Author's Note: Last day of Kataang Week. :'( Prompt for today is Stress Relief. I hope y'all have liked all my Kataang Week stories. Please review and let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar The Last Airbender.

Although the war was over, there was still work to be done. Aang had to attend peace meeting after boring peace meeting. After one particularly stressful meeting, Aang came home absolutely exhausted. He went straight to his room and plopped down on the bed without even bothering to get into his nightclothes. He felt like some of these men just wanted to fight! "Jeez," Aang thought, "Who knew putting the world back together could be so stressful!"

There was a knock on his bedroom door and Aang lifted his head at the sound of it.

"Aang," Katara's voice came from outside his room, "Can I come in?" "Sure," Aang called out, not wanting to get up. The door creaked open and Katara poked her head in. When she saw her boyfriend laying face first on his bed, she walked over to him.

"Aang, are you okay?" she questioned.

"Yeah just the meetings and all," he explained, sitting up. Katara laid her hands on his shoulders.

"Oh Aang, you're so tense. Don't they realize that you're only thirteen?" Aang shrugged. Katara's hands started to work at the knots in Aang's shoulders causing him to sigh in relief. She smiled.

"How about I get rid of that tension for you?" she said.

"Uggh," Aang faked a groan, "Not yoga again." Katara smiled again, remembering the time Aang was referring to. That had been before the attempted invasion of the Fire Nation, when Aang started to have horrible nightmares and Katara and the others had tried to help him relax.

"No, not yoga," she said, "I was thinking more along the lines of a massage. Here, take off your shirt." Aang pulled off the top part of the airbender robes he was wearing so that he was sitting on the edge of his bed bare chested. Katara sat down behind him and her hands started massaging his sore shoulders.

"That feels really good," Aang sighed. Katara smiled.

"Glad I can help."

She continued to massage him, her hands gliding over his sore muscles like those of an angel. Aang could feel the stress leaving his body as she got rid of the knots.

"Thank you Katara," he murmured as she finished massaging him.

"You're welcome Aang," Katara said smiling. She then pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss. Aang blushed and kissed her back. When Katara pulled back, she giggled at his red face.

"What?" Aang asked.

"It's just, it's really cute how you blush when I kiss you," Katara said smiling.

"Oh. Sorry," Aang said sheepishly, "I guess I'm just not used to being able to actually kiss you."

"Well, get used to it," Katara said smiling, then melded her lips to his once more.