Unrequited Love

I don't own the Mighty Ducks.

Unsure of what to do with the heads of their former enemies, they called Klegghorn and the police. Discreetly the police captain and his men took them off to be incinerated while Duke, Tanya, and Grin watched them drive away. Nosedive went down into the Pond because he was feeling sick, he mentioned going to play some video games while Mallory and Wildwing left to discuss Orion.

"I ca-can't believe it. Their gone." Tanya watched the police cars get further and further away, carrying what was left of their enemies.

"An unpleasant way to go." Grin said, like Tanya his eyes were glued to the police cars. "Karma is truly a cruel teacher."

"Yah well I prefer it to be them then us." Duke said, wrapping an arm around her waist. She leaned into him, nuzzling her head against his but stopped when their coms went off. Duke opened his and they all watched as Wildwing's face appeared on screen.

"Guys meeting in the kitchen. Be there in five." They all nodded as their leaders image disappeared from the screen, indicating that he had closed his com.

"What more could happen now?" Tanya sighed.


Tanya stared at Wildwing in shock at the plan. "I had to open my beak." She thought to herself.

"I don't know Wildwing, this sounds dangerous." Duke looked over at Mallory and down at her stomach. Tanya clasped his hand under the table, her fingers clenching nervously. She clearly wasn't comfortable with the situation either but it was looking like it was out of their hands at this point.

"If we don't do this then Orion will destroy our only way home?" Nosedive questioned, completely oblivious to Tanya's and Duke's concern.

Mallory nodded. "Without a doubt and who knows what else he'll do."

"Mallory and I will move in from the rooftops while you guys take the Migrator. After talking it over we know that Orion is going to have the last of those robots ready to defend the area. They'll see the Migrator coming and attack. We need you guys to take care of them and get them out of the way. Think you can handle it?"

"Yeah of course but I'm worried about you two." Duke said.

"If you switch the Migrator to battle mode you should have no problems destroying them quickly. Then you can help us with Orion." Wildwing looked at each of their faces. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Then it's time to set the trap." He looked over at Mallory who nodded. "Get your rest team. We don't know what tomorrow might bring." He dismissed everyone and walked with Mallory to her room.


Nosedive went to do a little comic book reading. He grabbed the graphic novel Zor off the shelf and jumped up onto his bed. "If I'm gonna died then I'm gonna die knowing Zontar saves the day."

Nosedive knew this may have been a little childish and goofy but he did this on purpose. After all he was still only a teenager and had done things that most adults never had to do. Adulthood had been thrust unfairly onto him and his brother at a young age when their father abandoned them and their mother died. Now they were fighting a war against a powerful overload by themselves. They lost friends and homes, crap they lost their home-world for crying out loud. He had seen enough death and destruction to last him a lifetime while only being a teenager. To top it all off Nosedive had to learn to become a part of an elite military unit on a strange planet surrounded by strangers in order to survive. The teenager had every right to be jaded but he refused to let the situation take his childhood from him and it was his outright stubbornness that kept him as happy as he was.

So, if playing pranks, reading comic books, watching cartoons, and goofing-off in general was going to do that for him then that's exactly what he was going to do. The blond flipped through the pages to where he last left off, using the comic to get his mind off the dangerous night to come.


Grin went to meditate. Sitting cross legged in his meditation circle on one of the plushy pillows in the center of the room he closed his eyes and placed the top of his wrists over his knees, a soft hum vibrating up his throat. After a few moments, he realized he didn't feel calm. If anything, he was antsy.

Sighing he opened his eyes and let them trace the room until they fell on his meditation crystal that Mallory bought him. A kind gesture of a good friend. Of its own accord his hand sought out the smoky quartz crystal. The grey rock with hard edges sat perfectly in the palm of his hand. Mallory may not have known it but a smoky quartz was a crystal meant to balance emotions. It was for dispelling negative emotional energy.

