Chapter 3

The week passed by faster than Zach and Allie wanted it to with the visit to Volterra weighing heavy on everyone's mind. It was Thursday night and Allie was showering in Zach's bathroom, while he spoke with his family on the front porch.

"Are you sure you don't want to go for a hunt with us, baby boy? It might help you relax," suggested Rosalie and Emmett winked at his son.

"Babe, with us gone and Josh at home studying for his test tomorrow, Zach and Allie will get some alone time," informed Emmett.

"Em, I am his mother. I don't want to think about such things," she whined.

"True, but you are also a mate. Let them have some privacy. It will be hard enough with them being apart while we are in Italy," suggested Emmett and Bella nodded in agreement as she and Edward approached them.

"I know it will be hard for the two of you, but I actually feel better knowing that she will be away from Italy. Even with Marcus and Didyme as the rulers, the Volturi can be frightening, especially for a human. Allie shouldn't have to go through that if it is not necessary," said Bella. Edward nodded in agreement.

"I know Allie is disappointed that she can't be by your side during this, but it is for the best. I am impressed that you two were able to work things out so quickly," said Edward.

"Not everyone is as dramatic as you and Bella," called Alice from the driveway and Bella playfully glared at her sister.

"Yes, well the situation is also a bit different. Have fun with Allie while we are gone and please do not act like your uncle and try to reassure her constantly that you will be fine. She is going to worry no matter what. She is your mate," advised Bella, which made Edward smirk.

"But don't let her try to talk you into letting her tag along as if she isn't a mere mortal. Mate or not, her presence would only complicate things," advised Edward.

"Hey, my presence in Italy saved your life," argued Bella.

"But your presence on the mountain distracted me and complicated things when I was dealing with Victoria and Riley."

"Don't you mean when we were dealing with Victoria and Riley," corrected Seth as he and Kaya joined them on the porch. Edward chuckled.

"Of course Seth, my apologies, you held your own during that fight," admitted Edward.

"And I would have won even if Bella didn't go all noble martyr," teased Seth and Bella nudged him.

"I was trying to help," defended Bella.

"By cutting yourself around bloodthirsty vampires, oh yea you really thought that one out," laughed Seth as Bella stuck her tongue out at him. Zach perked up when he heard Allie walk out of his bathroom.

"Well this history lesson has been fun, but have no fear. Allie and I don't have to worry about that stuff. It happened like a hundred years ago and we aren't that old school. Have fun on your hunt, bye," called Zach over his shoulder with a mischievous grin before running inside. Bella gasped.

"I think he just called us old," she said in disbelief.

"What a jerk. I am not old and it most certainly hasn't been a hundred years. It has only been…." Seth's eyes widened as he thought about it.

"Thirty seven years, so how young do you feel now," teased Renesmee and Seth smirked.

"Says the woman married to a guy that is almost two centuries old," teased Seth and Nahuel threw his hands up in exasperation.

"How did I get involved in this," asked Nahuel. Seth shrugged.

"Easy target, alright, let's get out of here so we are back by dawn," announced Seth before phasing into wolf form. Carlisle and Esme shook their heads in amusement as their children began to bicker back and forth about the past and who was responsible for the mishaps in the beginning of Bella and Edward's relationship.

Zach beamed with happiness as he entered his bedroom and saw Allie putting her hair into a ponytail. She was wearing his Forks High School shirt and a pair of her most comfortable shorts. He wrapped her in his arms from behind and she beamed with happiness as she leaned into him.

"Is your family gone?"

"Yes, they won't be back all night," he informed as they sat down on the bed.

"I still think you should have gone to hunt. I hate being without you, but don't want you to starve for me either."

"I am not starving. I had a couple of elk when I went on my run with J on Monday. I am fine." She gazed into his eyes and began to play with the curls at the nape of his neck.

"I know you better than that. You are worried. I can tell and I don't blame you. It is scary to think that some random person can call on the Volturi to summon you whenever they want."

"My grandfather says this will be the last time that happens. Marcus and Didyme are already planning to abolish the old laws for good. I am okay," he reiterated, but she shook her head as she crawled onto his lap.

"Did you know that you clench your jaw more when you are worried about something? You don't have many mannerisms that I can pick up on, but you do that," she informed and his eyes slid shut as she ran her hands through his hair.

"I love it when you do that," he admitted and she smiled.

"Good, now relax. You don't have to pretend with me. I know you are worried. We both are and I will continue to worry about you until you are back here with me, far away from Italy. For tonight, just be here," she whispered before tenderly kissing him. He was more than happy to get lost in his mate. They spent the rest of the evening kissing, listening to music, and talking in his room until exhaustion fell over her. Zach held Allie close as she peacefully slept in his arms and he thought about what would happen in Volterra. He knew she was right. He was worried and he could not wait until the situation was taken care of. Being with her brought him peace though and he was content to hold her for as long as he could.

The next day, while Zach and Josh were at school, Allie spent time with her mother. The two of them decided to have a picnic at the beach. Emily smiled sympathetically at her daughter as Allie stared out at the ocean. Her mind wandered back to Zach and his trip to Italy later that day.

"Your father thinks all will be well. In his experiences with the Cullens, they always manage to resolve whatever issue there is," said Emily.

"Where is dad? Is he coming home for lunch?"

"I am not sure. Sometimes he is too busy to come home. An elder's job is never done."

