Hola, qué tal? xD

After almost two month of not have to update, I bring you a new chapter of my fic, hope enjoy it… disfrútenlo

Life lessons

A month had passed since Marcos and Lucía had adopted Blu, since he fell from the sky a few meters from their nest. Even with the bizarre things that happened with his arrival - such as the crater and the fact that he came from the sky - they still regarded him as the miracle that dawned upon them, the answer of their problem.

Marcos had always been so hesitant about the so-called-chick that fell from the sky, how it could pose a threat towards him and his mate, how the egg came from odd occasion. But all of it changed the moment Blu was born, the moment Blu touched Marcos' wing as contentment filled his soul, eclipsed all the insecurities, worries and fears he harbored when Blu was still an egg.

Marcos could never believe that he gained a family, even the fact that Blu wasn't exactly his biological chick, his little smile and laugh always made Marcos forget about the problem he had, his exhaustions, his efforts to raise him were worthy when he saw Blu thrive in happiness.

The daily routines were the same for both Marcos and Lucía, fed him, cradled him, chanted a lullaby to drift him to sleep, taught him about his surroundings, bathed him, all the stuff that parents usually do to their chicks - with the fact that Marcos and Lucía were parents for the first time, the tasks were simply overwhelming for both of them.

There were somethings rather chaotic within their time as a family, like how fast Blu was walking when he just learned how to walk, hence they got some trouble to catch him; or like when he ate so much, almost thrice than a regular baby birds but yet he didn't get fat.

The fact that Blu wasn't just an ordinary chick, but the last god of Devias that made the task multiple times as hard rather than raising a normal chicks, but in the end, his warm smile melted their exhaustion and made their heart glow in happiness.

There's also another problem that invoked when the family took a trip like lakes, jungles, city and everywhere else. While the idea might seems good - which is quite correct - it also conjured another problems for both of the new parents when they did the trip.

Blu hadn't yet able to fly, so to carry him with them during the trip, Marcos used to carry him within his broad back. It would be easy if Blu hadn't been so active on his back, like jumping up and down which caused him to fall from his back and put Marcos and Lucía's heartbeat to stop a couple of time during the same ordeal before they desperately yelling and flying to save him, just a mere meters before Blu's fragile body hit the ground with fatal consequences.

Marcos and Lucía could only sighing in relief the moment they managed to catch Blu before he hit the ground - which also involved a lot of scolding for making them almost fainting - but in the end, the iridescence of being a family made them appreciated every moments they had, and to love their little feathery bundle even more every time the sun rest on the horizon.

The sun's peach colored beam was upon the horizon, illuminating the jungle and it content: nests, lakes, trees, every single inch of the jungle began to show their true vibrant color as the shades finally shied away with the majestic light from the gleaming sphere. The occasion might seems like a common day in Rio, but the truth is, it was the day after new year; the first day of the year.

In a tree that located near a lake within the jungle - where also the views of Ipanema beach was visible - two macaws were still trapped within their slumbers, with how they sleep resembled how a birds have passed away. Their sleeping position was indeed weird; Marcos was sleeping with his beak and wings wide opened, the former that look upwards towards the ceilings as his mate beside him with a reversed position. Lucía's talons was on her mate's head and vice-versa but with exception that Lucía was facing the floor.

The couple was completely lost within their slumbers because of their ordeal last night, the new year party that lasted from night to dawn in the Samba club. They had found a "birdsitter" to take care of Blu last night, and therefore they could enjoy their once a year free time. But for such taxing activities took so much toll on their energy until they forgot to fetch Blu before they returned back to their nest.

Just a few meters away, a small yellow and brown bird were carrying Blu on her back while cursing under his breath. "This is the last time I take care of kids." She berated. "I can't believe your parents forget about you, Blu."

She then turned her head and surprised the moment Blu wasn't on her back anymore. "Blu… boy… Where are you… oh not again!" Her eyes frantically scrutinized the surrounding to find a glimpse of that little blue macaw.

In a tree located near to the lake of the jungle and with a view to the Ipanema's beach, they founded in his nest, Marcos and Lucía were sleeping deeply, almost like if they were death in his bed, they were in weird positions. Marcos was with the open beak and almost snoring, with his wings up and laying on the wall of the tree and his talons above his mate, while Lucía was with his beak(mouth) down, but reversed, in other words her talons on the headboard and her head at the other side. This was because the last day, it had had a party for new year and Marcos and Lucía had gone to the Samba club to dance and party all the night and the dawn; and they had left Blu with the 'birdssitter'. Already when they came back to their nest, they were without energy or breathe that they forgot to pick up Blu. Meanwhile, a few meters Marcos and Lucía' s nest, a brown and yellow small bird came back with difficulty, holding in her back a little blue macaw.

