Name: Yuna

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Hair: Tri-colored like Yugi's, Yuna has blonde bangs and spiked black hair that goes down her her lower back, outlined in red.

Eyes: Purple

Clothing: Yuna's clothes are based off the girl's uniform in YuGiOh. She has a black long-sleeved shirt with a high collar, a pink blazer with a blue bow, a blue miniskirt, white knee-high socks, and black shoes. She carried a replica of the millennium puzzle on a brown rope around her neck.

Deck: Replica of Yugi Muto's

Extra Deck: Spellcasters

Name: Jamie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hair: Almost exactly like Jaden Yuki's, with the two-toned brown hair, but the two strands of hair on the side of her face go down to her elbows.

Eyes: Dark Brown/gold

Clothing: Slifer red boys' vest with black sleeveless shirt. Also has white jean-shorts with two thick brown belts. She has black stockings going to a few inches under her shorts, and gray and red sneakers like Jaden's.

Deck: Replica of Jaden Yuki's (Elemental Hero)

Extra Deck: Replica of Jaden Yuki's (Neo Monsters)

Name: Yuu

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hair: Like Yusei's, but the back is longer, going to her butt

Eyes: Gray

Clothing: Yuu wears exactly what Yusei wears, with a few modifications. Her jacket is longer, looking more like Kaiba's silver cloak. She wears short, black, fingerless gloves instead of the long brown ones Yusei wears. She has Yusei's tattoo on her face, same as Yusei's, as well as a tattoo on her right arm of his Signer Mark, and a circular crimson dragon on her back.

Deck: Same as Yusei Fudo's

Extra Deck: Dragons

"I sacrifice Kuriboh to bring out the Dark Magician! And I attack your life points directly!"

"Ha! You activated a trap card! Mirror Force!"


"Say goodbye to your Dark Magician, Yuna!"


"Match over! Winner, ME!"

"I hate you…"

Yuna pouted at her friend as she did a victory dance, blowing a strand of her blonde bangs from her face. Sighing, she collected her Yu-Gi-Oh cards into her deck, shuffling them quietly as the other finished her dance. "Man, you almost beat me! You're getting better, Yuna!" Said girl sighed and put away her deck.

"It's not good enough. I need to be better, Jamie. I can't beat either of you… Yugi can beat Jaden and Yusei without any effort, but I can't even win once!" Jamie frowned at her young friend as she stood and left. She sighed and picked up her own cards, putting them in a pile and putting them away as the third of their small trio came in, her arms crossed.

"I told you to go easy on her…"

"I tried! But I got caught up in the moment." Jamie said solemnly, looking down as she got up on her feet. "I didn't mean to hurt her feelings again." Yuu sighed.

"Fine, but you need to be more careful around her." Yuu stated sadly, but sternly, earning a nod from Jamie. "Good." She turned and walked down the stairs, Jamie in tow. "Yuna?"

"I'm in the kitchen."

The two walked in to see Yuna boiling some pasta. Jamie sighed and pat the midget's head. "Listen, kid. You'll get better at Yu-Gi-Oh. We've had more experience than you. And come on, ya got Yugi's deck!" Yuna looked at Jamie with a frown set in place. "Ya gotta stop worrying about losing. You need to use different strategies.

"I know…" Yuna looked at the boiling pasta. "But it's so hard. You two are so good. I'm supposed to be Yugi, but I can't win." she said softly, on the verge of tears. Jamie frowned and looked over at Yuu, who was watching with a frown as well. Yuu walked up to the and put a hand on Yuna's shoulder.

"Come on, Yuna. Go get your homework finished, alright? Jamie and I will finish up here." She said softly, careful for the other girl's feelings. It was obvious she needed time alone. Yuna nodded and went into the living room. Yuu sighed and crossed her arms.

"Poor Yuna…" Jamie whispered, stirring the pasta. "Just because she has Yugi's looks and deck, doesn't mean she can't be her own person… I mean, we're still ourselves, even with our getups."