"Elder by day, alpha by night, has he talked to the pack about what is going on? I haven't seen them around this week."

"He knows how tense things are right now for the Cullens and doesn't want the pack adding to it. They are upset that they are not going."

"Join the club," grumbled Allie before popping a grape into her mouth.

"I know you want to go, but as your mother, I am relieved that you are not. A meeting like that is no place for a human."

"I know you are right, but it doesn't make me feel better. Zach means everything to me. What if something happens?"

"Allie, he is a very powerful vampire. Your father says he has never seen anything like it. Zach is going to be just fine. He can take care of himself."

"I just wish I could be there with him. There is nothing I can do about it though. Hopefully he will be able to come back before the weekend is over."

"I am sure he will. It is nice that I can talk to you about these things now. You can always talk to me, Allison," said Emily as she hugged her daughter.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too." They finished their lunch and decided to take a leisurely stroll on the beach. The cool, salty air swirled around them in the breeze and the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore brought a tranquility that Allie welcomed. They headed down the beach and spotted Drew and Daniel surfing. Allie frowned in confusion as she noticed the boys were not wearing wet suits. Drew swam to shore to greet them.

"Hey Emily, hey Allie, what are you up to," asked Drew.

"Just trying to keep busy, aren't you cold? It is nice today, but not that warm. Isn't the water freezing," asked Allie.

"We are 108 degrees. Cold weather rarely bothers us. I heard about the summit. How are you holding up?"

"Surviving, but I can't wait for it to be over," she admitted. Emily glanced down at her watch.

"I am going to take a plate to your father. Do you want to ride with me or stay here?"

"I could use the fresh air, so I will stay," said Allie and her mother kissed her cheek before heading back home. Allie sat down on a piece of driftwood and Drew joined her. He could sense her anxiety.

"Want to talk about it," he asked.

"Wouldn't that be kind of awkward?"

"Maybe, but we'll get over it. All I have ever wanted is your happiness and I know he makes you happy, so I am sorry you have to deal with this."

"Zach says he has never been summoned like this before. What if he gets into trouble?"

"Then he will get out of trouble. Take it from someone that has been on the bad end of his power. He can handle himself. The Cullens will figure it out. So, um, have you and Zach talked about the future," he asked cryptically and she blushed.

"We are mates, so there isn't much to talk about."

"Yea, well I just meant with you being human it complicates things."

"What are you asking me, Drew?" He took in a shaky breath before heavily sighing.

"I am asking when Zach is going to change you. I know it isn't my business anymore because we aren't together, but I am curious."

"We have talked about it, but haven't decided yet. It will be soon though and this stupid summit makes me wish I already was a vampire so I could go with him."

"I figured as much. Try not to worry too much, okay?"

"Easier said than done," she muttered and he chuckled.

"Yea, well, try anyways. Do you want to surf? We have an extra board at the house."

"Um, hello, I'm the fragile human remember? Ice cold water could give me hypothermia."

"Right, then rain check until you are a vamp. Then we can go cliff diving too," he suggested and she winked at him.

"Maybe plummeting from tall heights and crashing headfirst into the water will sound more appealing when I am immortal." He laughed as he jogged back to the water. She zipped up her jacket and pulled up her hood as the clouds rolled in and the breeze picked up. She glanced down at her watch and sighed. Usually she would be relieved Zach would be out of school soon, but with the summit hours away, she found herself wishing time would slow down.

A couple of hours later, Josh sighed in relief as the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day and start of the weekend. Zach grabbed his backpack and followed Josh out of the classroom.

"Connell will be here in thirty minutes," informed Zach.

"You know, I think this is the first time I am not excited about it being Friday. It is also the first time I am not excited about going to Italy."

"Yea and hopefully the last time we have to worry about it. I hope all this is settled by the time Sofi and Caleb get married. It would suck not to be able to go because of all this."

"Hey, that's not going to happen. You and I will get to see your ex walk down the aisle to Caleb, so don't you worry."

"Will you stop calling her that?"

"I could, but I won't. Looks like Al is on time," said Josh as they spotted Josh's truck by the curb. Allie was leaning against the hood and Zach grinned from ear to ear as he made his way through the crowded exit of the school over to his mate. Josh hopped into the driver seat while Zach and Allie made themselves comfortable in the back.

"Are you coming to his place or are we taking you home, Al," asked Josh, but he did not immediately get a response. He groaned when he looked in the rearview mirror and saw them kissing passionately.

"Oh don't mind me. I'm just the guy that has to listen to you suck face," grumbled Josh as he turned up the music and drove out of the parking lot. Zach chuckled at his friend and decided to acknowledge him as Allie continued to kiss his neck.

"Allie's house, please J, and thank you very much," said Zach. Allie pulled away long enough to smile appreciatively at Josh.

"Yea, thanks Josh," giggled Allie before kissing Zach again. Josh rolled his eyes and headed toward La Push.

Zach and Allie managed to pull away from each other when they turned onto her street and Josh parked in in the driveway. Sam and Emily were lounging on the porch and sipping lemonade as they waited on the kids to arrive. Allie fixed her hair before getting out of the car with Zach. Josh rolled down his window to address them.

"I'll just wait here. Z, remember we are on a schedule. Try not to spend too long saying goodbye," he said as he pulled out his phone and perused his messages. Allie kissed Zach's cheek and gave him a wink.

