The Swarm

Harriet Potter- Griffin

Neville Longbottom- Talon

Luna Lovegood- Spectra

Hermione Granger- Hoot

Ronald Weasly- drummer

Aten Black-Shade

Some might wonder how events might change if small ripples were placed on the river of time. Looking back if just some sleight of hand, everything would have changed. The Potter family is one example. In another world events changed the entire outcome of the wizarding world and the war on Itex. Two seemingly different worlds collided.

A dark shadow was seen stalking down the neat road of Godric hallow. That shadow is none other than the man feared by all magical folk. A man so feared none dare say his name. A man with a purpose to carry out on this cold Halloween night. The Potters will soon be no more.

Blasting through the door with a sick smile on his face as he heard the frantic shouts and hurried goodbyes. How he loved that sound. The foolish Lord Potter thought himself a lion when he was easily disarmed. Before the man could utter the very dreaded words, a cruel idea formed. I'll kill the children first and make them watch. With a simple stupefy, James potter was unable to move.

Now onto the real fun. The intruder slowly climbed the stair, feeling gleeful at the mudbloods panic. The foolish girl had positioned herself in front of crib. She didn't even have a wand. He should kill her now for the very insolence she showed, but a promise is a promise. Instead of killing her he simply froze her and moved onto the crib.

It was hard to believe that in that crib holds the one destined to defeat him. The problem is, which one? The two children were as different as can be. One was a boy with straight auburn hair and boring hazel eyes. Next to him was a little girl with tousled raven locks. What drove the man to choose was the girl's eyes. Avada green eyes along with the obvious power of the baby. Smirking the man chose his victim.

The green spell was shot at the young toddler, and instead hit a golden dome that had encased the young girl and hurtled the spell right back at then man. A power he knows not. Her raw magic protected her by blocking the curse and rebounding it to me. Foolish.

In the aftershock of the rebounded spell, the room collapsed. Debris flew everywhere and a splinter cut a v in the young brother's cheek. When Dumbledore came and unfroze the parents, they raced to the demolished nursery. Upon seeing the v shaped scar, no one noticed to young crying girl with a lightning bolt scar, and instead declared Charles potter the boy who lived.

Unbeknownst to them the real savoir was the ignored child named Harriett.

Because of those few differences, the world as we know it changed. Dumbledore didn't require the Weasly to get harry under his thumb, so the Weasly were not paid monthly for their "contribution to the light side". After a few years of struggling along with almost no money and too many kids, molly and Arthur Weasly sold their youngest son to Itex.

Because lily and James lived, Sirius Black was never framed for the murder of the Potters and Sirius continued life out normally. Getting knocked up every other night and spending most of his time intoxicated. It was his life style that Sirius was landed with a son, Aten Black that he didn't want. Sirius spent three years before finally selling off his son to Itex for the cash.

With the proclaimed lord Voldemort being vanquished by an infant, no death eater wanted to tempt fate and go after the other child of the prophecy. Instead to get answers, they attacked to poor Lovegoods, killing Pandora Lovegoods and unscrewing a few bolts in Xenophilius Lovegoods head. Their two month child was raised in a violent household, until Luna ran away at age four. On the streets she was kidnapped by erasers and experimented on.

With Neville growing up with both parents, you'd expect a normal child. That was not the case. Neville was a clumsy child that the proud pure bloods were embarrassed of. Instead they chose to try to "toughen him up" as the called it. When he was five and still not making any improvement, they chose to deny they had a son, and sold him to Itex. Out of sight, out of mind.

For one Hermione Jean Granger, her misfortune was bad luck. Her parents were both scientist at Itex and when they tried to retire and live out their life as dentist, they were killed and their only daughter was kidnapped for experimentation.

The most tragic story of all, however is the story of Harriett Lily Potter. When her parents thought Charles was the chosen one, and defeater of Voldemort, they went blind from the fame, ignoring their second child completely. Sometimes even outright hating her. The real savior of the wizarding world was neglected and sometimes abused, but the famous Potters could get away with anything. When little harry was four she was sent to her aunt and uncle so the chosen one can be "properly trained" or, in other words, properly spoiled and preconditioned into the prefict pawn. Vernon and petunia were enraged that her sister dumped a freak on their doorstep because they couldn't be bothered to raise her and got rid of her as fast as possible. Grunnings, the company Vernon worked was owned by a company called, you guessed it, Itex.

That is the situation of how the swarm ended up in a place called the school.