Author's Note: This story begins on Christmas Eve, so I thought that this was a fitting time to post it. Please check out the summary and note that this story is definitely AU. I hope that you enjoy the first chapter. Happy holidays!

Donations still accepted.

As she read the flier, Chloe tugged her bright blue hat a little so that it fit more firmly around her ears. The same community youth center had been trying to raise money for months for some renovations to their building, and they were currently closed until the renovations finished. They'd set a lofty goal for Christmas, and it looked like they had actually almost made it.

Chloe didn't have the five thousand dollars that they still needed, but she'd already volunteered some time to hand out fliers and sell items at a bake sale. She had also already mentioned her willingness to volunteer some time to help start a music program there once they were back up and running. Suddenly, Chloe realized that there was another way that she could help. She tried not to interfere with things, but they were so close to their goal…

Determinedly, she began to walk home. She thought about it the whole way there. She even thought about it while she greeted her neighbor Mr. Thompson who waved at her as he used the snow blower on his driveway. He was friendly, but he always refused to let her borrow anything ever since she borrowed his lawn mower and accidentally broke one of his windows. It wasn't really her fault; she ran over a rock. He seemed to be pretty much over it now anyway. However, it had certainly ended any borrowing that might happen.

Chloe was still thinking about it as she slipped off her knitted fingerless gloves and shrugged out of her gray fitted jacket. She shook her red hair as she pulled off her hat and brushed the snow from it before hanging it on a hook on her wall. As she walked to her bedroom, she ran her fingertips along the leaves of the fern and orchid that she passed on the way. She then ran her hands over a few books on her bookcase before grabbing a book whose spine and cover showed its age and wear. She then settled onto her bed with the weight of the book on her legs.

She quietly hummed "Jingle Bells" to herself as she flipped through the book and occasionally paused to read a few lines before continuing her journey through its contents. She had plans tomorrow that involved traveling to the other side of the city and visiting her parents and siblings. It meant that today she had enough time for this…a little extra holiday cheer. Her shop wouldn't open again until the 26th anyway.

She stopped humming as she found the section that she was looking for. Stretching as stood, Chloe gathered a few dry items from her pantry along with a bowl before mumbling, "Felicitas." Happiness. She wasn't able to manage to out more than that before a knock interrupted her. Chloe glanced at the items spread out on the floor before simply closing her bedroom door and padding downstairs to her front door.

She pulled open the door to see a beautiful brunette woman with her hand partially raised as if ready to knock again. The opening of the door clearly shocked the woman who simply stared at Chloe owlishly and slack-jawed for a moment while Chloe smiled at the brunette, and asked, "You knocked?"

At this, the woman's mouth snapped shut, and she lowered her fist, "Uh." Her cheeks were rosy, and Chloe wasn't sure it was from the cold or embarrassment. Maybe it was both. "I'm staying across the street," the brunette began and then used her left hand to indicate the white house with a bright red door directly across from Chloe's. She continued, "We, uh, don't have a shovel apparently, and…" She glanced down at the snow that was falling quickly enough to have already dusted the top of her boots in the small amount of time that she'd be standing in front of Chloe's house. She shook her boot a little, but the snow didn't move. Scoffing lightly enough that Chloe barely heard it, she made eye contact with Chloe again. The redhead attempted to bite back the smile that she knew was threatening to break free after seeing the brunette's adorable reaction to the snow.

"What?" the brunette challenged, but Chloe just shrugged. After a moment, the brunette cleared her throat and continued, "Anyway, I'm just trying to ask if I can borrow a shovel."

Chloe leaned against her doorframe as her smile broke free. "You live in Barden, and you don't own a shovel?" she questioned.

The brunette scoffed lightly again, but Chloe couldn't detect any malice in it. "I've only been here for a few days," she admitted. Chloe almost asked about that, but she waited a moment. Her wait was worth it once the brunette leaned in conspiratorially and stage whispered, "If I'm being honest, this is the first place that I asked for help."

At this, Chloe's smile turned into a grin, and she saw the brunette notice that before a smile began at the corner of the brunette's own mouth too. "Really?" Chloe questioned.

"Well, I did think about asking Mr. Thompson," she admitted as she gestured to the brick house to the left of Chloe's, "but only because he has a snow blower." She hesitated before sheepishly adding, "He also already admitted in passing that he wouldn't trust me with it."

A laugh tumbled out of Chloe's mouth at that, and the other woman's smile grew into a full one. "But I should trust you with my shovel?" Chloe teased.

The brunette tried to look solemn for a moment as she nodded, "I'm very trustworthy."

"But I don't know you," Chloe pressed while still smiling.

"Who would go around stealing shovels?"

"Maybe cute short brunettes who ask to borrow things without even introducing themselves."

The brunette's only response was to look away for a moment and furrow her brow before offering, "I'm Beca." She paused and looked back into Chloe's eyes as she added, "Mitchell," and offered her hand to the redhead.

"Beca Mitchell," Chloe tried the words out on her tongue as she grasped Beca's hand. She felt something change in that moment, and she would blame that on the following events wherein she forgot about social norms regarding holding someone's hand for too long.

When Chloe didn't immediately released her hand after shaking it, Beca smirked a little and raised her eyebrows. "And you are…" she began.

Chloe felt her face get warm as she realized her blunder, and she immediately released Beca's hand before adding, "I'm Chloe Beale."

The smile on Beca's face combined with the way she then said, "Well, Chloe Beale, may I borrow your shovel? I promise that you won't regret it," made Chloe's stomach do a little flip.

It also made it impossible to not tease Beca with a, "I guess we'll see about that," as she handed it over. When Beca turned to leave a moment later, it took Chloe a few more seconds to remember to stop watching Beca leave and instead close the door against the cold air.