His breath warms her naked skin, travelling downwards from the nape of her neck, down the centre of her breasts, in between the ribs and finally crosses the stomach and rests between the thighs. Maya tugs at the sheets, leaning her head backwards and pressing it into the cushions that comfort her bare back. A soft moan escapes her lips. He glances upwards, a wicked grin creeping across his face. He loves being the cause behind those pleasured sounds. His fingers run upwards from her delicate thighs as her brings his head back up and glides his body over hers so they're face to face. Her hair is untamed, her lips swollen and he can see red patches of where he sucked her delicate neck. Beautiful. He dips down and presses a small light kiss on her eager lips, smiling against them at the thought of how she was making him feel. Her own hands trace his chest gently. His hair falls in his face as he stares down into her crystal blue eyes, and his hands slightly shake at how cold the air feels against his back when he can feel the heat radiating off Maya on his front as she moves herself to kiss him again. His lips taste of tangerines.

As their bodies intertwine, Maya feels lost, like she's floating in outer space and he's her only anchor to any sense of reality. The only things she's aware of are his lips, his body and the way in which he moans her name into her ear. In the moment that's all that matters. What comes after was the hard part.

"You disappeared so quickly last night." Riley points out to Maya as they sit down to eat their lunch on the grass outside the university.

It's their third year of university and classes have just started again. The air is still warm and sitting outside is a nice escape from the chaos that reigns within the buildings.

Maya waves over Farkle quickly as a distraction but the moment he sits down he merely places a quick tender kiss on Rileys cheek and joins in the conversation so the focus is back on Maya.

"I found some friends from class and went to hang out with them. It's not a big deal." Maya lied smoothly enough. She hated everything about this, she never had secrets from Riley.

"Your friends came looking for you." Riley queried. "Who were you really with?"

"Come on Maya." Farkle teased and Maya wondered how she could lie again. Or at least avoid the truth.

"Fine. I met a guy last night. Things got a little heated and we went back to his and...it was fun." Maya briefly explained, but she could feel herself heating up from just the memory of last night. Never in her life had she imagined sex could feel that good. She wasn't sure it was possible, last night was the stuff of legend.

"Ooooh! Details! How was he?" Riley giggled and Farkle shot her look to let her know he wasn't comfortable with the conversation, but she purposely didn't see it.

Maya couldn't resist telling her. "Best I've ever had. It was like a dream." She said in hushed tones, not wanting to be overheard.

"Seriously?" Riley and Farkle said in unison. Maya nodded and held up 5 fingers just to prove her point.

"In one night." Both of her friends couldn't believe it. Five?

"There you guys are." Lucas said, sitting down with his lunch. It took Farkle and Riley a moment look up they were so interested in what Maya was telling him.

"What are y'all talking about?" He asked.

"The best sex of Mayas life." Riley stated bluntly and Maya laughed.

"5 times in one night." Farkle added and Maya simply nodded to confirm their allegations. Lucas' eyebrows shot up.

"Not a chance. I'm calling bullshit." He scoffed. Maya shrugged.

"I'm not lying." With that the conversation was dropped. Maya wasn't the best at 'kiss and tell' and she felt she'd already shared too much about her experiences the previous night.

After a quiet lunch Maya remembered she had a class. She packed up her things and turned to Lucas who'd tapped her on the shoulder.

"I'm still helping you with your art project later right?" He asked.

"Yes please. You're a lifesaver Huckleberry."

Maya was painting when there was knock on the door. She quickly dropped her paintbrush in water and tried to open the door without getting oil paint over everything as it was covering her hands. The stuff looked great if you could actually get it on the canvas.

"Oh hi Lucas come on in." She said and turned back into her room.

Lucas stepped inside quickly and shut the door behind him. In an instant his arms were wrapped around her middle,pressing her against the wall in a passionate embrace. Maya, forgetting all about the paint that was all over her ran her fingers across his smooth cheeks and into his hair, enjoying the taste of tangerines once more.

"The best you've ever had?" He asked cheekily as he started to kiss her neck, nibbling his way downwards and started to undo her blouses buttons.

"Exaggeration if I ever heard one." She mocked back and heard him chuckle.

"I guess I'll just have to try harder this time then." He replied and quickly gripped the inside of her thighs, raising her up against the wall so he was carrying her. Once sure she was at the right height Lucas stepped inwards and wrapped her legs around his hips. Her head was now above his and her honey scented hair was brushing up against his face. It tickled so her lightly tucked it behind her ears.

