Here we are, at long last, the final chapter of My Sangheli Daughter. I'm trying not to tear up writing this, I enjoyed writing this story. Plus, who doesn't get emotional during a wedding? Yes, at long last, we're coming to Alex and Resha's wedding. Even got a cliffhanger ending. Wouldn't be a John Storm story if it didn't end in a cliffhanger.

I know this ending was kind of predictable, but I wouldn't feel right if I didn't do it. Though there will be more to the chapter than a wedding.

Hope you enjoy the chapter


Manchester, England, one month later

Alex tries to remain calm as he looks across the cliff top before him. The normally secluded cliff is currently covered with people. Alex used to come here all the time when he was younger to think and relax. With the number of people here now that's impossible. Seeing this many people makes Alex nervous, not for the number of people but the reasons why they're here, his wedding.

Looking across the crowd, the normally calm Alex feels anxious. He knew there'd would be multiple people here but not this many. Thankfully most haven't noticed him yet and are leaving him alone for now. Though that'll change soon once the vows are finished.

"Alex, up here."

Alex looks up at the edge of the cliff to see the priest waving to him. To avoid the much-hated small talk Alex walks as fast as he can around the guests to the priest positioned at the altar.

"Father Donavan, is everything ready?"

"To my knowledge everything is situated and we're waiting on your bride Mr. Hood."

"Thank you, father, I'm glad you agreed to do the wedding. I figured most priests wouldn't agree to marry a human and Sangheli."

"Love is Love my friend. Doesn't matter to me that your fiancé is Sangheli. Just love her right and you'll do fine."

Alex smirks. "I don't plan on loving her any other way."

"Good, seeing how you react when Resha is around I'd be surprised if you ever treat her any other way." Father Donavan replies. "Speaking of Resha she should be ready any minute now. Be ready when she comes."

"I'm as ready as I can be."

The past month runs through Alex's mind as the guests take their seats and they wait for Resha. Alex remembers the week-long flight back to Earth vividly, he spent every waking moment with Resha and Zume. Every moment Zume was asleep Alex and Resha were cuddling together. They certainly would've done a little mating during that time, but they withheld their urges with Resha being pregnant. Alex handled that news better than Resha thought, turns out Alex was more than happy to have another child with Resha, but both wanted to keep it a secret from others until they were married, knowing the heavy criticism they'd receive for it. Alex got more than enough criticism when he arrived at Hood Manor and he and Lord Hood has a one on one talk, and that's putting it lightly. In all his years Alex had never seen his father angrier than that. Alex had never been so scared in his life. The words Lord Hood said will haunt him till the day he dies. Thankfully Lord Hood did eventually calm down and say he was glad that Alex is settling down with Resha and Zume. Alex's mother was much more receptive of Resha and Zume even hugging them the first time she saw them. Lord Hood was happy to see them but didn't do much beyond shake Resha's hand and let Zume hug him. Just about everyone they met acted nice around them, which surprised Alex, except for his siblings who said a lot of negative things behind Resha's back that Zume heard. Alex was furious when he found out and it didn't take much to shut them up. Since then Alex and Resha have been busy planning things out, Alex attempting to plan the future while Resha and his mother planned out the wedding.

Looking around now Alex would say that Resha and his mother did a marvelous job planning out the wedding. Though it's a small wedding on top of a hill Resha and Alex's mother made sure no expense was spared in the decorations, seating for the guests, and food. Alex never knew that Resha had a skill for decorating. Resha has found the most elegant white, flower arch she could find where Alex and his brothers are standing. Though the audience is only around forty people, the chairs have the most comfortable cushions for the guests. A red carpet covers the grass, separating the aisles. The only other decorations are the unusual red plants Resha choose, placed around the guests and the altar.

Alex smiles slightly as the guests begin getting situated. Though many are whispering to each other Alex can make out that they are talking about him marrying a Sangheli, most not in a good way. Alex knew there would be negative small talk about the wedding. He's heard it nonstop for weeks, even from the marines before he left Sanghelios. He just ignores them, if Alex cared about what they thought he wouldn't be marrying Resha. All Alex cares about is keeping Resha happy and Zume loved and safe.

"Ales are you sure about this?" Thomas Hood whispers to Alex so no one hears.

Alex turns to his right and glares daggers at Thomas. "Bro, you've been speaking out about my engagement to Resha ever since you first heard about it. I'm tired of hearing about it but please me quiet."

