
Hello readers.

I've received many messages asking if I'm ever going to continue the story. My answer is "yes" I am certainly going to finish the story.

Why haven't I updated in awhile?: Becuase I've been studying hard for my EOC that is coming up. School is my primary obligation at the moment and I need to focus on just that for now. Once I am finished with everything, you can expect a lot more updates and new stories.

Have I thought about what I'm going to add into the story?: Indeed, I have thought about it. I've also made the decision not to make this story sexual in any way, for there are already a whole bunch of them. This story will only focus on "love", not "lust".

When will I start updating again?: I'd say in about a couple of weeks.

Remember this, if you have any ideas you would like to add to the story, I wouldn't mind adding them for you.

Thank you for your patience and support of the story

- Alpha Centauri