I, Musa Roberts, strolled into my attic bedroom and threw myself onto my unmade, queen – sized bed and muttered a long line of profanities into my overstuffed pillow.

I was annoyed.

Not only did my parents decide we were moving to Boston, but they didn't even think to consult me or my brother about how we felt about the idea – well my brother doesn't really seem to be bothered, as for I? I'm soooo bothered. I just don't understand why my parents can't be normal parents and find ONE country for us to settle down in and actually stay there for a regular period of time. Like more than two years.

All my life I've just been hopping from country to country, continent to continent. I bet if we could my parents would be flying us off to live on bloody Mars or something. It's so not fair. I mean yeah, I've met a lot of people, made many friends, learnt new languages, got so many experiences that other people will never get a chance to have. I know, I'm SOOOO lucky. I should be SOOO grateful. And I am, I just want it to stop so I can live a normal life. One where I don't have to repeatedly make new friends, take entrance exams, catch up on school work and just reconstruct my social life. And God the packing. The packing is the worst, I get sick whenever I see those cardboard boxes piled around my house.

I've literally been EVERYWHERE;

I used to live in America before, Boston to be more specific, and I stayed there for practically my whole childhood, and then I moved to Florida when I was ten, then I moved to Washington five months later. Then I moved to Russia for a year, then when I was eleven, I moved to India, and on my birthday, I moved to England, and I stayed there for a year, and then one week after I turned thirteen, I moved to Italy, and I stayed there for a year and a half, but then I moved to France for a month and then Germany for two weeks and then Switzerland for three months, and when I was fifteen I moved to Australia, and I stayed there for two months, then I moved BACK to England, and when I turned sixteen, I moved to Uganda, and I stayed there for a year. When I was seventeen, I moved to Kenya, and then when I was eighteen, I moved to Canada, and then, finally, when I turned nineteen, I moved to Mexico and that's where I've stayed until I turned twenty one, which was last month. And now, I'm moving back to Boston.

Back to Boston.

I screamed into my pillow and rolled off my bed and onto the once carpeted floor before standing up and walking to my wardrobe. I flung it opened and sighed. You see, moving to a new country is quite okay because no one knows you. You can be who you want to be, change yourself a bit and the chances of anyone knowing is pretty low – unless your life is a cliché high school movie. But now if you're moving back, that's completely different because people know you. They know about your past, all your flaws, mistakes, talents…they know you. And now if you go back and you're someone completely different, you don't know how things will change. I mean, what if I go back and they don't like who I am? What if they're disappointed with what I've become? It's all just so complicated and I hate it.

But anywayyyy. Let me tell you a little about me;

For starters, I'm a straight A* student. I'm a regular tomboy with a love for Music and Sports; Football, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Everything.

Apart from Gym and Music, I also enjoy Science and Art. But I prefer to leave all that to my brother who is literally the not really Vincent Van Gogh version of Vincent van Gogh…if that makes sense.

I live with my mum, my dad and my twin brother, Helia who is just twenty minutes older than me (I was in no rush of coming out I guess)

We're fraternal obviously but in terms of appearance we're pretty much identical; we have midnight blue hair - our hair quite long, mine reaches the bottom of my back and Helia's mid-back - dark blue eyes, and pale skin. We're both quite tall, he's 6''0 while I'm 5''8 and we're both pretty slim except he has the usual boy features like muscles and a six pack ('swoon'), while I only have a two pack from all the training and exercise I do.

We're both very socially active, we make a lot of friends seeing as we're always moving.

My relationship status isn't exactly the best, and that's only because I keep moving a lot and I'm not the one in for the long distance relationships, I just don't think we're being loyal, for all I know he could be seeing someone else back in Italy and I could be seeing someone else in Paris, which actually happened by the way,

Helia is just the same, except his commitment problem has nothing to do with our constant moving issue. Yep, my brother is a player. This generation I tell you.

Anyways, back to the whole moving back situation.

We're moving back to Boston in two days, so Saturday.

And yes, I left my packing to last minute, of course, I am Musa Roberts after all, always leaving things to the last possible minute. It's my given nature.

"MUSA!" Helia called loudly from his bedroom, which was located just below mine.

"WHAT?" I yelled back.


Why the ever living shit would I have his – Oh My God this fool.




"CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP!?" Austin shrieked.

Austin is Helia's best friend, his sister, Acacia, is my best friend.


"THAT'S SO DEBATABLE!" I yelled back.

I laughed and got up from the kneeling position on the floor and walked out my room and onto the inside balcony like thing.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked.

"You're leaving on Saturday, we're here to make the most of the 48 hours you have left," Acacia said.

She had a super thick Spanish accent, mine wasn't as strong but you could tell I've lived in Mexico for quite a while.

Acacia was one of those stereotypical Latina girls; absolutely gorgeous. She had shoulder length chestnut brown hair and matching eyes, tanned skin and an amazing figure which she's always complaining about.

Girls these days.

Austin, her brother, was super-hot, like no lie. He had short chocolate brown hair, blue eyes and tanned skin, like my brother, he was super fit and muscly too. A "complete package deal" or whatever.

I heard Helia's door open and I looked below and saw him leaning on the railing, peering over the edge so he was looking at our friends too.

"So what do you have planned?" He asked, just like Acacia, Austin and I - Helia also had a Spanish accent.

"Yeah, umm, that's why we came here, we don't know what to do," Austin sighed.

"Well then, that's quite disappointing," I remarked. The three laughed as Helia and I made our way downstairs to them.

We decided we'd go and eat dinner at McDonalds seeing as it was 7:30, and we were all really hungry.

"Where are you guys off too?" My mum asked walking into the living room. My mum, even though we've lived in Mexico for two years now, still has an American accent and it gets very odd hearing her talk because we're all used to Spanish accents now, except my dad. He doesn't have an accent, which is odd beyond compare to me seeing as we've been everywhere and he just seems to not have one.
"McDonalds, I could do with a good healthy meal of a chicken burger and fries, and chicken nuggets and Ooh! A McFlurry, yes, I could definitely do with that," Helia said rubbing his stomach.

"Please explain to me how that is anywhere near a healthy meal." Acacia asked.

"As a matter of fact, indeed," Helia said.

"That…no, what? That didn't answer my-"

"Just shut up and walk," I grumbled pushing the 2 out the house.

"Shut up and dance with me!" Austin sang, trailing behind us.

"Please no. Just…no" Acacia groaned.

"This woman is the death of me!" Austin continued.

"That's not even the lyric!" Acacia whined.

"It's a parody I made for you! APPRECIATE PLEASE!"

"I can't. I just, I just can't deal with you two!" Acacia huffed into my shoulder. I patted her head in sympathy but slyly gave a wink to the two boys.

WOOH! New story!

So psyched!

I hope you've enjoyed it so far, I actually, personally, think it's one of the best chapters I have ever written.

Again, personally.

Anyways please Review, I always enjoy reading your feedback, it brings me joy to the world.

Is that how you say it?

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And I'll love you for days.