The Spiral Rebellion

[ Rasen no Zouhan ]


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– This is a nonprofit literary fan-based fictional work –

Synopsis : After time traveling and saving the Uzumaki clan from its fated demise, Naruto and the survivors winds up in an unknown land. How will the blond fare with him being the clan's new head, building a hidden village from scratch and...being a father to his own m-mother!?

Foreword : This story would very much derail from the canon. I plan this story to focus more on kingdom management and parental difficulties with Naruto attempting to unite the eastern continent while being a surrogate father to the four year old Kushina...should be interestin' no?

•—[ Prelude : The Spiral's Misalignment ]—•

The Uzumaki clan are known for lots of things.

Probably the most common fact known in all elemental nations about them is that they are masters of an obscure runic sealing art. During the post warring states period these rather peculiar islanders became an instant celebrities especially amongst the major powers for adapting a method to weaponized the chakra monsters called 'Bijuū's' that are once believed to be uncontrollable.

At that time, only Madara and Hashirama from the newly formed hidden leaf village are known for manipulating these nine massive chakra entities so the appearance of these new power overturned the status quo.

The newly created leaf council being wary that these powerful Fuuinjutsu experts in which could relatively produce human weapons called 'Jinchuuriki' would generally be used by their enemies had decided to monitor these eccentric islanders under the guise of an 'alliance.'

Thus for a brief period of time, a stagnant era of peace enveloped the elemental nations and the Uzumaki clan.

Others started imitating the Senju's and banded together to form their own respective Shinobi villages. For years the Uzumaki's and their sealing art we're temporarily forgotten but then the notorious clan were pulled back into the limelight when Hashirama suddenly distributed the Bijuū's.

After his marriage with Uzumaki Mito, Hashirama asked the clan if they could create eight Jinchuuriki's and they wholly obeyed him. They also assured him that only few higher member's of their clan knows how to seal and extract a Bijūu and no one else.

Hashirama also created chakra infused crystals created from his own and imbued it inside these eight Jinchuuriki's as a sort of device to impose his will on them.

Due to these factors, the Shodaime Hokage confidently allocated a Jinchuuriki amongst each of the major Shinobi powers under the premise of 'War deterrent.'

He solely believed that peace could be achieved by these methods despite the risks and sheer ridiculousness of his plan.

But Hashirama achieved it.

Peace was returned to the world.

Until he died anyway.

Despite years of ardent research, other Shinobi villages still failed to crack and reverse engineer the obscure seals that the Uzumaki placed on the Jinchuuriki's they were given. With the passing of the Shodaime Hokage, the pent up frustrations and hatred of these other hidden villages started to let loose and tidings of war and conflict started to brew once again.

The death of Hashirama was the prelude of the first ever Shinobi war.

Many nations had coveted the sealing knowledge of the Uzumaki clan for years since its the key towards controlling the Bijuu's. With the all powerful first Hokage out in the picture, other ninja villages began beefing up their espionage and spying towards Konoha and Uzu.

The situation began to instantly spiral downwards that it became a race on who could first crack, steal or replicate the Jinchuuriki seals.

Uzu and Leaf desperately struggled to protect such knowledge but eventually someone somewhat managed to create their own bastardized version of the Jinchuuriki seals based from the original Uzumaki construct.

Soon enough, every shinobi villages also finally created their own degraded version of Jinchuuriki's, disposing the prior ones that are heavily influenced by the will of Hashirama.

Thus all hell broke loose.

Just like kids whom had wanted to try their new toys, various Shinobi villages started waging war with each other, turning the wheels of warfare and hatred once again.

And that's how the first shinobi world war came to be.

It was also around this time that cracks first started to appear on the alliance of Konoha and Uzu.

No one knew where the information leak came from (If there's even one to begin with.) but most of the Leaf's council deemed that it is the fault ot the Uzumaki clan for not protecting their sealing method enough and imposed a sanction of various sorts.

The Uzumaki's are a close knit clan that greatly treasures their Fuuinjutsu knowledge.

Everyone knew this.

By ordering them to release and teach it to a non-Uzumaki personnel is like cutting off their own limbs yet the clan relented and obeyed nonetheless. Despite their popularity, Uzushiogakure is still a defensive village and would no doubt be decimated if they ever dared to oppose the leaf council's decision.

With vehement reluctance, the clan created exclusive summoning contracts and erected a defensive anti-intrusion barrier seal around Konohagakure.

The second major incident that further widened the cracks on the Uzu–Kono alliance is around the start of the second shinobi war.

Konoha became more privy of Uzushiogakure's rather obscure culture.

One particular matter that caught the leaf's ire is the clan's somewhat heretic worshiping belief.

Whist it was not akin to the extreme practices of Janshin occultist, the clan was also notorious for their worship of the devil. One particular rumor is that their incredibly strong life force and astounding regeneration is in fact not a bloodline heredity but instead a blessing granted by a malevolent demon they've once summoned from another world.

The Senju's and Uzumaki are distant relatives.

Yet why does the former didn't have these latter's abilities?

An olden Uzumaki folklore foretells that one of their ancestors was blessed with pseudo-immortality as a gift from an evil god and it was passed down through generations of Uzumaki lineage (although somewhat diluted.)

Nonetheless it was mostly hearsay and all.

The truth of the matter is that these so called 'Evil God' are more of a patron deity called the God of Death.

Death is neither evil nor maleficent.