It meant more to him then she realized. Not only did this type of crystal help him as a child with his aggressive actions and ill temper but it was the first gift he had received from his wife, Lisa. His favorite thing about it was that the crystal itself was the color of her eyes. To him it was the most beautiful color in the all the worlds he had been to. When he gazed into this crystal he saw his wife again. "We will be together again. Whether in this life or the next." He spoke to the crystal as if Lisa could hear him through it. Gently he clutched it to his heart and drifted into a peaceful meditation. He was ready for whatever fate was in store for him.


Tanya and Duke went to her bedroom. They planned to spend a private evening together.

"What do you think will happen tomorrow?" Tanya questioned as she sat on the soft bed, looking down at the ground, a little depressed at the thought that someone might not come back tomorrow. She had a horrible feeling in her gut.

Duke shrugged his shoulders, seeing the woman he loved staring sadly at the ground. "I don' know." He took her beak in his fingers and tilted her head up so she was gazing into his eyes. "But I'd rather spend this night paying attention to you then thinkin' about tomorrow. We don't know what's gonna happen so let's make the most of right now."

Tanya smiled at him. "How did I get so lucky." She leaned up and closed the gap between their beaks for a sweet kiss.


In Mallory's room, Wildwing wrapped his arms around her, resting them both on her stomach while he breathed in the smell of her hair. Closing his eyes, he focused of how she felt in his arms at this moment. "I don't want to do this." He spoke softly. Inside his chest, he felt like his heart was going to claw its way out with how nervous he was. The last thing he wanted was for Orion to get his hands on Mallory but they were pushed into a corner and their backs were against the wall.

Mallory placed her hands over his, leaning heavily back into him. "What choice do we have?" He didn't answer, he knew they didn't have a choice. Turning in his arms so that she faced him, she looked up at him seeing the golden mask in place. Wanting to see his face, her hands carefully came up to the mask, going slow in case he wanted to protest. Gently she removed the mask, it glowed gold and turned white, looking like a plain hockey mask as she set it down on the night stand. The mask hid the emotions written across his face, his brown eyes were soft and loving, while worry creased his eyebrows. She smiled and stood on her tip toes, kissing the furrow in his brow, making it loosen as he closed his eyes at the feel of her kiss. She so loved to see his face, the snow-white feathers contrasted handsomely with his deep rich brown eyes.

Feeling her drop back down to the balls of her feet he opened his eyes and gazed down at his lover. "She only comes up to my shoulders. How can someone be so small and yet so strong?" He thought as he tightened his hold on her making her hug him back. Despite her strength he was worried for her, he loved her and didn't want anything to happen to her. "I won't let anything happen to you or my child Mallory. I swear on my life that I'll protect you."

There was something in Wildwing's eyes that made her wonder what he was thinking about. They were soft and gentle but there was a steadfastness there that she had never seen before. Wildwing saw the question in her eyes but leaned in and took her mouth in a sensual kiss. She responded fervently until it led them onto her bed where they took their time making love to each other for what could be their last.

The next morning both ducks were dressed and seated on Mallory's unmade bed. Her hand gripped the bed sheets, palms sweating as she looked at the number on the paper. Wildwing sat next to her as support. His right hand was resting on her leg as he watched her.

She couldn't believe she was doing this but it was all part of the plan. "Here goes nothing." She breathed in deeply and made the call.


Orion was watching the last of Dragaunus's drone prepare for the other ducks. Beside him stood the very last silver robot that he had upgraded. It would stay with him, hiding in the shadows of the factory in case he needed help. He watched the drones mount the large high tech dish on top of the roof, it was made specially to confuse the mask and hide body signatures from its scans. Wildwing would be able to see through some walls but with all the equipment and piping in this building, Wildwing wasn't going to be able to spot him. This was just in case the nosey leader decided to follow her and try to stop her. No doubt her teammates wouldn't be willing to let her go, so he had a little surprise for them. An ambush. They would be able to handle it and the drones were instructed not to kill them, just to hold them off. He only needed time to grab Mallory and go.

Mallory had called to let him know she was going to take the deal, she would give herself over to him and he would leave the Raptor intact for the others to go home with. He and Mallory would take the dimensional teleporter that he made to go back to Puckworld. He had sent her a text on when to meet him and where. It was all coming together.

Their future together was already written in his mind. "Finally, tonight's the night."


