As the days passed Alex found it easier to immerse herself in work rather than see her sister. At work when they did meet it was always in a crowded room and she kept their interaction to a minimum. She used tiredness and recovery from surgery to not train and work to not meet up in the evening. However, every time she came up with an excuse not to train or meet up she saw the look of disappointment and hurt in her sister's eyes and it started to weigh on her. That said she could not forgive herself for what she had done and until she was sure it could not happen again she did not want to risk Kara. She was also sure that no matter what Kara said she was not okay with what had happened, how could she be? She was convinced her sister, the victim in all this, was lying to make her, the guilty party, feel better. That was a burden Kara should not have to carry on top of everything else. So Alex did what came naturally, she worked. She had failed her sister once and could not make amends, but what she could do was work harder in the background to protect her, starting with understanding the parasite.

However, the parasite was a more complex problem than anyone had thought. It was clearly manmade, nothing else like it existed on Earth, however, it's modified DNA placed it on Earth. But to create a parasite like it would require technology that as far as Henshaw knew did not exist. Refusing to be defeated though Alex kept working, barely sleeping and never going home, which also solved the Kara problem. It did however, create the Henshaw problem. After several days he had had enough of seeing Alex working herself to the ground so he sent Alex home with strict instructions to have time off. Knowing she could not win the battle especially when he practically dragged her to a car and drove her home she accepted sleep would be a good idea.

As she climbed the steps to her apartment she guessed Henshaw would tell Kara he had sent her home and she would have to face her sister once more. She was tempted to get it over with and ring her, but then she decided to have a drink first and then ring her. She loved Kara and would never forgive herself for what had happened and she didn't understand why Kara did not blame her for what happened, maybe the alcohol would bring clarity.

As Alex arrived home she opened her front door and was surprised to see her mother on the other side.

"Alex! There you are. We were starting to wonder if you would ever turn up. You look tired." She added as she pulled her daughter into a hug. As she did so Alex looked over her mother's shoulder and saw Kara, causing her to mouth.

"You called mom?" To which Kara shook her head. Pulling out of her mother's embrace Alex asked.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your birthday. I told you I was going to be in the city for it."

"It's not my birthday." Alex said confused.

"I thought you wouldn't complain if I came a couple of days early."

"A couple of days early?" Alex said pulling out her phone and looking at the date. "It's my birthday in two days."

"Alex, you need to start taking better care of yourself. Losing days is not a good sign."


As the evening progressed Eliza knew that something was wrong. Alex was quiet and withdrawn and Kara seemed to spend the evening trying to get a reaction of any sort from her sister. Before Alex had returned home Eliza had spent time with Kara who had mentioned nothing about an argument with Alex so she was truly perplexed by the interactions she was observing. Thinking that maybe Alex was overly tired from working too hard she was going to suggest an early night when Kara had insisted on watching a movie. It was clear that Alex hadn't wanted to but yet she did not fight the decision, instead she just meekly moved to the couch and sat in the corner.

Eliza watched as Kara sat next to Alex and leaned against her. She was sure then she saw discomfort in her eldest's face, but again Alex said nothing.

As the film went on Kara started to get sleepy and lay across the couch with her head on Alex's lap. Moments later she was fast asleep. Noticing Alex wasn't really watching the film anyway her mother muted the TV and asked quietly.

"You want to tell me what is going on?"

"No need to whisper." Alex said glancing down at her sleeping sister. "A bomb could go off in here and she won't notice."

"Don't change the subject." Her mother said starting straight at her. Sighing Alex looked back at her mother and said.

"Short version, I got infected by a parasite and tried to kill Kara."

For a second her mother remained silent whilst trying to process Alex's words. Eventually she said.

"But you can't hurt Kara."

"I forgot to mention I locked her in a Kryptonite room then beat the crap out of her. If my boss hadn't sedated me I would have killed her. But that's not the worse part."

"It's not?" Eliza asked wondering what could be worse and why Kara had failed to mention it.

"As I was beating her to within an inch of her life I told her that I hated her, that I wished she had never come to Earth. I blamed her for everything, including dad's death. But that's not the worse part either."

This time Eliza was too shocked to come up with any response so just waited for Alex to continue.