"It's the last time that I take care kids" The yellow bird complained that fly difficulty holding Blu. "I can't believe that your parents has forgot, Blu" she said but then she was surprising to see that Blu was not in her back, so she stopped and started to search him. "Blu… kid where are… oh not again." She said worryingly to watch that Blu had jumped again to the ground; so she went after him achieving save the naughty Blu from a new horrible hit. "this... is the fifth times today… that I save you again," The bird panted heavily. "You are the only kid that jumped from a considerable height without any fear or scared and also you have a weird mark like a thunder on your chest." The yellow bird said surprisingly.

"It's because I like to jump and fall, it's so funny… and it's a birthmark." Blu said enjoyably.

"Yes, but you risk your life. Perhaps your parents don't educate you good… a birthmark?" the bird asked, however, nobody responded. "Not again." she complained as she saw Blu had thrown himself again and she had to go to save him once more.

They spent a few minutes flying and falling before the yellow bird and Blu arrived to the Marcos and Lucía's nest.

"At last we arrived… Ahaha… Hey you two, here's your child… and don't call me again I beg you. See you never!" The yellow bird said, throwing Blu inside the nest, who laughed when he fell.

"That was fun, I never had so many freedom before, hahahaha." Blu laughed and turned to watch his parents, who were still sleeping and snoring deeply.

"That's weird that they're still sleeping; it's already morning." Blu declared, closing to his parents' 'bed'. "Mommy, Daddy, wake up it's morning." Blu said moving Marcos and Lucía with his two little wings. "Hey wake up… uhm… and now what am I going to do?" Blu pondered, until he had a crazy idea and started to smile evilly. In that moment, he started to climb to his nest towards the roof where it had like a second floor. Facing of it was the bed of Marcos and Lucía.

"Very good here I go, wiiii…" Blu thrown himself onto Marcos's private part, making him to yell in pain and frightened Lucía; in the instant, Blu left the place by running away and hiding as he laughed behind one of the room.

"Aaaaaaah… S#!%... my part… augh." Marcos yelled in pain, covering his private area with his wings.

"Aah… what the heck!" Lucía got up frightened when she heard her mate screaming. "What happened?" Lucía asked to see Marcos in pain.

"I… I… I don't… I don't know… augh… but I feel like something had given me a knock with a rock here." Marcos complained pointing his private part.

"But, how it happen…" Lucía said herself, however, she didn't finish what she was saying, because she listened some laughs and words from the other room. "Did you hear that?"

"Hehehehe." Blu laughed in a much lower noise. "That was fun, hahaha, ouh I almost peed, hahaha…" Blu continued, before he stopped his laugh because someone talked to him.

"So, it was you, wasn't it?" Lucía declared angrily, looking at Blu.

"Eeeh, no… it's not true, I didn't do it, it was someone else, Mom, hehehe." Blu lied, looking to the left and right while scratching his beak with his talon.

"Sure thing, it was someone else; I know you're lying to me, Blu." Lucía stated first sarcastically and then angrily. "Your eyes are not watching me; you scratched your beak; I know you, Blu; you are my son." Lucía claimed. "You did it." She blamed Blu.

"What!... I told you, Mom." Blu defended himself but not in a very convincing way. So Lucía caught Blu and took to his father.

"Marcos, your son did it, he thrown himself from the second floor, for falling onto you and got up us; also he's still lying." Lucía said accusing Blu.

"What?!" Marcos exclaimed, recovering from the pain a moment ago. "Blu Spix Macaw (N/A: I wanted to put him this last name first, before the other one), that's true?"

"Well… I… don't… yes… hehe." Blu hesitated.

"Blu, how many I've told you not to jump like that, you can hurt yourself, and also the others… I've told you thousand times that you don't have to lie us." Marcos stated angrily. " I think, I'm going to punish you." Marcos said seriously, walking towards Blu and restrained him, in a position where he was hung upside down by Marcos.

"What! Dad! Wait! I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Blu scared and tried to break free from his father's grip. "Please, I'm not… augh, augh, augh." Blu moaned, while Marcos gave him spankings. "It hurts, Dad, augh, I'm sorry." Blu said while his eyes started to excrete some tears and made Marcos terminated his spankings.