"I need to talk to Josh for a sec. Be right back," she said as he headed over to the porch to greet her parents. Josh frowned in confusion when she hopped into the passenger side of the truck and closed the door.

"What are you doing," asked Josh as he put his phone back into his pocket and she smiled mischievously.

"Who are you talking to? Is it Megan?"

"Maybe," he said with a mischievous grin of his own.

"When will I get to meet her? Zach says you want to double date."

"I haven't decided if I am going to ask Megan or Samantha to prom, but when I do I will let you know."

"You should take Megan. You talk about her more," advised Allie.

"I will keep that in mind. So, what's up?"

"I need a favor."

"Name it," he said, but frowned when she looked down at her hands and tears filled her eyes.

"Keep an eye on him for me. Make sure he comes back safe." Josh pulled her in for a hug.

"Al, you never have to ask me for that favor. I have his back. He knows that and I have yours as well. You do know he can hear everything we are saying right," teased Josh as he waved at Zach. Allie giggled as Zach waved back at them.

"Oh I know he can, but it is not going to stop me from telling you this. I know you and I go back and forth and at times I get on your nerves because I take up his time, but….."

"You don't get on my nerves, Al. I am happy he found you and that you two make each other so happy. I promise that I will watch out for him and I will always watch out for you too, okay? Everything is going to be fine," he vowed and she nodded as she hugged him again.

"Good because I can't imagine my life with him in it or you for that matter. I didn't just gain a mate when I fell in love with Zach. I gained you as a friend and I am really happy about that. Keep him safe and make sure you both come back okay?"

"I will," promised Josh with a wink. He let out a whine as she ruffled his hair.

"For luck," she called as she got out of the truck and he playfully glared at her.

"You just had to ruin the moment," he called back. She jogged over to Zach and hugged him tightly.

"Please be safe, Cullen. I love you too much to ever lose you," she whispered and he kissed her cheek.

"I will be back soon, nayeli." He wiped away her tears and she nodded as he pulled away. He gave Sam and Emily a wave.

"Bye," he said as he turned to leave, but was surprised when Sam followed him off of the porch.

"Wait up for a minute, Zach. I don't know what is going on in Italy and trust me, I feel as helpless as the pack does at the moment, but stay safe. You mean the world to my daughter and even though it is not official, you and I are family now. You can call me if you need anything," said Sam as he held out his hand and Zach shook it with a smile.

"Thanks Sam, just try to keep her busy while I am gone."

"She has my stubbornness and her mother's need to constantly worry. You are giving me quite the challenge."

"You can handle it, alpha. See you later." He gave Allie one last smile before getting into the truck. His eyes were trained on her in the rearview mirror as they drove away.

"We will be back before you know it," assured Josh and Zach nodded as he stared out the window.

By the time the boys arrived at the Cullen House, Connell and Tia were already there with the Denalis. Rosalie pulled her son in for a hug when he got out of the truck and she noticed his melancholy demeanor.

"You will get to see Allie again soon, baby boy."

"I just want to get this over with," he confessed and Emmett kissed his son's forehead.

"We do too. Connell, we are ready to go," said Emmett and Connell glanced over at Alice.

"You seem to be confident this will end well, but if anything changes, you let me know and I will get everyone out of there in a flash," said Connell as Alice grinned coyly at him.

"That will not be necessary, but it is good to know you care. You do love me," she cooed and Connell rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say, wee one."

"You are such a softie," she cooed and he dodged her hand as she tried to pinch his cheeks.

"Everyone ready," he asked and they glanced around at each before nodding. No matter how many times they were teleported by Connell, they were always amazed at how they could be in one place one second and across the world the next. Josh let out a low whistle as the group appeared in a chamber he had never seen before. He could tell by the circular skylight high above them that they were not underground like they were the last time they had a meeting with the Volturi. He frowned in confusion when he noticed it was also dark outside.

"What time is it here," asked Josh and Alexander answered as he glided over to them with Lena.

"It is two in the morning, we are nine hours ahead of your residence in Washington State. Welcome back to Volterra, this is where the summit will be held," explained Alexander as everyone inspected their surroundings.

The massive chamber was circular in shape and consisted of polished, dark gray limestone. A circular, mahogany wooden table was situated in the middle with tall, mahogany chairs. Swords, shields, priceless artwork, and artifacts adorned the walls. Marcus and Didyme smiled sympathetically as they entered the chamber. Didyme kissed Esme and Carlisle on each cheek, while Marcus spoke in hushed tones with the three guards that trailed behind.

"We are officially in lockdown until the meeting is over. Activate the Azione Furtiva setting. Essere ware di nessuno che cerca di infiltrarsi nel castello," whispered Marcus and the guards bowed in acknowledgment before departing. Eleazar shook Marcus' hand as the ruler approached them.

"You are just as unhappy about this summit as we are," said Eleazar and Marcus nodded as he greeted each of them.

"Anyone willing to implement ancient laws is someone I consider a threat. The guards are on high alert for any type of infiltration or rogue vampires," explained Marcus. Garrett frowned in confusion.

"Do you think the vampire behind this would be bold enough to attack Volterra after luring us here? With the concentration of power in this room that would be suicidal," said Garrett.

"My mate simply worries too much. It doesn't matter how many security measures we have in place, he cannot help himself. The city is in stealth lockdown mode, which is why the timing of the meeting is impeccable. Most of the humans in town are asleep by now and those awake would not be allowed near the castle anyways. Marcus is worried about an air attack, but all of our air space is secure. We are safe here," ensured Didyme. Marcus patted Zach on the back and smiled appreciatively at him.

