To Endure a Curse


Standing on a cliff, The Evil Queen smirked as she looked at those that had joined her.

"Who here is tired of losing?" she asked, getting nods and murmurs of agreement. "That is why I have called you here. To put an end to our misery!" she said looking over each person.

Walking behind those gathered, Regina continued, "Today we claim our victory, and move to a new, better realm. A place where we can finally win." The Evil Queen paused in her speech as the blind witch called "and we'll be happy?" without smiling the Queen replied "I guarantee it" before continuing.

"But first, I need something from each of you" she stated, looking at them all individually again "A lock of hair from those with the darkest souls" pausing again, Regina smiled "You must trust me, because if you don't" a suddenly evil smirk over took the Queens beautiful face "there are other ways!" she finished with a small shrug and delicately twirled her hand in the air. The trees began to move up around those surrounding the fire, causing many to look around, almost in fear of what would happen.

As the Queen glanced around, she smiled as all in attendance began to rip or cut out their own hair, placing it into the box held by her dear Father.

"A wise decision" she states, at the same time smirking to herself thinking 'This is too easy'. Throwing to contents of the box onto the fire in front of her, Regina smiled as it spits and hisses, growing fiercer as she neared completion on the curse.

Turing once again to her father, Henry handed her the final box the one that would complete it all. "All that remains" the Queen began "is the final ingredient. A prized heart from my childhood steed. The glorious beast who's passing will fuel our victory!" Gently lifting her beloved horses heart in her hands, the Queen sent a silent goodbye to her once only friend before throwing it onto the fire, watching as a purple cloud rose from the fire as she did, "Let my wrath be unleashed!"

Pure unadulterated joy shone on the Evil Queens face as she watched the curse could rise above them. So content was she, that she failed to notice the purple fog gathering at her own feet. The cloud above her suddenly fell, surrounding the Evil Queen as her guests watched on, silently fearing what would happen next.

Regina screamed, chocking on the curse cloud as it flowed into and around her. So focused on trying to figure what had gone wrong to cause this, she didn't feel her body changing until it was too late. When the magic cleared, Regina was standing as she had been before, surrounded by those brave enough to join her in her quest. Looking around confused, she suddenly heard laughter from the other side of the fire

"HAHAHA! Yeah you really unleashed something there" the dark dwarf shouted what pointing at the Queen. Angry that the creature had dared laugh at her, she flicked her hand, turning him to stone mid chuckle, before looking down to see what he was talking about.

Chocolate brown eyes immediately widen, noticing the growing bulge in her leather pants, as well as recognising the gasp from Henry, the Queen quickly transported herself and her father away, cackles and booming laughter ringing in her ears at this immense failure and the shameful consequence.

Falling to her knees when she is in her own home, Regina allows the tears to fall, jumping slightly when she feels a gentle hand on her shoulder. Looking up through tear lined eyes, she sees her father, her dear sweet Henry, looking at her with great sorrow in his eyes.

"I failed Daddy" she whispered "now I shall never get my happy ending" voice breaking, tears made their way down pale olive cheeks as full realisation of what had happened finally set in.

Kneeling on the floor beside her, Henry wrapped his arms around his sobbing daughter. "Hush now child. Maybe this is fates way of leading you to your happy ending." Filling his voice with as much conviction as possible, Henry tried to comfort his daughter. "put an end to this vengeance. Take this time to learn about yourself and what will make you happy".

Regina sat there in her father's arms, turning what he had said over in her head. "You're right Daddy" she spoke quietly; afraid she would break down again if she spoke any louder. "But first, I must speak with someone, to know why this happened the way it did" sighing in total defeat, Regina hung her head, keeping her eyes sealed shut, lest she look upon the product of her failure once more.

Sighing as well, Henry gently said "Then you must speak with the one who created the curse, to fully understand why this" here, Henry waved his hand in the general direction of her crotch "was created in the curses failure" he finished quickly.

Eyes lighting up slightly, Regina stated with as small smirk "I know just who to talk to". Standing from her father's embrace, Regina quickly waved her hand, changing her outfit from skin tight leather pants to a long black dress, with a plunging neckline and a skirt heavy enough to hide her current ailment.