"I hope you have learned the lesson, now go to your room to think about what have you done." Marcos said, leaving his son on the ground. Blu then ran crying to his room after his father let him go and laid sobbing in the room. In that moment, it started to rain fiercely in the whole Rio, including the jungle.

"It's already started to rain, aaah, that always happened when Blu cried." Marcos regretted, entering to his nest and cleaning his face.

"Huhmm, Marcos, why did you hit Blu?" Lucía asked, a little confused and sad.

"Because he deserved it, he can't keep doing what he did." Marcos answered, sitting in his "bed".

"But he only fall from the second floor, I think it's enough just to yell at him. It wasn't nothing serious, he was just playing."

"Yes, it was serious."

"What do you mean?"

"He lied to me, Lucía. It was very serious, I don't want my son become a liar. That's the thing that I really hate in my life and if we don't correct him now, then he will regret it later. Also, I don't want him to experience to live the same way when a I was chick." This made Lucía sighed.

"He must learn to say the truth, always."

"Yes, I know, but I still think that it wasn't necessary to hit him."

"Have you heard the proverbs 'The letter enters with blood'."

"Yes, but even though I think you should apologize and explain our son why did you do that."

"I guess."

Lucía nodded putting her wing over his mate's shoulder. Marcos stood up and compensated his mate with a cute kiss and he went to Blu's room.

"Hey son. Can I come in?" Marcos asked, entering Blu's room.

"*Sniff* if you… *sniff* want." Blu answered crying and angrily. He was laid on his bed looking down.

"Oh Blu, I'm sorry, mi hijo for hitting you, I… I didn't want to." Marcos said slightly upset, sitting next to Blu. [My son]

"*Sniff* but… *sniff* so… *sniff* why did you do?" Blu asked, looking at his father with a tears in his eyes.

"Well Blu, there are times when birds don't understand an order or violate the rule, they used to punish them so they learn to comport themselves better, yelling or forbidden some things and sometimes, or in severe cases, they can get hit." Marcos answered cuddling Blu's head.

"But… *sniff* I didn't do anything serious… *sniff* I just threw myself… *sniff* I was just playing, Dad." Blu stated sadly, looking down.

"I know that, mijo, but I didn't punish you for that." Marcos explained. [My son]

"I don't understand… *sniff* so,... *sniff* why?" Blu asked more calmed, looking to his father again.

"Because you lied to me Blu." Marcos answered and Blu looked him surprisingly. "I've told you a lot of times that you don't have to lie and you know that in this nest, I hate lies, also they can you get to a bad influences and problems." Blu didn't say anything, he just hung his head in shame.

"Look Blu, I haven't told you this yet, because you are still very young, but I think it's necessary that you know it," Marcos added, putting his wing over Blu's neck. "When I was two years old, I used to lie, a lot and I never listen to my parents, when they tried to warn me that the lies could bring bad things, I only ignored them. One day I did a mischief to an eagle and I did get him very angry, my parents had told me not to do that because it could cost my life, but I didn't listen to them and he almost killed me, but I managed to escape. I barely came back to my parent's nest; they asked to me worryingly, why I was a mess and a little injured, I lied to them, saying that I had an accident by the lake, but nothing bad happened; they bought my story. However, only then I realized that lying can really give me a trauma for almost all my life," Marcos draw a breath, remembering the sad story. "One day, I was playing with my parents and out of nowhere, the eagle that I had made angry appeared. I thought I would never going to see him again, but he appeared and caught me before he took me far away. My parents started to follow him and yelled not to hurt me. It was all if the sudden, my dad yelled him to stop for make a deal, that made the eagle stopped and thought about it, before taking a U turn back to my dad. They started to talk about what happened and what is going to be the deal. I was too distorted with the shock until I was unable to comprehend what was happening. It lasted a little bit until my consciousness returned back to me and realize that my dad already exchanged his life for me. The eagle then accepted my father's proposal…" Marcos paused to wipe his tears before he continued. "And to make sure that my dad wouldn't escape, he caught my father from his neck and he cut his fly feathers, rendering him flightless. Finally, he threw me to my mother… I still remember his last words, 'take care him my dear and don't let anything bad happened to him.' He said those last words with tears soaked his cheeks. I started to cry and yelled for him to return, but it never happened. After that day, we never saw him again, I was in a terrible depression that I couldn't admonish for almost two years." Marcos gazed to his son. "This painful experience made me ponder that I need to change; to escape this remorse, I realized that the solution was to correct all the bad things that I did and that, most importantly, the reason why I forbade for all my life, the act of telling a lie. It is my promise to my father that I will never do it again."

To be continue...