"Thank you for coming. I am aware of how much of a burden this is to you, your mate, and your family. I take responsibility for this law remaining. When we first took over, we did not want to change too much at once, since our kind is not used to such abruptness, but I vow to abolish any laws that would allow for this to happen in the future. This will be as painless as possible," informed Marcus.

"I just want to get back to my mate as soon as possible, so where is the person that has a problem with me," questioned Zach. The growl that emanated from his grandfather startled him and the others when a man strolled into the room. Based on his appearance, he looked to be in his mid-thirties, but the translucence of his skin revealed that he was far older than that. His shoulder length, dark brown hair was pulled back in a short ponytail and his eyes were golden brown. The light scruff on his face made him look far more rugged than his baby face would allow if he could shave. He wore a black leather jacket over his gray dress shirt, slacks, and black tie. Alice noticed his sleek, black designer shoes and the way his tailored attire made it clear he was not a nomad. His appearance was far too kempt for that.

"Hello Zachary, Sir Merek Dalton at your…." Before the man could finish his introduction, Carlisle pounced. Everyone, but Alice was shocked when Carlisle pinned him to the nearest wall, cracking the limestone with the force, and gripped his throat firmly. Edward saw the vision in Alice's mind repeatedly, but was reluctant to believe it would actually come true. He had never seen his father lose his temper in such a way.

"Carlisle," gasped Esme, but Carlisle's eyes were trained on the man.

"Merek, why am I not surprised that this was your scheme," growled Carlisle and Merek winced as Carlisle's hands tightened around his neck.

"Excuse me, but do you think one of you could step in for a moment? I was told this would be a peaceful meeting after all," said Merek in his deep British accent. Jasper sent a wave of calm to Carlisle, while Edward and Eleazar coaxed Carlisle to release the man.

"Calm down, Carlisle. I was not aware you two knew each other, but why do I have a feeling this summit is personal," asked Marcus as they managed to get Carlisle to step away from Merek.

"This isn't about Zach. It is about me, isn't it Merek," questioned Carlisle, but Merek rolled his eyes at the notion as he straightened out his tie and smoothed down his shirt.

"Don't be so arrogant, mate."

"We aren't mates," growled Carlisle and Merek gave a curt nod.

"True, but we once were. If I simply wanted to chat, I wouldn't have called this summit." Rosalie was surprised by the man's nonchalance.

"Then why are we here because I do not believe that you come in peace. No one calls on the Volturi just to talk," she argued.

"They do when they know they will be attacked just by announcing their presence. Really Carlisle, your temper has gotten out of control. It certainly is not the making of a gentleman. I heard of the battles you have been in, but assumed you were on the sidelines. Has the great Carlisle Cullen lost his compassion," questioned Merek and Carlisle laughed bitterly.

"If I had lost it, you would be dead, would you not," challenged Carlisle and Merek gulped.

"Point taken, now onto the matter at hand, Zachary, step forward so I may take a proper look at you," said Merek. Before Zach could oblige, Carlisle put up his hand to halt his grandson's action.

"Don't listen to him. He is nothing but a lunatic obsessed with things simply out of his control," said Carlisle.

"Carlisle, what is going on," whispered Esme as she placed her hands on his chest to calm him down. Marcus crossed his arms and nodded at Alexander and Lena. They flanked him as he approached Merek and scanned over him.

"I have known Carlisle for quite some type. He has never reacted to someone in such a way, which does not bode well for you. Why did you call this summit? If I find out it was to deceive me, you will learn the hard way that not even the new Volturi have patience for liars," warned Marcus. Merek respectfully bowed and placed his fist on his chest in a salute.

"My lord, the honor you bring to this castle and our world deserves far more than that. You and Didyme remind me of Artemis and Gamalon. It is refreshing to see honorable leaders in charge once again."

"King Artemis and his queen, you know of them," asked Didyme as she glided over to stand beside her mate.

"I served them well as a knight toward the end of their reign in my human years. It is but a faded memory now," explained Merek and Carlisle rolled his eyes at the awe and recognition evident in their eyes.

"You are a knight from the round table," asked Didyme and Josh's jaw dropped.

"Whoa, like from the stories of Arthur and Merlin and all that medieval stuff we have to read about in school," questioned Josh. Merek chuckled.

"Those are merely fables my good boy, but they are loosely based on my first home in this existence. That was lifetimes ago. It seems that I knew Carlisle a lifetime ago as well. You have a coven now. I am impressed."

"I do not care if you are impressed, Merek. You have caused a lot of stress for my family. What business do you have here," asked Carlisle and Merek bowed.

"Of course, how impolite of me, shall we take our seats and chat like gentlemen," suggested Merek, but Carlisle shook his head.

"You are no gentleman and have not been for quite some time. Speak your piece, so we can go on with our lives," said Carlisle and Merek glanced over at Marcus and Didyme. They nodded in agreement and he gave a curt nod.

"Very well, I requested this summit to voice my concerns about Zachary McCarty Cullen. It has been brought to my attention that his power may be a threat if not harnessed responsibly. I have brought two guests to help me discern the concentration of his power and his intentions." Rosalie glared at him.

"And who are you to decide such a thing? My son has never harmed you. We don't even know you," argued Rosalie.

