Prologue: Simple Brilliance

Simple Brilliance.

That was one way to describe it.

The scenario when you working so hard to figure out a problem for so long, only to eventually you give up and ask somebody for help? When they give you the answer, it seemed so simple all along and it makes you feel like such a fool.

Does everyone know that?

I do.

I'd killed so many people without even stopping to think what made Agent Washington special. How he could consider himself a soldier even though he did things no soldier should do. I thought he was insane. But what I saw in him I started to see in everyone else around me, until I realized it wasn't Washington that was insane.

Look at me. Rambling. Must be age, or paranoia.

Probably both.

You'd think that being at the communications temple one second and the middle of an open field the next would startle any normal human being.

I'm not a human being though, just another monster.

There wasn't a flash of light or a portal when Locus arrived, he just simply appeared out of what seemed to be thin air, losing his balance along the way and falling over, taking a moment to let the sudden wave of nausea he had felt wash away.

As he stood, he found a veritable plethora of weapons that had been laying right next to him. Where they had come from he had no idea. A gift from Santa perhaps? It did not change the fact that he retrieved them without hesitation. His rearmament complete, he gazed around his surroundings, looking for any clue as to his whereabouts.

The first thing he noticed, was how different everything around him looked. Between the forest to the north, and the vast plains to the south, this place had very little in common with Chorus. Granted, He, Felix, and the Space Pirates had turned the planet into a warzone, so perhaps that was for the best.

He looked back between the plains and the forest, struggling to decide which way to go. A column of smoke began to rise from deep within the forest, and his decision was made for him. He didn't have anything else to go on, but at least in the forest he might find somebody.

From inside the forest, Locus' eyes were drawn to the life that was bursting from every part of it. From the bugs in the grass, to the birds in the trees, nature was blooming freely here. Wherever it was.

His peaceful walk through the forest was violently interrupted as a large multicolored specimen tore through the shrub. It took Locus a moment to recognize it as some sort of mutated bear, his mind having whirled around primarily the wildlife of Chorus. Why it was on the wrong planet, Locus did not know, and it did not matter, because this bear seemed to very angry.

The Ursa dived towards the sage sniper, narrowly missing him. The Ursa's claws dug into the fertile soil beneath it, before looking around in bewilderment as to where his prey had dissapeared to.

A quick burst from Locus' SAW ripped apart it's head with ease. As it's corpse disintegrated into the forest floor, the ex-soldier deactivated his cloak, returning to view a mere moment later.

One ambushed Locus from behind a nearby bush, ramming Locus with it's boned head, stumbling the warrior. The Ursa prepared to charge again but was cut short by a long burst from Locus' SAW to incapacitate it and a shotgun blast to finish it off.

Looking around, he saw one of the another two mere feet away from him, charging fast. With no time to react, Locus braced himself for impact, being rammed by the Ursa into a cluster of brambles.

"Nghh" I growled as I came to. With blurred vision I watched as first one then two black bear-like creatures stumbled towards me lazily. The one closest to me roared viciously and began to charge at me. I attempted to reach for a weapon but my arm was pinned underneath a large tree limb. As the creature closed in I braced myself, waiting for the inevitable strike that would seal my fate.






Three shots rang out as the first creature as well as his companion fell over dead, before vaporizing. Curiously I wondered in the back of my mind why they had vaporized when they were killed, but I didn't have time to dwell on it.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Someone said in a distinct Australian accent.

I simply grunted in response, too weak to say anything else.

The walking footsteps turned into jogging and a few broken branches and pulled brambles later, the mysterious savior had found me.

"Yeesh, you look pretty banged up, we should get you to a doctor. You must of run outta aura didn't ya?" He inquisited.

"Aura? I don't have..." I responded weakly.

"You don't have aura? That's a death wish, ya bloke. Roaming around these parts without an aura is a pretty good way to get yourself killed."

He kneeled down and wrapped his arm around my upper back, helping me up. Getting a good look at him I realized he seemed to have some sort of rat-like animal ears on his head.