"I'm just curious about it baby bro. What do you see in her besides she's the mother of your child?"

A low growl escapes Alex's mouth as he stars down his older brother. "Because I really do love her. It is possible for love to transcend species. Resha and I are proof of that. We have been through hell and back together. After everything that's happened I can't imagine myself with someone else."

"But bro, haven't you thought of what everyone will think about this? I mean you're marrying a woman who's a member of a race that tries to exterminate us. I guarantee you she's killed quite a few humans."

"You're not the first person to say that to me Thomas. I understand Resha has killed ALOT of humans and it doesn't bother me. She knows I've killed many of her race as well and it doesn't seem to bother her. We've gotten past that, one thing we're trying to prove is that humans and Sangheli can work together."

"If you say so bro." Thomas replies rolling his eyes. "But what I don't understand is how you managed to even screw with Resha to begin with. I would've been repulsed at the thought of "entering" an Elite woman, let alone seeing one naked."

Alex shrugs his shoulders. "Different tastes I guess. I've been more intimate with her than any human woman. I can't explain but when we're . . . mating, well no words can describe how good and passionate it is."

Thomas sighs. "I guess I'll just never understand this situation."

"As long as you keep your mouth shut around Resha and Zume you got nothing to worry about. Now if you don't mind the wedding is about to start."

"How do you know that?"

Alex points to the back of the aisle at a man running towards the musician. "That guy is supposed to tell the musician when Resha is coming."

No sooner does Alex finish speaking the music starts with here comes the bride. The audience stands, many reluctantly, to see the bride. Alex stands at the attention as Zume, wearing a white dress appears at the doorway with her cousin Hector. Even from the altar Alex can see that Zume isn't happy wearing a dress, and he doesn't blame her, she's never liked dresses.

"Aw that is just too cute."

Zume and Hector walk down the aisle together with Zume occasionally tossing flowers. Alex can tell that Zume is not enjoying her job. But she hides her dislike well and walks up the aisle till she reaches her father.

Alex pats Zume on the back as she stands never to him. "You did a good job Zume, and you look so cute."

Zume growls. "I'm doing this for you and mother."

"I know sweetie, I'll think of some way to make up for this."

"You had better father." Zume jokingly growls getting an eye roll from Alex.

Alex looks up the aisle and his heart starts beating faster at the sight of Resha. The white wedding dress Resha's wearing seems to glow in the sunlight. The dress clings to her body hardly hiding her curves, especially her chest. Finding a dress that fit Resha's chest, hips, and height, took a special dress maker, and looking at her now it certainly paid off. Resha looks like a Sangheli angel as she walks down the aisle, her face covered by a wedding gown. Even the audience seems to be captivated by her beauty.

Thel on the other hand, looks a little annoyed walking his sister down the aisle. He was very hesitant to walk his sister not understanding the human tradition of a bride's father escorting his daughter. But Resha was able to convince him to do it, considering he's the only family she has left.

Alex doesn't take his eyes off Resha, even when she stops in front of him and turns her head. Under the veil Resha is smiling as Thel lets go of her arm.

"Take care of my sister Spartan or you are dead." Thel whispers as he walks away.

Alex ignores Thel and takes Resha's hand in his. Both smile at each other, neither believing at first that they are finally here.

The priest steps up between Alex and Resha and clears his throat before speaking. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in holy matrimony, Alex Hood and Resha Vadam."

Alex leans in to Resha as the priest speaks and whispers. "You look beautiful my love."

Resha giggles quietly. "Anything got you my loving mate. After everything that's happened I want you to remember this day."

"Just looking at you now I'll already remember this day. I'm just happy to finally have you here with me."

"Despite all the hateful stares we're getting?"

Alex looks out over the audience and sees that Resha is not wrong. Nearly half the audience has disapproving looks, and a few looks like they might start screaming hatefully at him and Resha.

"Just ignore them Resha, I do. All that matters to me is that you, Zume, and our future child, are safe and happy."

Resha smiles under her veil at Alex. He has a way of making her feel loved in a room full of hate. Looking at Alex she doesn't feel any reluctance to marry him. Honestly, she's beyond happy to be here with Alex and is looking forward to the future.

"Now before we get to the vows the groom as written something he wants to read to the bride."

