.Authors Note: hey guys im baaaaccckkk! anyways this is a fairy tail story that I will be doing and as a warning I am a major fairy tail fan and my favorite ship (even though their is not any romantic tension between them in the shows that I can see) is ROWEN ( Romeo x Wendy). so be prepared because this is a whole story about them. ONWARD TOOO THE STORYYYY!


Romeo's POV:

I was hanging out with my friend Wendy when I made a mistake. I asked her if she had plans for the summer. I noticed something was wrong when she looked down sadly. "What's Wrong" I asked her worriedly afraid I had done something wrong. "It's nothing... it's just me and grandeeney used to go on a sort of vacation during the summer." She said while looking down sadly. 'Oh that's right I forgot she didn't have anyone except Carla' I thought to myself sadly. "Well my mom, dad, and I are going to Akane resort this summer if you and Carla would like to come." I said with a sudden stroke of brilliance. "Really!?" Wendy said happily as she looked up at me with the cutest smile I've ever saw. 'Wait CUTE! where did that come from' I though surprised. when she started calling my name I snapped back to reality. "ROMEO" Wendy said startling me. "Y-Yes Wendy?" I said surprised that she could get so loud. "Do you really think it will be okay with your parents for Carla and I to come with you?" Wendy said with a hopeful smile. "Of course it will Wendy." I said not wanting to disappoint her . And that's how it allll started.


(Later at Romeo's home still in his POV)

"MOM DAD IM HOME." I called out loud enough for the neighbors to hear. "in the kitchen sweetie." I heard my mothers sweet voice call back. "H-Hey m-mom can I ask you s-something?" I asked very nervous that they wouldn't let Wendy come with us. "Sure what is it?" my mom asked happily. "U-Um do you m-mind if W-Wendy came with us for v-vacation because she doesn't have any parents to care for her and Carla wont be able to do it alone." I asked growing more nervous by the second. "Sure." ... I was stunned by her answer. after I regained from the shock I ran up to my mom and hugged her as tight as ii could. "THANKS MOM!" I yelled ecstatic that I was gonna be able to spend the whole summer with my best friend. I ran up to my room the second after that because she told me o get to bed seeing as how it was already late. I tries to get some sleep but couldn't because I was too excited for next week.

Wendy's POV:

' I cant believe it Romeo just asked me to spend the whole summer with him' I thought happily as I walked down the street to fairy hills. I got to my apartment and instantly told Carla that her and I were going on vacation with romeo and his family this summer. and surprisingly she was just as excited as I was. "YAY YOU FINALLY HAVE SOME CHANCES TO TELL ROMEO YOU LIKE HIM!" she yelled shocking me. "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!" I yelled expecting her of reading my diary. "Lets just say you talk in your sleep." she said smiling making me blush scarlet. that night I was so excited to be going on vacation next week with Romeo that I couldn't sleep. that and I was afraid I would say something else in my sleep.


Romeo's POV:

the next morning at the guild I was so excited that I couldn't sit still. Wendy couldn't stop talking about the trip and how excited she was. I couldn't help but think about how cute she was. fine I admit it I may have a small crush on Wendy... ok a huge crush. I was snapped out of my daze when Wendy wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug thanking me for inviting her and Carla. I was about top say something back when someone bumped into Wendy make her stumble and, as luck would have it, fall right on top of me. when I got over the shock I looked at Wendy and saw she was blushing. ' she looks even cuter when she blushes' I thought embarrassedly. and then I couldn't help it. I smiled, reached down , and picked her up bridal style making her blush even fiercer and start stuttering.
R-R-R-ROMEO! she yelled blushing redder than Erza's hair. I simply smiled at her and laughed, but I then followed to blush as I noticed everyone was looking at us 'awing' and then blushed even redder than Wendy when I heard someone yell "YOU JUST GOTTA LOVE YOUNG LOVE" I put Wendy down then became very interested at my feet.

Wendy's POV: I was still blushing when Romeo put me down hearing the comment about young love. I looked up at Romeo and started laughing at how embarrassed he was. he looked up surprisingly at me but then smiled saying " Wendy your so cute." he said giving me that signature smile that made my heart melt and I knew I couldn't take it anymore. as everyone went back to what they were doing quietly whispering to myself "Romeo I love you" hoping he wouldn't hear but as I'm obviously on a bad luck streak today... he did.

Romeo's POV:

whenever I heard her say those four words I knew I could die happily but just to mess with her I said "What did you say Wendy I couldn't quite hear you." but instead of turning away like I thought she would she literally screamed "ROMEO CONBOLT I LOVE YOU!" my eyes went as wide as sauce pans as she said that and everyone, once again, stopped and looked at us. I just simply smiled and said " I love you to Wendy." she looked up at me and doing the exact same thing as I did said "What was that Romeo-Kun I didn't quite hear you." but unexpected to her I took it a step further and climbed up on the bar counter yelling to the whole guild "WENDY MARVELL I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!" looking down and seeing her blushing a new color of red she decided to go even further than I did. Wendy climbed on the bar counter beside me and crashed her lips into mine... with the whole guild watching. she pulled back and everyone cheered as loud as they could. 'This is gonna be the best summer ever' I thought to myself happily kissing her back eliciting a new volume of cheers from the whole guild of onlookers.