AN: Here's another Tomoki/Tomoko story. I'm just trying to write down and finish all the remaining ideas I have for this manga. I wrote another silly M-rated, incest fic (Insomnia), so check it out if you're into that. Tomoki is in 2nd year here, Tomoko on 3rd. Enjoy, reviews welcome!


Tomoki's tired of Tomoko lately. A trash can would make a better sister. Tomoko always trying to say that he's a pervert, that he's nothing but a dick, and especially irritating is how Tomoko always accuses him that he's (god forbid) attracted to her. He doesn't say anything, he gets annoyed, but if he gives in and shows how he's pissed off, she will think that she's won. So he only glares at her and keeps his mouth shut, hoping that maybe Tomoko will get tired of teasing and just quit it.

It all started with a trashy DVD his friend gave him last Christmas as a gift. Horror of horrors, Tomoko saw 'My Sister in black tights' in his DVD player without his knowledge that it was there. Suzuki, the expert in the vast creativity in the Japanese porn industry, was known to give all his friends porn DVDs as pranks. He's also the one who teases him about his older sister, he's the only one who knows that Tomoko was in the same school.

"Tomoki, I see all these chicks who wet their panties when you're around, but why can't you see them? Can't understand if you're gay for me or if you just really have a hidden desire for Tomoko nee-chan," Suzuki said, while they were changing to their football uniforms in the boys' locker room.

He almost punched him on the nose. He's ashamed of Tomoko. But if he did punch his friend, then he wouldn't stop the teasing.

There's no way around it. He had to do something to stop it.


After another practice game where instead of focusing on the game, shit from Tomoko's mouth keeps replaying back in his head and how he wants to get even and just punch her in the face to stop it once and for all. But if he does that he would also get a harsh scolding from his mother or father. If he did something drastic and violent, it might make her stop talking to him for awhile. That worked before.

In the game, he runs, kicks the ball, kicks the boys on the rival team, and they lost the first elimination round for the national high school tournament because of his missed kick that didn't hit goal.

"Tomoki, there's something we're noticing. You're getting a bit violent," his coach said after their recent practice.

He shrugged.

"That school's team was complaining. You broke number 12's ankle, and another boy's mouth had to be stitched because you kicked him! Four guys complained about you for hitting them. And your performance during practice lately... I mean, you're not that way before. Do you need a break?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Sorry, Tomoki. You can still join practice but for the next tournament? I'll tell you the truth: do something about your performance. The first-years are better than you. I'll give them a chance to play this time. You keep on forgetting fouls, and the rules! Give it a rest. If you can prove yourself, then you can join the official games again."

Tomoki couldn't answer, but it was true. He sucked on the field lately.

"Yes, sir," he said, and left, feeling useless in his football uniform.

Football, his only past time, his only distraction. Who was to blame, himself, or his sister? His pent-up, unreleased anger towards her? Now that he was out of the team, what would he do with his free time? He still belonged to the club, but out of the game.


Boys' gossip in the locker room. Of course, friends would always talk about the friend who was not there, which was Tomoki.

"Too bad for Tomoki. Well I guess he needs a break," one boy said.

"Maybe he's so distracted because he has a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend? That guy? He's more interested in soccer than girls. I mean, girls are crazy over him but he just doesn't care!"

"Ever notice that girl who pops up all the time in his classroom, who he actually talks to? The short girl from third-year?"

"Uh. Yeah I do remember. So he's into older women after all…"

Suzuki was choking on his sports drink trying to suppress his laughter. He was about to join in and clarify that the girl they were talking about was Tomoki's sister. He even laughed more to himself when he remembered his prank to Tomoki last Christmas - giving him a porn DVD with the title 'My Sister in Black Tights'. Tomoki was pissed at him that time because his sister happened to see it. Suzuki just laughed so much at that time that Tomoki didn't speak to him for a week.

"Hey, guys, that girl's his sister!" he said, but found that they have already gone ahead of him and he was speaking to no one. Oh no, this could be fun, if they still had that assumption in their head. No way Tomoki would admit to his other friends that he had a sister here, he seemed to dislike her.


Tomoki was in a sad funk the way home. He wished that he had punched or hurt Tomoko when he had the chance. He should have thought of another way to ignore her. He wished he could use the anger to practice more, but the anger only made him inaccurate in the field - it wouldn't work.

He imagined confronting her. But then it would sound weird.

Nee-chan. I just want you to know that its your fault I'm ousted from the school's soccer team for now. I'm banned from playing in the official school team against other schools. Thank you very much.

She'll say, What the hell do I have to do with it? Its your game, not mine.

He'll answer, I keep thinking about shit you say and how much I'd like to kick your ass. So shut up and don't talk to me if you can't say anything nice.

What would she say? Maybe, What? You keep thinking about me? Why, are you in love with me? Disgusting freak don't go near me.