"This show is the only thing Yuna can cling to other than us." Yuu said as she made the sauce. "We should just be glad something could make her happy, even just a little bit…"

"Yeah…" She nodded, brushing a few stray bangs from her face. After a few silent moments, Jamie looked up. "Seriously, though… What's wrong with Yugi's hair?" Yuu laughed. Last night, they had all sat down and watched LittleKuriboh's Abridged version of Yu-Gi-Oh: Bonds Beyond Time. They were never able to get their hands on a true copy, but this one, in their opinion, would have been way better anyway. They cooked the rest of their dinner, talking about their favorite Yu-Gi-Oh cards and other things.

Their house, despite only two of the three working and two of them at school, was fairly big for them. It had four bedrooms on the second floor, one for Yuu, which was the largest, one for Jamie, which was a bit smaller, and one for Yuna. Each of their rooms were filled with Yu-Gi-Oh things, such as cards and posters related to their respective series. Yuna, who was a good painter, had painted toon versions of the three God cards, Ra, Obelisk, and Slifer, and had a poster of the Millennium Items. Jamie's room had posters of Jaden Yuki and Yubel, and Yuna had painted pictures of Elemental Heroes Burstinatrix and Avian on one wall, and Elemental Hero Neos on the opposite wall. The final occupied bedroom was Yuu's, who owned a portrait-painting of Yusei on his motorcycle. Other posters were of Yusei and his friends, and his ace card, Stardust Dragon, which she has a plush of. Other things included in their rooms were a large closet, and one window. Their fourth room was a nice blue color, giving it a homey-look, with a queen-sized bed, closet, and drawers. This was the only room reserved for any guests (though it was rarely occupied).

Their living room took up most room on the first floor, along side the kitchen and dining room. Their living room had a large TV hanging up on the wall, a long, circular couch, and a round coffee table in front of it. Under the TV was a cabinet that held multiple gaming consoles, with multiple games and genres. The kitchen wasn't very big, It was an average-sized kitchen, that morphed with the dining room next to it. It was a basic kitchen, with a fridge, dishwasher, oven/stove, and cabinets above the former listed. The dining room had an oval-shaped wood table with chairs lining it. Under it was a fuzzy black rug.

The last room was the basement, which had another spare room, a couple couches, and a hang-out room with a TV.

Yuna sat in the living room, on the couch, finishing her math homework, when Jamie bounced in, landing with a bounce on the couch next to Yuna. "Hello my illegitimate sister from the Middle Earth! How's it going in the land of Things-We-Are-Never-Going-To-Use-In-Our-Lifetime?" she asked, ruffling the girl's hair. Yuna giggled, pushing her hand away.

"There are just a few more problems, then I'll be done." Yuna said, finishing the third-to-last problem.

"Good. Any questions?"


"Good." Jamie chuckled. "Hey, take this. It might help you win." She took out a card and handed it to Yuna, who looked at it with mild curiosity. Her eyes slowly widened, and she looked over at Jamie, who was grinning like an idiot. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"W-where did you get this, Jamie?" She asked, holding up the rare yellow bird.

"I bought it. It was at the toy store. Apparently they're only one of the kind. Guess they're finally getting something right."

"But that means…"

"Yep! You, me, and Yuu are the proud owners of the legendary three God Cards! So have fun with your gold chicken, my dear Hobbit!" Jamie saluted before pushing herself to her feet and going back to her pasta. Yuna stared at the card in complete shock.

One of a kind… just like my Exodia… Maybe I'll get a chance to play this one… She thought with a small smile. Thank you so much, Jamie… She put the card down next to her paper and finished her homework quickly, not noticing a couple sparks coming from the TV.

Jamie hopped into the kitchen with a stupid smile on her face. Yuu raised an eyebrow. "What's got you ha—" She wasn't able to finish before Jamie thrust a card into her face. Sighing she took it. "What's this?"

"An awesome card! I was going to give it to you guys on your birthdays, but this works just fine!" She explained. Yuu's eyes widened.

