Time has passed, and now it has come to the final week of June. The amount of time left until the End-Of-Term Test: One Week.

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT AAAALLLL!" Kaminari cried out in despair. A small '22/22' appeared next to him momentarily. Right next to him, Ashido had her arms crossed behind her head, and was shaking despite there being a large smile on her face.

A '21/22' popped up next to her. "With the sports festival and work-place experience I never stopped to study!" The blonde wailed.

"Indeed." Tokoyami agreed, a '15/22' appearing next to his beak.

"Man, the fact there's also a practical test exercise is really tough, huh?" The drawling voice of Mineta came, as he rested his cheek on his fist and stared out the window, a '10/22' showing itself.

Kaminari and Ashido stared at the number with wide eyes. "I thought you were one of us!"

"A guy like you is supposed to be a loveable idiot! Now who'll want you!?" Kaminari accused.

"Ashido! Kaminari! Le… Let's do our best!" Midoriya spoke with sincerity. "I mean, I want go to the lodge alongside everyone! Right!?" Iida and Todoroki offering words of… 'encouragement'.

The numbers that popped next to Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki were '5/22', '3/22' and '6/22' respectfully. "Mind your words!" Kaminari exclaimed, clutching his heart.

"Hey, you two." Came the voice of the girl with the numbers '1/22' floating close by. "I might be able to assist you with classroom lecture stuff." Yaoyorozu offered.

Her failing friends cried out in joy at the prospect of studying with her. "The test exercise on the other hand, not so much…" She trailed off sadly.

"Huh. Wonder what that's about." Jutsu thought, trying to bat away the annoying number that kept appearing before him. '2/22' would constantly phase through his hands, no matter how much he tried to get it to leave.

"Have you been studying, Kagaku?" A voice asked. Jutsu turned to see red eyes looking at him curiously.

"Yeah, I've managed to keep up, Kaseki." He told his reptilian friend, seeing a '16/22' floating nearby.

"That's good. I wouldn't want you to get left behind while we're going to the lodge." Jutsu nodded, remembering the class's reaction to the discovery that they would be going on a summer break to a forest lodge if they passed their exams.

"Why do I feel like I wasn't fully aware when that happened? Like, for some reason it wasn't shown to others." Jutsu wondered. "Eh, I don't care." He talked a little more to Kodai, before the bell for lunch rang.

He got up, walking and talking as he made his way to the lunch room. The two of them ended up seated at the same table as Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki, as well as Uraraka, Tsuyu and Hagakure. The topic of discussion was of course their opinions on the upcoming test.

"The content for the test for all the normal subjects is totally within the scope of our lessons, so we can still pull it off somehow… but… It's scary that we can't know what will be in the practical test exercise." Midoriya gave his two yen on the situation, Jutsu nodding in agreement.

"Nothing too wild, I would think." Iida putting his hands together before digging into his food.

"We can still pull it off." Uraraka agreed. "The normal subject test. Sure can pull 'er off." "She seems more comfortable with her accent now, weird." Jutsu noticed.

"Aizawa Sensei said it'd be an overall summary of what we did this semester." Hagakure said.

"Yeah, but he didn't tell us anything apart from that." Tsuyu disagreed, eating her good. Jutsu noticed that it was a certain form of takoyaki. He felt content when he saw Tsuyu's normally static face twitch into a small smile.

"He gave us the trials of Battle and Rescue." Kodai said, trying to steal some of Jutsu's food. He was battling her away with his chopsticks.

"The rest was almost basic training." Uraraka commented on her red headed friends words.

"Studying to the test, plus keeping our physical strength in tip top condi—OWW!" Midoriya's words were cut off, and his classmates and friends all turned to see the cause.

"Ahh, my bad, your head's so big I ended up whacking you upside it." An obnoxious voice came. Jutsu's fist clenched, as he recognised the owner.

"The Class B kid! Uhh… Monoma! Whaddya think you're doing!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"You lot encountered the Hero Killer, I heard!" Jutsu froze at his words, and Kodai met his eyes, hers filled with concern. "The ways in which you've been basking in the spotlight have only multiplied since the sports festival, haven't they, Class A?"

Jutsu began lightly shaking, desperately wanting to wipe the grin off his face. "Only the attention you're grabbing isn't out of expectation; the attention you're grabbing is in the form of trouble!"

