
The Bureau Files: Series 3

Behind the Scenes


AN: Better late than never, I guess? It's short, because I haven't got a lot of time/energy for this, but this mostly comes with an announcement. Series 4 is going to be appearing next week!


Behind the Scenes (short)


Haru settles herself down into an interview seat, attaching a microphone to her collar with the ease of practice. She's wearing a replica of her school outfit, while Baron at her side is in his usual suit. "So, are we finally doing this?" she asks. "It's taken so long that I was starting to think we weren't this year."

"Are you saying that you lament the opportunity for the reunion of the cast?" Baron asks with a grin.

"Of course not. All I'm saying is we've practically finished filming for the next series at this point."

There's a cough from behind the camera; evidently courtesy of the interviewer. "Actually, I'm glad you've already brought that up, Haru. So there is a fourth series in production?"

She smirks. "Spoilers."

"Given what you've just said, I hardly think revealing that there will be a fourth series counts as 'spoilers', Haru," Baron points out. "Anyway, we could hardly end the series on the note the third series finished at."

"We could try."

"Haru, no."

"Ah, yes; the finale." There's a shuffling of chair legs as the interviewer shifts in his seat. "That was… dramatic. I'm sure many of our viewers would like to know whether this is really the end for Haru. While she may not be strictly dead, the finale made it quite clear that her soul was lost."

Haru and Baron exchange glances. "I… I'm not sure how much we can say," Haru says eventually.

"Well, you've been called back to the set, evidently," the interviewer prompts, most probably referring to Haru's costume. "Can that, at least, be confirmed?"

"Oh. Oh, well, I guess so? But," and here, Haru chooses her words carefully, "I suppose it would be more accurate to say that the Bureau are still haunted by what happened… I could even say that they're seeing Haru wherever they go." She grins.

There's a grumble from the interviewer and the shuffling of notes. He moves on to his next question. "And how is the filming going?"

"We're nearly done," Baron answers. "In fact, part of the reason we've been called in for these interviews is to announce that the start of series 4 will be released next Friday."

There's the clink of a coffee mug abruptly being set on a table. "What?"

"I guess nobody told you, huh?" Haru asks.

"Not in so many words."


Now together, the cast have been left in the interviewing lounge; it appears the interviewer has gone home and left them to their own devices. Baron has already found the tea, and Muta the biscuit tin. He eats his way through the jammie dodger packet while reading through the reviews.

"Right, but someone called ya a Gary Stu."

Baron pauses in pouring out a cup of tea for Haru. "I don't believe I understand the reference."

Haru takes pity on Baron. "A Gary Stu is, uh… well, it's a character that can be too powerful or without flaws, and…"

"I think the exact words they used were 'too-perfect-to-be-real'," Muta interrupts.

"Oh." Baron looks a little conflicted on how to respond. "I'm not sure that is accurate, but there are worse things than being too perfect, isn't there?"

"Okay, but your 'fatal flaw' in Cap's world was literally that you helped too much. If that ain't goody-two-shoes, I don't know what is."

"He has a point," Haru admits. "But that's not being forgotten in series 4. I mean, part of Baron's character arc is that there's Duke, who's meant to be his worse side all in one. And I guess Baron's 'goody-two-shoes' side, as you called it, does have consequences?"

"Like how other people have to keep stepping up to protect others," Toto says.

"Exactly. Like in Mary's world, or dealing with the Duke in the museum…" Haru hesitates, and then continues. "And, after all that, Haru's not the same person she started out as because of it, and that's something that is going to come up in series 4."

"Are we allowed to say that, Chicky?"

"Well, it's too late now. But we're getting off the point here – I was on a roll. Because, where saving the other is concerned, Haru and Baron are kind of two different extremes? I guess the best way to put it would be that Baron would die for Haru, and Haru would kill for Baron, and normally they tend to balance each other out and keep themselves in check. I mean, Baron's never killed anything, has he?"

"He did attempt to kill the nightmare from Neverland," Toto reminds her.

"Yeah, and that worked out well," Muta snorts.

"That was also one of the few times that he revealed the sword in his cane," Haru says.

Baron smiles and finishes sipping his tea. Before he can clarify, a bell goes off across the room and the cast get to their feet.

"Sounds like they're ready to start shooting the next scene," Toto prompts. "We should get going."

"Do ya think Louise might've brought along another batch of cookies?"

"Is that all you ever think about, butterball?"

"Actually, she does make pretty decent cookies," Haru adds. "If they're lemon, you might have to fight me for them, Muta."

"Good luck, Chicky."

The door swings shut behind them. The camera carries on recording the empty room until Haru comes clattering back in. "Thanks for sticking with us, folks." She clicks off the recording, and the video comes to a close.


A/N: Yes, the next series will be posted next Friday!

Many thanks go to everyone who reviewed: nalua93, hellapeachy, nanigirl15, DiamondAndPearlStories, lovedovey14, Kohakubear, Bluetem8, Nanenna, Midnight Redhead, Tie-Dyed Broadway, Suzumehime, Eirithdiel, Raye of the Sunshine, I play wid fir3, Valentine Meikin, obsessive-anime-freek-1, KuraiArcoiris, PrincessoftheShadowsofDestiny, NitenGale, Hazelfox, isara-love, Tasolae, WhisperofWorlds, The-Right-Girl, Xireana Prime, Jac Grove, YingWhiteyWolf, Alapest, Rose. , and of course every anon to visit by.

I'm sorry I've been out of the loop, especially where this series is concerned, for so long, and thank you for all the lovely messages. 2016… wasn't a great year for me.

Also, sorry for the brevity of this BTS chapter. The main reason was to update people as to the upcoming new series, which means my head is full of what's to come, and less so of what has come before it. But, yes; I haven't forgotten this story. So. 5th May. Keep your eyes peeled!