Ok, well this is the first chapter of this chapter, and to be honest, I'm not expecting a lot when it comes to this. If people like it, then cool, if not, than oh well. This one is purely about my enjoyment instead of it being mostly about approval. That isn't to say that I don't want your guy's approval, its just I want this to be more towards my own happiness, and having you guys say what you think of it at the same time... I hope this doesn't offend anyone.

Also, the name of this story may change at one point, so I hope no one hates me for that, but i'm setting this out for a ahead of time warning and everything. Either way, I hope you guys will like this story, even if this chapter is kinda slow...

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach, or any of the cannon characters that come with it. I do, however, own any and all Oc's including the main character and other Oc's that appear, except for a few that were submitted. Please support the official releases of Bleach.

She opened her eyes to find herself looking up towards a blank wooden ceiling. What was she doing before this? She couldn't remember, and to be honest, she didn't care either.

Sitting up from the floor that she found herself laying on, she raised an arm. Her skin color was pale, almost albino, in skin tone, but when she pulled a strand of hair in front of her, she saw midnight black colored hair. The strands were long enough to cover her face if she wanted, and that seemed like a good idea to her mainly because she didn't want people to stare at her all that much.

Deciding to get up, she noticed the plain white kimono she had on at the moment, but nothing else. Not like it would matter anyway, even she didn't remember her name, she knew she wasn't much older then a 5 year old. She wasn't to worried about people all that much either, mainly due to the fact that she aimed to make people stay away from her if she could.

Looking into a nearby water puddle, the small girl was slightly startled to see a pair of startling green eyes staring back at her. She stared into the puddle for a few more seconds, until she moved her hair into her face, leaving only a single startling green eye looking back towards her.

Giving a satisfied nod towards that she looked towards her surroundings once again to see the house she had been in before, as well as a couple more and a forest. The house looked to be more of a feudal Japanese style house, and it was a bit run down, but it seemed homely almost as well, in a 'Everyone takes care of each other' sort of way. It made her get the feel that everyone was close-knit even if the area was poor due to the rundown buildings.

Looking around a bit more, the girl eventually noticed a 'nicer' area around. The buildings were the same as where she was, but they weren't run down like the others were. Curiosity of the buildings got ahead of her eventually as she started to walk towards the buildings, her single visible green eye glowing with the curiosity that only a child could have. Before she could get into the area, however, a bunch of white walls, along with a gate dropped in front of her making her tilt her head in confusion as well as jump in surprise slightly.


A few seconds later a giant fell down causing a dust cloud to be thrown up, and the small girl to stop and close her eyes to keep dust out of them. When she opened them once again she stated up with curiosity at the giant in front of her.

He had a black uniform of a sort on, with his right arm being out of the sleeve. On his large head was a Fez of all things, and he had two large hand axe in his hands while he looked towards the ground trying to find whoever it was who wanted into the Soul Society.

His large head went completely down though when something poked his foot. Looking towards the source of the poke he saw a tiny little girl with her hair in her face.

The large man bent down so he could see her better as he asked "We're you the one trying to get in?"

The girl tilted her head for a second, but eventually she nodded causing the man to chuckle heartily.

Picking the girl up so she was standing on his hand, he said "I'm sorry, but you can't. It's my job to make sure no one but the Shinigami get through my gate."

She gave him a tilted head once more while she sounded out the word he said "Shhh-Ini-gah-me?"

The large man gave a grin towards the girl while nodding "There you go. Try saying it a bit faster though."

The girls visible eye scrunched up a bit in concentration as she said "Shini-gami."

"You got it." The giant state while patting her head with a finger, getting a laugh from the girl "Now, I'm a Shinigami as well, and it's my job to make sure that the bad guys don't get through this gate. Are you a bad guy?"

The small girl shook her head while also stating out loud with a childish 'no'.

The large man gave a smile and a nod in response "Then your fine. I still can't let you through though, so you're going to go back ho- give me a second and hold onto my back."

The large man stopped in mid sentence as he put the girl on his back. She did as he asked as we'll, be holding into his collar just as a couple of footsteps sounded showing some stopped.

"Jidanbo. Why is the gate down already?" A voice, this one being male, asked in a disapproving tone.

Jidanbo gave a rumbling laugh as he said "A curious new soul tried getting in, but after I explained the rules to them, they didn't try again."

A second voice, this one bring female, gave a hum in acknowledgement as she said "Do you mean the girl in your back?"

Jidanbo froze at that as he said "She's barely a child she didn't know any better."

The male voice spoke again, this time in a jovial tone as he said "We're not going to kill her you know. We're not cruel."

Jidanbo gave a sigh as he said "I'm sorry Urahara Taicho, I'm used to the... Less savory of our ranks being out here. Are you going to report me Shihōin-Taichou, Urahara-Taicho?"

The woman, Shione, gave a laugh as she said "No we won't. That is, if we can meet her."

"I don't see why not." Jidanbo said with a smile "She's shy so she hides her face."