"Oh, but I know of you, Mrs. McCarty Cullen. Your son's existence is astonishing. I have never seen such a thing in all my years. Then too, I never heard of hybrids either before this coven brought it to the attention of the vampire world. I simply want to make sure he is not a threat," said Merek as he surveyed Zach. Marcus and Didyme communicated silently through their glances before he gave a nod.

"Fine, bring your witnesses and let us be done with this swiftly," agreed Marcus.

"Thank you, my lord. Will you please allow Nathaniel to join us," asked Merek and Marcus motioned for Alexander to open the large, limestone double doors. Jasper's eyes widened when a nomad entered and stood beside Merek.

"He is one of the southern vampires who fought beside AJ and the rest of Aro's offspring. Alice, what is going on," whispered Jasper and she winked at her mate.

"Trust me," she whispered, but he pulled her closer to him to be safe.

"I am sure some of you recognize Nathaniel. I asked him to join us so I could be sure the legends I have heard about the great Zachary Cullen are true. It took quite some time to track him down. It seems most that survived that day on the battlefield are not willing to speak of it," asked Merek and Nathaniel nodded when he saw Zach.

"Yes, he is the one that we were not prepared for. He could have killed us all if he wanted to. I felt his power and it was strong, but he spared us," explained Nathaniel in his thick, southern twang of an accent.

"And you are sure his power could have killed all of you without even laying one hand on you?"

"Yes, but he didn't. He could have killed every last one of us, but he didn't. That is the only reason I am here today and I want to thank you for that, Zachary. AJ led us to slaughter, but you showed mercy. The least I can do is come to your defense now. Zachary Cullen is the most powerful vampire I have ever seen, but also the most merciful. That's all I have to say on the topic, so am I free to go," asked Nathaniel and Marcus smiled kindly at the nomad.

"Of course, you are dismissed," said Marcus. Nathaniel smiled gratefully at Zach one last time before darting out of the chamber and Carlisle glared at Merek.

"Looks like your plan to accuse my grandson of wrongdoing has crumbled," said Carlisle and Merek laughed.

"My plan to accuse your grandson, really Carlisle your assumptions are a bit hostile. I have one more witness. May we call her in," asked Merek and Marcus nodded as Carlisle gritted his teeth in frustration. Alice and Edward had to hide their smiles as Tesla sauntered into the room and Eleazar threw up his hands in exasperation.

"Tesla, what are you doing here," asked Eleazar. Merek frowned at their interaction and Tesla smiled innocently.

"I have no clue who that is. Pay him no mind, Merek. My name is Tess and I am here to speak my truth. When I heard that a vampire decided to use old laws to question the powers of Zachary Cullen, I wanted to be present."

"Tess, how did you even hear about this," asked Zach and she winked at him.

"I keep my ear out for whisperings in the vampire world and wanted to make sure I was present in case things got out of hand," she informed and Merek frowned even more.

"Wait, how do you know him? I brought you here because….actually I am not quite sure why I brought you here. Who are you," asked Merek and she whispered in his ear.

"Stop asking questions," she whispered and he nodded as he fell into a trancelike state. Didyme hid her smile behind her hand as she addressed Tesla.

"While we appreciate that you want to protect Zach, you are not supposed to manipulate the requester of the summit into choosing you as a witness, especially by using your power," informed Didyme and Tesla scoffed.

"He is using the summit as a way to manipulate the situation and get the information he needs. Honestly, Carlisle the company you have kept over the years is quite questionable, besides me of course," said Tesla and Carlisle chuckled for the first time since Merek arrived.

"Yes, I suppose it is. Exactly what type of information is he gathering on my grandson, Tesla?" Alice and Edward glanced at each other as Tesla whispered in Merek's ear.

"Tell them why you are really here," she commanded.

"My research relies on the boy. If he is as powerful as I believe, his venom will be the antidote," revealed Merek and Carlisle hissed at the man. Garrett and Keegan had to hold him back as he growled at Merek.

"I knew you were still experimenting! You will stay away from my grandson, Merek. Your antidote is a lie," declared Carlisle, but Merek shook his head.

"The antidote only needs the venom of a vampire with enough potency to withstand dilution. He is the one."

"The one for what," asked Rosalie, but Merek was silent. Rosalie glanced at Tesla and the woman whispered in his ear again.

"Tell them what you are trying to create," urged Tesla and Merek nodded.

"A serum that guarantees the transformation process will be completed without the pain and in half the time. A serum that will make my life's work meaningful again, make this miserable existence worthy of my time." Everyone except for Alice and Edward were shocked, but Carlisle shook his head furiously.

"It is impossible! We can't trust him. The things he has done, the lives he has ruined on his quest for vengeance against an imaginary foe, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He is too obsessed. He is a mad scientist like Joham was," argued Carlisle.

"Then he is dangerous indeed," said Nahuel and Kaya nodded in agreement.

"He cannot lie while under my control," reminded Tesla. Carlisle turned to Edward for confirmation and he gave a nod. Merek snapped out of his stupor and stepped away from Tesla.

"How did you do that? Who are you," asked Merek and Tesla winked at him.

"A friend of the family, I couldn't very well have you targeting Zachary without knowing your intentions. He isn't a threat, Carlisle. He doesn't even have a power and his mind is easy to manipulate. Zach is safe," assured Tesla, but Carlisle shook his head.


"Carlisle," tried Esme, but he shook his head even more.