"Obelisk… the Tormentor?"

"One of a kind! Pretty sweet huh?" Jamie asked, straining the pasta. "It's like Exodia. We're pretty lucky we were able to get Exodia! Now we got these!"

"they're actually going for the one-of-a-kind deal again? I'm surprised…"


"Because isn't Yu-Gi-Oh a broken, exploitable mess of a game? You'd think they'd have made more copies like idiots." Jamie shrugged and poured the post back into the pot.

"Ah well. But hey, at least Yuna's happy now. By the way, how're you doing on your little "project"?" Jamie asked. Yuu frowned.

"I don't know how he could've done it… Until I can work out the kinks, I'll be using the car."


"How's school?" Yuu asked. Jamie smiled.

Pretty good. Yuna's told me she made a few friends, and she's doing very well in her classes from the report cards."

"That's good. Speaking of report cards… How are yours?" Jamie froze.


Yuu's eyes narrowed. "Jamie…" Jamie started to sweat nervously, before turning to Yuu.


"You said you planned to pass…" Yuu's eye twitched.

"Well yeah, I did plan it. Never said it'd actually happen—OW!" Jamie knelt over and rubbed her head while Yuu held a fist in the air. "Baka…"

Jamie frowned, then stood and turned toward the living room. "YUNA! DINNER'S READY!"

"Yuna, are you ready to go?"



"G-give me a minute!"

"Okay…" Jamie frowned. What's going on with her? I thought she loved school…

Yuna ran down quickly, stuffing her Duel Disk into her bag, her cards already in the pouch on her belt, and her Millennium Item already around her neck. Jamie grinned. "You do know you don't have to take that thing wherever you go, right?"

Yuna smiled. "I like it, so I'm bringing it."

"Alright." Jamie shrugged, then turned to the stairs. "YO YUU! WE'RE LEAVIN'!"


Jamie laughed and Yuna sweatdropped. "You shouldn't do that… she's not a morning person…"

"I know." Jamie grinned, then took Yuna's hand and walked to school with her.

Yuna walked through the school silently, looking around nervously, gripping the straps to her backpack. The halls were deserted, since it was lunch time. Yuna never stayed in the cafeteria, ins tea wandering around. Despite what she had told her sister, she didn't have any friends. Her old ones called her a freak when she changed her hair permanently. Everyone opted to stay away from her… all except a few.

"Well well well… look who it is." Yuna stopped, her eyes widening as she looked at the ground in terror. She heard multiple footsteps as they came closer, stopping in front of her. "What's the local freak doing today? Daydreaming about that starfish-haired cartoon character?" Yuna looked up at that comment, and saw her. Satsuki Gyuna. The school "princess", one whom boys and girls alike adore. Behind her were her two goons. Yuna frowned at what Satsuki had said, but quickly decided to ignore it and try to walk past. Key word: tried.

"And where do you think YOU'RE going?" Yuna's eyes widened as her backpack was tugged back, making her lose her balance and fall back. She looked up at the smirking face of Satsuki's left goon, Rina, who… held… her… backpack…

Yuna looked at her worriedly. Rina handed her backpack to Satsuki, who opened it and took out her Duel Disk. "What's that?" Her other goon, Lisa, asked with distain.

"Another dweeb thing." Rina spat.


"Hm?" Satsuki raised an eyebrow at Yuna as she got up. "What was that?"

"I-I said…" Yuna took a deep breath, gripping the chain holding the Millennium Puzzle tightly, "It's a… duel disk…"

"Duel disk? What the hell is that?"

"Y-you use it to play a card game…" Yuna explained, gulping and gripping her hands together in front of her to try and keep calm. "It usually has a hologram program on it…—"

"Really?" You could hear the smirk in Satsuki's voice. "That's pretty cool. Oops!" She exclaimed as she threw it to the ground. Yuna's eyes widened as she tried to grab it, but was tossed back by Rina. Satsuki picked it up and smashed it against the wall, cracking it more.