"Man, it's scary. One day, we might get wrapped up in the trouble you lot call out of the woo-" "Would you shut the fuck up, you pretentious fuckbucket!"

Everyone at the table froze, turning to the person who spoke, expecting to see a certain ashy blonde. Instead, their eyes fell on Jutsu, whose own eyes were glaring at Monoma.

"Pretentious!" Monoma said, appalled. "How am I pretentious, Class A rabble?"

"You're drinking juice from a fucking wine glass." Jutsu said, nodding to his lunch tray. "Unless you've got a fucking monocle in your pocket you couldn't be more pretentious."

A laugh broke the awkward silence, and the Class B president let herself be known. "Kendou!" "Itsuka!" The surprise was noticeable.

"Ah, Class President." Monoma said, overjoyed. "Please tell these attention seekers how poorly they set the example for us, Class B."

Itsuka said nothing, looking over to Kodai and Jutsu with a raised eyebrow. "Don't be rude Monoma." The blondes mouth fell open, as Jutsu laughed loudly.

He turned to the technologic boy with a glare. "You seem confident in your words, are you as confident with your Quirk as you are with them?" And like that, the entire cafeteria seemed to fall silent at the question.

Jutsu squinted at Monoma, whose smirk only grew. Jutsu stood up, his chair scraping against the floor as he towered over the blonde. "Is that a challenge?" His classmates were making rather desperate gestures to warn him against following this path.

"As a matter of fact, it is- PWAH!" Monoma was cut off as he was karate chopped in the neck. Jutsu would have laughed, if not for the fact he was also whacked in the neck. Itsuka grabbed the two males before either could fall and seriously injure themselves.

"Aww. I wanted to see them duke it out." Hagakure complained. No one else shared her sentiment, as they all looked at Itsuka with respect, minus Midoriya, who was looking down at the two fallen males with fear.

"You guys, jeez." Itsuka complained. "Sorry about him." She apologised for Monoma. "This guy's heart is well… you know how it goes." She gestured to her classmate. "And as for Kagaku…" She looked at the brown haired boy uncertainly.

"Sorry." He apologised.

Itsuka shook her head in disbelief. "Anyway, earlier I heard you say that you couldn't know what the End-Of-Term Test exercise could be." She told Class A. "I'm told it'll be like the entrance exam. This year, a battle simulation exercise fighting against robots."

"Wha!? For real!?" Midoriya exclaimed. "How'd you know!?"

"I know an upperclassman personally, and asked." Itsuka said simply. "I know it's kind of cheating but…"

This started Midoriya off on a muttering tangent, an action that made Itsuka very concerned for the green haired boy in front of her.

"Are you stupid, Kendou?" Monoma seethed. Whatever he was about to say afterwards was cut off when Jutsu's fist had a rather pleasant conversation with his cheek.

"Don't call her stupid." He warned, eyes glinting dangerously.

"She just threw away our hard-won intelligence! This was our chance to forestall our detested Class A." Monoma argued, before being chopped on the neck once more.

"We don't detest them." She said, dragging him off and setting Jutsu up straight. The boy wobbled uncertainly, before falling into his seat. The members of Class B left, leaving the rest of the table turned their attention to the boy who was struggling to keep himself conscious.

"What?" He asked hazily.

"What was that about?" Todoroki asked, having not spoken since he sat down. The others all waited for Jutsu's answer.

"He was insulting you all. I'm not going to let that slide." Jutsu said quietly, although that might have been because of the fact he was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, as well as his chair.

"You shouldn't pick fights just because someone is mean to your friends. Ribbit." Tsuyu said bluntly.

"Asui is correct!" Iida said, ignoring Tsuyu's request of 'Call me Tsuyu.' "While noble, it is unbecoming of a student of Yuuei to-" There was a thud, and Jutsu's head hit the table. "Ah, he's fallen unconscious."

Kodai reached over and lightly smacked Jutsu's head. His head shot upwards, eyes wide. "I'm up! I'm up. Why am I up?" He scratched his head, and lowered his head lightly.

"Stay awake Kagaku. You're still at school." The redhead grasped Jutsu's head and righted it. She patted his cheek lightly, causing the boys eyes to flutter.

"Sorry. Sorry. I'll keep awake." He sat up fully, lightly smacking himself. "I'll make it."

The others accepted this, and went back into their conversation. The topic was now the possibilities of the practical test.

