Mason straightened his tie as he looked in the mirror. He ran a hand through his hair to help with the dishevelment that seemed fluid in his curls. This was his first actual date since the awkward night with Jane at Breadstix that they agreed to never speak of again. That was, if Sebastian even wanted to consider this a date. Mason got a call that snapped him out of his thoughts. He saw his sister's picture on the screen , so he had no choice but to answer, because he knew how angry madison would be if he purposely ignored her call."Hey Madison. What's Up Buttercup?" he could hear the happiness in his his sister's tone. "Oh nothing muffin. How was your first day? We all want details." Mason couldn't help his confusion, "Wait, we? Madi, who else is there with you?" Madison named off, "Spencer, Jane, Myron, Alastair, Roderick, and Kitty, plus our advisors." Mason couldn't help his eye roll despite knowing she couldn't see. "Could you not have just said the glee club?" Madison wasted no time before putting him on speaker as the remaining members of the New Directions were sat in a circle in the choir room floor. "Mason you're on speaker. Say hi guys." The dull roar of greetings came from everyone, even with Spencer yelling, "Mas! How's Dalton bud?" Mason couldn't help but chuckle, "Hey guys! Spence, it's amazing." Roderick asked, "You joined the warblers yet?" Mason's face held a smile he knew the others couldn't see. "I got in with a unanimous vote." That obviously excited the group on the other end. Myron asked, "What did you sing?" Mason shrugged, "A Fall Out Boy song." Madison shook her head, "Tell me, please tell me you did not seriously go in there and sing Alone Together." Mason cooed, "Aww Madi! You know me so well." Spencer and Alistair both sang with a smile, "Let's be alone together. We could stay young forever. Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs." Mason smirked a bit, "Say yeah! Let's be alone together. We could stay young forever." Madison gave the two in the room with her a stern look, "Don't encourage him." Mason smiled, "Well, I'll let you guys get back to rehearsal.I need to get ready for this date." Everyone on the other side shared a look. Mason on a date? Kitty's voice raised above all of the confusion, "Who is it that lil ol Mason is going out with?" Mason tried to sound nonchalant, "It's this guy that I met last Friday. You all know Sebastian." Kurt's rage was ever apparent, "Please kid, for the love of god tell me you're not actually going on a date with Smythe." Mason's lips held a tight smirk. He said, "Well, we're going to Breadstix tonight." Rachel could feel the tension,so she spoke up, 'Well, we have to wrap up rehersal, so we'll have to let you go Mason. Have fun tonight." He smiled a bit, "Thanks Miss Berry. I miss you guys. I'll see you at the invitational." Mason hung up from the call. It made him happy to hear from everyone, aside from Kurt's anger. Mason finished getting his curls in order. He straightened his tie. "Ready to go, with 10 minutes to spare." Despite how little time it took him to get ready, that extra time left Mason with the opportunity to look in the mirror and start to start doubting himself, but instead, he gave himself a pep talk, "You can do this Mason. It's just a date. You weren't this nervous when you took Jane out, but that was because you asked her. This is the first time someone's asked you on a date. He looked into the mirror. The spark of hope seemed to reignite in his eyes. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Mason allowed himself to actually be happy.

A knock came to his door about 15 minutes later, snapping Mason out of his zone. He opened it with a smile, "Hello ." Sebastian chuckled a bit. He stood on the other side, in his old Dalton blazer and tie, with a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. He seemed almost a bit nervous, with white roses in hand. "H-here." Mason graciously accepted the flowers and put them in a tall vase he had sitting in the window. For once, having taken pottery over the summer with Madison was paying off. He met Sebastian's eyes, "Are you ok?" he asked, with a note of almost concern. Sebastian bit at his lower lip ever so slightly before actually answering. Yet, as nervous as he was, his tension seemed to melt away as he gazed into the sparkling pools of Mason's eyes. He cracked a smile, "Yeah, never better actually. This is just the first date I've ever been on that really made me nervous." Mason couldn't help his blush, "Why are you nervous? It's just me…" Sebastian leaned against the door frame, "Yes. Exactly Mason. It's you.I know you don't see it quite yet, but you're rather amazing." Mason's blush seemed to darken. Why was sebastian being so nice? Oh yeah, because this was a date. Sebastian extended his hand, "Shall we head to Breadstix, Little Lion Man?" Mason took his hand with a slight sense of panic. He'd never been this nervous. Mason looked as calm as he could while they walked out of the school and to Sebastian's car. He casually opened the door for Mason., who climbed in as carefully as he could. Sebastian closed the door and got in himself. He stuck the key in the ignition. He spoke up, "You look amazing by the way."A deep blush arose in Mason's cheeks. He wasn't used to people outside of glee club being so nice. He seemed to stumble over his words, "T-thanks, Sebastian." Sebastian smiled, without his eyes leaving the road.