She had now covered lots of his hair, cheeks and neck in paint from where she'd touched him. He finally noticed and smeared a little paint off his cheek and ran it down her left cheek like war paint. They both froze for a moment, the only sound their own heavy breath as their lips touched once more as he carried her over to the bed. Without undressing himself he'd managed to get her shirt and bra off and was now working of her jeans. They slid off, as did the underwear leaving her entirely exposed. After a brisk and rough kiss he started to sink downwards to between her legs. Here he went again.

At the clock hit 7 'o' clock Maya started to get moving but Lucas pulled her back into bed, holding her close to his chest. She softened for a moment, leaning back on him and relaxing herself but then she was up too quickly for him to stop her.

"I'm going to be late for meeting Riley." Maya pointed out, expecting him to get up and start getting dressed but he remained put.

"Cancel. Stay. Please." He asked. She shook her head furiously.

"She'll come looking for me. Just come with me, you were invited."

Lucas' eyes narrowed, watching her dress in a tight little red dress that emphasised her curves. "Are you going to tell Riley about us?"

"No!" She said instantly. "There's nothing to tell her, that was the last time."

"You said that the last time." He teased.

"This time you took me by surprise." She pointed out. "I'm serious, this is the last time. We're friends, that's all, and we blame these past few times on...alcohol and loneliness or something." She started to brush her hair and Lucas jumped up,still fully nude and placed a kiss just beneath her earlobe. She lightly pushed him away but wasn't as serious about it as she wanted herself to be. He trailed kisses downwards and rested his chin on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her stomach.


"Don't 'Maya' me, we've had this conversation before."

"But it needs to be had."

"Not if this is the last time." She moaned and Lucas backed off.

"Fine. If this really is the last time when I won't bother you. But when this happens again, not if, when, it happens again we're having this conversation." Maya snorted.

"You underestimate me." She simply stated. "Now put your fucking clothes!" She laughed as she realized he was still waltzing around with nothing on. He started to dance around a little and made it impossible for Maya to put her shoes on she was laughing so much.

"So I take it you're not going to tell Riley about me ever?" He said, starting to put his own clothes on. He probably shouldn't hang around her place for too long.

"No." Maya said firmly. "You two dated, she'd never forgive me."

"One date." Lucas muttered.

"It doesn't matter. The first few months of high school she was obsessed with you. Just because it didn't work out with the two of you, and because she's dating Farkle now, doesn't give me her permission to...enjoy your company. However casual it may be."

"Enjoy my company? Just say sex Maya." She threw his shoe at him and it smacked him in the shoulder.

"You're the devil." She snapped, only half joking.

"I would have thought I was a God by how you were crying that name out an hour ago." The other shoe smacked him round the head.

"Goodbye Lucas." Maya said, putting on the last of her make up and heading for the door.

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye?" He joked. Maya sweetly smiled and visibly softened her body a little. Lucas smirked. He knew he'd get her.

"I'm sorry Lucas, I did forgot to do something." With that she flipped him the bird and shut the door behind her, leaving him chuckling away.

She couldn't take him seriously. Although Maya knew she'd said before that it was the last time for them, this time it had to be. Sure, he was amazing. Like, really, really amazing, but it wasn't worth the sacrifice of losing Riley.

Besides, Lucas only wanted to confirm that they weren't sleeping with other people or something. It wasn't like he was really interested in Maya, she told herself, he was just enjoying her company. Eventually he would get bored with her and move on. And that was fine, but there was no point trying anything. Better just to keep it casual. Lucas had never had a serious girlfriend in his life. He slept around and he was gone by the morning, no big deal. And Maya was pretty much the same. A couple relationships since high school, with a scattered mix of brief mistakes and flings in the middle. A couple dates with something always confirmed her suspicions that they weren't right for her.

She admired Riley. When the new kid, Farkle had asked her out about halfway through their first year of high school Riley, although she'd been doubtful at first, had said yes and never looked back. Turns out Farkle was a really good guy, even if he was a total dork in Maya's opinion. Riley and him had a lot of similar interests, although a lot of the same ones too and seemed to be perfect for each other. Now in their third year of college and they were still happy together. But to Maya they were exception to the rule. In her experience relationships never lasted, and were hardly worth the hassle.

"Maya!" Riley cheered as she walked into the local bar. Farkle and Zay were both beside her sipping away at their drinks and chatting. Maya waves and takes a seat.