Alex reaches into his pocket and pulls out his notes to see Resha looking at him confused, as if she didn't find the human wedding unusual enough already. "Resha, after everything we've been through together, words cannot describe what I feel for you. Who would've thought that after the first time we met on Meridian that's we'd be here today. We tried to kill each other, and you nearly succeeded. I'm glad you stayed your blade, after I talked you down. We reluctantly worked together to survive through things neither of us would've survived alone. As we fought to survive I found myself drawn to you, physically at first. I couldn't figure it out at the time that I was slowly falling in love with you. At the time I thought it was just a physical attraction, just lust, but I quickly found out after we went our separate ways that there was more to it. Though it would be five years till we saw each other again I never stopped thinking of you, especially of the last night we were together. I thought it was just lust for the longest time, until I saw you again, and realized that it wasn't lust but love." Alex pauses for a moment. "Since then we've had a tough time trying to be together. Everyone was against us being a couple, but I ignored them. I followed my heart with you and Zume and I do not regret a moment we've been together."

Alex looks out over the audience to see many confused looks. Most are trying to figure out where he's going with his speech. Others and disagreeing with every word he's saying, and Alex knows it's because Resha's a Sangheli. Alex gave up caring what other people thought about his relationship with Resha long ago.

"A lot of people will say that the only reason I'm marrying you is because you are the mother of my daughter. I assure you that is fair from the truth, though I do love you for that reason too." Alex takes Resha's hand in his and looks her in the eyes. "I'm marrying you because I love you more than life itself. I can't imagine being with any other woman other than you. I know now that you are the woman God made for me to spend the rest of my life with. My only regret is that we didn't do this sooner, but I'm happy that we're here."

Resha tries to remain calm as she fights back a tear as Alex continues. "Resha, I know that the future may have some dark moments, no doubt we'll face a lot of prejudice for ours. Hopefully our children will not suffer hatred for being hybrids. Who knows what the future holds, but I am not worried about the future. If I got you by my side I can face whatever comes my way. My love for you will never end, no matter what we face. Resha, my love . . . I will love you forever, even in the afterlife."

The room falls silent when Alex finishes speaking, many with tears in their eyes. Alex can see even his father was touched by his speech. Looking at Resha, Alex thinks she's about to break down crying. She knew he loved her deeply, and Alex has never been shy about staring his love for her, but to hear it in such words shocks even her. Even Zume is in tears, and she hates anything emotional.

"That was beautiful Alex." Resha says wiping a tear from her eye. "I wish I could express my love for you in any way close to that."

Alex smirks as he grips Resha's hand. "You don't have to do anything to show me. Just agreeing to marry me and standing her with me shows me how much you love me."

"And I will never stop loving you, no matter what people say or do or what the universe throws our way." Resha replies smiling at Alex. "I'm sure I can think of some way to show you my love. But for now, I'll settle with becoming your wife."

"Then I guess we should continue the wedding then." Alex says then turns to the priest. "You may resume with the vows."

The priest clears his throat. "Alex, do you take Resha Vadam, to be your lawfully wedded life? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. And hereto do you pledge your faithfulness to Resha?"

"I do." Alex answers as he smiles at Resha.

"Very good Mr. Hood." The priest turns to Resha. "Resha, do you take Alex Hood, to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. And hereto you pledge your faithfulness to Alex?"

Resha smiles at Alex as she tightens her grip on his hands. "I do, forever my love."

"Then by the power vested in me . . ." The pastor looks around one last time to make sure that no one objects. ". . . I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Alex reaches up and gently grabs Resha's shoulder as she brings her mandibles close together and they lean in to each other. The kiss is quick as their lips touch for a moment before separating, both smiling as they part. Many members in the audience gagged at the sight of a human and Sangheli kiss while the others cheer.

"Ew gross." Zume says getting a laugh from Alex and Resha.

The priest waves his arms to silence the cheering crowd. "I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Hood; may God bless you both with a long and happy life together."

"There's no question about that, he's already blessed me so much."

Alex looks out over the audience, not really caring about their reaction to their now official marriage, a little curious as to how they're reacting. From what Alex can see it's still mixed, thankfully with most people smiling or cheering that he's finally married. Alex can see a couple of disapproving looks and one-person booing, which doesn't surprise him. What surprises Alex is that his father is smiling, something Alex didn't think he'd see. Alex guesses that his father is just glad to see him finally settle down, even if it is with a Sangheli.

