Timeline: AU Set a month after Rachel disappeared.
Prompt: Max never contacted Chloe because either she was kidnapped/parents died and she was put in the system/parents didn't let her. Either works. Angst is ok but I'd like a happy ending if possible. ship: Pricefield, of course.

Altered some of the prompt's requirements to fit with the story.

This fic is unbetaed and written on my phone, All mistakes are mine( and autocorrect's) .

It had been yet another painful week for Chloe.

She should be used to it by now. Every day had been painful since her father died, since Max moved…abandoned her and never onced called in five fucking years. She cursed and threw the first thing she found- a half empty beer bottle- against the wall, watching as it exploded upon impact.

"Fucking hell! What the fuck is wrong with you Price!?"

For five years she had been drowing in a constant sea of darkness and pain and the only moments she had been able to see the light were when she had been with Rachel. So why the fuck were her thoughts so focused on Max when she should be thinking about Rachel? Rachel who was missing, Rachel who probably needed her help.

Chloe should be looking for her, should be doing something -anything- not sit in a corner of hers and Rachel's lair, wasted and unable to keep Max out of her mind. The same Max who never contacted her. The same Max who swore she'd never abandon her and did just that a few days later, when Chloe needed her the most.

Max who she both missed and hated so damn much.

Screaming in frustration she pushed herself up from the ground and stalked off back to her truck. She'd dig into the last of her stash once she got to her place and hope it was enough to make her forget for a while…

She sped up across town barely avoiding a few cars on the way. It wasn't long before she was parking in front of her house and slamming the truck's door shut. Emotions clouded her mind and she didn't notice anything strange at first as she walked towards the front door.

It wasn't until she hit the ground hard that she noticed the package by the door. Glaring at it she almost kicked it in anger when she noticed her name written on it.

"What the fuck?" She frowned reaching for the package. Who would send her something? No one really…Except…


Heart pounding in her chest, the blue haired punk tore into the package, sure that this was her missing friend finally trying to contact her.

She wasn't prepared for what she saw when she opened the box. Dozens of disturbing pictures of a familiar young girl tied in a dark corner, staring at the at the camera with a dead look in her eyes.

She gasped dropping the box in terrified shock, the contents spilling onto the ground.