"We're celebrating!" Farkle announces and Zay looks a little embarrassed. A girl joins him from the side looking her pretty in a lovely skirt and black shirt. She's got dozens of freckles and a mass of ginger hair that makes her face seem to glow. She takes hold of Zay's hand and Maya grins. Riley claps her hands.

"Everyone, this is Lucy. She's in my class and...she's my girlfriend!" Everybody looks at Lucy who nods her head to confirm.

"Hello! It's lovely to meet you all." She shakes everyone's hand individuality and they introduce themselves. "I've heard so much about each of you. Where is...Lucas?"

"He's text me, he's not coming." Riley says in an apologetic tone. "Apparently he's sick, but I think he's not telling the truth."

"Really?" Farkle asks and Maya tries to look uninterested.

"He's just been a little secretive recently. I think he's got a girlfriend he's not telling us about!" Riley smiles and everybody looks a little surprised. This was not good. Not good at all.

"I don't think that's it." Maya says quickly but casually. "He couldn't help me with my project earlier either, he said he was sick then too."

"He's probably just still with her. Think about it!"

"I'd rather not." Maya mutters under her breath.

"He keeps telling me he's busy, he hasn't been with a girl in ages and he seems a lot happier in the last couple months."

"Hey!" Zay says likes he's just remembered something. "He slept with some girl after Maya's birthday party a few months ago."

"Really?" Riley asks. Maya bites her lips. She remembers that night.

Maya checked her phone yet again for a text message, but it was already past 12 and she'd not received a single text from either of her parents. Yet again, they'd missed her birthday.

Already a little tipsy, Maya decided to join in a drinking game that was happening in the kitchen. Lucas has invited her and although she thought it was stupid, she decided to join in. Screw her parents. She wanted to have a little fun.

The game was essentially truth or dare but with a twist. Whether it was a truth or a dare, it always began with a drink, and they span the bottle to decide who was up next to get a turn rather than just going in a circle. That meant that some people were really drunk and others weren't at all.

Maya was chosen twice, but by this point she was already drunk without needing the bottle to point at her. The first time she told a truth, and had to decide whether in a life of death situation she would sleep with Zay or Farkle. Zay won but only because he wasn't the one dating Riley. Honestly she'd never thought of either of them in that way.

The second time she chose a dare and regretted it when Farkle was the one that got to chose the dare as he'd only just joined. Farkle really wanted her to do a forfeit which was bound to be way worse than any dare he could think of, so he thought of something she'd never do.

"I dare you to kiss Lucas!" He'd told her and Lucas had looked shocked. He glanced down at Maya who was standing to his left and wasn't sure of what to say.

"Farkle!" Lucas had yelled across the circle.

"Oh come on, she's never going to do it!" Farkle replied. Lucas turned back quickly to face Maya, relaxing a little that Farkle was right, she never would.

"Fine. I'll take the forfeit." She surrendered. If Lucas really didn't want to kiss her that badly, she wasn't going to force him. He could have at least tried to hide it though. The forfeit was easy, she just had to go up to some random guy and tell him he'd gotten her pregnant.

After, Maya didn't feel like playing anymore and wondered upstairs to where nobody was supposed to be going. She sat down in the hallway and tried to forget how terrible this birthday had been. Sadly, Riley was sick and wasn't even there to tell her to cheer up.

"Maya?" Lucas said and she stood up to walk away before realizing there was nowhere to go. He saw her and came forward, not saying another word and caught her lips with his. She didn't think about what she was doing and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back so passionately he nearly lost balance. When she started to think she backed away, staring at him like he was a demon.

"I'm leaving." She said quickly and paced away.

She'd only been home for 15 minutes when he knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" He asked weakly and she walked back into her place, leaving her door open for him.

"You take your games way too seriously." She turned to him and said.

"I know. I just thought it was rude of me to not kiss you. It felt like a jerk."

"I didn't want to kiss you, I wasn't offended or upset, don't worry Huckleberry."

"Don't call me Huckleberry" He moaned.

"Don't call me Huckleberry!" She repeated in funny accent and he sighed.

"That's not what I sound like."

"No, you're right. You sound like.." He knew what was about to happen. She'd been doing the same thing to him since they'd met. "Ha Huuuuuur" She rushed forward to his face to make a face but as soon as she got close Lucas placed her hand on her cheeks and kissed her. She stumbled. Mainly because she was a little drunk, but mainly because she was surprised. It didn't take long before they were both rolling around beneath the sheets.