The drive to Breadstix was quiet. They'd seen each other not too long before in the warblers' hall. Once he parked, Sebastian's nerves were abuzz. Hopefully, none of the New Directions showed up to ruin their fun. Yet, as soon as they got inside, Mason saw them there; Madison, Kitty, and Jane sitting at a table. Kitty was the first to look up and meet his eyes, "Oh hey traitor. Girls look, he actually had the guts to show his face in the city of Lima." Madison and Jane both gave glances up at them. Jane just looked back down as soon as her eyes trailed down to his uniform. Madison actually looked at his face. She saw the tears threatening to escape her brother's eyes. Madison could only mouth, "I'm sorry.", till noise finally escaped from between her lips, "Get lost Mas. You betrayed us." jane added, with her tone sounding rather cold, "All of us." Sebastian was practically seeing red. How could they just turn such a cold shoulder on someone who they used to be so close to? He glanced towards Mason, and saw the tears spilling down his face. He tightened his grip of his hand and led him to a booth as far away from the girls as he could. Sebastian sat across from him and started wiping away Mason's tears with the edge of his blazer sleeve. Mason's words came out as stutters, "I-I betrayed m-my f-friends." Sebastian tried to sooth, "Shh Mason honey, you didn't betray anyone. You did what was best for you. Those three are just being petty, because New Directions lost one of their best, and Jane's still bitter about actually not making it into the Warblers." Mason laid his head down, so Sebastian didn't see him break down entirely. Sebastian rested his hand in Mason's curls. "Shh Mason. It's gonna be ok." He looked back up, "How is this gonna be ok? By the sounds of it, my own twin sister hates me, all because I transferred schools." Sebastian took his hand and intertwined their fingers, "Well, I'll tell you why it's gonna be ok. Because you have me." Mason smiled despite tears flowing down his face, "Thanks Seb." Sebastian smiled a bit and dabbed away his tears, "Anytime Mason, really." The waiter came and they both got water. Mason wiped away the last of his ears, "So how was your day?" Sebastian shrugged, "It was the usual. Subbed for American History. Warblers was good" A smirk played at Mason's lips, "It's as though you forget I was there for rehearsal." Sebastian replied, with his tone sounding sweet, and almost somehow innocent, "How could I? Your audition was freaking amazing." Mason looked down at the table, "I was flat." Sebastian's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "You were?" Mason nodded, "At the chorus, I got nervous, and I was flat." Sebastian's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "You were?" Mason nodded, "At the chorus, I got nervous and I was flat." Sebastian took Mason's hand reassuringly, "Mason, you sounded great. You looked great. I have a feeling you're gonna do just fine in the warblers." Mason couldn't help the fear that crossed his features, "Promise?" Sebastian lifted their hands, with fingers still intertwined, and kissed the back of Mason's hand. "Yes, I do promise, and if any of them talk to the way that those girls did, you come to me. Ok?" Mason nodded, and one raven-esque curl fell in the way of eyes. Sebastian swept it out of the way, and glanced into Mason's deep blue eyes. "You're gorgeous."

