Naruto sighed, his hand raking through his long blonde hair. " How long do I have to keep posing as him?" In a puff of smoke Naruto was gone and in his place stood Kiba his face drawn and tired. A month ago Naruto died trying to save one of the last bases that was located above ground, he had a stand off with Toneri, even with the nine tails' help it wasn't enough to defeat him. The only good thing about it all was that Naruto was able to damage Toneri enough that it would help the Allied forces prepare their last attack. His death was kept secret, only few knew of it, before he died he managed to assign Kiba as the next Hokage.

" As long as it takes."

Kiba growled, his face going from tired to all out pissed off. He was done posing as Naruto, acting like him, he was similar to him in some ways but that's where it ended. Kiba realized that same day that if he didn't pose as him the remaining force would most likely not follow him.

The overhead lights flickered, dust fell every time there was movement. This war was different than the last ones, this one was well thought out. Pacing around the small council room Kiba directed his attention to the people accompanying him in an attempt to block the sounds of war. Sasuke, Hinata and Shikamaru, he knew they all had lost someone, especially Hinata. Kiba was just too tired, his chakra was too low to keep on the charade.

"No!" Kiba growled."I'm tired...If I'm going down, it will be me ,not someone else."

Kiba would win them over as himself and he would see to that immediately

"Hn" Sasuke replied.

" Shikamaru, get all the generals and get Ino to send messages to nearby bases. Sasuke, map out the landscape and look for the best meeting place. Hinata, gather the rest of the trackers. In one week we lay out our plan." All nodding in assent the three ninjas disappeared. Once gone, Kiba opened a drawer, took out a picture frame and just stared at it. Kiba's knees gave and fell to the floor clutching the picture of his fallen friend. He cried one last time.

"I'll see you soon Akamaru."

One week later.

All that was left of the once great village of konoha was dead bodies and broken people. Trees with Icicles hanging from branches, to snow fights, to the villagers going out doing their shopping, all of this was now a vast empty land. The warmth was now gone replaced with misery and revenge.

This was by far the worst the village has been, it couldnt even compare to when pain attacked. The village wasn't the only one to be attacked, every one all over the World in some way were fighting just like them, or dead. Hinata shook her head erasing the memories away, her legs carried her up a steep hill, her muscles ached but she knew she had to get to her destination. Her long white coat floated behind her partially covering the front of her body from the cold winter wind, keeping in a set pattern her mind wandered once again.

After losing everything, she hoped that by going even a few months back it would help change many things, especially lost loved ones. Pushing forward ignoring everything around her she thought of the plan, it had its flaws, yes, but it also showed great promise. The young shinobi finally made it to the other side of the hill, what greeted her was what remained of the allied shinobi forces.

" You have the scroll?" Hinata turned around and found Sasuke blankly staring at her. Hinata nodded after she calmed her beating heart, moving aside her cloak Hinata took out a scroll and handed it to Sasuke's awaiting hand. He slowly wrapped his fingers around the scroll while he looked intently back at Hinata. For a split second the corners of Sasuke's mouth rose up in a smirk, but quickly disappeared.

"I already set up the distractions, the first teams are ready on your command, Ino is on standby."

" What about Aburame?"

" His team is ready, they'll let us know if they're close by." Hinata said

Sasuke nodded and turned to leave but stopped mid step, without fully turning around he spoke up. " Don't die." After addressing Hinata he walked away with the scroll in hand heading towards Kiba. Hinata could only smile, shaking her head she headed to her position which was beside the tracking groups. She recalled what happened about three days ago, Kiba had decided to come out and let everyone know what happened to Naruto, which wasn't well received even more so when he was pronounced Hokage. She was proud of his confidence, proud of the person he turned into, she was proud that Kiba won over the shinobi and that they accepted him as their leader. Now he stood proud and confident in the middle of a square that surrounded him.

" Hinata, Kiba asks for you" Ino's voice rang inside Hinata head, she turned around and made her way towards Sasuke and Kiba.

" We have an open window, Toneri is probably miles away from here, which gives me enough time to activate the Jutsu." Sasuke said while he studied the scroll memorizing the hand signs . "Here." He handed the scroll to Hinata which she took and tied it to her hip.

" I need you and Kiba here in case things don't go as planned ." All three of them knew what that meant, if for any reason they couldn't all go together there had to at least be one that did. Kiba nodded, turned around and focused on the plan and on the shinobi before him. Hinata eyed Sasuke while he performed the Jutsu, she couldn't believe that it wasn't even that long ago she had her first real conversation with Sasuke. To her it was.

The Jutsu required at least five minutes to set up and it took another three for it to activate. It was a forbidden one, so it required time and concentration. The sun had begun to set and a forbidding feeling set in all the ninja. All of the shinobi stayed in their defensive stance, everything looked like it was going according to plan but they knew better, nothing ever went according to plan.