"I don't remember any of it. But I have seen the security footage and the worse part is the look in Kara's eyes. I only remember her ever looking that scared and that lost once. That was the night she was brought to us. I am meant to look after her and protect her, but I tried to kill her. How can she ever trust me after that." She said as a tear escaped her eye.

"What happened was not your fault." Eliza said, still trying to take in everything her daughter had just said. "The fact you can't remember any of it is proof you were not in control."

"That doesn't matter. Ultimately it was me. You can only blame the parasite so much." Alex said glancing down at Kara. "I never even thought I was capable of doing that, but I did. What does that say about me?"

"Alex." Eliza said softly. "As you said the parasite was in control. You can't even remember what happened. As to what it says about you, nothing. What says more about you is how you are behaving now. You are clearly tearing yourself up over this. I can't imagine how you are feeling right now, knowing not only what you did, but also knowing you had no control ver your actions. But what I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt is you are a good person." She then paused and looked at Kara. "And I know Kara doesn't blame you and she still trusts you."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do. Firstly, you are her big sister. She loves you. Secondly, look at her. She is sleeping on you. Do you really think she would do that if she didn't trust you." She let her words sink in before she said. "But it is not Kara's forgiveness or trust that you need."

"It's not?"


"It's yours. Until you manage to forgive yourself and trust yourself you are no good to Kara."

Eliza then moved round to the back of the couch so she stood behind Alex. Wrapping an arm round her daughter she said. "I love you. You will get through this."


When Kara woke the following morning it took her a moment to get her bearings. But when she looked up and saw Alex sleeping she started to feel hope that Alex was relaxing round her again. Carefully she rolled off the couch and stretched and was making her way to the window when Eliza quietly asked.

"Going somewhere?"

"Morning. I thought I'd go home and get changed." Kara smiled.

"Before you do, I think we need to talk." Eliza said ushering Kara to the bedroom.

"Is something wrong?" Kara asked.

"You tell me. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine."



"Because last night Alex told me what happened."

"She did? That's good she's talking." Kara commented before checking. "What exactly did she tell you?"

"That she was infected by a parasite and tried to kill you. Was there something else she should have told me?"

"No, just checking we were all on the same page." Kara said, the statement causing Eliza to question what else her daughters were hiding. But trying to remain focused on the problem she knew about she asked.

"So how are you with everything?"

"I'm fine."

"Kara, don't lie. You are not good at it. I can't imagine how scared and helpless you felt." Eliza said.

"It was horrible. But it is in the past." Kara said resolutely. "I'm fine." She added as Eliza continued to stare her down. "Alex needs me to be fine. She has done so much for me since I arrived on Earth. She has always been there for me and looked after me. Right now she needs me to be fine so she can forgive herself and move on. So the least I can do is be fine." In response Eliza just wrapped her arms round Kara.

"You don't have to be in this alone. I am always there for you." Eliza whispered.

"I know." Kara said returning the hug before releasing a soft cry and saying. "I miss her. She barely talks to me anymore. I don't know how to make this right."

"Alex will get back to normal, it will just take time. She loves you so much and she can't forgive herself for what happened."

"I know and I want to help her, but I don't know how."

"Perhaps you should try being a little sister."

"How do you mean?" Kara asked pulling away from Eliza.

"You are being so strong and brave for Alex, but you are approaching it as Supergirl, not Kara. Perhaps she needs you to be her baby sister again. Do you remember when Alex broke her arm but refused to admit it hurt? We all knew she was in pain as she was getting grumpier and grumpier, but she kept saying she was fine."

"Because I had accidentally pushed her over and she didn't want to get me into trouble." Kara said as the memories came flooding back.

"Do you remember why she finally admitted to being in pain and let us take her to the hospital?"

"Not really."

"It was because you bugged her relentlessly. You were the quintessential annoying little sister. You never let up until she broke."

"I kind of remember that." Kara confessed sheepishly.

"Maybe you need to take that approach now."


"Where's Eliza?" Kara asked coming back through the window an hour later.

"Shower." Alex said sipping a coffee. "Is using the door too much to ask?"

"It's quicker to fly." Kara smiled as she moved towards Alex and stole the toast from her plate.

"Hey!" Alex protested.

"What? Flying makes me hungry." Kara said demolishing the toast before stealing the other slice.

"That was my breakfast." Alex protested.

