note : im not continuing btw. just posting some of the stuff i wrote back then...

Overlord Chapter 22

"Madness." Gazef muttered under his breath. A huge icebolt just exploded next to him, and he mentally commanded the wyrm and ducked

Well, he was sitting on top of an earth wyrm, and fighting against him, was Lakyus, who was riding some kind of frost wyvern. Brain, as his teammate was on some kind of giant beetle that could fly.

Ther objective?

Knock off a red balloon tied to their opponent's tail. Last one standing wins the round.

There was no restrictions. So that meant every attack had killing intent.

Ainz-sama said, "Don't worry, you won't die as the ring protects you."

Brain was obviously unsettled as well. Honestly he looked a little crazy, like he did not expect this at all. He had that look in his eyes that reminded Gazef of when he first saw him in the capital.

Crazy. Gazef kinda understood that feeling now.

The wyrm just shot a wave of poison at Lakyus's teammate, a spider lady, who was riding some kind of jumping giant wolf that has ice and nature magic.

Their arena was massive, but there were magical screens that showed the battle close up. The maids, the guardians, and the supreme beings themselves kept watch.

Cocytus took a sip from a juice. "This. is. amusing. humans. attempt. control. of. giant. monsters."

"I think that lady isn't doing too bad with the frost wyrm." Demiurge smiled. "But I had bet that Ainz's team will win this round."

Albedo glared. "Those two must win. They cannot lose."

"You didn't do what I think you did?" Aura looked at Albedo. She had used a special detection skill when she noticed how the balloon was grazed by a shattered chunk of ice but didn't shatter.

Albedo smiled. It was the most sinister smile ever. "Ainz's balloons are made of special material."

"How could you!" Aura screamed. "I'll report this!"

The entirety of Nazarick was in the coliseum, and the atmosphere in the main VIP area where the guardians and the supreme beings sat was intense.

Wololo laughed. "It's fine." Aura had went next to him to report her findings.

"But?" Aura protested. "They'll lose!"

"I had already conceded this round. This battle is just for fun."

Aura's eyes opened wide. "Huh?"

"Also, Ainz knows, and he casted a special reinforcement spell on Lakyus's balloon. So it's even. But more importantly, it was amusing to watch them struggle."

Aura breathed a sigh of relief. Truly nothing escapes their supreme being's sights.

All of them were given a special ring of communion, which allowed them to work with the giants they were on.

Gazef looked at the wolf that fired some kind of poison, the wyrm somehow slithered in a S shape and dodged the blast carefully.

Still, to use such giant monsters for sport.

If there was such a thing as a show of power, Gazef thought this was quite suitably it. Such country-destroying monsters used to play a game, if he told anyone else, they would think he had lost his mind.

He locked eyes on Lakyus. He needed to talk to her, maybe she could revive the King! She disappeared before the rebellion and civil war, but to find that she is serving a monster that was on par with Ainz Ooal Gown!

He had so many questions for the former Blue Rose leader.

Gazef felt his stomach churn. Riding these creatures was unlike how Aura described it. "Its like riding horses, easy peasy!"

The way the monsters moved meant his stomach fluids could fly up down upside down as it went through all sort of maneuvers.

A slash from the wolf, Gazef and his wyrm dodged, and the shockwave from the slash hit a rock instead.

He started feel a little headache. Brain seemed equally overwhelmed by trying to get used to a flying beetle that has some kind of magical deflection shield, and that sensation of flying was unnerving.

Well, none of them ever flew in such a manner before, so it's no surprise.


The balloon on Arana's giant wolf popped, and after a short 2 seconds of realising that the balloon has been popped, the wolf and Arana vanished in a flash of blue light.

In their constant dodging, one of the wyrm's rocks grazed the balloon.

"Lakyus!" Gazef yelled out. "Can we talk?!"

Lakyus shook her head, "Not now!" Her frost wyvern blasted a blue beam of ice and snow at Gazef's wyrm.

[Nerubian Beetle Reflective Shield] Brain intercepted with the flying beetle, and a magical shield appeared, sending the wave of ice back where it came.

"If I win, we talk after this!" Gazef yelled, and the earth wyrm took the gap provided by the reflected wave of ice smash the earth, and…


Lakyus's balloon popped as well, and she vanished in that instant.

"WAIT-" Gazef yelled, but then, she was gone.

In the VIP room, Albedo jumped in glee. "We won! We won!" She took the opportunity to quickly grab Ainz by the hand and give him a huge, celebrating their victory.

Wololo smiled. "Congratulations on the victory of your team, Momonga-san."

"Ah, it's just a teaser." Ainz said.

"Teaser? Is there something else after this?" Albedo poked in, looking at AInz with admiring, almost puppy-like eyes.

"We've concluded to change the competition a little, as we're both not ready for the kind of battles this great coliseum deserve. So, this is really just a teaser of the battles to be had in this arena, in the future." Ainz honestly came up with that on the spot. Perhaps it was all those intelligence stats that gave him that ability to say it.

"Ah I see."

The two human warriors, Gazef and Brain, stood and stared at the VIP room. None of them could actually see anything, as the VIP room is designed so that it could not be peered into, and is made with magical glass that only works one-way.

"The humans will want something." Demiurge smiled, after their victory.

Ainz stood. "I agreed to help Gazef if he wins."

"Eh? You agreed already?" Wololo asked.

"Yes I did. Is something wrong?"

Wololo froze. "Uh… Uhm.. Not it's fine then."


"Can I talk to Lakyus?"

"Who's that?" Ainz asked.

"The girl on the other team."

"Oh, she's not here anymore." After the battle, Wololo had sent all of them back to their tower. But Gazef and Brain looked at each other, and interpreted it as she has been killed for losing.


"Anyway, I promised to help you, Gazef. I can give you a small army to let you retake back the capital from the new King."

Gazef paused. That did not sound good, even if he did retake the castle, he was in no way fit to rule the Kingdom, so someone had to come in to rule in his stead. But who? Prince Zanac is probably in no state to rule, as his "loss" of E-Libera would mean he would get no respect or authority from any other nobles.


yeah.. its just posting all the xtra stuff i wrote some time ago.