Yo! Namikaze88 here with another story! This time it's a Naruto/RWBY crossover fanfic. Here are some of the things you need to know before we begin the 'Dark Trailer':

Naruto Branwen is the eldest of Taiyang Xiao Long's and Raven Branwen's children, Naruto being older than Yang Xiao Long by 8 minutes. Shortly after the twins' birth Raven, like in canon, disappears and is not seen by either Yang or Naruto for 17 years. Shortly after that their father starts a relationship with Summer Rose, who later gives birth to Ruby Rose. But alas, another tragedy hits the Xiao Long Family as Summer was killed while she was on a hunting job. Naruto is the youngest in history, at the age of 14, to graduate from Signal Academy however he refused to go to Beacon as he decided to wait for his sister, Yang, to graduate. Naruto would later leave in search of his mother with only his Uncle, Qrow Branwen, seeing him leave.

Since Ruby decided to make Rose her surname, Naruto chose to take his mothers surname, while only Yang kept their fathers surname.

Naruto's personality is serious with a dry sense of humor, but also with a little playful side. However, he is overly protective of his two little sisters to the point where he would be willing kill to protect them, if such a need arose. Naruto is the strongest of his generation with only the likes of Pyrrah Nikos being able to match him, until he becomes serious that is. He is also one of the last in Remnant to speak ancient Nihon (Japanese, just so I have a way to incorporate his attacks since most will be written in Japanese -_-)

His aura levels are as high as Naruto's chakra is in canon. His semblance is called Time Alter, with this he able to make his heart go faster making his body go faster or slower. He has tuned this to the point that grim wouldn't notice him if he stood in front of them.

His clothing will be shown below and as for his weapons he will be getting, essentially, a nerfed version of the Yamato, Vergil's blade from DmC. This nerfed version of the blade is unable to cut through dimensions and will be stopped if the opponent reinforces their weapon with aura, but if no aura is used Yamato will be able to cut through it with little to no resistance at all. Yamato was given to him by his father, who told him it was a family heirloom that no one had ever unsheathed. Naruto is therefore it's first, and currently only, wielder. His other weapons are a pair of black and red dessert eagles, named Raven and Summer, which have the capabilities to use various different types of dust. Raven has an engraving of a female figure about to unsheathe her katana, it was a gift from Qrow which he decided to name after his birth mother. Whilst Summer has an engraving of a sun on it, as a tribute to the Summer who raised him, and the person he truly considered his mother.

This story was created in the memories of Monty Oum, creator of RWBY, May he forever rest in peace.

So without further delay let us begin!

Disclaimer: I do not own RWYB or Naruto.

Somewhere in Vacuo,

The moonlight shined on a prairie as many of the creatures of the wild began to rest, while those that hunted by night became much more careful. The creatures of darkness, known as the Grimm began to hunt for their meal. There are many different types of Grimm but these particular ones are known as Beowolves, pack hunters, which act similarly to their name sake, the wolf, these creatures however were much more sinister.

Suddenly the alpha of the pack's ears twitched, as it heard footsteps echoing around the clearing. The alpha growled at its pack to get ready, it appeared as though their meal had come to them …a grave mistake the Beowolves would come to regret.

Soon the source of the footsteps appeared in the moonlight, having stepped out of the shadow of the forest. The light illuminated a young teen around 17 years old with black spiky hair and pale white skin. His face however, was not visible due to it being covered by a white mask bearing the design of a fox (Menma's mask). Though the Beowolves could clearly see the menacing, glowing red eyes peering out at them through the slits in the mask.

The young man was wearing a dark red armour (Hashirama's armour without the shoulder pads or side pads, only the main armour) and a black long-sleeved shirt underneath it, on his legs he wore black combat pants with two gun holsters on each side. He was also wearing a pair black steel-toed boots and black fingerless gloves, over his armour was a black long sleeved jacket with silver fur on its hem. (Menma's jacket)

The Beowolves began to growl and started to advance towards him. The young man only gave them a bored look, as he chuckled lightly to himself.

"I don't suppose you fellas seen a woman with black hair and red eyes wandering around lately?" His only response was a Beowolf charging at him.