"Didn't think you'd mind."

"Of course I mind."

"Well you are not doing anything about it." Kara pointed out. A comment that was met by silence. "Alex, since the parasite it is like you are afraid to be around me. You avoid me and when you aren't avoiding me you never criticise or tell me off when I ruin Homeland or steal your food." Kara sighed. "I miss you. I want it to go back to normal."

"I know." Alex said. "It's just hard."

"Do you want it to go back to normal?"

"Of course I do." Alex said, wondering how Kara could ask that question.

"Good." Kara smiled as she hugged Alex. "In that case I am just going to keep bugging you until you react."

"Bugging me?" Alex asked confused, pulling back.

"Sure, but to make things fair I am not going to use my powers."

"What are you talking about?" Alex said feeling lost.

"This." Kara smiled innocently putting an ice cube down Alex's shirt.

"Why you little-" Alex started only to be silenced by Kara gently hitting her on the side of her head with a cushion.

"You really are slow this morning." Kara grinned. "I guess you are showing your age."

Feeling aggrieved Alex picked up another cushion and hit Kara over the head. For the next few minutes the sisters exchanged gentle blows as they chased each other round the furniture. As they did so they both found themselves temporarily forgetting recent events. The cushion fight was eventually ended though by Kara tripping and both girls ending up in a heap on the floor.

"You are such a klutz." Alex commented.

"You fell as well."

"Only cos you took me down." Alex complained.

"If you say so."

"You want to argue about it?" Alex questioned noticing Kara's mid drift was exposed. Taking the opportunity she started to tickle her sister.

"What would the world say if they saw the mighty Supergirl squealing like a pig?" Alex asked as she relentlessly tickled Kara. "Supergirl brought down by a tickle?"

"Alex, please stop." Kara pleaded as she writhed. On hearing the words Alex froze, thinking back to the video she had seen where she had attacked her sister who had pleaded for her to stop.

"What's wrong?" Kara asked immediately knowing Alex was fighting demons again.

"I'm sorry." Alex said as a tear ran down her cheek.

"It wasn't your fault." Kara said sitting up and engulfing Alex in a hug.

"Why don't you blame me? You should. I deserve to be blamed and punished." Alex cried.

"Because it wasn't you and I'm selfish." Kara said, the second comment causing Alex to pull away from Kara and look at her confused.

"I just want my big sister back. I hate being alone. I need you." Kara explained as a tear escaped her eye. On seeing Kara look so upset Alex's heart broke and she pulled Kara towards her.

"I'm sorry." Alex said. "I know you aren't as okay as you claim and I thought space would help you. I shouldn't have abandoned you."

"I shouldn't have let you." Kara replied. "Please come back." She pleaded clinging to Alex.

"I promise, no more turning down sister night." Alex said.

"Good." Kara said. After a few minutes of drawing comfort from Alex's embrace she pulled away and said smiling. "If I knew it would only take beating you at a pillow fight I would have done it days ago."

"You didn't beat me." Alex said grabbing a cushion and gently hitting Kara with it.

"Alexandra." An all too familiar voice said from behind Alex causing both girls to freeze before Kara mouthed to Alex.

"You are in so much trouble."

"Mom?" Alex asked turning round.

"What are you doing to your sister?" Eliza questioned as she looked at the scene of carnage in front of her.

"She stole my breakfast." Alex protested as she and Kara sheepishly stood.

"This type of behaviour explains why the pair of you are unable to sustain relationships." Eliza said shaking her head before looking at Alex and saying. "Go get ready."

"And be quick, I'm starving." Kara added earning an eye roll from Alex.

Eliza then turned to Kara. "As for you, you can tidy up this mess."

The punishment though was short lived as Kara had it tidied in a matter of seconds.

"I should have specified without using powers." Eliza commented dryly before moving over to Kara's side. "For the record I wasn't suggesting destroying Alex's apartment as a way to break through to her."

"I know, but it worked. We talked and she even smiled, really smiled." Kara said enthusiastically.

"Kara, it will be a long recovery. This may just be a flash in the pan." Eliza warned.

"Not if I can help it." Kara said resolutely.

Eliza smiled at Kara knowing that her two daughters had a long way to go before their relationship even started to approach how it used to be, but she knew deep down that they would get there.

The end

A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing.