Remember, Elena and Elijah are still new into their relationship. There's going to be bumps and whatnot while they find their grove. The disagreement they had in chapter 3 was only their first argument... So, their relationship is new, but kinda serious.

We're starting to delve into Elijah's history now. Hope you like it.

This story is pretty much 50% fluff, 20% smut, 20% slice of life and 10% drama and conflict. I've planned as far as the Klaroline wedding and there will only be maybe two or three (maybe four) big conflicts or problems to that point. Just two normal people living in a relationship, with some added drama here and there (because let's admit, even an AH Mikaelson family has got to be chock full of drama), like running into exes or something (cough!Mikaelsonfamilydrama!cough!).

I do not own the Vampire Diaries or the Originals.

A Girl Could Get Used to This


Elena curled into Elijah's warm body. Judging by the light coming in through the open blinds, it was about mid-morning. Elijah was lying on his side, his body curled around Elena's back, one of his arms under her head and the other wrapped around her waist. His head was nuzzled into her hair, and he peppered the back of her neck with feather light kisses.

His loving displays and the fact that he held onto her all night, offering silent comfort after what she had revealed before they went to bed, spoke volumes to her. She felt her heart stutter in her chest and the not being able to openly express how much she was growing to care for him, it hurt her, almost physically.

Like he said last night, Elena, too, wanted to yell from roof tops and tell the world what an amazing guy she had. How much she was falling in love with him.

She rolled over to face him when he moved his hand off her waist and used just the tips of his fingers to shift aside some of her hair that was laying across her neck. Once he moved it, his lips stopped kissing the back of her neck and shoulders to place slow, wet, languid kisses to the side of her neck, instead.

Once facing him, he started on the other side of her neck, muttering "Good morning," into her ear.

"Elijah," she said, pushing back and facing him, before giving a big smile, "I don't want to hide. I shouldn't have asked you to do that last night and I'm sorry. I let you take all the blame and it wasn't right."

"What brought this on?" He asked, a quirk if his lips playing and his left eyebrow raised.

"I just realized how great you really are." She said, before backtracking, "I mean, I always knew you were great, but I guess I just kinda took it for granted. Not anymore," she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Maybe I want to yell at the top of my lungs about how great my boyfriend is."

"Oh, really?" He asked, grabbing her leg under the covers and latching it over his hip.

"Really... But, I'm still not introducing my boyfriend to Caroline yet." She moved in and tightened her leg over his hip, and wound her arm over his neck. "I like the privacy we get with our 'new relationship'. If Care knew, there would be no peace, so I was thinking, we get back on schedule and you meet my friends in about a month, like I was planning."

"Are you sure?" Elijah asked, his mouth still working on her neck.

"Yeah, we don't hide, if people find out, they find out, but until then, we get to be selfish and get each other all to ourselves, yeah?" She moaned when Elijah sucked on her pulse point.

"Sounds fine," Elijah said, one hands slipping into her panties and squeezing her bum cheek. "Plus, if the bride and groom are unaware of our status, we won't be forced on double dates."

Elena had ended up sleeping in just the shirt and her panties, which Elijah had liked very much. He lifted the shirt over her head.

"Oh, good one," Elena moaned. "I hadn't even thought of the double dates we'd have to endure... Oh God!"

Elijah had hooked his thumb onto her panties and dragged them down her leg, his mouth lavishing attention in her naked breasts. Once he had her naked, he rolled them over, with him on top, settled between her legs.

"Too many clothes," Elena muttered. She pushed his sleep pants down over his butt, then hooked her heels in and pushed them down with her feet.

"Uh," Elena moaned when Elijah's hand slid down her side, running his fingers over her nether lips. He was kissing and licking his way down her torso. He placed a kiss on her hip, his other hand moving from her breast to wrap around her leg and squeeze her bum, again. Elijah ran his tongue down the top of her thigh, making Elena shiver.

When he finally reached where he wanted to go, Elijah took his time, lavishing her centre with long, slow licks, pulling her sensitive nub into his mouth and nibbling on it with his teeth. He slid one long finger inside her, then another, pulling moan after moan from her lips.