The factory was completely empty, all employees were home resting after a long day.

Mallory and Wildwing took the rooftops to get to the meeting place. Standing on top of the building next to the factory, Wildwing scanned it but something was wrong, he couldn't get any readings off the building. "Weird I don't see body signatures and there's no way to get a clear view of what's going on in there. This is getting dangerous." He sighed, the situation was looking worse and worse.

Opening his com he called the others in the Migrator. "Guys where are you?"

Nosedive's voice came over the com. "We're in position bro."

"Alright. Move in but be careful. Who knows what kind of tricks Orion could have up his sleeve."

"Over and out bro. Be careful, I kind of got used to having you around after all this time." Nosedive hung up.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He looked at Mallory, hoping she would back out but knowing she wouldn't.

"Yeah. I'm ready." She nodded. Both Mallory and Wildwing snuck in through a vent trying to be as quiet as possible. "I don't like this." Wildwing whispered.

"What choice do we have?" They both quietly jumped down to the ground floor without making too much noise.

"How about one that doesn't put our duckling in danger." He grumbled, checking their surroundings.

"Shhh. I know it's not right but it is what it is."

He nodded, agreeing but still he wanted her to go back to the Migrator. They didn't see Orion hovering in the shadows above them listening in on their conversation. "She's pregnant with his duckling?" He was betrayed, he was heartbroken… he was pissed. His plans were completely shattered; his twisted mind saw her as ruined. "She carries another's child." Orion was enraged at the thought that another had her. "That child should have been mine." Orion clenched his fists but didn't give his position away. He was seeing red, silently seething. "She was supposed to come here alone and join me in a new life together. This is the ultimate betrayal. How could she do this to me!"

Stealthily he went further into the factory, using the balconies above them to move without being detected. Their other teammates were being kept busy with the last of Dragaunus's hunter drones, so they wouldn't be interrupted during their 'dance.'

Both mighty ducks kept their eyes on everything around them as they moved deeper into the factory. Mallory could feel that sensation that she got when she was already in Orion's trap. "This isn't right." She whispered.

Wildwing was about to ask her why when he was interrupted. "So, you've betrayed me." Both their heads snapped in the voice's direction. Orion stood above them balancing easily on a railing, holding onto chains that hung from the ceiling all the way down to the floor. Jumping off he slid down and landed on his feet in front of them. His handsome face reflected his rage. "How could you do this to me? After all I've been through to be with you again." He stepped forward, both Mallory and Wildwing aimed their weapons at him. With a quick flick of his wrist Orion tossed two magnetic grey circles at their weapons, landing on Mallory's gun and Wildwing's wrist launcher, it electrocuted the weapons. Mallory dropped hers but Wildwing was just shooting his when the device hit it. It knocked his aim off and activated the explosive pucks. The puck shot off into the factory hitting a large generator, blowing it up and setting off a chain reaction that started taking out large sections of the factory. The building shook unstably, pieces of metal and roof started falling nearby.

The distraction had given Orion enough time to run at them and attack. They both avoided his first punches and kicks, working together to fight him off. He swung at Wildwing first who stepped back and avoided the punch. Mallory kicked at his stomach but he took a step back and attacked again. Both kicked and punched at Orion, who dodged and blocked, somehow managing to keep the duo at bay.

Wildwing took a swing but Orion ducked elbowing the drake in the stomach. It didn't do much and Wildwing was attacking him again, furiously trying to keep Orion away from Mallory. He was like a duck possessed. "Mallory back off I've got this." He didn't want her here in this fight when she was in fairly delicate condition. The baby was so small that it wouldn't die from a hit to the stomach but she could get badly hurt and he wasn't willing to risk them both.

"No way." She dodged a piece of falling debris and got back in the fight.

"Mallory I mean it!" He kicked Orion in the side, knocking him away from them both. "I need you to be safe."

"And I need you to pay attention to the fight." She growled, Orion got back to his feet and charged Wildwing but Mallory did a roundhouse kick at him forcing him to jump back to avoid the blow.

Orion had to admit Mallory and Wildwing made an almost unstoppable team. In his mind, he could see himself standing next to her fighting, not Wildwing. "That's gone now." He spoke to himself, clearly not in his right mind. "You've taken that from me!"