"Hmph! I guess not." Faster than the eye could see he drew his guns from the twin holsters, both aiming at the charging beowolf, "Goodnight~" he uttered in a sing-song voice. Both guns began to fire in rapid succession as the poor Grimm soon fell dead, it's body riddled with bullets.

Holstering his guns, he raised his right hand as a glyph appeared which split into two sections going in the opposite directions, causing a sheathed katana to appear in the man's hand. Holding it steadily in his hands he unsheathed it halfway as he stared the alpha directly in its eyes challenging it.

The alpha accepted the challenge. It, along with its pack charged at the sole human that dared insult it.

With a smirk hidden behind his mask he mutters, "Time Alter: Double Accel!", his heart suddenly sped up and faster than even the Beowolves could see he disappeared, suddenly reappearing in the center of the pack before uttering another technique, "Ittoryu: Seigi no Surrashu!" (One Sword Style: Justice Slash) with a rapid slash he killed 8 of the Grimm that surrounded him. His heart beat returned to normal.

The alpha looked on in shock before its rage took over, with a roar it charged at the man intent on ripping him to pieces. The man only gave the alpha a quick glance before he spoke his next technique, "Judgement Slash!" The alpha passed him before stopping just a few inches away from the young man, it began to fall as its body fell apart a diagonal slash splitting the creatures' torso in two.

Twirling his blade, he smirked at the remaining Grimm with a predatory look, the supposed emotionless Grimm took a step back, hesitation clear in their stances, as the remaining pack members were prepared to retreat. But the man would not let them, "Time Alter: Quadruple Accel!", faster than before he disappeared in a black flash.

He soon appeared on top of a boulder as he sheathed his blade and sat down casually on the rock. The remaining Beowolves fell dead, all cut into different pieces.

"You can come out now! I know you're there!" The young man said to seemingly no one, this was soon proven false as a figure appeared (You all know what Ozpin looks like) holding a cup of coffee.

"Bravo young man that was a fine performance but I should have expected it from someone who is widely known to have graduated pre-hunter school at the young age of 14" The strange man told the masked teenager.

"Flattery will get you nowhere…Now tell me Ozpin, head of Beacon Academy, why are you here?" The young man said suspiciously to the now named Ozpin.

Ozpin merely gave him a mysterious smile, "I believe you know why I am here…Naruto Branwen."

The younger man revealed to be named Naruto, took of his mask showing a youthful face with red eyes that seem to glow in the darkness. But the most prominent feature was the claw-like scar across his right eye. (Imagine Shanks's scar)

"So my precious little light dragon is finally graduating Signal." Naruto spoke quietly with fond smile. Though this wasn't intended to prevent Ozpin from hearing, not that such a thing would be possible while standing in the headmaster's presence.

Ozpin merely chuckled at the hint at Yang's name, "Indeed and I'm here to pick you up my boy. Your uncle Qrow would have done it but you would have been late for the initiation by the time he finally picked you up."

Naruto just chuckled knowing how eccentric and lazy his uncle can be.

"Oh and your youngest sister, Ruby, also impressed me enough to allow her to enter Beacon 2 years early. Putting her just behind you as the second youngest to graduate."

Naruto merely raised an eyebrow, since it seemed his youngest sister would also be joining this year.

With a smirk he replies, "Heh! It seems this will be an interesting year."

Ozpin merely chuckled as he sipped his coffee, "Indeed…Now let us go Naruto the ceremony is tomorrow and you wouldn't want to be late now, would you?"

Naruto shook his head with a chuckled as he stored his blade, Yamato, back into his item glyph storage, "No and besides it's been three years since I last saw my little sisters."

"Then let us go!" Just as he said those words a bullhead flew overhead, before landing in the clearing and opening its ramp to let them on. As he and Ozpin made their way to the ramp, both were unaware of a woman with raven hair and red eyes watching from the shadows with a proud smile adorning her face.

And cut! There you have it folks! The 'Dark Trailer'. Now before I go please review, follow, and favourite! And if you have any questions PM me. Remember the more Reviews the faster the update! So until then, ja ne!