"My name is Pershing, by the way." He informed.

"You..." I began.


"You have...something on your head."

"What? What's on my head?"

"It looks like rat's ears."

"Oh yeah? That's real funny, you fucking mug." Pershing scorned.

"I didn't mean to...offend you." I apologized.

"I save your life and what do I get in return? Racism. I'd shoulda just let those Ursa's eat you." Pershing stated coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I retorted.

"Just cause I'm a faunas doesn't mean I'm some sort of "evil Grimm-human hybrid" or some such bullshit. What a fucking joke." Pershing continued, melodramatically.

"A faunas?" I asked curiously.

"What? Seriously? You don't even know what a faunas even is?" He exclaimed in a frustrated tone.

"No." I answered lazily.

"Well if your seriously some sorta backwater "never seen a faunas in my life" farmer, then allow me to explain." Pershing began, to which I responded with an annoyed glance.

"Faunas are basically still the exact same human beings you guys are. Only difference is, we have animal traits. Ears, tails, eyes, teeth, you name it. Some faunas actually have animal parts only on the inside of them, making it harder to identify them."

"I didn't know that." I confessed.

"Well, if you really didn't, then I guess I can't really blame ya. Why were you out here anyways?" Pershing questioned.

"Saw a column of smoke." I answered.

"Yeah, that must of been the handiwork of Point and Blank on a pack of beowolves." He stated while scratching his stubble.

"Point and Blank?"

"Yeah, my weapons. Twin hook swords that turn into sawed off shotguns. Really nice if I say so myself." He explained with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Anyways, I gotta get back to Vale and get my pay for clearing out most of this forest." Pershing said as he tapped a few buttons on a device he pulled from a pocket from the bandolier on his armored chest.

"What is that?" I asked, referring to the rectangular device.

"It's called a scroll, it's an electronic device connected the the worldwide CCT. I bet you never heard of those either." He informed without looking up from the screen.

I growled in annoyance at his insult.

"Relax gov, I'm just messing with ya."

As if on cue, a dot in the distance appeared on the horizon becoming bigger as it neared us. Eventually I could make out that it was a flying craft.

"ARE YOU THE HUNTSMEN I'M SUPPOSED TO PICK UP?" The pilot yelled over the roar of the engines


As the side bay door lifted, Pershing lifted my body into the cabin first where I strapped myself in, before pulling himself up and closing the side bay doors. As we departed I felt the whole plane violently shoot upwards.

Pershing equipped a breathing mask dangling from the roof of the cabin before extending one to me.

"Ya need a mask or does that helmet do it for you?" He asked.

"Why would I need a gas mask?" I asked.

"Because we have to shoot to at least 20,000 meters to avoid airborne Grimm. It's pretty hard to breathe up there ya know, and dust powered air filters don't work at those altitudes for some reason. So we have to use the masks." He explained quickly as he put the mask back where he found it.

"Then why didn't you give a mask to me?" I questioned.

"Well if you're talking, then you're breathing aren't ya? So all's good." He shot back.

"How did I get here?" I wondered to myself.

"'Scuse me, what was that?" Pershing asked.

"Nothing." I answered, ending the conversation.

After that, the only sound that could be heard was the hum of the engines from inside the cabin. Pershing remained still in a brooding way. Only moving to take out a photo of someone I didn't recognize. He stared long and hard into the photo before putting it back in on of his bandolier satchel.

I was about to just pass out on the airplane when suddenly a crimson light started blinking from my gauntlet. I tapped the button from which the light was emanating and I saw the last thing I expected to see pop out from it.


"Greetings, warrior." The construct said.

"Ah! What the bloody hell is that?!" Pershing nearly shouted in surprise.

"I am an A.I. Construct created to guard the temples of Chorus and assist the true warrior in battle if the need arises." The alien informed the faunas.

"How did you get here?" I questioned.

"I uploaded myself on to your suit and then I teleported you to this planet."