"I just wish there was some way we could get right to the day of the exam, so we don't have to spend so long worrying." Uraraka complained. There was a lull in the chat, everyone thinking the same.

'Smack'. A noise came, sounding like someone clapping their fist with their hand. The people seated at the table realised it must have come from Hagakure, as she began speaking. "I've got it! I know exactly how to do that!" She exclaimed happily.

"How?" Midoriya questioned, and everyone else was wondering the same thing.

"Easy! A jump cut!" She answered.

"Jump cut? What's a jump cut?"


"The test exercise will begin shortly." Aizawa stated. The entirety of Class A stood together, ready for the practical exams. "Obviously you can fail this test, too. So if you want to head to the forest lodge, then we'd better not see any pitiful blunders from you."

Before Class A, stood almost all of their teachers. There was ten in total, and the reason for their presence was unknown, and therefore unnerving. "I've no doubt you've all learned what information you could of the test beforehand. So I think you already hold a vague notion of what to do." Aizawa said.

"Sure, just like the entrance exam! It'll be like a musou game only with robots!" Kaminari exclaimed happily. Jutsu agreed with him and his description. He was glad he was fighting robots, that way he could go all out without risk of hurting anyone.

"Sorry, I'm afraid not! Due to various reasons we're changing the contents of the test, starting today!" A mouse/bear/dog being popped out from Aizawa's scarf, and that being was none other than the principal.

Kaminari and Ashido both froze in their actions of celebration. "Mr. Principal!" Sero exclaimed, shocked at his entrance.

"What do you mean..?" Yaoyorozu asked warily.

"Well," The Principal answer, sliding down on Aizawa's scarf, No. 13 making sure he didn't fall. "We only ever used robots to begin with as a method to circumvent complaints against 'risking people during a highschool exam'."

"From now on, we'll focus our tests more on person-on-person battle activities and emphasising a teaching environment closer to that of a real battle!" The Principals beady black eyes shone with determination, the scar going across his right eye only furthering his resolve.

"Which, boys and girls, is all to say... that henceforth we will have you form pairs, to engage in combat with one of these here educators!"


"With… With our Senseis?" Uraraka asked uncertainly.

The Principal began to speak again. "Now, who all of you are paired with and which teacher you'll be fighting have already been decided. The way you tend to move, your grades, and your degree of familiarity…"

For some reason, those last words made Jutsu look to Kodai. In turn, the reptilian looked to him, meeting his eyes behind his helmet. "We personally judged how you'll be pairing up based on all sorts of things, and we'll list the matchups now."

"First off." Aizawa stepped forward. "Todoroki's with Yaoyorozu as a team, against me." Their homeroom teacher seemed to smile menacingly. "And Midoriya, you're with Bakugou as a team." The two boys froze, staring at each other in shock.

"As for who your opponent will be…" Aizawa trailed off, as a teacher that hadn't been seen yet stepped forward.

"I'm here to oblige!" All Might said, towering over his two students. "Now cooperate and come at me to win, wonder duo!"

The tension that followed that statement was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "As for the others…" Aizawa began listing off the other teams and their combatants.

"I hope I get paired with Kaseki." Jutsu thought, before blinking. "Weird… I'd be fine with anyone. Why do I want to be with Kaseki more…?"

"Jutsu and Kodai." Jutsu's head snapped upward, and so did Kodai's. "You will be fighting Monsoono." The two students froze, eyes going to their Home Economics teacher.

The teacher stepped forward. He had light purple hair and slanted eyes. He wore a black mask on his face, which held two pipes on either side that ran into a pack on his back. He wore a black reverse V neck with Belts on both his arms and around his chest.

It was not his appearance that had the two worried, but rather his Quirk. "Hello students." He greeted. "Ready for a dip?" Monsoono's Quirk, was Water Manipulation. And for both students, that spelled one thing.


Time for another break I'm afraid. And right before the Practical exam. How could I be so heartless. Well, at least we know this won't be an easy battle for Kodai or Jutsu. I need time to write out the next set of chapters.

Aslo, Monsoono. Technically an OC? He's an actual teacher, we just haven't learned about him. If you go to the scene in the manga where Iida reappears with all the teachers, he's the one on the furthest left, next to Present Mic.

That's all for now, hope you enjoyed, and as always

Until Next Time