Elena's hands fisted his hair, her back arched off the bed and her eyes rolled back. Elijah hooked her legs over his shoulder and devoured her, reverently. She withered and mewled, her body contorting to his talents.

"Oh, God, Elijah!" Elena cried, "Please, I need you. Please."

Elijah broke away from his task, the lower half of his face shining in a sheen of her essence. He didn't need to be told twice, he rolled to the side, to dig protection from his bedside drawer when Elena stopped him.

"I'm clean," she whispered. She wanted to feel him, completely. "And I have an IUD."

Elijah just smirked, the idea of having Elena with no barriers was too good to pass up. "I'm clean, as well." And then he was on top of her, entering her, filling her.

She was so hot!

"Ugh," Elena groaned, her fingers in his hair, again. "Oh, Elijah," his very name was like a prayer from her lips. Her legs curled around his hips and Elijah kissed her, it was wet and sloppy and totally right. She could taste herself on his tongue.

"Elena, you feel so fucking good!" Elijah muttered, he thrust into her slowly, his hands brushing hair from her face and his lips taking hers in long, slow kisses. He had never felt so connected to another person before.

"I hope you like omelets?" Elijah said when Elena joined him in the kitchen. He was buttering some toast and adding it to plates that had a large serving of some fantastic looking omelet. It smelt divine.

"I do," Elena told him with a smile as she slid into a stool at the counter.

Elijah placed a plate in front of her and a mug of steaming coffee.

"White, with one," he said, with a smirk. "I make it a habit to know how my lady takes her coffee." He sat in the stool next to her and took a sip of his own black coffee.

"You spoil me," Elena remarked, taking a small bite of her breakfast, then moaning. "Oh, this is delicious! I didn't know you could cook. A girl could get use to this."

"Maybe, I'm hoping a girl does…" He said, placing down his fork and squeezing her leg.

After their escapades in the bed, both Elijah and Elena had gone to shower. Elijah got out first, claiming the need to make her breakfast and when Elena came out, a shirt and the same sleep pants that she hadn't ended up wearing the night before lay out for her. Elijah was in the kitchen, just finishing the touches on the egg and wearing just a pair of jeans. Elena had half a second to think that maybe she should start leaving her own change of clothes here, to avoid going home in last night's dress… again.

They were just finishing up breakfast when Elijah got a call.

"Elijah Mikaelson," he said into the receiver. Elena placed the breakfast dishes in the sink and filled it with warm, soapy water. Elijah was still on the phone to someone called Marcel, his law partner, he wandered over to the large windows that lead out to a balcony.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Elijah said, wrapping his arms around Elena's waist from behind and placing a kiss on the side of her neck, after he finished his call. "That was work, I need to go in this morning for a few hours, maybe all day. There was a breakthrough on a case and my client needs to discuss some things with me."

"That's okay," Elena said, twisting in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I promise we'll talk about my history next time," Elijah said, he pressed his lips to her forehead. "Rain check?"

Elena nodded.

"I'll drop you off home on the way to the office, come on, love."

It was two weeks before Elena and Elijah got to spend some time together. Elena had to go out of town the following weekend and Elijah was extremely busy with a trial he was in the middle of.

While Elena was not actively flaunting her relationship at Caroline, she was not doing anything to hide it either. Elena had no doubt that if Caroline were not so busy planning her wedding, she would have already worked out who Elena was dating. She still probably would and Elena would do her best, when the time comes, to tell Caroline that she and Elijah will not let their relationship interfere with Caroline's wedding. But, under no circumstances would she stop her relationship because of it, either.

Elena was in the middle of writing a sequel to her first young adult novel that had come out just before Christmas. While it was not nearly as popular as her children series, it has done fairly well.

In the last two weeks, Caroline had also organised caterers, a venue for the reception in Mystic Falls, booked the church and an attendant. Elena, Bonnie and Klaus and Elijah's sisters, who would be the other bridesmaids, had gone dress shopping. In fact that was what they had been doing earlier.

It was a good thing Caroline was so organised, looking for a dress had been fairly simple. It was getting a time when she and all the bridesmaids could get to the store and try them on that was causing a problem. Aside from having Elena as the Maid of Honour, and Bonnie as first bridesmaid, Caroline was having her two future sisters-in-law in her wedding party, too. Her fiancé had insisted that he wanted all his brother to stand with him, so Elena was with Elijah, the Best Man, Bonnie would be on Kol's arm and Freya and Rebekah would be paired with Finn and Henrik respectfully.

