Chapter 7 ladies and gentlemen! Not going to lie I have been thinking how I want to do this, and I know now. EVERYONE MUST DIE. JK, wouldn't do that. Leggo with Chapter 7.

Chapter 7: I Caused This.

When I woke up, to a bright sun and birds chirping, I knew my dying wish had been ignored. As much as I loved the sun, this was not where I wanted to be when I woke up. Growling in frustration, I stood, knowing that I would feel no pain. I grabbed my tattered clothing and began to put it on. Just as I was pulling up the pants Nightwing walked into the room.

"Oh, you're awake. You should have told someone."

He seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, and I used that to my advantage.
"Wanna tell me who defied my wish? I don't want to be here I was, am content at home." I finished pulling up my pants. He straightened up further at my accusation.

"Batman ordered us to. Catwoman also threatened our life if we didn't." He shudders. "I don't know about you but I would rather keep you alive so I wouldn't get targeted by two people with a lot of money and a lot of anger."

Walking closer, he put his hand on my shoulder and my heart stuttered on the contact. I grit my teeth in annoyance at my fickle heart.

"I am really glad that you are ok...Kori." I looked at his hand and then into his mask. Shrugging it off I walked out of the room leaving Nightwing sighing, before he followed after me.

Walking into the main room, I was unsurprised to see nothing had changed. The large Tv still commanded the main room, with the large couch sitting right in front of it for optimal gaming. I kept moving toward the door, only to have Nightwing bar my way.

"You can't leave Kori. You still have to explain what happened out there."

I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"What happened...hmmm. SHIT HAPPENED. Now, can I go?" He stood appraising my defensive stance, before typing in a code in the wall.I heard the blaring in the tower before the Tower went into lockdown.

"...What the fuck Richard! Now how long do I have to be in here?" I knew from past experience, that the reinforced doors now coating every feasible exit in the tower would not bow down to my starbolts.

"However long it takes. You need to sit down and explain what happened." He moves toward the couch and plops down, too calm for my rising anger to appreciate.

"I am waiting."

I grit my teeth and sat down on the opposite end, prepared to be quiet for a long time.

Nightwing stared at the annoyed Tamaranian across the couch from him. He took his time, allowing his gaze to start at her feet, up those long legs he had the chance to ogle in the sick bay, toward her tight midsection, cleared of all wounds, to the round globes on her chest, to the pout her red lips were displaying. God, he wanted to kiss that pout right off her face. 'Although,' he mused, 'That may make her punch me, and that sounds unpleasant.' He knew he shouldn't still feel...things toward her, especially after all of these years of estrangement, but he couldn't help it. Even before he knew that Kori was his...was Starfire, he liked the way she looked at the Manor. She held no torch for the Titans, fawning over their title as superhero, as so many people do. It caught him off guard at first but in a good way. Then she nipped any argument he may have had with Lexi in the bud.

Speaking of Lexi, he didn't want to tell Star yet, but they broke up after that fight. The things Lexi said was a real eye opener. Especially after Star seemed to be slowly forgiving all of them.

(Flashback...*flashback noise*)

Nightwing laid Lexi down in the sick bay. Grabbing some ice packs, some towels, and a bowl of warm water, he sat next to his girlfriend.

He didn't readily show it, but he was pissed. This fight didn't have to happen and the things Lexi said embarrassed and appalled him. As he tended her wounds, Kori walked in, grabbed some tylenol and walked right back out. He stared at the door long after she left.

"That bitch, cut my face."

Nightwing sighed and turned to his now conscious girlfriend. She was checking her face looking into a mirror. Nightwing decided to broach the subject now before he lost his edge.

"Why did you say all of those things to Kori? She has been nothing but hospitable to us all."

Lexi scoffed and turned to her boyfriend.
"I said those things because they were the truth. I am so sick of her Richard. I just want her to vanish." Nightwing shook his head. He knew what he had to do,and he knew it wouldn't be pretty.

"Lexi, let's break up. Your emotions are damaging to the team and any friendship we can make with Gotham's heroes."

"But...Richard. Baby we can talk this out..!" He shook his head and stepped away from her walking toward the door.

"No we can't. We can't be together any more Lexi."

He began to walk out the door when he heard Lexi mutter something.