"He is a danger in ways none of you realize. He never understands the full consequences of his actions because he has a one track mind. I took pity on him once in my existence. I will not make that mistake again. Merek, you got your answers. You know my grandson is powerful, but he is a good man, a better man than you could ever be. I am sorry that your mind is warped enough to continue on with your experiments after so many centuries of failure, but this ends now. Stay away from my grandson or I will put you out of your misery once and for all," threatened Carlisle and Merek carefully approached him as their eyes locked in an intense stare down.

"Your judgment of me is well-deserved, but I expected far more compassion from you than I have received. I am not that man anymore."

"Change does not come easy for our kind," reminded Carlisle.

"True, but it is not impossible. Besides, your opinion of me does not matter. The choice is up to your grandson. It is his venom and if word has spread accurately, maybe his newfound mate's mortality will be an incentive," challenged Merek. He jumped back and crouched defensively as Carlisle pushed him. Esme placed her hand on her mate's shoulder and he clenched his fists, but did not attack.

"Stay away from my family, Merek," warned Carlisle and Merek straightened his tie as he stood up.

"Well, it seems I have worn out my welcome. Zachary, if you are interested in creating this serum with me, the mind reader and psychic know where to find me. Marcus, Didyme, thank you for your services. I shall be on my way. The young man is not a threat, even though it seems the legends are true and he is far more powerful than I assumed. Cullens, Denalis, Blacks, thank you for your time," said Merek with a quick bow before darting out of the room. Carlisle growled in frustration.

"Marcus, this can never be allowed again. He used the rule to drag us here and played us all," said Carlisle. He began to relax as Didyme's aura of happiness consumed him.

"Carlisle, we had no idea what this was about, but perhaps you should keep an open mind," suggested Didyme and Marcus clapped Carlisle on the back.

"You have worked from time to time over the years on such research. Maybe the two of you could compare notes," added Marcus, but Carlisle laughed bitterly.

"The last time we compared notes, over a hundred thousand people were slaughtered," he revealed. They were stunned into silence and Carlisle walked over to Alice and Edward.

"You two knew about this didn't you," he accused and Edward looked down as Alice nodded.

"Yes, but Carlisle, if Allie can be turned without…."

"Your intentions are noble, just like mine were, but I will not allow him to spill more blood for the sake of this obsession. We are done here. Connell, please take us home," said Carlisle and Alice sighed. Tesla walked over to her old friend.

"Carlisle, I know of his plan and he had no choice but to be truthful with me since your shield was not around to impede my ability when I first intercepted him. He truly believes it will work. If it could help Zachary's mate bypass the pain and…."

"I am not having this conversation. My love, are you ready to go," asked Carlisle and Tesla smirked as Connell teleported Carlisle and Esme out of the chamber.

"That man has far more stubbornness than people realize," grumbled Tesla and Zach gulped as Josh shook his shoulder in excitement.

"Dude, did you hear that? You could turn Allie without the pain! Wouldn't that be awesome? You could turn her whenever you wanted," exclaimed Josh, but Zach shook his head.

"You heard my grandpa. Merek isn't someone I should be around. I am sure my parents aren't okay with it either, right mom and dad," asked Zach, but his eyes widened when they were silent. He looked around the room and noticed the uncertainty evident on the faces of his family members.

"Wait, are you considering this," questioned Zach and Rosalie marched over to Edward and Alice.

"Alright, spill, what do you know and don't give me that, we are staying out of it crap! Tell me. Will it work," asked Rosalie.

"From what I can see, yes, but some decisions still have to be made. At this point, I can see different paths. Merek is not a threat. He has a dark past, but he isn't that man anymore," said Alice.

"He is telling the truth about his theory. He has a facility in Alaska. He set it up after he found out about Zach. When word of Zach's human mate spread after the Christmas party, he decided to seize the opportunity," explained Edward.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner," asked Emmett.

"Because Carlisle is against this and it could cause issues in the family. You know I never want to disappoint him, but he has a different opinion on Merek and I don't blame him," explained Alice and Tanya eyed her cautiously.

"So he did kill all those people? How, with his experiments," questioned Tanya.

"Alice and I agree that it isn't our story to tell. We all have pasts, some darker than others, and we all deserve a chance to tell it on our own terms. It isn't something he speaks about often," explained Edward and Jasper gave a curt nod.

"When Carlisle mentioned it, I could sense the guilt radiating from both of them, but Merek's was far worse. He is not a pleasant man to be around. He may be polite, but he knows how to mask his pain. I sense no danger, but he is tormented," informed Jasper. Renesmee frowned in confusion.

"How could a serum even work? Wouldn't that be too risky to try on Allie? It sounds like he wants to experiment on her," said Renesmee.

"I will never let my mate be a guinea pig or lab rat for him," declared Zach.

"He already has the technique. All he is missing is the proper venom. Carlisle is right about one thing. This is Merek's obsession and has been since he was first turned. The stakes are high for him to get this right and not lose a life in the process," assured Edward.

"He would not be the first vampire to try such a thing. Most vampires who enjoy the sciences have thought about it. Aro was enamored with the notion when he first began the Guard, but after many failed attempts, he focused his attention on collecting as many powers as possible," revealed Marcus. Emmett wrapped an arm around his son.

"Baby boy, if Allie doesn't have to go through the pain, she shouldn't have to. You may have never experienced it, but it is the sharpest memory most vampires have of their human life because of the suffering," said Emmett and Rosalie sadly nodded.

