A/N: Welcome to my first fanfic, a poem(I know, not the most popular genre) I wrote a while back. I hope you enjoy it and please leave your opinion! I may make this a collection of poems centered around BH6 if you guys like it, let me know if I should!

Guilt of A Brother

White, puffy arms

Around a thin, fragile frame

Attempting to ease the pain

But the boy knows:

This pain will never fully go away

He carries a heavy burden

And even though everyone tells him

It is not his fault,

He knows the truth

If he had held on for just a little longer,

Held on just a bit tighter,

Been just a little more convincing,

His brother could still be alive

And now he knows

That just one small mistake

Can cost a life

But it is too late

Too late to save him now

And it crushes him,

From the inside out,

To know that he could have saved him

And he is terrified

Of making that mistake again,

Of making another mistake

That could cost a life

That could cause someone else grief

But he will try

For his brothers sake

Not to be too afraid

And not to feel too guilty

For the brother he could have saved