"Stop it!" Yuna exclaimed, trying to get to Satsuki. Rina and Lisa held her by the arms, letting her watch as Satsuki slowly crushed her disk. Satsuki took a couple steps back, then threw it hard out the window. Yuna screamed loudly, making Rina and Lisa let go. Yuna scrambled over to the window and looked out, eyes wide. She stared in horror at the shattered mess of her duel disk. Tears appeared in Yuna's eyes, and she trembled.

"Pathetic." Yuna was turned around and felt her Millennium Puzzle ripped off her neck. Yuna screamed again in horror as Satsuki threw it out the window, straight down, very hard.

Yuna stared down in shock, completely numb, not even feeling Satsuki pick her up and talk to her until her cheek stung. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you!"

Yuna looked down in silence for a few moments. Suddenly, she shot her head up and screamed bloody murder, tears pouring from her eyes. Satsuki was taken by surprise, and dropped Yuna. She heard footsteps. "Tch… Let's go!" They quickly walked off. Jamie ran over toward Yuna.

"Yuna! What's—" Jamie's eyes widened as Yuna rushed passed her, barely even acknowledging that she was there. After a few seconds, she regained herself, looking at the broken pieces of plastic on the ground. "Yuna… YUNA!" She quickly turned and chased her. Yuna, however, had taller legs, and ran a LOT. By the time she was out the door, she saw Yuna turning the street, holding something gold in her hands. Jamie watched her leave in shock, and took a step forward.


Jamie stopped, looking down and moving her foot away. She stared at a blue square with a red arrow. "Yuna…" She looked around, seeing the bits and pieces of her duel disk. Jamie's eyes narrowed, and she flipped open her cell phone. She heard it ring, before someone picked up.

"Jamie? What is it now? I swear to God, if you're prank calling me—"

'Yuu, call an ambulance."

"Huh? What? Why? Is someone hurt?"

"Oh they're going to be." Without another word, Jamie shut the phone and ran back into the school, her eyes blazing.

Yuna unlocked and opened her door, her head down as she ran in and dumped the remains of her Millennium Puzzle on the counter. She shut and locked the door, putting her back to it. She breathed unevenly, tears pooling down her cheeks. For a while, she had been bullied by Satsuki, but it had never gone this far… This time her Millennium Puzzle was smashed. The o-one thing… that helped me get through school… that hell… and it's in pieces… She took a deep breath, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. Oh well, she thought, It's not like this is the first time it happened… Sorry, Yui. She slowly walked over to the counter, her eyes shadowed. She put all the pieces into a box, and walked over to the living room. She looked at the pieces with dead eyes, then looked up once she reached the living room.

Her eyes slowly widened, and she dropped the box with the puzzle, and screamed.

"Can't you go any faster?!"

"I don't want to get pulled over, ya know!"

"Just hurry!"

After Jamie called Yuu, the former tried to find the people responsible for Yuna's meltdown, but was unsuccessful. Yuu had appeared not five minutes after, dragging Jamie into her car kicking and screaming. They were on their way home.

"I hope she's alright…"

Yuu said nothing.

"You'd think she'd tell us if she were being bullied, but noooo."

"Calm down, she must have a good explanation."

"It better be a damn good one!"

The car was parked in the garage next to the unfinished motorcycle, and they sighed. "She might not even be here… " Jamie whispered, frowning.

"If what you said was true, she'd come back to fix the puzzle immediately. Besides—"



The two looked at each other in shock, then unbuckled and ran to the door, yelling, "YUNA!" Yuu reached the door first, unlocking it and pushing through. They raced to the living room, and froze.

"W-what… what is this…?"

"Impossible…" Yuu whispered.

Yuna knelt down next to a mass of unmoving bodies.

Yugi Muto… Joey Wheeler… Ryo Bakura… Yami Yugi… Seto Kaiba… Yami Bakura...

Jaden Yuki… Syrus Truesdale… Zane Truesdale…

Yusei Fudo… Jack Atlas… Crow Hogan…

These characters were laying in their house, unconscious… in front of the TV.