New story! This time it's a AU with firemen and a lot more.
Will be a NALU story, with hints of other ships.

I Hope you all will like it :)


It was two o'clock at night when Natsu got the alarm. That an apartment house was on fire and that they have to hurry. He always hated to get an alarm during night - it means that more people is at home and they are sleeping.
But he and his colleagues is always doing everything in their power to save every one of them.

When they arrived at Strawberry Street the entire building was in flames. Many stood outside horrified by what they was seeing. Not everyone had made it out and now it was their job to find them.
Natsu's job was to get to apartment 2B. The old couple next door had knocked but the woman who lives there had not responded. They know that she was home, because they had seen her when she came home from work.

Natsu went inside - there is always a risk going into a burning building, but if they don't do it – who will?
He quickly found the apartment he was looking for. He broke down the door and went inside. He noticed that the fire hadn't started at her apartment, but it had spread quickly.

He found the woman sitting at a desk. She had probably fallen asleep there. Her blonde hair and her clothes were gray from the ashes and the smoke.
He was surprised that she wasn't burned. It was like the fire danced around her but never really touched her.
Natsu checked if she had any pulse and then lifted her up and left the burning apartment.

When he was outside he heard a woman shout and ran towards him. "Lucy!"
Natsu looked up and saw a short woman with blue hair. She looked very worried.
"Oh my God! Lucy!" she looked up at Natsu. "Please tell me she's alive!" she had tears in her eyes.
"No need to worry Miss. She is alive" Natsu had never really liked having to be strict but Gildarts has forced him to call the people he helped with Miss, Mrs. or Mr.
He gave her a small smile.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! Where did you found her?"
"Ehm… I found her sitting at a desk?" His answer felt more like a question. She sighed. "She never learns. She always continues to work late at night and almost every time she fall asleep on her desk." She shook her head." But it doesn't matter right now. Thank you! I really don't know what I would have done if she hadn't made it. When I saw what was happening on the news I ran as fast as I could to see if she was okay. She's my best friend. Thank you again."
"It is okay, you don't need to thank me. This is my job."
"I don't care if this is your job or not. You, as a person saved my friend and I will be thankful for this for the rest of my life, so thank you."
Natsu just looked at her. He was not used to people showing him gratitude when he had saved someone.

She was grateful that her friend was still alive.

"Can I ask you what your name is?" she asked suddenly. He looked at her, surprised and unsure – but choose to say his name. "Natsu."

"Well Natsu, thank you for saving Lucy." She said and followed him to the ambulance.

When the ambulance drove off he felt happy. He have saved many people during his career but this woman that he just saved – she was loved by those around her. The old couple – her neighbors. They helped him by knowing which apartment she was in and that she was home. That they even tried to save her themselves by knocking on her door when there was a fire going wild in the building was brave.

And her friend – she ran there as fast as she could and what moved him most is that they all showed their love for her so openly.

He shook his head, trying to think clearly again. The night was not over yet.

But the blond woman never really disappeared from his mind.

When Lucy woke up, everything was white. She had no memory of her apartment being white. She heard a beep and knew immediately where she was. She's in a hospital.

She looked around and saw a blue head lying on the edge of the bed. She smiled – Levy must have been watching over her. But what had happened? She didn't even see the other woman in the room until she started talking.

"Ah, you are awake." She said and smiled. Just like Levy, this woman had blue hair. She was dressed in white, which means she was working here.

"What happened?" Her voice surprised her. Her voice was hoarse and rough.

"You have been involved in a fire accident. You were found in your apartment last night by a fireman. Unfortunately, I have heard that the whole building has burned to the ground. But the god news is that everyone in the building was found and taken to safety." She relied. "By the way I'm Wendy, I will be your doctor during your time here." She smiled at Lucy.

"You were very lucky, a few more minutes in the smoke and your life would have been in grave danger. I'm surprised that you have already woken up actually." She pointed at Levy and continues. "Your friend, she has been sitting by your side since you came in with the ambulance. She has been very helpful. Since you didn't have an ID with you she helped us with that – she even helped us with your medications and stuff like that. Such things will always help in situations like this." Wendy said and smiled at her. "You mean a lot to your friend, I can see."

"Yes, we have grown up almost like siblings. She means everything to me." Lucy response as best as she can.

"Well, I'll leave you alone for now. You still need a lot of rest. If it is something just press the red button on your left side. Sleep well." Wendy said and left the room.




When Lucy woke up the second time she saw Levy sitting in a chair reading a book.

"Lucy, you're finally awake!" She heard Levy said. She put the book down and ran to her. "How are you?"
"Good, I think." Was Lucy's response.

"Your doctor said how lucky you were! I can't even imagine how things would have been if I have lost you." Levy hugged her.

"I wish I knew the name of the person that saved my life. I really own this person a lot." Mumbled Lucy in Levy's hair.

"His name is Natsu." Responded Levy and stood up again with a smile. "I knew you would like to thank him so I asked for his name."
Lucy smiled. "You know me too well." she said and laughed.

"So when do you think you will leave this place?" Levy asked.
"How should I know? And what does it matter. I have nowhere to go anymore." It hits her when she says that. She is homeless! "Oh my God Levy! I have nowhere to go any longer! What should I do?" Said Lucy in panic.
"Lucy take it easy! You can stay with me until you have a new apartment. And I heard that all of you that was involved in the fire are going to get some sort of compensation so don't worry!" Levy response and smiled at her.

Then Levy pressed the red button.
"Levy, what are you doing!?" Lucy screamed.

"Take it easy Lucy. I just want to know when you will be discharged. Now I don't have to go out and find someone." She replied with a smile.
Sometimes Levy is a little devil, a lazy such she noted.

"Lazybones" mumbled Lucy.

In comes her doctor, Dr. Wendy. They always present themselves with their surname as a doctor, right? Or has she been taught wrong during her childhood? She shakes her head. She has no time for that right now.

"Something wrong Lucy?" Wendy asked her anxiously.
"Ah, it was me who pushed the button. I just want to know when Lucy will be discharged." Said Levy and smiled.

"Oh, I apologize but she should probably stay here for a few days. We have demands on us when it comes to our patients who have been involved in fires. Lucy has been very lucky that she has not been physically damaged by the fire but the smoke is toxic and therefore we have to keep an eye on her. I hope you understand," Responded Wendy.

"Oh, I see. That's sad, but I understand." She turns to Lucy. "You should rest, I will go home and prepare the guest room for you. I be back in the morning. I should probably call Mrs. Strauss as well so she knows why you are not going to show up tomorrow. Goodbye Lucy." She said, waving to her as she leaved the room.

Suddenly Lucy feel very lonely. She hasn't felt like this since she was 16 when her parents died.
"Don't worry. You will soon be back on the pitch" Wendy said. It's like she can feel how lonely Lucy feels right now.

"By the way, I heard before that you wanted to thank the fireman that saved your life. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I passed by when I heard you two talk about it. I just wanted to say that I have heard that firemen are very fond of food – so I think you can thank him by invite him to lunch." Wendy said and smiled at her. "My boyfriend is studying at the moment just to be a fireman. His father is one so I guess that's why. Or it's because he want to be like my brother." She said and shook her head. "You should rest Lucy. Good night." She closes the door behind her.

Lunch, it sounds like a good idea, she thinks and smiles.
She soon falls asleep and dreams of heroes.

So the first chapter is finished! Please tell me what you thought of it.
The next chapter will hopefully come out next Saturday! Until then, have a good time :)