He lunged forward, enraged at the knowledge that she had let her leader touch her and be inside of her. He didn't care that the building was coming down around them, he had one goal in mind; killing Mallory and Wildwing. Both ducks blocked and defended Orion's quick punches but he got a good elbow into Wildwing face knocking him back at step. Orion's leg shot out knocking Wildwing on his back, sending him sliding across the floor.

It left Orion free to attack Mallory. She swung at him but he flipped over her, landing behind his obsession, he hit the back of her right knee, making her fall to it. Using the momentum to her advantage Mallory went down to the ground and spun on her knee, launching her foot into his stomach. She rolled away and jumped to her feet. He was on her in seconds kicking and punching at her. Mallory dodged but was being backed into a corner. She picked up a random piece of metal equipment and threw it at Orion who ducked to dodge it. Seeing his distraction, Mallory charged and jumped up, intending to kick him in the face but Orion was fast. He grabbed her leg and used her momentum to slam her down on the floor in front of him. Keeping her ankle in his hand he kicker her in her right thigh hard, a sickening crack was heard and Mallory screamed in pain from her leg being broken. He released her leg and watched her roll onto her stomach trying to crawl away. "So this is what it's come to." He reached for her but was tackled by an enrage Wildwing.

"You son of a bitch." The team captain, got on top of Orion and repeatedly punched his face. Orion growled at each hit. The duck had gotten stronger from the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Every hit sent Orion's world spinning. Final he caught the white feathered drakes large fist and delivered a swift punch of his own, putting enough force behind it to knock the drake off himself. Shaking off the pain, Orion charged Wildwing who rolled with the hit to his feet and pulled up his ice shield. He rushed Orion attempting to hit him with it like he did the robots but Orion was too fast. The crazed drake spun to the side delivering a quick jab to Wildwing's unprotected kidney. The hit landed but Wildwing swung his shield back this time knocking Orion off his feet. Orion went with the hit and rolled with the hit to his feet, realizing that the leader was a more difficult foe then he first thought.

Wildwing was on him again before he could get his footing. The ice shield bashed into his face, Orion stumbled back and pulled out a very large blade that he kept on his person at all times. It wasn't much against the formidable shield but if he hit it just right the blue barrier would crumble. Slashing a stabbing at the glowing barrier that came from the duck's left arm he finally found its weakness. Moving in fast he pressed the point of the knife into the weak spot, Wildwing's eyes rounded in surprised red circles when his ice shield started cracking.

Twisting the blade and putting more pressure on it, Orion was determined to break the barrier before it broke his weapon. Finally, the shield shattered, leaving Wildwing more vulnerable. He attempted to stab Wildwing but his arm was grabbed and twisted, the long blade was knocked out of his hand and tossed across the room, coming to a stop next to some heavy machinery behind Wildwing. Orion kicked Wildwing in the chest, knocking him back into the heavy machinery. Trying to find some leverage to stand up Wildwing placed his one arm on the table he hit.

Seeing his enemies arm on the table under the crane holding the large machine, Orion pulled the release lever next to him, dropping it on Wildwing's left arm. Wildwing yelled in agony as the large machine crushed his arm under it, affectively pinning him, his armor did nothing to protect it against such weight.

"WILDWING!" Mallory yelled out terrified for him. She looked over at her gun only ten feet from her now. "I have to get to it!"

"This wasn't how it was supposed to be! That should be my child growing in her! NOT YOURS!" Orion wiped the blood from the corner of his beak, glaring down at the suffering Wildwing accusingly. He turned and approached Mallory, not seeing Wildwing trying to grab him and stop him.

Mallory was still crawling to her discarded gun, her broken leg slowing her down. On his way to her, Orion picked up a steel pipe that had fallen from the ceiling. "Why did it have to be this way?" Orion asked her as he stood over her. "We could have been so happy together." Using his foot, he forced her onto her back so he could see her face. She groaned as he rolled her over none to gently.

