Tris' Life in the New World Order Part 1

It is midnight in Chicago, and the clock looks as if it is about to turn a new minute, when out of the shadows comes a figure that everyone thought was long dead. Enter Tris, formerly of Dauntless and the rogue factionless group. Tris stands strong, together with her friends from another dimension, in the strange dimension called Twilight.

In Twilight, Tris is not a member of any faction, but is in fact a member of society. In society, Tris is a servant of two young newlyweds Edward and Bella. Edward was a nice guy who was always interested in blood and stuff, while Bella was always interested in sucking on Edward. Together, they formed a good team of husband and wife.

The newlywed team, with the mysterious Tris, set out on a trip to Europe to battle the Volturi (see the end of Breaking Dawn.) The Volturi is an evil team of evil vampires who secretly rule the vampire universe, or the Twilight universe. Below the vampires are the werewolves, who are well known for their abilities and can shape shift if they want to. However, shape shifting is dangerous and can result in serious back problems.

The Volturi was meanwhile preparing for the war with the vampires and their evil child when suddenly morality appeared. The truth was soon as clear as clarity can be, and the Volturi agreed that it would not be right to attack the parents of the newborn child. The baby's name was Renesme, the product of bed-breaking sex as seen in Breaking Dawn.

When it was finely night-time, Bella and Edward found a bed in a Hilton hotel in Paris. In this hotel, there was a room made especially for them with designer sheets on a beastly bed. It was wonderful for the average vampire, with the economy being the way it is. Tris also slept with Edward and Bella. Tris hated this, and begged for her room. But, Edward and Bella told her no and that because of the economy, she was lucky to have a bed and a job as it is.

Unfortunately, Bella and Edward were really loud at night, and the sound of moaning was audible from the other side of the room. Edward would say "put it in me!" and Bella would say

"The vibrator? Okay!" Edward always wanted a vibrator up his butt, and Tris, though not the judgy type, thought that Edward was a homo. But Bella seemed to like the sex very much too. Bella would always demand that Edward stick his car into her big bad parking garage. Slowly but surely, on this particular night, Tris sighed as the sound of at least one car parking was heard from her masters' bed. Of course, it could have been the parking valets out back, but it was hard to tell the difference.

The next morning, Tris woke up to another boring day. Since her masters weren't awake yet, Tris wondered what it would be like if she stayed in Chicago and remained in Dauntless. Tris broke out into a cold sweat. Tris then screamed "No... it would be too painful... AMITY!" Tris' screams woke Edward and Bella, and a shouting match broke out.

AN: I've really improved my writing since last time, so I hope you guys will love my stories. Please tell me what you think especially if you love it.