The giant Shinigami reached behind him, carefully taking hold of the small girl, and brought her in front of the two captain's. The little girl hid behind giant's finger, her single green eye staring at the two captain's with a curious look.

The woman of the two, Shihōin if she remembered right, took a long look towards the girl, before she gave sound that was almost like an 'Aww' towards the girl. The woman had purple hair that was cut just below her ears and framed her head, along with dark, almost Hispanic, skin color and golden eyes. She was wearing a more modest Shinigami uniform that showed little, as well as a white Haori that showed which division she was from.

"Hey there little one. My name is Yoruichi." She stated with a soft smile and a hand held out towards the girl in a way that showed she was trying to keep her calm.

"Your-Ooohhh-eee-chi?" The small girl slowly said trying to get a feel for the name, a look of concentration on her face, making the three adults laugh slightly.

Yoruichi, for her part, didn't get angry at the slow pronunciation, as instead, she said "Yoruichi, try saying it a little faster."

The girl gave a nod in determination as she said "Yoruuuu-ichi!"

The two captain's gave a small laugh at the girl while Yoruichi patted her head "There you go. Now, what's your name? You have to be a new soul, and it's rare for a new soul to be a child."

The implications of the sentence was not lost on the little girl. She might not be able to talk a lot right now, but she was smart enough to understand everything that the group around her was saying. What she no doubt meant by that was that since she was a child, and she wasn't born here, wherever here was, she died as the age she currently was, and that alone was enough to case the girl to frown. She couldn't even remember her name, but there was a word that was stuck in her head that she seemed to just want to say to it. She knew it wasn't her name, but even then she just had the urge.

Looking towards the three, as Jidanbo was looking towards her from behind the captain's now, she looked at them with a slightly tilted head and said "Nikkou."

The irony of the word made Urahara burst into laughter, only to end up face planting due to a punch to the back of the head, courtesy of Yoruichi. This was one thing that the newly named Nikkou didn't understand, why was he laughing at her response? She didn't exactly know the meaning of names when it came to this place, but that was the word that kept popping into her head when she thought of a name.

The other three on the other hand, knew exactly why Kisuke urahara burst out laughing. The name Nikkou means 'Sunshine' and when you looked towards the girl, that was the most ironic name they could have given her. She was more along the lines of a Kurai with her looks, but if it was her name then they wouldn't complain when it came to it.

Now that they knew her name though, it was time for the reason they actually knew she was on Jidanbo's back. The girl in front of them had a lot of Reishi, even if she didn't know it. With energy like she had at the moment, she would be putting a lot of spirits in danger without even knowing it. She had enough where the Hollows would know that she wasn't a shinigami, but also enough to be bold enough to attack one of the districts without feat just to be able to eat her. The amount she had was not enough to be a danger to the Soul society, so therein lies the problem with what they were going to do. The Soutaichou would most likely accept her into the academy, but the problem with that is getting Nikkou to agree with being accepted into the academy.

Yoruichi, being the more empathetic of the two, walked towards the girl slowly and asked "Nikkou, do have anyone to go back to here?"

Nikkou shook her head before she gave a tilted head, her single visible shining with innocence that only a child could have, but at the same time she had a look in her eye that showed that she was watching the woman in front of her with scrutiny. This was not something that would be considered common, but either way, the dark skinned captain needed to get the girl to come with them, which in itself would be hard if not for the fact that this was a smart, extremely smart, child.

Yoruichi gave a small nod, as well as a nice smile, which she would never admit to being real, as she asked "Then how would you like to join a school that make you like us three?"

The girl looked at them, as she knew they were some from of soldier, or law enforcement, if the swords, or axes in Jidanbo's case, but did she actually want to be a part of their group? To be honest, she had a small part that wanted to be like her newest friends, but she needed to make sure it was her choice. It seemed that there were people in whatever group they were that were really nice. At the same time it seemed that there were people that would kill a, spirit she remembered them say, just for crossing paths with them.

Thinking over it some more, she went towards the fact that not all of them were like that. Yoruichi and Kisuke were obvious examples of that, and there was likely a large chance that some of the other shinigami in the ranks would be good as well. She didn't know anything about this word though, so she wouldn't know for sure. She didn't remember anything though, so her options were obviously limited no matter what she did.

With a single bright green eye, Nikkou nodded towards them Showing that she was going to give them a chance. What that chance was though, only Nikkou knew, and the other two didn't want take any chances when it came to her. A young mind was not something you would mess with.

So... What did you guys think? Good bad? Neutral? Reverse? Just let me know!

Ok, for the thing on the above with the disclaimer, I have a couple of submitted Oc's so I hope no one will mind that, but I'm not taking anymore unfortunately, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew about the submitted Oc's that I have in here alongside whatever I have in here as well, though I'm not gonna give spoilers to you guys just because you're reading the Authors note. That said, we are at the end, so this means, until next time!

~Cindy, Co-author of Zyma-nee-22's account.