A/N: Yet another cringey chapter. You're welcome. XD

T: Treasure

Amelia had been a captain for years. She was used to having her actions questioned. Especially considering her suddenly promotion and decision to downsize the amount of voyages she took. But... she had hoped that her promotion to Admiral would have gotten rid of some of the questioning.

Apparently, she was wrong.

She had summoned Captain Johnson, a longtime friend of hers, for a mission to one of the outlying planets on the rim of the Royal Navy's reach. He stood proudly on the other side of her desk in her office. He'd been all for it at first, until…

"Yes, this mission is a bit treacherous, but since the Navy trusted me to embark on it…. I believe I can trust you as well, old friend."

Johnson paused, his eyebrow raised. The dark-furred Felid man ran a hand through his jet black hair, chuckling a bit uncomfortably.

"No disrespect intended, Admiral, but… The Navy asked you first? And you… turned them down?"

Amelia nodded, raising an eyebrow as well.


Johnson couldn't help but smile.

"In all the time I've known you, Admiral, you've never turned down a voyage such as this."

Amelia shrugged almost imperceptibly. She reached into her desk, handing the folder with the voyage's details in it to him. Johnson took it hesitantly and began leafing through the contents as she spoke.

"Well, one must change priorities when needs arise that force one to do so."

"Needs?" Johnson looked to her, watching quietly as his friend leaned against her desk. "Pardon my plain speaking, Admiral… But what needs could have possibly arisen that would...would make you, of all people, reject this obviously lucrative voyage?"

He opened the envelope again, leafing through the information once more.

"It says here, there could be gold and precious gems to be found on this voyage. I heard your Treasure Planet voyage did not go as planned...surely you would have seen this as an opportunity to receive the treasure you were owed." he said as gave her an odd look.

Amelia let out a chuckle as she thought of a response, then paused as the photo on her desk caught her eye. Delbert was grinning as he lay on the floor face down, pinned by their three laughing daughters as they sat on his back. His glasses sat on their son Daniel's nose, his tiny face scrunched in confusion as he struggled to look up at the camera, his arms outstretched. Johnson followed her gaze, and all he could do was smile.

"Ah, of course."

He knew he wasn't the only one who'd been thoroughly shocked to hear about the developments in Amelia's life. Delbert and Amelia's relationship had been painted as somewhat of a 'whirlwind romance', although in reality, it was signficantly less wild than a whirlwind. The gossip that circulated about said romance was filled with rumors and half-truths, which Johnson himself found amusing.

Some said Delbert swooped in and slept at Amelia's side the night Arrow died, just to ensure she didn't do something she'd regret. Others said he awkwardly comforted her and then watched her sleep, like a stalker, until morning. Some said he swept her off her feet by gunning down a mass of pirates while on the hostile planet. Others said she'd had to rescue his sorry behind. Some said she'd been the one to suggest they pursue a relationship, while others said he did… Some even said they'd 'accidentally slept together' at one point and that that was where the relationship blossomed from. This, of course, was not true...and absolutely ridiculous.

Amelia had been genuinely offended when she'd heard this specific rumor, not because it impugned her honor, but because it painted Delbert as some sort of scoundrel. She would not stand for him to be seen as anything other than the gentleman he was.

Johnson remembered being roped into more than one candid conversation about these rumors with his colleagues, and always found it humorous to hear how many of them were in absolute disbelief at the very concept of it all. There were some who still didn't believe, claiming their relationship was some sort of elaborate publicity stunt. Even with the birth of their triplets and only son, there were still those who weren't convinced.

But Johnson was simply glad his friend had found such genuine happiness.

"I am pleased you see my point, Captain Johnson." Amelia smiled, turning away from the photo and gesturing towards her door. "I am no longer at liberty to simply drop everything and sail away, the way I once did."

Johnson nodded, walking with her to the door.

"Yes, I know, and frankly I'm glad you can't."

Amelia raised an eyebrow as he stepped out into the hallway, flashing her a grin.

"Are you?"

"Of course," he chuckled. "You being a bit landlocked gives us amateurs a shot at an adventure or two. Especially since you've seen to it that you have some very precious treasure of your own to attend to now."

Amelia thought a moment, then nodded to him, the thought of her loving husband and adorable children waiting for her causing a gentle warmth in her chest.

"Yes, it would seem that I do. Very precious treasure indeed."

A/N: *screams* sorry bout that. This was stressful… But EEEE ish cute k mmkay review thx k bye 3