Everyone stood still as an explosion could be heard not to far from them.

" Just received confirmation Toneri is on his way as are his puppets." Ino's voice rang inside everyone's heads.

The wind began to pick up speed, everyone held their breath waiting for more information.

" Shino said that a group separated and are coming our way in two minutes- wait no they will be coming in less than that!"

" Formations NOW!" Kiba ordered. At the same time ordering the rest of the Shinobi via Ino. The shinobi took their positions, the team that surrounded the Hokage, they all had a light blue chakra emitting from them. "Remind me again why we're out here?"

" The Jutsu had to be done in an open area." Sasuke answered

Several screams and several Jutsus could be seen, everyone stayed still waiting for the puppets to arrive and for Toneri. Hinata activated her bloodline limit , she could clearly see many of her comrades fight and many die and see the hoard of puppets coming their way. She knew this was war, but she still hated everything about it. Taking a deep breath she took her stance when she noticed Kiba call out for Ino and got no response.

" One minute " Kiba nodded towards Hinata thankful for her byakugan. " I don't see Toneri but we have less than a minute before they come. " Each passing second the air grew colder and harsher, no one paid notice. They were to focus at the war that was happening not so far away from them. "NOW KIBA!" Hinata shouted. Without hesitating Kiba gave the order, the light colored chakra rose up in a fiery blue wall in that moment puppets came rushing out and slamming right into the wall instantly disintegrating. There was an audible sigh, the technique had worked. Hinata turned around watching as black symbols formed below Sasuke's feet then moving behind him in a wide red circle.

Everything seemed to slow down, Hinata could only watch as Sasuke's body was flung to the others side of the field his figure hitting a building, he laid unmoving.

" Did you really think that your little plan would work?" Hinata looked at Sasuke one last time before turning around facing Toneri. There he was in all his glory, his white hair combined well with the weather, sets of puppets surrounded him, and his eyes- no her sister's eyes stared at her, the veins around Hinata's eyes seemed to get more pronounced. Toneri didn't wait for a reply , his hand went up throwing the ninja that surrounded the hokage and broke the barrier, his puppets rushed in attacking anybody in sight, Hinata fought trying to keep Toneri in sight, a smile formed as she saw sasuke heading towards Toneri his katana ablaze with lightning in hand. In that moment she realized that if sasuke was fighting there was no one activating the Jutsu which could mean that everything they worked for for the past month would all be in vain. . The cold wind had no affect on her anymore, she took off her coat and untied the scroll as she ran towards the symboled circle, Toneri managed to see Hinata and pulled her to himself and stopping her right in front of him. Toneri deflected sasuke's blows and threw him back once more."Sasuke activate it! , go back!" Hinata screamed, she stood right in front of Toneri watching him with disdain, she looked back at Sasuke one last time making sure he was activating the portal.

"After I get your byakugan everything you worked for will be gone, now princess lend me your eyes." Hinata smirked at him, something she had picked up from sasuke,out of the corner of her eyes she saw sasuke finally manage to effectively open the portal, she smiled in relief. Her white eyes stared back at Toneri once more still keeping the smirk on her face. "You will get nothing." with that statement Hinata moved her bangs away revealing a barely visible curse mark. Toneri's eyes widen, face contorting into anger his hand went up ready to attack when Sasuke stood right in front of him. " what?"

Hinata took the opportunity while sasuke's clone distracted toneri, she turned to the real sasuke who was right beside her with his katana out. Hinata walked forth a few steps and took a look down towards the portal, it looked like a tunnel that would lead to the underground bases, but it was more than that.


" Go before it's too late." In a flash Sasuke stood in front of Hinata, his face partially

Covered in blood. Time seemed to slow down, Hinata could only watch as her fellow ninja were torn to pieces or forced to turn against each other. Dumbfounded Hinata had failed to notice Sasuke's arm stretch out towards her pushing her backwards to the portal. She tried reaching for him, but he only moved back away from her hands. No. Last thing Hinata saw was his face filled with hope, his lips moving, and then a small smile gracing his stoic face.

"Sasuke!" She screamed, her arms still trying to reach him.

Hinata awoke with fright, her body going into fighting mode waiting for an attack,nothing came at her. Her white eyes cleared, she noticed she was in a room, but whose room she wasn't too sure. It was simple but yet something about it seemed familiar, she dropped her stance and took a big breath to calm herself. Sasuke, he had pushed her, she didn't understand why he would do that, he could of easily jumped with her instead. why would he do that? she asked herself once more. Tears began forming just thinking of Sasuke's stupidity. She was broken out of her thinking when the rooms door slid open and a young woman came into view, long beautiful blue violet hair and a smile gracing her features. Mother. Hinata wondered how far she had gone to the past, looking down she stared at her small fragile hands, too far she concluded.