Thankfully, they all made it this one weekend in mid-March. Dresses were sorted... Thank God Caroline wasn't one of those woman who dress their wedding party horribly, and Elena, Bonnie, Rebekah and Freya all looked good in shades of purple. Caroline's gown was beautiful, and everything you would expect someone of her personality to choose, right down to the court length train and the delicate, intricate beads on the bodice.

By the time Elena got home from the day and got ready for her night at Elijah's, she was rather tired. But she hadn't seen him in two weeks. Elena had every intention of spending the night at Elijah's and she was going into this prepared. With an over-night bag on her shoulder and her phone to her ear, she told Elijah she was on her way down.

"Bye Care," Elena yelled to Caroline as she passed her room. Caroline poked her head out.

"Hot date," she asked, looking at Elena. Though her outfit was casual, jeans and a nice top, which would be covered with her coat, her make-up and hair showed effort.

Elena just smirked and put her coat on. "Elijah and I have every intention to stay in and cuddle all night." She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows, "If you know what I mean..."

Elena headed over to the door, her overnight bag on her shoulder.

"Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do," Caroline smiled, going back to organizing invitations.

"That's not a very big list," Elena noted, opening the door.

"I know," Caroline giggled, as Elena left.

"Seriously, Elijah," Elena moaned, eating a fork-full of food. "I'm not going to be able to eat my meager cooking anymore." She drank a sip of wine.

"I told you, lovely Elena, it's all part of my master plan." Elijah smirked, topping up their glasses. "Reel you in and then never let you go."

"Never let me go?" Elena asked, finishing off her plate. Elijah had made a delicious steak dinner, with asparagus and baby potatoes. "Sounds like you're serious about me."

"I am," he replied, pushing his own empty plate away and getting up. "I am," he repeated and walked around the table and helped her to her feet "Serious about you, that it. I know we've only been together for two and a half months," he led her to the sofa. "But I've never felt this way for anyone before."

"I love you," Elena sipped in, quickly cutting him off. The whole time, her stomach flipping around inside her.

"That's my line," he teased. Elijah kissed her hard. "I love you, too."

Elena smiled and felt like her heart exploded, she walked back to the table. "C'mon, handsome, I'll wash, you dry, then you can tell me the tale of Elijah Mikaelson."

Almost three years ago

Elijah was half in shock, half-rage, as he went through their house and packed his life away into boxes and suitcases. Deleting his existence form the place, arguing with her as he went. Aya made no move to stop him leaving though. It had been going on all afternoon, since Elijah had walked in on her with one of his oldest friends, naked in her office, bodies entwined.

"Don't you dare pin this on me, Aya," Elijah said. He clenched his teeth and he ran his fingers through his short hair. "You had an affair, not me. Our marriage is over because of you fucked Tristan."

"I'm not blaming you for my affair. Not entirely, anyway," Aya said back, deadly calm, but with fire in her eyes. She was a beautiful woman, tall with dark skin and the bone structure of a Goddess. "But our marriage was over long before I started sleeping with Tristan. Tell me, Elijah, when was the last time we were intimate. When was the last time you even left work before nine o'clock? The last time we went out for dinner that was not connected to some stupid charity or function? When was the last time you even kissed me? You've been distant from me our whole marriage."

Elijah opened his mouth to argue back, but then it stuck him. When was the last time he did any of that? He and Aya were only eighteen months into their marriage and there are only so many things you can write off by being a workaholic.

"I may not be the best husband," Elijah argued, fighting the guilt that rose in him. Aya had cheated, at least he had stayed faithful. "But at least I did not forsake our vows."

"Oh, but you did, Elijah. Your family is your mistress and your work is your whore," Aya glared at him, blinking back tears. "I loved you. I would've done anything for you, but one call from your siblings and you drop everything. You have to work late, that's fine, it doesn't matter if it's your wife's birthday. Or our first anniversary. This whole marriage, I've felt that I've been trying to compete with everything, just to get your attention."