"Most of us did not have happy endings to our human lives, Zach. Allie's experience will be far different, but the pain during the transformation will not be. The pain is worth it to have this existence, but not ideal," added Rosalie. Zach clenched his jaw in frustration as he thought about the transformation and Bella hugged her nephew.

"Why don't you take some time to think about it? This ultimately has to be your decision and Allie's. It affects the two of you and your venom will be used to experiment with. I understand why Carlisle is hesitant, but speaking from experience, it should be a decision made between you and your mate," advised Bella and Zach slowly nodded. Connell cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Are you ready to head home or do you need more time in Volterra," asked Connell and Zach sighed in relief.

"No, let's get out of here. No offense Marcus and Didyme, but I am ready to go see my mate. It has been a stressful week for us." He grinned as Didyme kissed each of his dimples.

"We understand and we apologize for the circumstances of your visit. Next time will be much better. It will be a joyous occasion. Sofi and Caleb are excited about the summer wedding," said Didyme. Zach hugged Tesla and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks for coming to protect me. It is nice to know you care about me enough to come all the way to Italy. Do you need to be somewhere? I am sure Connell could take you," said Zach and Tesla smiled at him.

"Thank you, but I will be fine. I plan on heading to Rome for a new wardrobe. I did my good deed for the year, so I deserve a reward," she informed and he chuckled.

"Thanks for having my back," he said as he hugged her.

"It is not often I meet someone in this existence worthy of protecting. It was my pleasure," she said before taking her leave. The rest of the group said their goodbyes to Marcus, Didyme, Alexander, and Lena.

"It is good to know my oath was not taken in vain. I apologize for not trusting you, Alexander," said Connell and Alexander clapped him on the back.

"We have seen enough in our existence to be skeptical. Think nothing of it," replied Alexander. Tia and Lena kissed each other's cheeks before standing beside their mates. Connell teleported the group to the Cullen House first and Zach sighed in relief as rain drops splattered onto his skin.

"The rain in Forks has never felt so good. I need to go see my mate. J, I still owe you a movie. Want to go tomorrow afternoon," asked Zach and Josh grinned from ear to ear.

"Sounds good," agreed Josh. Zach turned to leave, but Josh stopped him.

"Wait, Z, um, are you going to tell Allie about this," asked Josh and Zach was suddenly filled with dread.

"I….I guess I don't know. I don't even know what to do about it," admitted Zach.

"Well that isn't exactly something you want to put out there if you aren't sure it is even possible," advised Garrett as he gave him a hug goodbye.

"Based on everyone's thoughts, I think we are in agreement, which surprises me coming from my mate, who was constantly demanding I tell her everything when she was human," said Edward and Bella nudged him.

"I was young and didn't know any better. Zach, this is a big decision and if you aren't sure you want your venom to be used, then you shouldn't bring it up to her. Take your time with this. The consequences of your choice will be extremely important," explained Bella and Zach kissed her cheek.

"I am not going to tell her until I have more facts. I will figure this out, but I am glad I have so many people that love me and want to help," said Zach as he hugged his aunt. He hugged the rest of his family and the Denalis before departing and Rosalie took in a deep breath as they heard Carlisle and Esme talking about the summit inside.

"I have never felt this type of anger from him before," whispered Jasper and Tanya gulped.

"Alright, well Connell, we are ready to head back to Alaska," announced Tanya, but Edward shook his head.

"You can stay as long as you like," assured Edward, but Kate's eyes widened as she heard Carlisle toss a book angrily onto his desk.

"Um, thanks but no thanks, we have plenty to do at home. Keep us updated, hugs, kisses, and all that good stuff. Connell, please get us out of here," said Kate and Alice huffed.

"Coward," she grumbled and Kate blew a kiss at them before being teleported away with the rest of her family, Connell, and Tia. Seth grabbed his mate's hand.

"Well, we are going to our cottage. Have fun with this and all the drama I am sure it will bring. Come on, Kaya," said Seth and Kaya was more than happy to follow her mate. Josh pretended to yawn.

"I am exhausted. Mom, dad, are you ready to go home," asked Josh and his parents happily nodded.

"It is six in the evening," stated Alice dryly and Josh laughed nervously.

"It was a long day at school and teleporting wears me out. Bye," said Josh as he hopped into his truck. Jacob and Leah got into their truck as well and followed their son down the driveway. Renesmee pulled Nahuel toward the forest.

"We are going for a hunt. We will be back later," said Renesmee and Bella kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Have fun, sweetie, hopefully things will be less tense when you get back," said Bella as Edward hugged his daughter. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Bella stood outside the house in silence as they tried to figure out what their next move should be. Rosalie glanced over at Alice.

"Go on in, pixie, you helped to cause this drama so, after you," challenged Rosalie.

"Actually, Bella and Edward helped to cause this drama, but that is a story for another day," she informed and Edward smirked.

"Way to throw us under the bus. I thought we were on the same side," grumbled Edward.

"The truth hurts," sang Alice and Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"You are all cowards. I will deal with this," she declared and Alice clapped happily.

"Good choice, Rose. After all, you are a daddy's girl so….."

"I am not a daddy's girl. You are being….."

"No time to argue about the facts. Go on, we will go for a hunt and see you when we get back," announced Alice.

"We just hunted," reminded Rosalie.