Seeing Orion standing over Mallory, Wildwing ignored the pain in his arm and used his feet to get the discarded blade not far from him. He pulled it close and with his free hand, slid it under the heavy machinery that had fallen on his arm, attempting to use it to try to pry his arm free.

Mallory looked up at the duck that was going to kill her, a drake she used to love. "Orion. Don't do this." She knew reasoning with him was pointless, she didn't even know why she bothered speaking to him. The old Orion was gone.

Wildwing growled at the blade that wasn't doing anything to move the heavy equipment. He looked over at Mallory on her back with Orion's foot on her shoulder, holding her in place. A steel pipe clutched in his hand. He was going to kill her and Wildwing couldn't get free to save her! He promised her he would protect her! Desperately he started hitting the machine with the sword, hoping to break a piece off as anxiety clawed at his chest. It chipped at the metal but not quick enough. He kept doing it until the sound of metal breaking rang through the room.

Orion turned to see what Wildwing was doing only to smirk at the broken blade in the leader's hand. The white feathered drake stared at it in horror, sheer terror gripping him at the thought that Mallory was going to die. "It's time to end this Mallory." Orion turned back to her, gripping the pipe so hard that his knuckles where turning white. "I didn't want this but you've left me no choice."

Hearing this Wildwing glared at his trapped arm, the only thing stopping him from going to Mallory's rescue. "No. I can't, I won't let this happen! I must protect her! I must protect my duckling! I made a promise!" Determination filled every inch of his soul as he raised the broken blade high over his head and he brought it down on his trapped arm, hacking at it feverishly, ignoring the pain. He's own warm blood splattered across his face as he continued hacking at the crushed limb. The sickening crunch and crack of his bone was heard and the rest came off easily. Tearing what was left of the destroyed flesh away from the useless limb, he charged Orion's turned back with the broken blade still in hand, leaving a large trail of blood behind him.

Orion lifted the pipe over his head, aiming it down at Mallory's heart. "I love you Mallory." Tears glazed his eyes. "Goodbye." Putting all his strength into his downward stab he went to finish her off but the feeling of jagged metal piercing his back threw him off balance and he ended up stabbing the ground next to her head. Orion stayed crouched the pipe still in hand, his eyes wide in shock and pain. Mallory stared up at him with frightened eyes, not understanding what had just happened until she saw the jagged blade coming out of Orion's chest. He looked down at it and laughed, blood dribbling down the side of his mouth. Mallory's eyes trailed up to the welder of the blade, seeing a bloody Wildwing standing over them. The red eyes of the mask glowing menacingly, making him a frightening sight to behold. With a good yank, he pulled the weapon out of Orion's chest, letting him start to bleed out.

Orion stared at Mallory's face, as if seeing her for the first time. It was as if a fog had cleared from his mind. He remembered the first time he saw her and how much he had loved her. "What was I thinking? How could I hurt you?" He closed his eyes and fell to the side, unmoving. His body smacked down onto the metal floor but his eyes remained locked on Mallory.

With him out of the way Mallory finally saw the damage done to Wildwing, his left arm was gone from the top of the elbow down. He fell to his knees, dropping the broken weapon. Mallory moved forward with as much speed as her body would allow and wrapped her arms around his torso to keep him from falling on his face, using her one good leg to hold them up while on her knees. "Wildwing! What have you done to yourself?" Tears came to her eyes at the disfiguring injury he had sustained.

"It was useless anyway." He said breathing heavily. Mallory grabbed her knife and cut the bottom of her top away. Using the fabric as a tie to cut off the circulation to his left arm. "This is gonna, hurt and I'm sorry." Tying it around his bicep she yanked hard, tightening it so blood stopped flowing out of his severed limb. It wasn't a clean cut, it had been hacked away. "Damnit, what were you thinking!" She glanced around them, seeing the building was still coming down piece by piece. They had to get out of there or they would be crashed.

"About you and my baby." His one hand went over her womb. "I promised you. I wouldn't let him hurt you." Leaning his forehead down on her he rested a moment. His vision was fading. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" She asked confused.

"I don't think I'm gonna be around to raise our duckling." He slowly fell to his side but Mallory kept him from falling and helped lower him to the floor.

