Sasuke and Naruto's relationship had always been controversial. Itachi had always been aware of this fact, he and Sasuke's relationship had been much the same during their time as recognized family in the village. That didn't mean however that this amount of controversy was a horrible thing, in fact as Naruto had once told them it simply helped him understand Sasuke a little better.

Now however he worried for his family, Fugaku was very young and he did not need to be aware of his relatives disputes. Although Itachi could fathom a guess that the boy would figure it out at least partially.

Had they been living in Konoha his son would be in the academy already. He was quite smart.

"Itachi?" As Naruto's concerned tone reached his ears he turned to the blond. Their son between them looking as if the greatest mystery had been presented right in front of him. As he looked between them both, with an expression of awe. Naruto it seemed, was far too intent on looking, at his husband to even notice the child's stare. "Are you alright?"

"I'm worried." Came the simple response, and Naruto characteristically smiled at him, although the dark haired man was well aware that it was only because he had spoken the truth, one to many times he had tried to lie to the angel that was Naruto, and the blond did not appreciate it. Those were memory's Itachi both loved, and kept under his hat. No one needed to know about the 'frying-pan incident.'

"It'll all work out koi, Sasuke isn't an idiot, and Kakashi won't do anything now that he stated he won't, and Sakura, well she's Sakura. She won't take action unless strictly necessary." There was reassurance in his words, yet Itachi's mind wandered over other matters, more over the big picture then what Naruto was assuring him of.

"I know Saiai. That isn't what's troubling me."

"Then what is?"

"I can't explain it now." They were in a far too open plain, and if he did say something he didn't want their young child to overhear. Naruto gave him a look, he could see clearly even though he was turned away from the sweet man. He then wandered out to the dango stand, and Itachi was left to his ponderings with his son, who looked even more confused then he had earlier.

"Is something wrong Fugaku?"

"Tou-san told me something yesterday before the people came, and I'm confused."There was a furrow in his son's brow that made Itachi draw comparisons with Naruto and his son.

"Why don't you tell me what he said and I'll see if I can help." Fugaku did little more than nod, his small hands twisting his blue shirt.

"Well, tou-san said that, that I'd be, that I am, a big brother. But I haven't seen any babies in the house, and it's confusing me. Do you know what he means Chichi?" Itachi swore that for a moment his heart stopped itself, and his breath caught within his lungs for far too many seconds.

"Sorry it took so long, dango is served!" His eyes glared up at his love with a kind of anger that he was unfamiliar with when directed at Naruto.

"Saiai, are you pregnant?" Naruto stalled, quietly he placed himself on the bench that both his son and husband sat. His lip drew into his mouth at Itachi's leveled glare.

"I found out three days ago-"

"No. You are getting an abortion. As soon as the opportunity presents itself." It was simply an added part to their relationship that both Itachi and Naruto knew well enough, that this conversation would last more then one day.

"I knew it would come to this, Itachi, I want to have this baby-"

"With your health how it is?! Not possible."

"Doctor Yuri said that even with my health I could still carry to term, I knew that you'd be conflicted about it. So I asked, the baby-, doesn't pose a serious threat to my health or his own. Itachi please!"


Whatever Itachi was saying was abruptly stopped when the two of them came to realize that their young child was crying, his face red, and his hands in fists.

He hated it when they fought. Naruto gave him but a brief sigh, and then turned to their son with an expression of grief and vague guilt.

"Hey buddy, shh, me and your father are just a bit upset is all okay?" Itachi gave himself a moment, his nerves were slightly frayed around the edges as it was.

"This discussion isn't over." the one shouldered shrug was all he got in response. The raven to raise to the challenge clearly presented there. He had larger concerns at the moment, which bothered them, not simply because they were big enough to be called problems, but because they involved his family directly. That wasn't something he was comfortable with, his family was his life away from the Akatsuki's obligations, never to interfere directly, and now it had, he was still unsure of what to tell Naruto when the subject came up.

He'd be in a right state, and as much as Itachi worried for the health of his spouse with the baby feeding off his nutrience, Itachi was not so cruel as to cause a miscarriage through stress or trauma. This was something he'd have to place his feet gently over, test the waters and see where his boundaries lay.

The other Akatsuki members were already helping, looking around for the group targeting him and his family, drawing them away from their secluded little house. It wasn't a perfect plan, and it wouldn't work for long, but it bought time, and time was all he needed.

He only had a number of options when it came to his enemy. He could take the Akatsuki and try to eliminate them, but that wouldn't work, the group was had a strange power much like theirs putting them as equals, not to mention their numbers were vast. While the Akatsuki were composed of ten S-rank individuals, this malica group had at least a thirty A and S-rank members, enough to make a possible fight deadly.

Another option was to hide, but that was a short term solution, and Itachi knew that with that Naruto would get suspicious.

The last option was to ask for help. He'd been contemplating this one for longer than he'd like to admit. Now with Naruto's old team here, he'd have a chance to talk to Kakashi, and possibly ask his for aid. At the very least he could ask for him to keep an eye out for any members of the group. It was the best he could do right now.

Looking to his spouse he couldn't resist the smile that broke free on his face as he watched the blond fuss around their son.

There were difficult days ahead to be sure.