to keep the tears at bay that suddenly pricked at the back of his eyes.

"Don't get sappy on me now, Jones," Emma said without moving her head and he chuckled softly, squeezing her fingers tightly.

"I wouldn't dare, Swan."

"Good," she replied and snuggled even closer.

Lifting her other hand, she put it on his thigh. Way up on his thigh. Just a jerk of her little finger and she would brush against the erection that he wasn't able to keep in check. He just finished that thought when her little finger did just that. He caught the smug smirk that played over her lips out of the corner of his eyes which caused his mouth to tilt up into a grin as he gripped her hand and moved it a few inches lower to remove the temptation. He heard her let out a soft huff of disappointment, her fingers tapping against his thigh to tell him without words that she would come back to her attempt of seducing him into another quickie later. His heart just swelled in his chest even more with the love he had for the woman in his arm. Having her here with him as his girlfriend at his brother's wedding day was everything he needed.

It was perfect. Utterly perfect.

The End

I know a few of you expected a CS wedding, but I wanted to stay close to the movie.

I hope you liked this little ficlet. I had a blast writing it. Thank you so much for your reviews everyone, all the favorites and follows. Every single email notification makes me smile.

So the only thing left to say is … until the next time. (And I'm back to writing my two other on-going stories before probably writing a Priest!Killian fic that will be set in cursed Storybrooke.)