The same pink tinge that had just departed tinged Mason's cheeks once more. He finally managed to speak without nerves showing clear in his tone, "So, now to the true awkwardness of a first date, tell me about yourself?" Sebastian smiled and sipped his water before he spoke, "Well I graduated from Dalton Academy third in my class two years ago. Went to 4 semesters at NYU, then I got the call asking if I was willing to come back and coach the warblers. I couldn't tell the administrators no, so now I'm back home in Ohio. Taking my classes online and coaching the boys in red and navy. What about you Mason?" Mason was really hoping he wouldn't have to explain about himself, but Sebastian's bright green eyes stared back at him expectantly, "Well, I-uhm… I went to Catholic school up until freshman year. Then I went to Dalton. Up until now this year, I went to Mckinley." Sebastian smiled a bit, "Alright. Your turn to ask me a question."Mason thought on his feet, "Alright. What's the worst thing you've ever done to a person?" Sebastian looked down, "Well, when I hit Blaine with the slushy. He had to have surgery after that. I didn't want to hurt anyone with the rock salt in it. Not even Kurt. I just wanted to stain his outfit. Then Blaine jumped in front of him, and since he's shorter, things went horribly wrong." Mason couldn't help his look of concern till Sebastian finally looked up, "What about you? What's th the worst thing you've ever done to a person?" Mason looked down at the table. His voice came out more of a whisper than anything else, "Do I count as a person?" Sebastian could see the tears welling up in his eyes, so his hands flew around Masons as he tried to sooth, "Shh baby it's alright. DOn't cry.I didn't mean to pry If you don't want to talk about it, then don't. I just want you to be comfortable." Mason wiped away the few tears that managed to escape. "No Sebastian. I need to be strong. Honestly, the worst thing I've ever done to someone is my own harm. All the cuts." Sebastian kept hold of his hand as their food arrived. Mason wrapped his other hand around his cup, grateful for the sensation of the cold against his skin. He finally started eating. Sebastian finally spoke back up, "Your turn to ask me another question." Mason decided to take the overly serious tone out of the date, "What's your favorite song?" Sebastian answered, after a moment of thought and a bite of pasta, "Belle of the Boulevard, Dashboard Confessional." Mason couldn't help his smile, "I love that song." Sebastian asked, after swallowing a mouth full of pasta, "What's your favorite song from a musical?" Mason didn't even have to think about his answer, "The reprise of The World of Your Body, Spring Awakening." Sebastian smirked a bit. Of course it was Spring Awakening. Mason has the air of pho-innocence that radiates from the whole show. "I adore Spring Awakening." Mason finished the last of his pasta, "Alright, last question. Why exactly did you want to help me in the first place? I mean, I'm just some kid that was in a class that you were subbing for. Do you always get this emotionally involved with the lives of teenagers?" In that moment, Sebastian's mind seemed to blank. Yet, as the server walked past, "Hi, can we get the check please?" The server nodded and walked away, giving Mason the opportunity to speak up, "Well, I'm waiting Seb." Sebastian smiled and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, the server was back with the check. Before Mason could object, he insisted, "A gentleman always pays on the first date." Mason blushed for what felt like the billionth time. Sebastian was being amazing. Once the meal was paid for, the pair made their way back to the car. Sebastian made sure to open Mason's door for him. Once they were back on the road to Dalton, Mason brought back up his question, "By the way, you never actually answered my question. Sebastian took one hand off the wheel and intertwined his fingers with Mason's. His eyes didn't leave the road, "Well Mason... I could see the pain in your eyes when I was covering Music Appreciation. I could tell there was something wrong. Plus, from checking Berry's Facebook page, I knew that you were a member of the New Directions. Your arms came way out of left field. But Mason... I am about to be super duper cheesy. Is that okay?" Mason stared out into the fading twilight as they parked, "Of course it's okay Seb." Sebastian cut off the engine. He put his hand that wasn't intertwined with Mason's own on Mason's cheek gently, "Let me love you. And I will love you, until you learn to love yourself." Mason smiled, "Of course." Sebastian smiled and unbuckled, leaning over to kiss Mason ever so gently. "You should get inside. Curfew's in 10 minutes."