Looking down at Zume, she seems to be holding back her happiness, only smiling. Alex figured she'd be jumping up and down like crazy after the vows. Thankfully Alex had a talk with Zume before the wedding for her to calm down. Though it looks like Zume's having trouble staying calm Alex is just glad to see her calm for once.

Alex looks at Resha and notices a tear running down her cheek. Giving the situation Alex must guess they're tears of joy. Though Alex is shocked to see them, he's only seen Resha cry once, when Zume was injured, and he didn't think she'd cry during their wedding.

Alex reaches up and wipes a tear from his wife's cheek. "Are these tears of joy my love?"

"Joy doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling." Resha gently grabs her husband's hand. "I never thought that I would have a loving husband that cares about me as much as you do, or that it was even possible for a male to love a female the way this much. I always thought I'd end up as some Keep Lord's consort, or die in battle, until you came along and showed what love and compassion really is. I would say that I'm the luckiest woman alive."

"And I'll make sure you'll never feel any less." Alex replies, ignoring the stares from the audience as he places a hand on her belly, feeling the child inside her. "I don't care what anyone says, you and the children are what matters to me."

Resha licks Alex's cheek making several people in the audience gasp. "Who would've thought that after all this time after Meridian that we'd be here. It is as if a dream of mine has come true."

"That makes both of us, a dream one that I'm happy has finally come true." Alex replies as he turns to walk down the aisle. "Now what do you say we begin our lives together as husband and wife?"

Resha grips Alex's hand. "Lead the way my loving husband."

UNSC Command Facility, Sydney, Australia 15 years later.

"Mrs. Vian, I have a meet with the TF Shadow committee soon so hold my calls for a bit."

Mrs. Vian looks up from painting her nails to see the Three Star General standing in front of her desk. "Of course, General Hood, today's been slow, so I doubt anyone will come by."

General Hood rolls his eyes as he walks towards his office. "I wouldn't say that; my oldest daughter is coming by soon so don't fall asleep."

"Oh, so I finally get to meet . . . Zume, right?"

General Hood shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, if only for a moment. I'm busy so it'll have to be quick. Just let me know when she gets here."

"How will I know it's her? I've never seen a picture of her."

"Trust me you'll know." General says smirking as he closes his office door.

Mrs. Vian shrugs her shoulders as she continues painting her nails. General Hood has been so private when it comes to his family that she's given up trying to figure out his family. All Mrs. Vian knows for certain about General Hood is married . . . the first known human to marry a Sangheli . . . and has at least three children. General Hood doesn't even say their names in front of her. Though if the rumors about him are true she doesn't blame him. Mrs. Vian tries not to think of it and instead focuses on her nails.

Mrs. Vian finishes painting her nail just as the lobby door opens. Thinking it's just another soldier, and distracted by her nails, Mrs. Vian doesn't look up to see who it is.

"I'll be with you a moment." Mrs. Vian shouts then blows her nails to dry them.

Mrs. Vian jumps when the visitor grabs the edge of her desk, the sight of such large hands shocking her, followed by a deep but feminine voice. "Corporal Hood to see General Hood."

Mrs. Vian looks up and freezes at the sight of a female Sangheli wearing a UNSC uniform stands in front of her desk. Looking at the Sangheli nearly sends Mrs. Vian into a panic, until she spots the Corporal enigma on her shoulder, the name Hood showing on her chest, and the Marine First Force Recon symbol is on her shoulder. Upon looking closer at the Sangheli, once her heart rate goes down, she notices that the Sangheli has hair and hands like a human. Looking her over Mrs. Vian assumes that she's looking at not just the first Sangheli Marines but also the first human/Sangheli hybrid. Mrs. Vian heard that there was one in the UNSC but never believed it.

The Sangheli rolls her eyes, apparently Mrs. Vian's reaction annoyed her a little. "Is General Hood in, I'm supposed to see him?"

"Uh yes ma'am . . . he's waiting for you." Mrs. Vian stutters then buzzes for General Hood. "General Hood, Corporal Hood is here to see you."

Thanks Mrs. Vian, I'm finishing up a call so tell my daughter it'll be a minute.*

Mrs. Vian's eyes appear to bulge out of her head, making the Sangheli Corporal smirk, at General Hood's response. "Yes sir."

Corporal Hood remains standing at Mrs. Vian's desk as she hangs up. "You seemed surprised ma'am."