"So you get back at me by, what? Sleeping with one of my oldest and now former friends?"

"Oh, I wasn't just sleeping with Tristan," Aya snapped, emptying a draw on a cabinet and throwing the clothes into a box. "I want a divorce, Elijah."

"A divorce," Elijah repeated in a monotone and nodding. "So be it. You cannot hurt me any more than you already have."

"Hurt you, Elijah?" Aya spat, her eyes glaring at him. "I was devoted to you when we married. I knew it was a mistake, you didn't even know me, and yet I was smitten. What would you do, if, despite your devotion, someone you loved, ignored you and muttered another woman's – man's - name in their sleep? If they forgot your birthday or their first wedding anniversary? That's what you did, Elijah and I have no choice but to sever our ties. I want a divorce," she finished, repeating her earlier statement.

"Muttered someone else's name, what the hell are you talking about, Aya?" Elijah asked, confused. "I've never cheated!"

"Then who the fuck is Elena?" Aya said, calmly. "Why is she significant enough to you for you to have mentioned her in your sleep at least a half dozen times in the last eighteen months? I've never heard you mention anyone else, not even me, your wife. Who is she?"

"Elena?" He uttered, perplexed. Though he had thought of her in the last few years, it was not often… but apparently he dreamed of her, the one that could've been. "No one, she's no one. Just a girl I met once in college. That's not the point. You want a divorce, Aya? Fine, you've got one." He picked up his suitcase and grabbed his keys on the way to the door. "I'm going to stay at Kol's, I'll get a divorce lawyer in the morning and send for my stuff then. Goodbye, Aya."

"And so we divorced, she married Tristan and I moved here."

"You thought of me when you were married?" Elena asked, feeling a little relieved that she had thought of him, even in her relationships, too. At least she was not alone, in the fact that he had also dwelled on the ifs and maybes, long after they parted. "In those years, you thought of me, too?"

"I did," Elijah told her.

"So, what happened after your divorce?" Elena asked, "Did you move to the States right away, or not?"

"Less than six months after Aya asked for a divorce, I was looking for an apartment in New York. I'd only been in the city, maybe a month, when I bumped – quite literally – into you at that coffee shop." Elijah grinned, "It was a most pleasant surprise. Unfortunately, I didn't think to ask for your number until about five minutes after you left."

"None of that matters now, we're together, even if it took half a decade."

"No," he said, "It doesn't. Between my divorce and our meeting in the airport, I dated a woman named Celeste, but it didn't work. We broke up just after Easter. From Easter to Christmas, there were a few dates, but nothing noteworthy." He ran his fingers over her bare arm, "Then there was you. My life is rather boring, my dear."

"I don't think you're boring," Elena said, getting up on her knees and moving closer to him on the sofa. Elijah lifted his arm and she tucked herself under it, he placed a kiss to the side of her head.

"That's good, I suppose, since I wouldn't want you getting bored with me." He held her tighter. "I'm rather fond of you, Elena Gilbert. I'm hoping to be able to have you in my life for a while, yet."

Elena looked up at him and gave a goofy smile, "I think it's safe for you to assume that I'll be sticking around. I'm kind of in love with you." She shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. Her arm looped up around the back of his head and played with the hair there.

"Consider yourself stuck," he said, kissing her lips quickly. "I love you too."

Elena felt a tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach, it spread through her body, filling her with giddy energy.

"You know this means we need to go public with our relationship now, right?" She said, only dreading Caroline's reaction slightly. She didn't know what she was so worried about before.

Elijah shrugged, "We'll tell them next week and keep this last weekend to ourselves."

This chapter was rather sappy. I need to add some drama, spice it up a little. Suggestions, maybe?

Did you guys like the flashback, from Elijah's point of view? There won't be many, but I think I'll start writing more from his side. I got inspiration from episode 3x14 on the Originals for Elijah and Aya's confrontation.

I'm planning for Caroline and Klaus to find out in the next chapter, but I don't plan for mama and papa Mikaelson to know until just before the wedding, imagine the potential drama... And there will be drama just before the wedding.

Also next chapter… the flashback from Elejah's first coffee date… in Elijah's P.O.V!

Leave a review, my lovely readers and enjoy your weekend!