And that's how BB finds them, curled up on Rey's bed, crying. She comes bounding in the door, excited and bubbling about something before she sees them.

"Oh, Rey. everything okay?" she rocks on her heels, unsure about what to do.

Rey gets to her feet, wiping a few stray tears away, suddenly aware of her lack of clothing. She pulls on a pair of shorts quickly. "Sorry, B. Everything's good. This is Ben. Ben, BB." They shake hands.

"I was just grabbing this." the bouncy, orange clad girl picks something randomly off her dresser and starts to leave. "I'll see you later. It was nice to meet you, Ben."

"You too." he calls after her as she swings the door shut.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm still getting used to having a roommate."

He pulls her into his chest, "It's okay. She seems nice. You got lucky."

"Yeah, she's really sweet. She's the youngest of eight sibling. Could you imagine having seven brothers and sisters?"

"All I can do is imagine." he sighs, "I'm an only child."

"Yeah, same." she lays her head against his chest again. The gentle beat of his heart calms her, lulls her into a state of contentment.

"Hey, how about that coffee now?" he quietly asks.

"Are you asking me on a date right now?" she quirks her eyebrows up at him.

"Well that depends on your answer." his lips soften into a faint smile.

She laughs gently, "Yeah, I could go for some coffee." she pulls away from him, slipping on her shoes again. She grabs his hand, entwining their fingers, and leads him out into the hall and down the corridor. They make it interruption free to Jabba's where Ben insists upon paying. They take their drinks (Ben getting a large caramel latte with whip cream and Rey getting a regular black coffee) outside and sit on the grassy lawn facing the now setting sun. Over the course of the next two hours they talk. About...well about pretty much everything under the sun and more. They find a solace in one another that they haven't with anyone else. Ben is determined, because of Rey, to reconcile with his dad. They don't know what the future holds for them but they know that they are no longer hindered by their past.

A/N: The end! I know it's short but it didn't feel right writing anything else...hope you enjoyed. Drop me a review to let me know what you think...happy reading.