In the morning she'd left immediately to go see Riley as she felt terrible. She'd blamed the alcohol and so did Lucas when they'd spoken about it later that day. They said it had been a mistake.

Sadly, it was a mistake they kept making.

"He told you he did?" Maya queried.

"Yeah, I noticed he was humming a lot. He does that when he's in a good mood and I bothered him until he told me. Apparently it was some girl from the party. He said she was really good, maybe it was enough to break his rule of not dating anybody."

"It's gotta be her!" Riley agreed.

"Hang on, I thought Lucas Friar doesn't date? My friend was interested in him and she heard all kinds of things about how he doesn't have girlfriends." Lucy pointed out.

"He doesn't, that's why we're so surprised." Zay replied.

They spent the rest of the evening discussing Lucas' new 'girlfriend' and his sexual history. Zay shared all the funniest stories involving Lucas hooking up with somebody, like the time he lost his pants and had to walk home in his underwear. Maya just kept her mouth shut and tried to beg the earth to swallow her up.

She eventually excused herself and said she was feeling tired and headed home, feeling deflated and angry at herself. How had she become just another name on Lucas' list?

Her room seems like a wonderful escape from everything. At least she can go to sleep and not have to think about her guilt for another 8 hours.

"Hi honey! You're home!" Lucas says, slouched on her bed reading a book.

"Lucas what the hell?" Maya demands.

"What? I wasn't feeling well, so I thought I'd just stay here and relax. Your housemates are so quiet, it's so peaceful."

"You need to leave." She simply says. She's exhausted, talking to him is the last thing she wants to do.

"Awh come on, we used to hang all the time. Now all you seem to want me for is sex." She jokes, but she does not laugh. "Sorry, sorry. All I mean is we haven't done anything normal together in a while. And if we're stopping the sex, which for the record I am not in support of, then we should get used to doing normal things again. Like watching a nice movie." She eyes him up, suspicious of his newfound desire to just hang out.

"Fine. But I get to pick the movie."

"Alright, I like anything." She threw on some action movie she'd bought a few weeks ago and got dressed into a t-shirt and loose shorts. Her pyjamas were too warm for tonight.

As the movie progressed, Lucas got closer and closer to Maya, trying to make it so she didn't notice. Eventually she was slumped against his side, his arm around, gently twirling her arm in his finger. She felt warm, comfortable and far too good considering how much she could hurt her friend by doing this. She convinced herself she wasn't doing anything wrong. She'd do this kind of thing with anyone of her friends.

"This is nice." Lucas commented offhandedly.

"I guess." She didn't want to admit anything, but she couldn't deny anything either. She was in conflict with herself. Turning to glance up at Lucas, she noticed her was not watching the movie and instead his focus was entirely on her.

He looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time, like he couldn't quite believe his eyes. He looked at her like she was the only one and only thing in the universe at that moment. The way he looked at her made her feel something she'd never felt before; wanted.

Cautiously she brushed her lips against his, and he didn't react too strongly. He remained still, wanting her to be sure before she made any kind of move. It had to be her decision.

"God dam it hop-along." She muttered and kissed him again. She breathed him like he was her only source of air, and he clung on to her like he never wanted to let ago.

They fell asleep in each others arms, still fully clothed but both uncontrollably happy for the first time in a long time. Any complications could be left until the morning because there was bound to be far too many to handle in that moment. Besides, all they wanted to do was relax with each other, both momentarily forgetting their history and anything that had held them back before.

Life would be easier, they both noted, if they didn't have such a complicated past. However, it was what they had learnt over years of friendship that had led to this moment being so important.

Maya momentarily woke up as light was pouring in from the side of the curtains. Lucas was still cuddled up beside her, his sweet face calm and so beautiful. For a brief second she felt like she was on a high. But with the morning drawing closer, Maya had a bad feeling she was coming down from it, and she might hit the ground harder than she intended.

Maya was a full believer that love was too violent to be worth the hassle. You fell in love, you fall head over heels, you're left with a broken heart. To Maya, love was already destructive in it's own right. The mere idea of love scared her.

But loving Lucas? That terrified her to her very core.

I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading! This is obviously going to be a multi chapter fic, and the next chapter will be up asap! In the meantime, reviews are really appreciated for ideas or comments. Any type of feedback is much appreciated :)