"How did you upload yourself on to my suit without my knowing... Wait. Did you say different planet?"

"Correct. Earlier you stated that you wanted to "make things right." So I found a manifest of places for you to go to accomplish this goal, and eventually found a planet that had no known UNSC or Covneant activity on it. The planet of Remnant." The A.I. Informingly stated.

"Which is where we are now?" I asked.

"Correct." He concluded.

After a tense and slightly awkward moments of silence, Pershing piped up again.

"So you're saying that your an A.I... An alien A.I. No less." Pershing said in disbelief.

"Correct." Santa confirmed.

"If what you're saying is true, does that make him an alien?" Pershing asked in suspicion.

"Though he is a human like many others on your planet, the fact that he comes from another world technically labels him as on such outsider. Because of this-"

"In English please." Pershing rudely interrupted.

"Yes. He is an alien." Santa confirmed.

"Well shit... That's one hell of a plot twist, mate. What's your name anyways?"

"I am the former Covenant A.I. Designation: Santa."

"No not you." Pershing said as he turned to look at me.

"Who are you?" He asked in an interrogative tone.

"My name is Locus. I used to be a soldier before becoming a mercenary. That's all I will say right now."

Just then the bullhead touched down and the side bay door opened, revealing the new world I had stepped into.

Santa blinked twice before disappearing back into Locus' gauntlet before the twin engine's began to power down. The two warriors stepped onto the landing pad where a huge mansion lay before them.

"Schnee family mansion. One of them at least. They got four of em. One on each continent." Pershing informed to his newfound companion as he walked up to a intercom with a small red button below it.

Pershing pressed the button before a voice crackled through the intercom.

"Who's there?" It asked.

"It's me. Pershing. That huntsman you sent to the emerald forest to clear out some Grimm, remember? I'm here to receive payment of 12,000 lien."

"Hold on a second, let me just run that through the system." The voice stated before cutting out and leaving us standing there for a few moments before it came back.

"Alright, just to make sure your not some poser, we got a code word system in place in order for you to receive payment. What's the code word?" The voice asked.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall." Pershing replied.

"Give me a second." The voice repeated again before cutting out and reappearing again.

"Alright you're clear. Head on in. Ms. Schnee is waiting for you." The voice informed as a klaxon sounded, notifying the opening of the two large security gates to the mansion.

"Schnee himself is rich but he's only rich because he benefits off of faunas labor. He's a fucking prick as far I'm concerned. Unfortunately for me I have to be real polite and shit around him. If I'm not, he cuts my pay." Pershing coldly announced.

They walked up to a set of large mahogany double doors which the two bodyguards next to them opened for them. Ushering them in. As they walked through the humongous mansion, Locus saw many tapestries and and statues.

Most of them were of humans triumphing over Grimm or posing for a picture. Locus noted that a few of the statues were of humans triumphing over faunas, and one tapestry even pictured faunas as slaves. Locus also noted how Pershing gritted his teeth in anger upon looking at the offensive artworks.

After one final set of double doors, they opened to see a room filled with bookshelves shaped in a curve to fit the curve of the wall that surrounded them.

In the middle of the room were two elegant red velvet chairs with a gold plated coffee table spread out before it. Behind this coffee table was an even more elegant looking chair that was larger than the first two. Like a throne, almost. In the chair sat an emotionless woman with carefully fixed white hair and attire.

Winter Schnee.

"Welcome back Pershing. Whom might that be beside you?" Winter asked in the most military tone possible.

"Someone I picked up along the way. I can still receive payment even if he's here, can't I, sir?" Pershing persisted.

"Why of course you can. But before you receive payment, I want to discuss something with you. I'll need your companion here to step out for a moment." She commanded.

"I understand." Locus said before stepping out into the hallway and closing the soundproof doors.

"The entire reason I had you clear out to emerald forest is because my sister is going to be there soon. You see, against my father's better judgement she decided she wanted to become a huntress at Beacon academy." She began.