Turning on the spot, Regina was engulfed in her signature purple cloud, reappearing almost instantly in front of Rumpelstiltskin's cell. The imp turned upon noticing her arrival, laughing manically. "Have you come to regale me with the good news, dearie?" he almost sang while climbing the bars of his cell.

Scowling at the disgusting creature, Regina bit out a tense 'no' before looking away as the Imps face dropped from maddeningly happy to unadulterated rage. "NO! What do you mean No?" Rumpel almost shouted. Anger flaring within her chest, Regina turned back to the cell and the creature within. "Your damn curse didn't work you stupid fool! It failed to take us anywhere, and instead has cursed me!" Regain was practically shouting by the time she finished.

Rumpelstiltskin's face suddenly changed again, from blinding rage to absolute amusement when he 'saw' what she was talking about. Laughing once more, a maddening little chuckle that set Regina's teeth on edge, he spoke "OOH, so you cast the curse wrong and are now trying to blame me for your failure and the consequences?! Stupid girl!" rolling his eyes at the Queen he continued speaking, almost to himself "I should have known better than to entrust this task to you!" becoming enraged again, the Imp practically screamed "I WILL DESTROY YOU FOR THIS! You have ruined EVERYTHING!" this last being said with such venom, Regina took a step back and looked away from the man in the cell.

Shuddering slightly, Regina turned her head towards the man again, quietly questioning "What if there was something I could give you in return for you helping me?" Rumpel's faces turned mocking as he hissed "There is nothing you could give me, that would make me help you!" Backing away slightly again, Regina smirked again "Even your 'True Love'? Belle, wasn't it?"

Rumpel, who had been pacing his cell suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the Queen, before throwing himself at the magically enhanced bar's, trying to claw at her. "You BITCH!" he screamed "she is dead, you told me so yourself" hatred filled the man's eyes at the reminder of what had been lost to him so long ago.

"Well she isn't" Regina nearly laughed at the look on the man's face when she said this, and did give a small chuckle when he fell off the bars of his magically protected cell. "Belle is perfectly alive and well, locked in my tower, but" she paused, looking up to see Rumpel hanging on practically every word "I'm willing to let her go. But only, Rumpelstiltskin, if you are willing to make a deal".

"I'm listening" Rumpel pressed, needing to know exactly what it was The Queen wanted in order for him to be reunited with his love once more.

Regina smirked again, knowing exactly what she was going to ask, hoping that it would prevent to man from trying to kill her if he ever got free, and maybe even send an olive branch to her former Step-daughter, Snow White.

"You tell me what went wrong and how to fix this" again Regina waved her hand is the general area of her legs "and promise to never set foot in the White or Dark Kingdoms ever again, and I shall return your, Belle".

"and where would you like me to go, Your Majesty?" the Imp simpered with false respect.

"Your Belle's, kingdom has recently lost its King" Rumpel looked surprised at this "yes her father is dead, Ogre attack if I remember correctly. That should be a good enough place for you to go, Dark One." Regina tittered at the look the man was giving her "Unless you would like to remain in this fine cell for the rest of your eternity?" she added with an amused look, knowing that she had him.

"Very well" Rumpelstiltskin cackled "I agree to your terms. Now, LET ME OUT!" he finished with a harsh shake of the bars. "Wait!" Regina nearly shouted "you have to tell me how to get rid of this" again a wave in the direction of her skirt was all she was willing to give as she broke eye contact with the Dark One.

Laughter once again met her ears and the Imp practically rolled on the floor in hysterics. "Well, dearie" he started with a giggle "the same way any curse can be broken, the only magic strong enough to undo what you have done" here Rumpel began laughing once more, louder and more high pitched than before as he watched The Queens head snap up, eyes widening as she finally understood what he was trying to say.

"The only way to break your curse is with a kiss of Twoo Love" Rumpel mocked once again before dissolving into peals of laughter, enjoying the look of pure terror on Regina's face, as she realised she would be stuck this way forever.