Hey Tiny Peoples! I really like calling y'all that! I just wanted to say, if y'all have any ideas, please tell them to me. Guest or FanFictioner or whatever the hell you guys wanna call yourselves, I will most likely use the idea in some way possible. Okay, um, here's chapter 2!

Chapter 2

Tobias P.O.V.

Six has been on my mind all day. I expected to see her in some of my other classes, but the only place I've seen her is in the teacher's lounge, the gym, and Tori's class room. And every time I see her, she has coffee in her hands. What is with her and coffee?

I walk into Tori's room for art when I see her at Tori's desk sipping a large Frappuccino, while sketching something. She put her glasses back on, but it's kinda hard to tell with her hair in her face like it is. Just as I'm about to man up and go confront her about the coffee thing, Tori walks in and speaks up. "Welcome back to those of you who were here last year and to those of you who are newbies, my name is Tori. Just Tori, and if you call me Ms. Wu, then it will end really bad for you." Tori walks to her desk and picks Six up, places her on the ground while she acts as if this is normal, still sipping her coffee.

"Who's the kid?!" Someone yells out from the back. As soon as Six hears this her head shoots up. "You think I'm a kid? I am 17 years old! I know I have the body of a fucking 12 year-old, but get over it! If you call me a kid again, you will be in the hospital for a really long time. Do you understand?" Six yells with venom dripping off of every word while walking towards the kid. He nods in fear as Six slowly backs up, keeping her eyes on the kid, the glare threatening to kill.

Even I would think that's intimidating. "Anyways, I am Six Prior. Amar's little sister and Tori's niece, don't mess with me. Understand?" We nod as everyone stares at her. "Good, now I will only be here today." Before she can continue, Tori cuts her off. "Well actually, Amar's only making you stay today, I am making you stay for the whole year. At least you get free coffee." Six takes a deep breath and give Tori the "we will talk about this later" look. Along with a glare.

"Okay, let me restate that, I will be staying here the whole year. I will not be here only one week out of each month, so toughen up. This may normally be an easy class, but now that I'm being forced to be here, I will be criticizing you on every drawing, sketch, painting. And I'm not easily impressed. I'm allowed to choose whether you stay in this class or not, so practice and do your bloody homework understand?" We nod, and start to do the assignment on the board. Draw something important to us. I draw my little sister Emily eating candy. I love her to death. She is the only other person who knows about Marcus, and what goes on at home. I don't know what I would do without her.

I'm almost finished when the bell rings, signaling lunch. Before I walk out I hear Tori and Six arguing. "Tori, I don't wanna make any more friends. I have plenty already."

"Six, your little brothers don't count. And neither do Amar and his friends. You need to meet some friends that are actually your age."

Just as she's about to continue I speak up. "Six, wanna sit with me and Zeke?" She gives me a look that says thank you, and nods. "Bye Tori!" Six yells as she runs out of the door. I chuckle and follow her.

As we're walking to the cafeteria, her with her coffee, I finally ask her about the coffee. "Why do you drink so much coffee?" She smiles, but answers. "Normal people sleep every night at most. I only sleep a week out of every month. So the coffee, is just there from habit." I nod not urging her to go on. She seems to want to stop there. We arrive at the cafeteria, and walk to the line. Six grabs an apple, a burger, fries, and cake. A water and her coffee. I get the same thing except the coffee, and instead of water I grab a coke.

"Where do you and Zeke sit?" She asks scanning the tables. "Right plop in the middle." I say leading the way. I hear her groan, but I choose to ignore it. "Zeke remember this tough cookie?" I say sitting down. Six punches me in the arm. "Shit!" I yell out as she smirks while sitting down. "Tori wants me to get to know kids my age." She says to the questioning looks. They nod and go back to talking.

I glance at Six to see her eating her burger while sketching something. I try to look over her shoulder, but she puts a hand on my face, and pushes me away. "Don't even try." She says as I was about to ask her about what she was drawing.

Before I can respond Amar comes running into the cafeteria and yells, "They're in trouble again! Can you please go pick them up?! Please?!" Six sighs, gets up, and walks out of the cafeteria after stealing Amar's keys.


With Sleepiness,

FourTris will last