However Konoha's council of begotten fools seemed to not understand this fact and was prejudiced that these 'blasphemous' practices are evil and it would tarnish Konoha's good reputation if it became widely known that one of their allies is worshiping the devil.

Hence they ordered the clan to stop it all at once and confiscated all of the things that could summon this demon called 'Shinigami' under the premise that the land of the leaf is a sacred grounds and by sending it to them, these 'Evil Masks' would be purified and be quench of wickedness.

Of course Uzumaki's own council fought tooth and nail to thwart leaf's decision but then in the end it all boils down on whose the more powerful and influential village.

Power is Justice and no matter how unfair it may sound, that's just how the world works so the clan reluctantly compromised to lessen their 'Demon Worshiping' and erected a shrine in Konoha to house their treasured masks.

Frustrated and mortified by all these unjust actions from their so called 'esteemed protectors' Uzushiogakure began to change their own policies. They began to change their defensive stance and started crafting more offensive Fuuinjutsu.

They also began isolate themselves more and apart from the water country and its ruling Daimyo, gaining their own sovereignty rights and full autonomy. They instead selected their own Clan head as the supreme governing body unlike the other hidden villages in which solely relies on their own respective Daimyo's for funding.

The Uzumaki clan became more and more self reliant and sustaining in which gradually lessened their overall reliance from the leaf.

All these reforms within years finally bore fruit and Uzushiogakure finally became a powerhouse island nation on par with the likes of the five major hidden villages.

They slowly caught the attention of the whole world.

Konoha's council fearing that the Uzu might finally broke the alliance since they now are on par with the leaf had started thinking of a way to tip the scales on their favor once again.

One method that caught their attention is Uzumaki Mito.

—Or more precisely what's 'inside' her.

Despite housing the most powerful Bijūu, never once did the Leaf's council tried to use and manipulate her since she had the backing of the Uzumaki's and her dead husband's clan.

They realized that its such a waste and with her power, the leaf could even gain world domination.

But they could never hope to control her...

As long as the Senju and Uzumaki are around that is.

Hence they started to plan on how to covertly dispose the two.

They started on the former.

Due to Tobirama being busy and solely focused on the war, the leaf council started manipulating Konoha from the background. With the Shimura's at the lead, they began corrupting mission control personnel and eventually even the fire daimyo himself.

They then started to send various Senju clansmen to a nigh impossible and suicidal missions one after another. Over the years, slowly but surely the founding lineage dwindled down until only Mito and her grandchildren remains.

One thing the council overlooked is the duration it would take to kill off the Senju's.

Mito was already old and weary by the time they've achieved it so that put a damper on their agendas.

They've turn it around though and thought of an ingenious plan.

Why not create a second Kyuubi Jinchuuriki instead?

What's more since this new Jinchuuriki would be young, the council could easily mold it to their liking.

Although not everything went according to the council's plan.

They soon stumbled upon a dilemma since the Kyuubi is so vastly powerful that apparently only an Uzumaki could sustain the nine tails in their bodies.

For the council this became a major roadblock since Konohagakure's relationship with Uzushiogakure at that moment are already strained and practically nonexistent.

That didn't stopped them though for being stucked up assholes and demanding the clan a young Uzumaki child to be sent over to Konoha under the guise of 'Intercultural Exchange studies.'

The clan's reaction?

Massive Outrage.

And that was speaking on an understatement.

Of course they rejected it without a second thought.

The Uzumaki's knew the true underlying reason of the leaf council's demand. They might be some backwater hicks but they're no fools. When their distant Senju cousin's started dying one after another, they knew the leaf council is brewing something up they wouldn't damn like.

Uzumaki Mito also realized this eventually but there's just little on what a single widowed old woman could achieve.

All she could do is protect her two remaining kin and informed her clan of her woes.

The council somehow intercepted these messages and realized that their jig is up.

The Uzumaki's had finally opened their eyes and no amount of compromises and dialogues could fool those islanders anymore. The clan undoubtedly would call off the alliance once the war is over and by then the Uzumaki would become a major player capable of destroying Konoha itself.

Hence the council resort to drastic measures.

Uzushiogakure needs to be destroyed.

After months of careful planning, the leaf council thought of a devious method to eradicate those pesky island hicks.

Their proposed plan is relatively simple.

They would form a secret alliance together with Kiri, Kumo and some lesser nations close to Uzu whom have badblood against the Uzumaki's. While Konoha would not actively participate on the invasion, the leaf council would then supply the Mist and Cloud with funds and war necessities by commissioning these bunch of brigands calling themselves as 'Gato Enterprises' that's roaming around the Kaizoku Sea.

It all went according to plan.

Until the day of the invasion that is.

Two things had saved the Uzumaki clan from their inevitable demise.

On the eve before the Uzu invasion, Hatake Sakumo surprisingly due to the sheer guilt of killing the Uzumaki's whom he regarded as comrades in arms had backed off and decided to ditch the blackops mission they secretly ordered him and joined the other side instead.

That's the first wrench on the council's plan.

The second is the sudden appearance on the battlefield of this mysterious whiskered blond man.

Due to these unforeseeable circumstances, the spiral began to turn backwards causing ripples that misaligned the fates initial construct.

What these changes might cause, only the Shinigami would know.

Death itself smirked as he silently watched it all unfolds.

The start of the spiral's rebellion.

A/N : Hm, Uzu's demise is not really tackled on canon so this gave me a leeway on how things go down. Lol, wouldn't it be funny if Konoha really is the main perpetrator since like Naruto became their Kage eventually. Gotta love the irony...