Hey so I'm sorry I didn't update! I just really wanted this chapter to feel right and I'm glad I did because this had me tearing up at the end. Hope you enjoy this chapter:) Bella4evr3

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. All rights are reserved.

A week had passed for Serena.

Malik had not shown up for class. She was worried. She had time with her thoughts and with each passing day her thoughts were drowning her with doubt.

Did she make the wrong decision in telling Malik the truth about his past? About how he had served under Queen Barrel and the Nega-verse?

She wanted to visit him many times although she had no idea where the new transfer student took up residence.

Since starting her new school she had made many friends. Smart friends that invited her out to study sessions outside of classes. And even took the time out of their day to see how she was doing- it was very different she realized from her old friends - the scouts she had somewhat forgot about and moved on from.

She was in a study session when Malik walked in. It was a very common place to be , she rationalized.

He didn't glance her way not even once. Although her chest was able to breathe better - her eyes could see him sitting before her. At least she knew now she wasn't being avoided anymore.

Her saddened mood reflected her outward appearance whereas she was usually a peppy kind of attitude she had to uphold her feelings although her friends noticed and came up to her asking if she was okay or if she wanted to leave to be alone.

One look at Malik and the second their eyes met was when she had her stuff and she was walking out of the class room.

She could hear footsteps following after her she stopped forcing herself to look behind her. Turning her head back she saw Malik.

"Are you mad at me?" She asks.

"No. " he admits honestly. Which had her perplexed.


"Really. " he confirms. "I have my memories, Serena or I mean Princess Serenity. " she saw Malik kneel before her, "before the Nega-verse and Queen Barrel - I was the protector of the Prince of Earth. Considering I haven't seen the scouts or the Prince anywhere I'm assuming you left them?"

Serena's eyes saddened - her head shifted downwards in answer to Malik's question. "They betrayed me." Serena revealed. "Will you also betray me?" Serena added.

Malik was a Nega-verse general she knew the bad side of him would always be there.

"I swear I will never betray you. "

Malik said sincerely to Serena the only reaction Malik saw was the single tear that fell down her cheek and the warm smile that she bestowed him.