It wa a cold night in the island of Berk,as the dawn of day breaks in,the tribe is helping clean up after the raid the mess of Hiccup,the village disappointment,as everyone sees a flash of orange green flash came and everyone disappeared.

At the castle of the Dunbroch clan in Scotland,princess Merida's betrothal is about to take place,in the king's hall,a flash of red light engulfed the people without a trace every one disappeared.

At the central town of THE Corona kingdom ,everyone is celebrating the festival of the princes,Rapunzel is dancing with Flynn when a flash of light pink took everyone away.

The guardians were trying to gain their believers back by collecting teeth and giving guardians were all together and a flash of blue took them away

Welcome everyone! Someone were confused on what was happening,many were started questioning in silent.''Hello,now I know what most of you are thinking and I will answer all your question,now I have brought you together to watch a before you ask,guardians I hope you know what a move is.''she said,all the guardians nodded.''Good,okay so a move is basically a story that shows moving pictures with that we got it out of the way lets start the before I forget chairs.'' appeared on the spot,''Hiccup,jack,Merida,and Rapunzel,you will be seated in a special place together.''She said.''Why,exactly do we sit separated?''A winter spirit said,everyone else wanted to know that as well.''You are basically royalty because you represent the seasons,that are basically your me,your highnesses Itzel lead them to a door at the back of the room that lead up top their was a small area with chairs .''Itzel said.

She lead them to a door at the back of the room that lead up top their was a small area with chairs and a chairs were rimed with what looked like gold.''Merida you will sit in the dark red chair,Rapunzel in the yellow chair,next to Merida,Jack in the royal blue chair,and Hiccup in the dark green chair next to food will be brought up to you in a moment your highnesses.''And with that she left.''Are any of you royalty?because I for sure am not.''A certain winter spirit said.''I am! the princess of the Dunbroch clan,and outstanding archer,if I do say so my self.''The red head responded.'' I guess i could be counted as royalty,I am the chief's son,so I guess I am.''Hiccup said,Jack noticed a certain sadness that the brunet had when the said that.''well I don't think I am,so that is a no.''Rapunzel said.''But remember what Itzel said we represent the seasons,our kingdoms,but how do we represent them?''Hiccup said.''Good question we will have to ask her later,I really do want to watch a movie.''Jack said smiling at the felt his cheeks blush lightly at his smile and look away.

Meanwhile at the front of the room with Itzel.

'I'm just wondering if any of you have questions,so that we can get it over with.''Itzel said.''My question is why is useless up there when I'm a better fit to be a royal,espesaly with my looks,strength and jut pure awesomeness.''Snotlout said rising in his seat.''Snotlout,sit your ass down,Hiccup is way better than you and much more respectable than is very smart,not that any of you noticed because you don't.''Itzel said,hiccup in the back did not seem to noticed this comment since he was (very shyly)chatting with Jack.''Um..I have question,who's movie are we going to watch first?''Tooth asked.''Good question,we will go in seasonal with Rapunzel,Merida,Hiccup,and then Jack.''the girl said.''I was just wondering if we as seasonals have powers to control our kingdoms or seasons?'' the Fall spirit looked back at him.''What?''he said in response to them he turned to jack and whisperer .''I don't like the way she is looking at us she looks insane right now.'' ''Right''the winter spirit said back.''Well would you all like to find out?''Itzel said,all season spirits nodded their heads.''Okay come down to the stage.''All the spirits came running to the stage and climed the stairs except one particular brunet which looked reluctant to go up stair,Jack noticed this and walked back to Hiccup and held his hand out to him with a smile,Hiccup looked a bit shocked and taken back at the gesture,but no less took the hand with a smile in returned to the winter spirit.

Both walk to the others on stage and did not even noticed that their hands were still held to one another,but sure enough the audience took noticed and did not like what they were ''Aww you two boys look so cute together,if you were dating I would totally supported.'' everyone else was panicking."umm. I ..its not..don't..uhh.''Both boys said.''I'm just teasing you,but really y'all are really cute together.''Itzel said smiling at some of the people were downright disturbed."why would you support that?its disgusting and unnatural,they should be condemned,for doing that.''someone in the crowd shouted and that got everyone stirred up,shouts saying''That is correct'' and ''it's wrong"came from the boys were a bit shocked at the comments mostly jack .itzel turned around to the crowd.''Who said that?" in a dark tone "I DID.''surprisingly (or not)a viking stood up (named mildew).Of course it was going to be someone from the past,they never change do they?"look,this is my place,I rule here,my rules,you follow.A guy being in love with another guy is not wrong it's different,but then again none of you really like anything differently or even accept being different."Hiccup was shocked that someone was speaking for him,defending him."Don't talk about them that way because trust me Ihave eyes and ears everywhere,punishment will be harsh,because you are speaking agents royalty and so,Rapunzel you will go first.''As she said this a small tree sapling was in her hands she pulled out a table from the ground and put the small tree on the table.''Rapunzel try and make this tree blossom with new leaves and flowers.'' ' ,here I go,''punze put her hands on the tree and closed her eyes she was concentrating,suddenly a light gold-pink came out of her hands and wrapped around the dead tree.

Lime green leaves and small pink flowers came from the she opened her eyes,''I..I did that!this is amazing!wait a minute here why have I never been able to do this before?''Punze asked.''Well it complicated,but you have always been able to do it ,but they were minor changes in the powers also depend on were you live,''Your turn Merida.'' ''well lets see here,ah ha.''red light appeared from Merida's hand but it went on top of the tree and then disperses like rain the leaves turned dark green and the flowers fell.''Well done Merida.''Itzel said.''thank you.'' "Hiccup your turn step up.''Hiccup was a bit unsure about it,but he (reluctantly)left jack's side."Umm why am I supposed to do exactly?"he Said."oh well that's on you,you see I can't tell you what to do since it different for each what you feel let the energy control you." Itzel nodded still a bit unsure but he touch the small tree with his index finger and the leaves turns into beautiful orange,red,green and to each of the leaves."whoa that's.." "Beautiful,"jack said getting closer to hiccup."yeah."a small blush formed on his cheeks and smiled,jack returned the smile,both looking into each other's eyes then departed as soon as hiccup moved out of the were still not okay knowing that the young boys might be flirting with each other "okay then my turn."jack touch the tree and and same as hiccup frost formed on the leaves then covered the entire tree."it's amazing how you covered the tree with your powered it's beautiful as well."hiccup said standing next to jack."yeah but I've always had these from powers so it's not much of a difference." "Well I think your still amazing."hiccup blushed at what he said just now to the winter spirit."Aww thanks that means a lot to me."jack said blushing slightly.

The scowl on Stoick's face grew,his son,his son,was getting to close to this Is a guy for Thor's sake,he is suppose to be with a girl!not a is very wrong and can be punished under Berkean law.I will have to find a way to stop this "well now that we got over that lets get back to the move okay, your highness you may go back to your seats."Itzel said as the seasonal spirits walked back to their gave a disgusted look to the two boys which made them feel uncomfortable and both looked down to the ground avoiding each other's eyes, Stoick thought about what was happening,he was still mad about what happen back at berk,but now he is furious,first hiccup is the village disappointment and now he might possibly like this is a complete disaster.

I wish I could have taught him better,but he is so difficult!

. "So like I said we will watch Rapunzel's move first."she grabbed a control end faced the screen.

Okay so I know I have not been posting in like 2 months because I was prewriting this and life also gets in the way but not to worry.I am back and will try and post frequently as I can so no promises though.