"Forgive me Corporal, two big surprises like this is nearly too much for me." Mrs. Vian replies as she sits down. "First finding out that the rumors about the Sangheli Marine are true, and second that you're the General's daughter. I knew that the General's married to a Sangheli, So I'm if you're his step daughter."

"No ma'am, I am Three Star General Alex Hood's biological daughter." Corporal Zume Hood responds. "You'd be surprised how many people make that mistake."

"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"It's fine, I got used to the reactions I received long ago. As long as you don't try anything physical it's alright."

"Oh, I'm assuming quite a few people have . . . bullied you for being a hybrid."

"Unfortunately, yes, but thankfully most are too intimidated by my size to do anything. Though that works in both negative and positive regards. "Zume nods, smiling down Mrs. Vian. "I have yet to meet a human male that is attracted to me and every Sangheli male I've met refused to date me when they found out I'm a hybrid."

"Oh, you poor thing, just keep your head up and you'll meet the right person."

"Maybe but I have no interest in dating right now, I'm still young."

"Try young, stubborn, and crazy, just like your father."

Zume turns around and sees her aging father standing in the door way. The last fifteen years have been good to him, with very little signs of aging, other than his hair starting to turn grey. Though the years of desk work have affected his physique a little Alex is still in good shape. Zume knows from experience that Alex is still a force to be reckoned with, as is her mother.

Zume immediately comes to attention and salutes Alex, who salutes her back, laughing a little. "At ease Corporal, when it's just us you don't have to salute me."

"Sorry father, basic and Advanced training did a good job at conditioning me." Zume says as she lowers her arm.

"That's the point of it." Alex replies trying not to laugh.

"So, she is your daughter, I thought she was joking." Mrs. Vian interrupts.

"Yes, she is proudly my daughter." Alex replies smiling at Zume motioning for her to follow him into his office. "Hold my calls Mrs. Vian, there's some . . . important information I need to discuss with my daughter."

"Of course, General Hood."


"I'm doing good I guess, still worn out from Advanced Training." Zume replies as she sits down. "So, I take it you didn't bring me here just to chat?"

"Well I figured I'd take this opportunity to catch up with you first, tell you how things at home are doing, then there's something important that we need to discuss."

"Oh alright, it's been a while since I've seen the family. How's mother doing father? I got a message earlier that she had to go to the hospital."

"Good for the moment, we had a bit of a scare yesterday. I'm uncertain of all the details but she's having a hard time going through this pregnancy."

"Oh, I didn't know that mom was pregnant . . . again."

Alex can't help but smirk. "We just found out for certain a week ago."

Zume shakes her head trying not to laugh. "Now I see why Uncle Victor call you a baby making machine, with six children now. You and mom are way too old to be popping out children."

Alex laughs, knowing that what Zume said is true. After six kids so far, not including the one in Resha's womb, Alex is surprised he's still sane. His oldest son Hunter is nearly old enough to join the military, wanting to be like the Spartan he's named after. His second daughter Xulo is just becoming a teenager, and much to Alex's horror, is discovering boys. Alex's third daughter Zathora, named after Resha's mother, is devoted to her studies, and despite being only eight, is considered by many to be a genius. The twins, Carlos and Carmen, are nearly old enough to start school and are the most troublesome of the children.

"Tell me something I don't know. I'm old enough to be a grandfather. But it's not like your mother is going to give me a choice. She wants as many children as possible." Alex says smirking. "Though even she said this child will be the last."

Zume shakes her head. "I know it took mom a while to get used to how human relationships work, with the female controlling the relationship. I figured mom would force you to keep giving her children till you died."

"Very funny Zume, thankfully that is not the case. This last incident changed her mind completely, she's done having children after this one."

"And what was wrong with mom?"

"She was running a high fever and was worried about the baby. The doctor said that she's getting close to menopause, this last child is pushing it." Alex answers. "Don't worry, your mother is fine and so is the baby."

"Good, hopefully I can see her soon. I haven't seen the family in a while."

"You'll get to see them soon, trust me. Your mother has been on my back to get you home. Why do you think I'm always nearby?"

"Well it's not that I don't appreciate the guidance, but I don't always need your help."

Alex glares at Zume. "Really? I've had to constantly be there for ever since you went to basic, especially after that incident with your Drill Sergeant. If it wasn't for me intervening you wouldn't even have graduated, if not have ended up in jail."