"The initiates must go through the emerald forest to enroll in beacon academy. Which is why I payed you to clear it out. Here is your lien, by the way." Winter said, handing him a stack of payment.

"Thank you, sir. But how does this situation relate to me?" Pershing asked.

"Ah. Always thinking about yourself first, as usual. I still need you to find someone who can oversee the concert hall so that my sister will not be hurt, but will not intervene otherwise."

"I understand, sir." Pershing replied as he rose to walk out.

"Oh, and Pershing?" Schnee said as Pershing paused just short of the door handle.

"Yes, sir?" Pershing asked without turning to face her.

"That companion of yours that you brought in earlier, can he fight?"

"I witnessed him take on multiple Ursa Majors. He eliminated three before he was incapacitated by the last one. He did this without the use of a semblance or an aura."

"Hmmm. Interesting. A man who doesn't need to use an aura or semblance but can still take on powerful Grimm? That sounds like the person I'm looking for to guard my sister. Perhaps I didn't need you to search for a candidate after all, Pershing. Perhaps fate brought that candidate to me. Bring him in please." Schnee commanded.

"Are you sure, sir?" Pershing asked.

"I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't sure." Schnee bluntly replied.

"As you wish, sir." Pershing relented as he opened the doors in front of him, turning to Locus.

"Ms. Schnee would like to see you, sir." Pershing requested as he stepped out of the room while Locus stepped in.

As the doors closed behind them, Winter began. "Ah, welcome. Please seat yourself. Would you like some tea perhaps?" Schnee offered.

"I didn't come here for formalities. Why did you call me in?" Locus asked rudely.

"Hmph. Fine. Before we do anything else, take of your helmet and tell me your name. I at least want to the know the name and face of the man I'm hiring."

Locus took off his helmet to reveal a dark-toned hispanic man with a loosely fitted ponytail, a single strand of hair near his right eye.

"My name is Locus."

"Tell me more about yourself." Winter proddingly asked

"I used to be a soldier before I became a mercenary. I was hired by the wrong people to do the wrong things so I left that job. Now I'm here. That's all I will say." Locus revealed.

"Would you be interested in another mercenary job, perhaps?"

"I don't do killer for hire. Not anymore." Locus stated.

"Oh no, believe me, it's not one of THOSE jobs. I'm going to use you for a more important job in the future IF you agree. However I need to test your limits first." She informed.

"Go on." Locus commanded, slightly more interested.

"There is a train, my sources tell me that terrorist operatives from the white fang are going to attempt to hijack it in order to steal the dust onboard to use for their so-called "revolution." I will place you on the train, and you will defend the cargo if necessary."

"The pay?"

"8,500 lien."

"Will there be any other security?" Locus questioned.

"Yes, a large platoon of atleasian military AK-130 security bots as a well as a Grumath industries BMP-45 spider droid.." Winter informed.

"So. Do you accept?" She tempted.

"Yes, sir." Locus agreed.

"Good. Go to Peruga train station at the edge of the forever fall forest at 8:45 tomorrow morning. I expect for you to be there, and I will be very disappointed if I find out you won't. Leave now, and don't come back until the job is finished." She beckoned, ending the conversation.

As Locus walked out and closed the double doors to the huge office-like room, Pershing was there beside the doors, leaning against the wall, smirking while staring through the skylight.

"What'd I tell ya? Fucking prick."


And there you guys go. End of the first chapter. GOD this one was a pain in the ass to write because I had to revise it so many times because of the cliches that I had to get rid of.

Hell, I'm still not sure I got rid of all of them. To make things worse I accidentally deleted a good part of it and then accidentally clicked save so I had to re-write an entire portion of the story as well.

Anyways, finally done. Leave a review, favorite, all that shit.

I know I said the first chapter was coming out in June but I was in a good mood so I decided to make one for you guys. However the reason I made this is because I have a lot and I mean A LOT planned for the summer, so it's unlikely I'll be able to make weekly update on this story.

So uhh yeah. Nothing here more for me to say. Review my tiny little story yes?