"Don't say that. You'll be fine." Tears, spilled down her cheeks as she finished covering his wound and tied off the temporary wrap. "Wildwing I need you to get to your feet. The building is coming down! You can't die. I love you." She nuzzled him, hitting the emergency button on her com. Where were the others?

"You love me?" His eyes were started to get dull with exhaustion.

"Of course I do." Tears fell onto his mask.

"Hey none of that." He said nudging her beak with his. "I did this because I wanted to protect you."

"Well we both need you so don't go anywhere. Promise." He never broke a promise.

Wildwing smiled, realizing what she was trying to make him do. "Promise." He couldn't die, he had a kid to raise. A large part of the roof tumbled down and fell ten feet from them, smashing into the floor and shaking the room.

The sound of feet rushing towards them could be heard and Tanya's voice called out for them. "We're over here! Hurry! Wildwing's badly hurt!" Mallory yelled. Nosedive was the first to arrive, he was horrified at his brothers' condition but ran to help without pausing.

"Bro! It's gonna be okay!" Nosedive's eyes glazed over with tears but he refused to let them fall.

Tanya arrived next followed by Duke and Grin. They all gasped at the bloody sight but went right to work on saving their teammates. Grin carried Wildwing out to the Migrator while Duke grabbed Mallory. "It's alright Sweetheart we're here." Mallory glanced back at where Orion had fallen to find him still laying there. The sound of the metal ceiling coming down could be heard as everyone ran out of the building before it crushed them. She didn't shed a single tear at the sight of Orion's body disappearing under the rubble, he died a long time ago. Duke raced out of the building to the Migrator where Tanya injected her with a sedative so that they could reset Mallory's broken leg without causing her pain but first they had to save Wildwing.


Wildwing watched the world passing around him, he could see the worried faces of his teammates above him as they rushed him down the halls of the Pond towards the infirmary. He looked at his brother who was talking to him but he couldn't hear what he was saying. Everything was blurred sounding but he could make out the different voices of his teammates when they spoke. Tanya's voice was giving orders that he couldn't understand while Duke and Grin went about preforming the tasks given. Nosedive was charged with keeping him awake. The only face he didn't see was Mallory's. "Where is she? Is she okay? Did I save her? Is my duckling okay?"

Then he heard her muffled voice calling out to him. Looking where her voice came from he saw her laying on the Medicom bed next to his. She was safe, she and his duckling were safe. The mask was removed from his face only to be replaced with an anesthetics mask from Puckworld.

Mallory watched as he smiled at her over the mask. His eyes shining at seeing her safe. "You better not die on me you big idiot."

He noticed his vision was getting fuzzy as he glanced around the room. Looking around himself, he turned back to Mallory only to notice that standing off to the corner behind the worried red head was a tall drake with red hair around 24 years old. Wildwing looked at him in confusion as this strange drake approached. Oddly enough no one seemed to notice him and the sound of their frantic voices was drowned out but this drake's footsteps were loud and clear. When he came closer Wildwing saw that he had the same color eyes as Mallory. He seemed to glow all over as he knelt to be eye level with Wildwing. Wildwing wanted to ask who he was but couldn't get the words out thanks to the mask on his face.

Mallory watched Wildwing nervously as he stared off at something that wasn't there. "Tanya what's going on with him? Are we losing him?"

"We will if we don't get the bleeding to stop." Tanya was currently trying to close the major artery in his arm that had been hacked open.

"You don't have to say anything." The strange drake spoke, his eyes shining. "It's pretty obvious who I am just from looking at me." He glanced back at a frightened looking Mallory, a sad smile spread across his face. "You can't go anywhere yet. You got to take care of my little sister." He turned back to look Wildwing in the eyes. "She's already lost so much in her life. It's not fair that she's forced to lose another man that she loves. So, I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen. After all I am her big brother, I'm supposed to look out for her." The drake smirked at him as he started to fade. "Tell her that I love her and that I waiting. Tell her Winston's waiting to see her again and to take her time." Winston disappeared, leaving nothing but what looked like a glowing orb in his wake.

"Wildwing!" He could vaguely hear Mallory yell his name as he slipped into a warm black abyss.