"Just because I beat up a couple of recruits, they tried to rape me, of course I was going to fight back."

Alex sighs remembering the event at Basic. It was the fourth week into the Marine Basic and everything was going smoothly. Zume was at the top of her class, putting the other cadets to shame. Though while Zume was doing great some of the other cadets hated her for the sole reason that she was half Sangheli. So, to teach her a lesson they snuck into the female barracks, paid the female cadets to not intervene, and tried to beat and rape Zume. They underestimated Zume and she easily beat them, sending three of them to the emergency. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of the nightmare, just the beginning. The Drill Sergeant in charge, who had a hatred for the Sangheli, saw it as an opportunity to frame Zume saying that she attached them first. Without anyone to defend her, all witnesses being bought off, Zume was brought up on charges of assault. With little options Zume had no choice but to contact her father who was beyond infuriated when he found out. The whole place seemed to come to a halt when Alex stepped onto the base. It didn't take long for Alex to intimidate the Colonel into cooperating and the Drill Sergeant into confessing.

"You did the right thing Zume, certainly handled yourself better than I would. Even I couldn't have predicted that the Drill Sergeant would falsely accuse you of starting the fight. At least you called me immediately afterwards."

"Not like I had much of a choice. I would've preferred fixed things myself, but I know that was beyond my ability. But at least I got to kick some ass." Zume replies with a smile. "By the way, what happen to the Drill Sergeant who framed me."

A devilish smile forms on Alex's face. "I had him stationed to the worst front-line unit possible. I can't mention the name of the planet, but I imagine he's probably freezing his ass off right now."

"Sounds too good to me. At least those boys who tried to have their way with me are in prison."

"Well I tried to get their sentences longer but forty years each is still good enough for me."

"Especially considering you got them sentenced to a Siberian." Zume says smiling at her father. "They learned too late that you don't mess with the Hood family."

"Judging by the results of people who mess with you it should be don't mess with Zume."

"I gave you to thank for that, you trained me well."

"Sometimes a little too well." Alex replies shaking his head. "I think you took my advice on how to deal with bullies when we first met a little too literally. You've gotten kicked out of two private schools because of it."

"What do you expect dad, they were being way too physical for me to ignore them?" Zume growls softly. "You know I don't let people walk over me."

Alex can't help but laugh, what Zume says is true. She's never been one to let people harness her, even the slightest, especially when she started going to school. Because Zume's a Hood she got the opportunity to go to the best private schools possible, for free. But, because she's half Sangheli, the other kids picked on her heavily. Zume never took it well and fought back, resulting in her being kicked out of two private schools. After the second time Alex decided it was best to home school Zume.

"I know, you just need to learn to control your temper better."

"That'll probably never happen." Zume replies laughing. "So, dad, I know you didn't call me here just to talk. I know there's something important you want to discuss."

"Just like me, you like getting straight to the point. You got some time off coming anyway and your mother wants to see you, so we can talk more than." Alex grins as he walks around his desk and sits down. "What I'm about to discuss with you is serious business and doesn't leave this room for now."

Zume sits down on the other side of the desk. "Ok dad, is there something serious going on?"

"Kind of, nothing serious in terms of life threatening. But it stills something that is long overdue if you ask me." Alex replies trying to get serious. "The UNSC and Sangheli Council have finally decided to create a joint team with both human and Sangheli team members."

"Uh did hell freeze over or something? I figured it'd be the Tribulation before the Sangheli and humans would agree to make a team together."

"That's what they said when your mother and I got married. We proved them idiots wrong." Alex replies smirking. "I guess this team proves that."

"I guess it does, but what can you tell me about it? Like what will the team be doing?"

"I can't really say here, a lot of it is still classified, for the moment. But I can tell you that the team will be doing Black Op style missions for both the UNSC and Sangheli Council. I won't have any say on the missions, so you'll be on your own . . . with the rest of the team."

"Huh, not really the answer I was looking for, but I guess I understand, it still being classified in all. As long as I get to know the full details at some point I'll be happy." Zume replies then a thought gets into her mind. "So, wait, if you're not in charge of the team then why are you telling me about it?"

"You really don't understand military policies, do you?" Alex says smiling. "I'm in charge of picking the team members, except for the Sangheli member, he's been chosen already. I'm telling you because I chose you as one of the members."

