Everyone has regrets even Princess Celestia her self and that was giving up the only important person in her life now and that is her only son Prince Ember Monsoon William.

Screams of a woman could be heard through out the halls of the east section of Canterlot Palace but then they were filled with the cries of a baby boy. A tired woman that had silk rainbow flowing hair was cradling a new born baby that had pure red hair and fiery eyes. Then a woman with red hair that was wearing a white dress that had a red heart on it had came into the room with a clip board and a pen "Princess Celestia what will be the name of your child?" the nurse asked waiting for a answer so the birth of this child could be official, the sun princess replied with "His name shall be Prince Ember Monsoon" as she looked at her sleeping son smiling form ear to ear for being in his mother's ever loving embrace.

It's been five full years since the birth of Prince Ember he has become smart for someone his age because of Sombra Starswirl The Bearded for his teaching and he can already fly one foot off the ground thanks to his mother but one day his life started to turn for the worse. A little boy was running form a man that he once looked up to that was chasing him with a steel sword trying to kill him the little boy tripped on a rug. The Man had reached the scared little boy he then proceeded to pick him up by one of his legs "Mr Starswirl why are you doing this?" the boy asked the man with fear in his voice "Your a great kid Ember but it isn't your fault it's your..." but Sombra was sent flying straight into another room by a round house kick. Ember locked up the fear on his face was now gone without a trace because standing their was his mother Princess Celestia, the boy ran up to his mother and into her arms not wanting to ever let go.

Ember: I use to look up to him

Author: What the hell Ember how did you get here?

Ember: Pinkie

Author: How did she get you here?

Ember: Huh, I don't know

Celestia had taken care of Somber but to ensure the safety of everyone else she had to wipe her son of his memory, removing his wings to make him look like a normal Pegasus boy, and put him in to a deep sleep for many years and then give him to a family that can look after him so no one can use him to get to her.

(Ember Prov)

I was always liked talking to the people who my mummy work with anyway mummy said that today was going to be very special. We went and got ice cream I had chocolate because it's soo yummy, as it became night time mummy let me sleep with her in her bed.

(No Prov)

As Celestia watched Ember's eyes close slowly as he drifted off into the dream realm where Luna will keep an eye on him for years to come to finally see her nephew but not in person. Celestia put her long white horn against his head erasing his memories and putting into a deep slumber she shed a tear "Why is life cruel to my family, it takes away my parents, my sister Luna, my drives my love mad and now our child, Ember Monsoon" she thought to herself as more tears kept seeping out. Many years later Celestia found a family who would give him the life that she could never give him a normal one.

Celestia approached a door and knocked on it as she waited for the door to be answered she looked at the small colt in her arms and in a day time he would be awake form his sleep. The door then opened and standing their there was a tall young man with red messy hair, dark blue skin and emerald green eyes and standing next to him was a young woman with light blue hair, skin white as snow and pure red eyes anyone would mistake them for being Ember's parents because put them together and you would get Ember. "Oh Princess Celestia what do we owe you for this pleasant visit?" said the young women pegasus "I need you to look after him his name is Ember Monsoon, am afraid I can't explain anything" Celestia said quickly giving the man the boy and flying off. The couple looked at each other and went inside with a new addition to the family.