Four days later, in the infirmary, Wildwing was sitting in his bed very drugged up. A clean bandage was wrapped around his stump. Mallory sat in a chair next to him with her left thigh wrapped in a cast, a pair of crutches leaned against the wall next to her. She smirked at her leader, captain, teammate, friend, and lover. "You gave us a real scare those first two days." She scooted to the edge of the bed, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"Sorry." His one hand reached out to caress her cheek, his eyes shined as he looked at her, no longer dull and listless like they were before. Mallory smiled up at how sweet he was when he was drugged.

"You better be you jerk. I was afraid that you were going to leave me." She teased, turning his palm to give it a kiss.

"Nah. Just a little side tracked. I could never leave you. I love you."

She smirked, knowing that he liked hearing her say it. "I love you too."

"I want to marry you." Mallory's mouth dropped open at his declaration. "Will you marry me Mallory McMallard and become Mallory Flashblade?" She stared at him with widened eyes as he glanced at him missing arm. "Will you take me as I am? For better or for worse."

She stood up carefully, a very serious expression on her face as she sat on his bed. He watched worriedly until she smiled. "Of course. Whatever you want I'll give it to you."

He sighed in relief then laughed. "I want a hockey team of kids."

"You want six kids?" She questioned. "That would be a lot on my body." She thought to herself.

"No, I want the whole roster baby."

"That's twenty!" Mallory's eyes looked like they would fall out of her head. "Twenty kids! Does he want to kill me?"

"Yep. Twenty little ducks running around." He laughed at the images of red headed and green eyed kids running around and hanging all over them both.

"We'll talk about it later when you're not hopped up on morphine." She laughed, kissing him on the beak a couple of times.

"Let's start after we're better." He joked. Mallory laughed again.

Tanya came in to see the two love birds giving each other sweet kisses. "Ha ha, sorry to in-interrupt but I finished it!" She held up the high-tech metal arm that looked just like Wildwing's lost arm. Its physical appearance was the same as his arm only is was obviously a shiny metal instead of white feathers and skin. "With this it'll be like you never lost your arm in the first place! It'll take some getting used to, you're pr-probably going to break some things by accident with it, cause well you know its super strong but you'll get a hold of it in no time. Now we just have to let you heal a little more and we'll be able to attach it. It should automatically link up with your nerves." She brought it over to show the two. Both were impressed by it.

"That's awesome Tanya. How did you even make something that can link up to his nerves?" Mallory ran her fingers over the cool hard metal while Wildwing's eyes studied every inch of it.

"Oh! Orion's mind control. The technology was so advanced. I would've never been able to make this if I hadn't studied and kept that stuff. Another upside was I made it so that the mask wouldn't interfere with it."

"Thanks Tanya. This means a lot." Wildwing smiled at her.

"Oh well you know I'd do it for anyone of you guys. You're all b-basically family!" She smiled, placing her best work yet down on the table behind her. "Nosedive keeps talking about how badass it looks and how he wanted one." She shook her head. They laughed at Dive's enthusiasm, all incredibly happy. There was a good reason to celebrate, Dragaunus was dead and the raptor was unharmed. When the time was right, they were going home.

"Hey Tanya, could you give Mallor moment." Wildwing said. Wanting to speak with her about what he saw in the infirmary the day they beat Orion.

"Sure. I'll be back to check on you both in an hour." She walked out, intending to go see how the others were doing.

When she was gone Mallory turned to Wildwing curiously. "Why did you need to speak alone?" She tilted her head at him.

He found it adorable when she tilted her head at him like that but needed to get this out before he was too drugged to think right. "Mallory, I don't know if you'll believe me but its about your brother." Her eyes widened in surprise but she remained quiet, wanting to hear what he had to say. "He had a message for you..."


3 months later…

Bard Grayfeather walked through the empty halls of headquarters back to his large office. Pressing his hand to the scanner it lit up activating when warmth and pressure was placed on the panel. The light over it turned green, allowing access to his office. It was one of the most well-guarded rooms in the whole building thanks to all his top-secret work.