"Father, are you serious!" Zume gasps.

Alex nods. "Yes, and not because you're my daughter. Though you graduated advanced training only a week ago you're already more skilled than most ODST and Ultra's."

"That's the benefit of growing up around Marines and Spartans, and mother teaching me how to swordfight."

"You're welcome for letting you have such a great childhood." Alex smiles watching Zume get restless. "Don't tell your mother but you're better with a blade than she is."

"Oh, I'm sure that mother knows, especially after our last sparring session." Zume replies with a big smile. "So, what can you tell me about the team, and why you chose me? I know there must be another reason than my talent. I know you wouldn't choose such a rookie soldier like me despite my skills."

"Well the other reason is because I thought the team needed more than one Sangheli on the team. Even though you're a hybrid you look Sangheli enough to be counted as one. Plus, I wanted a Sangheli on the team I fully trust and that's you."

Zume looks at Alex a little shocked, not fully understanding the reason. "Ok, kind of sounds like a BS answer but I guess it's good enough for now. But what about the team?"

"I can't really say much right now other than what I've already said. Since I just chose the team members, and don't really have authority in the team's operations, there's only so much I can tell you." Alex reluctantly answers knowing that it won't fully satisfy Zume but not having much choice. "I can tell you that you'll recognize at least two people I've chosen."

"Really, who?"

"Shawn, I know you remember him. The other is Shade, though she's more for technical support than a combat role. Though the team could certainly use her sniper skills."

"Huh, Shawn is definitely a good choice, despite his age, but I'm surprised you picked Shade."

"I don't see why you would be. You know what your adopted sister is capable of." Alex answers. "Shade is one of the best snipers I've ever seen, and her technological skills have no equal."

"Since you put it that way the team sounds like a good place for her. We both know that she needs some socializing, the girl is why too shy. Plus, with her on the team I don't think there's much we can't achieve, assuming you chose the others well."

"Don't worry about that, I did my research thoroughly, even on the Sangheli member. You know I wouldn't have taken these designs lightly, even picking you as a potential member." Alex replies then looks at his watch. "Ah crap, I'm sorry to say this but we're going to have to cut this reunion short. I'm supposed to meet with the others in charge of Task Force Shadow in a few minutes to discuss the final decisions."

"Oh, then why did you invite me so close to the meeting?"

"Because it was the earliest time I could arrange this meeting. Between your mother's pregnancy and arranging Task Force Shadow I've barely had any time to do much else. Just don't tell your mother what I said."

"I'll make no promises, I enjoy seeing mother chase after you."

"I know, I remember the last time she did." Alex says trying not to laugh, before getting serious. "Before you leave I need to know that you fully understand this team and what is asked of you before agreeing to it. Task Force Shadow will be not just a team for UNSC but the Sangheli as well. Your actions WILL reflect on both the UNSC and Sangheli Council and have effects on both. That is a lot of responsibility to ask from someone so young. The missions will be dangerous, there's no telling what you'll face out there. So, I need your answer Zume, can you handle the responsibility and tasks that Task Force Shadow demands?"

Zume lowers her head to think for a moment. Until Alex brought up all the responsibility that the team would bestow upon her Zume was ecstatic about being chosen. The thought of having two completely different species relying on her sends shivers down her spine. If she messes up or does something even the slightest dishonorable then the consequences would be severely dire. But Zume's never been one to say no to a challenge, especially something like this. The chance to fight across the known galaxy, with countless adventures awaiting her fills Zume's mind with curiously and excitement. This is also an opportunity to make a name for herself, instead of coasting on her father's family nobility. Ever since Zume was a little girl she's dreamed of an opportunity like this.

Zume smiles as she looks at Alex. "Father . . . I'd be honored to serve on Task Force Shadow."

The End?!

After all this time Alex and Resha are finally married and living their lives as a family. A life of retirement and children, hopefully Alex is ready to finally settle down. But what does the future hold for Zume?

So, this is it, My Sangheli Daughter is finally done. I didn't think it would take me this long to finish it, but I had fun writing it. I hope ya'll had as much fun reading it then I did writing it.

I promise this isn't the end of Zume. Her story will continue in the sequels. Who knows, she may even grow up to be better than her father.

Please leave a review. I honestly want to know what you think of the story and how I can improve it.

This is John Storm signing off. Star Frosty ya'll