Then how would he get back at her?

Maybe its no use, just a waste of energy, something he just shouldn't think about. She's so pathetic in her current condition anyway. Always doing or saying embarrassing things. He avoids her in school so much because he's so ashamed of being associated with her. Sometimes he wishes that she wasn't born at all.


When he went back to his room after going home from school, his books are disarranged, the bed sheets are crumpled, his drawers are open. If his sister had the gall of doing this to his room, at least she should be responsible fixing it again. He's got enough of this.

So he went to her room, slid the door open and it slammed and shook against the doorframe.

Tomoko was half-naked, about to put on a shirt, her uniform scattered on the floor. He glimpsed a full view of her topless before she covered herself quick. Tomoko faced him, looking scandalized and hysterical, but blushing.

"You only went in here because you knew I was changing! You freak, getting turned on by your sister!" she said.

"What the hell did you do to my room? Fix it or else," he said, fists shaking.

"Leave it! I was looking for a Math book for my assignment! Don't go near me, you were planning something, right?"

"Then you should have asked me, not make a mess! You think I want to spy on you? Then why was your door open, huh? Were you just waiting for me? You probably changed because you knew I was going in. Maybe you just changed when I arrived because you knew I'd confront you about my room. You're the one always saying that, so maybe you're the one thinking those things."

Tomoko froze and couldn't answer, and he was satisfied at the effect of his words on her. Serves her right.

A while later Tomoko got in his room while he was studying, and she heard her go in fixing the books in the shelves and the bed. Tomoki didn't look at her, didn't thank her.


He woke up with a headache and numbness in his limbs. He felt his forehead, it was too hot. There was class today but he was too sick to get up.

His mother opened the door and saw him still trying to sleep. She placed a hand on his face.

"Oh my. Sick again, Tomoki? I have to go somewhere. But your sister said she had no class too so I'll ask her to take care of you, okay?"

He only groaned in reply.

Not again, he thought, because Tomoko just liked to tease him even more when he's sick and can't move. He tries his best not to be sick for the only reason that he was annoyed with her so much, because their mother always tells her to take care of him.

If Tomoko was in the room, then he wasn't aware of it. He woke twice, in the afternoon and the middle of the night, and there was food and water for him on the bedside table. After he ate he just slept again.

He noticed, sometime during the night when he went out to pee, that Tomoko was sleeping on the floor beside his bed. The full moon illuminated her face, framed by her hair fanning over the white pillow. He didn't understand why she had that ugly hairstyle, bangs always covering one eye. She'll look better without it, and he could see her whole face clearly now, free of the annoying hair.

She was sleeping on her side, with her mouth slightly open. Tomoko was only pleasant when she was asleep. Something weird inside him said that she looked almost beautiful, and he almost wanted to punch himself when that thought appeared in his mind for no reason. He didn't look at her when he returned and just slept.


"Did I tell you that you can sleep here? Could it be that its you who wants something? Freak. Wants to do her little brother," was the first thing he said when he woke up.

He still felt sick, but good thing it was a Saturday. Tomoko got up without a word and returned with his breakfast in a tray. He smelled strong coffee.

"What, are you going to throw that in my face again?" he asked, but Tomoko just took the mattress on the floor and went back to her room.


"Aren't you excited by the idea of your sister alone here?" Tomoko teased again and Tomoki just ignored her. She was on the floor, playing on a gameboy. She just brought his lunch. He slept the whole morning again.

"Shut up."

Tomoko leaned over the bed, looking into his eyes.

"Oh? Your reactions speak otherwise," she said, and he almost wanted to spit on her but his throat was dry. She closed her eyes, angling her lips to his.

(She thought he would push her away, or maybe dodge. He thought that she would turn her face away and mock him. But he was too tired to move, then the next minute he felt her chapped lips against his and next thing he knows he's closing his eyes and sneering in digust and they are pseudo-kissing... like shy lovers in the corner of his room. Tomoko was so shocked by the contact that she wasn't able to move.)

It was a delayed reaction on his part. In his surprise, he punched her in the face, his left fist shot out of the blanket and hit her cheek.

He had hit her before, but it wasn't that strong enough to hurt. But now his eyes widened at seeing some blood on her teeth.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to hit you hard, but you shouldn't have surprised me."

Good. It worked. Tomoko just looked at him with wide eyes and holding her numb face.

"I guess you need to get some ice if you don't want it to bruise," he said, and Tomoko's joking mood was gone, there were tears on her eyes from the pain. She ran downstairs.

"What happened to you?!" said their mother. He could hear them.

"Tomoki punched me!" Tomoko said.

"Well, maybe you gave him a reason to punch you! I told you not to disturb him."

"I did," Tomoko said, sobbing.

Tomoki tried to go back to his sleep.

The 'kiss' was a one time thing, he thought. Like it will ever happen again. be continued