Looking down at the paper on his desk he sneered at the group of ducks on the news articles. The Mighty Ducks, Puckworld's Heroes Returned Home Victorious. He read the headlines then his eyes traced the group. To the right stood the blond female with the one-eyed thief, both were holding hands and smiled proudly at the camera. To the left the largest member had his arm wrapped around a small brunette who was looking up at him adoringly, in the description below it named her as Lisa Hardwing, his wife. Next to them was the youngest member of the group, the leader's brother smirked with a hand resting on his brother's shoulder while looking at the camera. Then finally in the very center was the leader with a robotic arm that was gently wrapped around the weapons and martial arts expert. Bard scuffed when he saw the red head. In this picture Wildwing's arm was wrapped gently around her waist, being careful of her delicate condition, his metal hand resting protectively on her stomach, that was showing life was growing inside her womb. If Orion was still alive then he was having a shit fit right now. The women he was so desperate to be with was married to and impregnated by another man. He dropped the paper back to the desk and sat in his chair. Turning on his computer and the lights in the room he froze at the strange silver robot and the all too familiar drake sitting in a chair on the side of the room, gun in hand and currently aimed at Bard's head.


"Surprised?" He smirked, walking up to his desk gun still aimed. The robot stood behind him like a bodyguard. "Don't bother hitting your emergency button. I've disconnected it."

"I figured you were died."

"Almost." Orion glared at the duck responsible for everything that went wrong in his life. He had just barely made it out of that factory alive. The very robot behind him came and grabbed him, taking him to the Medipod so that he could be healed. Once he was ready, he came back to Puckworld, using the device that he created to get to Earth in the first place.

"What do you want?" Bard asked, bringing his hands up to show surrender. Orion didn't answer him, instead he shot him with puck ropes and tied Bard to his office chair. "What are you doing?" Still Orion didn't answer. He looked at the paper on Bard's desk and picked it up.

"She's all over the news." He murmured, looking at how happy she looked with Wildwing and vice versa. Both were the picture of happiness.

"It should have been me…. No it's my fault. I almost killed her. I love her enough to let her go but not completely." Orion threw the papers he was looking at aside and took a seat in front of Bard. "Where is she Bard?"

Bard shifted in the chair he was tied to. "Orion it didn't work. She was dead when we found her."

"No she wasn't. Answer the question." Orion placed his gun against Bard's knee. "I know you have her here somewhere. In this office, specifically. Tell me where and I'll consider sparing your life."

Bard looked back and forth between Orion and the gun barrel sitting directly over his kneecap in panicked jerky motions. "Wait! Okay! Okay. Under my desk there's a number pad to the right side. Type in 569211."

Orion moved the gun away from Bard's knee. "If this is a trick then you realize I will have all the time in the world to take my revenge on you."

"It's not a trick. Just do it." Bard growled.

Walking away from the tied-up duck, Orion did as instructed. Once the code was in, a wood panel that looked like a normal wall slid open. Walking back around the desk Orion dragged Bard by the back of his chair into the secret room. There she was, completely untouched. Looking the same as when he left her. Walking up to the large glass chamber that held what was supposed to be an empty body, his eyes traced her beautiful face. Her hair was long, gently curling in red rings down to her waist. She wasn't alive when he had to run away and assumed she was never living, but he hadn't been sure of that to begin with. After all he had been interrupted before the process could be completed but that didn't mean that it didn't complete itself while they were chasing him, in fact he was now positive it did complete itself, why else would Bard have kept her. Here she was, tucked away safely in these walls this whole time.

Bard watched Orion approach the chamber and laid his hand over where her heart was. "What are you going to do?"

The handsome duck didn't reply, instead he typed in a code and the chamber door slid open. The strange smoke surrounding the red head cleared and ever so slightly her eyes began to open. "It worked." Orion whispered in awe. The red-headed duck's eyes suddenly shot open, intense emeralds stared right at him in question. "Hello Mallory." Orion offered his hand to the clone. Gently she took his offered hand and stepped out.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Orion Bluebill. Your fiance."


AN: Finally! This beast of a story is done! Hope you all enjoyed, please leave reviews and tell me what your overall thought of it was.