"It's all her fault. If she wasn't here none of this would happen. I wish she would just disappear!"

Nightwing ignored her mutterings as a scorned woman.

(End of flashback)

Looking back at Star he began to worry, thinking of what Lexi said. Abruptly he stood, startling Kori.

"This is all my fault."

"This is all my fault." I glanced up at Nightwing. Refusing to bow down at his opening for discussion, I looked over to the now blocked sun. Not taking my obvious hint he strode in front of me and glared.

"Did anything happen while you were fighting Croc? Something that you couldn't understand?"

I looked up at him with a start, then back down. Analyzing the fight in my mind, I thought back to the incident where I was pushed.

"This is going to sound weird...but I was pushed. I couldn't see...COULDN'T SEE. THAT BITCH..She tried to get me killed!"

I pushed past Nightwing only to turn back around.

"Where is she Richard? I am going to have her head on a platter!" I was fuming and saw Nightwing pull out his communicator.

"Cyborg...come in Cyborg."

A smattering of static and distinct female giggles came out from the other side. I cocked my head in slight interest before I heard Cyborg's baritone.

"Yeah, boss? Wassup?"

"What are you doing? Are you still in Gotham?"

The sound of rustling was evident.

"Well yea...just not at the Manor. Me and Karen are out...patrolling."

I nodded in understanding before snatching the communicator from Nightwing. Ignoring his groan of annoyance, I decided to take charge of this questioning.

"Listen Cy, it's Kori. We can be happy for my full recovery later. Ask Babs to check to see if Lexi is still in the Manor. I have a I fucking know that bitch tried to have me killed."

The day that Kori fought Killer Croc and almost died... this happened.(flashback noise*)

Lexi had awoken around the same time that Kori did, but not in happiness. She gritted her teeth in annoyance, tears of rage streaming down her face. She could not believe Nightwing would break up with HER. For a freaking alien. An alien who had already shut the door in Nightwing's face. She was manipulating them all, and Lexi decided she was going to put an end to it. PERMANENTLY.

Satisfied with the decision her newly fractured mind created she changed into some more comfortable clothes and snuck out of the Manor. It was fairly easy since all of the residents were still deep in slumber.

Walking through the desolate streets of Gotham, Lexi began to plot out how she was going to kill Kori. She walked by a few buildings before coming across one of the LAZIEST cops in Gotham. Asleep in his car during his shift, he left out some very important documents about the latest bust of tainted Venom he participated in. With just these documents Lexi had her plan. Cackling uncontrollably, she took the steps necessary to make the plan work. Sneaking into the police station, she stole three syringes full of tainted venom. She reared her head back in disgust over the idea of using it herself, but she knew that wasn't her plan. Next step was breaking into the temporary holding cell Killer Croc was in. He was captured along with the Venom. Sure, she had to kill a few cops to get to him, and sure she even killed the first cop she came across. Already broke one law, why not break them all?

Killer Croc was wary of the young girl, and with good reason, but was lured out with the promise of getting to destroy Bane. By now, the sun was high in the sky as Croc led Lexi to Cape Carmine.

Readying her syringes she sprung on him. Injecting all three in quick succession she hopped off of him and then disappeared. She stayed close enough to see that Croc quickly dispatched of Bane's thugs and began destroying random items in the city. Her plan flowed smoothly as Kori brashly ran out on her own to fight Croc. Initially her plan was for Croc to kill Kori in a bloody battle, and be killed by Batman and the others. Kori is dead, Croc can't tell that SHE was the one to let her out and she gets back Nightwing. Simple

But of course, the stubborn alien whore refused to die. She was actually about to incapacitate Croc, and that could prove to be her undoing. So with her powers in full overdrive, she stepped out behind Koriu and pushed her. Right into Croc's waiting claws. It was like poetic in its execution. She stood over Kori for a few seconds as the girl struggled to breathe. She was so sure that she was dead, that she didn't even care that Croc was wandering off. She walked away, hearing all of the noise that Batman and friends made as they made it to the worthless alien.

"Goodbye Troq..." With that, Lexi vanished into the shadows to prepare her next plan.

WELL. I was not ready. Like I was ready but I wasn't. Not really. Now D...don't flip out mkay? But this is a great place to stop the chapter. Thanks for reading. You make me so happy \(o.o)/