He can't hear anything but the ringing in his ears, he isn't even sure what's happened.

"Someone call an ambulance! Quick!"

"I'm on it!"

He hears the voices screaming for an ambulance and telling him to stay awake, to not close his eyes, but they're so heavy, it wouldn't hurt to rest them for a minute right?

"No, no. Come on now, open your eyes. That's it!"

He fought to keep his eyes open again, he couldn't focus on anything, it was all blurry. He has finally become aware of the pain throughout his body and he can barely hear the ambulance blaring in the distance.

"Just hang on a little longer! Help is almost here! Just hang on!"

He was being lifted. He wasn't sure by who but he was being lifted by. The paramedics he guessed. He looked up at the bright lights of the ambulance, trying to find something slightly recognizable in the light.

"I'm going with him whether you like it or not. I'm not leaving him now."

He looked up to see his older brother climb into the ambulance as the truck took off down the street.

"Just hang on a little longer Karamatsu you're going to be okay." Osomatsu flashed his signature smile.

That was the last thing the second brother saw before blacking out.