Author's Note: Hello, I have returned. I'm really sorry that I have not updated this story in so long. When school started, my life got really rough. I forced myself through too many hard classes, and it killed me inside. I dropped writing completely because I had no time and no interest. Recently, I got a new tablet to write chapters on since my laptop is busted. And I found a new interest in writing. I will upload more chapters. I promise.

Chapter 8: Mikey's Surprise

POV: Donnie's

I watched as the little orange cat ran around my lab, meowing at me. I set down the bowl of food in my hands, and he ran over to it and started eating. I sat down next to him, watching him eat. I had found out that he does not speak. Cats cannot talk.

I ran my hand over his soft orange fur. "I still don't know what to name you," I said to him. "Maybe Mikey can name you. I'm no good at naming things. Mikey is really good at that."

Splinter came into my lab with a ball of yarn and closed the door. "When he's done eating, he can play with this for a little bit," he told me and sat down with me. "Have you come up with a name for him yet?"

"No. I decided I'll let Mikey name him," I said. After a moment of silence, I asked, "He's so energetic. Will he leave the lair?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking that maybe he can just stay in here for now until we figure that out," he told me.

"Are we still going to give him to Mikey?"

"Of course. Michelangelo can just come play with him in here."

"Are we going to let Mikey see him today? It's really hard to keep secrets from him. He's almost seen him twice now."

"Of course. How about you go get him now? I'm sure he would be very happy to finally know about the cat's existence."

I excitedly jumped up and ran from my lab, closing the door behind me. Mikey was in his room, looking at one of his comics. He looked up when I opened the door. "Mikey, I have something I need to show you," I said, out of breath. He got down off of his bed and followed me back to my lab. I opened the door slowly and gestured for Mikey to go in first. He poked his head in and gasped before running inside towards the cat.

"What do you have in there, Donnie?" Leo asked, looking up from his book. I grinned.

"Come look," I said. He nodded, getting to his feet and walking over to me. He looked inside the lab and gasped.

"What is that?" he asked quietly.

"A cat!" Mikey answered excitedly from inside. I looked in and found that Mikey was laying on his stomach, watching the cat eat intently. I smiled.

"What is a cat?" Leo asked, stepping inside.

"It's a domestic pet. People keep them for love and companionship," I said.

"Oh, okay. What is the cat's name?" he asked.

"I don't know. Mikey gets to name him," I said.

Mikey gasped, sitting up. "I get to name him?" he asked. I nodded, smiling. "I don't know what to name him…"

"Name what? Why are we all crowded around here?" Raph asked from behind.

"A cat," Leo told him. I looked back and saw Raph's confused expression.

"Come look," I said, stepping out of the way. Raph stepped forward to look inside.

"Oh. It looks soft," Raph noted.

"He is. Come feel him, Raphie," Mikey said. Raph walked in towards the cat and sat down. He reached out and ran his hand over the cat's back.

"Oh. He is," Raph said.

"I want to feel him," Leo said and went in. I came in all of the way, too, closing the door. The cat was getting close to finishing his food, and I'm sure he'd be energetic after eating.

Leo knelt down and pet the cat, too. I saw him smile.

"Michelangelo, when he is finished eating, would you like to throw a ball around for him?" Splinter asked him. Mikey's eyes lit up as he nodded.

The cat finished eating and then looked at all of us and meowed. Then he got in Splinter's lap. Splinter handed the ball to Mikey. "Push it in Donatello's direction," he said. Mikey nodded and rolled it along the floor. The cat jumped up and ran after it, flipping over it. Mikey giggled with delight, and I even saw Leo and Raph smile.

"I'm gonna name him Klunk," Mikey announced.

"Any particular reason?" Splinter asked. Mikey shook his head. I gently took the ball of yarn from the cat and rolled it back towards Mikey. The cat followed, and Mikey grinned.

"Are we keeping Klunk?" Leo asked. Splinter nodded.

"Of course. He is Michelangelo's pet now," he said.

"Why is he Mikey's pet?" Raph demanded.

"Because Donatello found him because of Michelangelo," Splinter answered calmly. "Donatello wanted him to have Klunk." Mikey looked up at me with a grin before he got to his feet and hugged me.

"Thank you, Donnie," he said to me, and I smiled, hugging him back.