"One can never be too full," called Jasper over his shoulder with a smile as he ran with his mate into the forest. Rosalie shook her head in disbelief when Edward and Bella followed suit. Emmett smiled sheepishly.

"Is it too late for me to run or…."

"Come on, Em," instructed Rosalie as she grabbed his hand and headed inside. He begrudgingly entered the house and followed her up to the study where Carlisle and Esme were conversing.

"I understand why you are concerned about Merek, but I trust the kids."

"Esme, my love, they want this to be true because they want to save Allie. I do too, but not at the expense of doing more damage. Alright you two, out with it, what do you have to say," called Carlisle as Rosalie and Emmett poked their heads into the room. Emmett frowned at his wife as she pushed him into the room before her, so she could hide behind him.

"Done with the temper tantrum, dad," teased Emmett, but Rosalie slapped him upside the back of his side when Carlisle gave him a stern look.

"He meant have you calmed down," corrected Rosalie.

"Yes and I apologize for causing a scene in Volterra, but trust me when I say Merek is bad news."

"We do, it is just that Edward and Alice seem to have a good read on him and while I cannot believe I am saying this, I believe Tesla as well. If he has some type of antidote that can help, we should keep an open mind, just like you raised us to," explained Rosalie and Esme smiled warmly at her daughter.

"She has a good point, my love. You are the one always reminding the children to be understanding and compassionate," stated Esme.

"But they have also reminded me that not everyone deserves that compassion. Aro didn't and it took him sending an entire army after us on more than one occasion for me to understand that. Merek is insane. He will do anything for his cause."

"So what if we use that to our advantage? We have a cause too. Rose and I already know that Allie is going to be part of this family, so what if our cause is to make sure her transformation is as painless as possible," questioned Emmett.

"That is why I have been researching the topic for the past months," confessed Carlisle and Esme kissed him sweetly.

"I knew you were up to something," she informed.

"Yes, I was, but I haven't had luck. I thought about altering venom, but it is highly unpredictable and dangerous. Three days of burning is a horrible price to pay for this existence, but I rather make sure Allie is safe than have her life come to a tragic end due to Merek's tests." Rosalie placed her hand on her father's and kissed his cheek.

"I understand and I am not saying that we are totally behind Merek's theory, but what is the harm in looking into it," asked Rosalie.

"Rose, I have been down that path with him once before and I won't make the same mistakes again. The answer is no. I am sorry, but no. It is too risky," said Carlisle and Rosalie took in a deep breath to steady her resolve.

"Then I guess it is a good thing it is not up to you. We are his parents and we love you, but we are going to do what is best for our son. If that means entertaining Merek's idea for a while, then so be it," informed Rosalie before leaving the room. Emmett's eyes widened at the exchange and quickly exited the study after his mate. Carlisle shook his head in disbelief.

"This is exactly what Merek wants. We are playing right into his hands, but no one can see that but me," he growled in frustration and Esme soothingly stroked his hair as she sat in his lap.

"My love, the children love and respect you. You know I do as well, but maybe it is time to have faith in them, just like they have had faith in your choices," she suggested. She took his silence as an admission that he would at least think about it.

Allie tried her best to focus on the movie she was watching with her parents, but to no avail. It was her father's suggestion that they enjoy a movie night at home, but even with her favorite film on the screen, her mind wandered back to Zach. She stood up and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table.

"It needs more butter. Be right back," she called as she walked to the kitchen. She grabbed the butter from the refrigerator, but the sound of a car pulling up caught her attention.

"Mom, dad, someone is here. Did you invite the pack over," she asked as she grabbed a small bowl from one of the cabinets. When she did not get a response, she headed for the front door to see who it was. Her heart skipped a beat when she opened the door and saw Zach standing there wearing the dimpled grin she fell in love with. He chuckled when she jumped into his arms and showered him with kisses.

"Havh aw8, nayeli," he greeted.

"What are you doing back here so soon?"

"It was a false alarm of sorts, so it didn't take long. I alerted your dad that it was me when I first pulled up, so I could surprise you, happy to see me?"

"So happy, so, so happy," she giggled as he carried her inside. Sam and Emily smiled at them as they stood up from the couch.

"Good to see you made it back safely and in record time," said Sam.

"All is well," informed Zach. Emily gave Sam a look and grabbed the keys to their car.

"Good, well we will leave you two alone. Since you are here to keep Allie company, we will head out for dinner and a movie," stated Emily and Sam caught on.

"Right, we will be back later," agreed Sam as they headed out of the house. Zach sat down on the couch and Allie did not hesitate to kiss him passionately.

"I missed you so much. Don't you ever do that to me again, Cullen. Do you understand? The thought of you in danger terrified me."

"It is okay now. I am right where I belong."

"So am I, right where I belong. I love you and I cannot wait to become a vampire so I never have to worry about us being apart like that again." He gulped as she hugged him tightly and Merek's offer replayed in his mind. Allie becoming a vampire was inevitable. He knew one day it would happen, even if they could not agree on when. She wanted to be turned sooner rather than later, but he was hesitant. The only thing truly holding him back was the pain and suffering she would have to endure. Merek's serum could change all of that for them. She kissed him tenderly and he became lost in his mate, knowing there was much to think about.

AN: There you have it! I hope you enjoyed and feel free to review and message me about what you think. Should Zach take Merek up on his offer? What do you think about Allie becoming a vampire? Let me and until next time, thanks for reading!