My Morphine

By: Naomi Hun†er.

(This takes place and during the Episode "Cerberus" but takes a major AU twist. BEWARE: MAJOR YAOI THEMES)

Thomas sulked after they left, trying to rid himself of the aftertaste Fiona's salty papaya slices that had remained in his mouth.

/Great! I'm injured and she laughs at me! She LAUGHS!!!/ He stood shakily and began transforming his infirmary room into a computer lab. /I have to try to help Fiona…and Van. Then maybe, just maybe, she'll realize how much I care…/ He told himself, ignoring the pain.

Twice. Twice, the nurse found him working and threatened to send him to the "special ward for 'uncooperative' patients", but he didn't stop trying to help. He looked up, hearing yells and screams.

"Restrain him already!" His nurse said frantically. Thomas didn't get up but through the window in his door, he saw the struggle.

"LET ME FUCKING GO!" The 'Patient' hissed, his black hair mussed and wild. He saw a few orderlies jump on and contain him, dragging him off down the hall. He heard his nurse sigh loudly and open the door, checking up on him. Thomas looked back to his machinery and gulped.

"H-how'd that get there?" He laughed nervously.

——— † ———

Thomas obeyed and walked into the new, pristine, white room.

"Now, no more working or I'll have you strapped to the bed." She threatened as the Guardian Force Lieutenant smiled sheepishly.

"Ooh, kinky." A low, gravely, sarcastic voice said. He jumped realizing he wasn't alone.

His roommate stuck out against the white of the wall, dressed in all black (save the white bandages, stained red in places, covering his wrists and forearms). Black shirt, black bondage pants, black boots, black hair. His pale skin did not contrast much against the wall, but the red mark on his cheek did. His low mocking laugh sounded at his own joke. He tossed his head back to move the hair from his icy lavender eyes.

"R-Raven?" He gasped, back stepping to the door.

"In the flesh." Thomas turned swiftly and banged on the door.

His nurse appeared.

"Now what, Schubaltz?" She asked wearily.

"What the hell is he doing here!? He should be locked up!"

"He is, now do you have a real problem?"

"What do you mean by 'he is'?!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you, now I told you to behave Lieutenant Schubaltz, now go do so." She said and left.

He watched Raven slowly stand and take a look around, inhaling deeply.

"Ah. Home sweet home." He inspected the wall, brushing his fingers across it. Only then did Thomas notice his hands were bound. He looked cautiously at what he was examining. It was a raven- the bird kind- etched into the wall. "Hm." He said, flopping onto the bed in the corner. Thomas sat warily on the furthest one.

"Hah. A Schubaltz in here? That's not going to glorify the family name, huh?" He seemed to mock.

"Shut up! At least I'm not crazy like you! All I was doing was helping my…colleges out." He avoided the word 'friends'.

"Really? Hnh! And I'm not crazy, you have no idea." He began to laugh. "It's amazing what they begin to say about you when you destroy a few bases."

"You call what you've done a FEW?!"

"All in a day's work, love, besides, s'not like those glory boys you call soldiers are any different. I'm just easier to pick on." he almost sounded amused as Thomas blushed softly at the pet-name.

"Well! They're just doing their jobs--"

"And what would that be? Hm? Did you ever think that I, too, am just doing mine?"

Thomas fished for a retort, but relented with only an indignant 'hmph!'. Raven smiled at him having the last word and set to freeing himself of the handcuffs.

As the keys jingled in the lock, Thomas saw Raven slide his hands back into the shackles. Another nurse, an older woman, stepped with a small cart. She handed Thomas a small Dixie-cup and another with water.


"Your medication, it'll prevent infection."

"Oh! Thank you." He said taking them as she smiled and nodded, moving to Raven.

"My, my, Raven keep coming back, don't we?" She handed him only one cup, no water.

"All because of you, love." He said with a sardonic grin. She laughed and put her hands on her hips. "C'mon, hurry up, your not the only patient here."

He brought the cup to his lips and threw his head back, his throat rippling with a faux swallow.

"Ahhhh!" He stuck out his tongue, giving a slight sneer.

"Good boy, Raven." She said and left.

As soon as she did Raven lifted his tongue and spit the four small tablets onto his palm, freeing his hands again and hiding them underneath the mattress. Thomas looked at him.

"What'd you do that for?"

He laughed softly in return. "Sedatives, my dear Schubaltz, sedatives."

The Imperial sighed. "What are you dong here, anyway?" He asked, turning to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you get caught?"

He shrugged. "I was feeling homesick--and was a little careless." He leant forward, chin resting on his palms, giving a grin.

Thomas blushed softly; there was something sexy and strangely seductive in that psychotic smile of his. He quickly flipped over and feigned sleep.

——— † ———

Thomas heard a slight commotion in the hallway.

"I'm sorry you two, Lieutenant Schubaltz will not be allowed visitors a few days more, he needs his rest you know." Ruth, the pill lady, told Van and Fiona.

"Really?" His beloved said. "Is his face that bad?" She giggled. "He looked so funny, Van, didn't he?"

"Yeah, the poor guy."

"Oh well, sorry to bother you, then." Fiona told her and giggled more.

"C'mon Fi', lets go get some coffee, catch a movie maybe? We're free since we took out those Triple-Cheese-Toast guys. God! I can't believe Thomas couldn't beat them."

"I'd love to, sweetie." and the sound of a kiss.

Thomas trembled, unable to form words, Raven cracking open a lavender eye.

"What's with you?" he asked as more botched words came forth till:


It echoed in the room and the dark haired pilot sat up, rubbing his ear.

"Oi, what was that for?" He asked as the other's knees gave out and he sat down on his bed.

"That bitch, that fucking bitch." He whispered as Raven got to his feet.
"Oh yeah, you had it for the Zoidian chick." He stood at the end of his bed, swung his long legs over and sat on the footboard. "What'd she do to you again? I wasn't listening in."

The Imperial Lieutenant glared, then slowly softened, seeing a kinder look in his pretty lavender eyes.

"First, she laughs at me because I fucked up with the Trinity Ghosts, not even caring I got hurt, only that I look like an idiot with these damn bandages on. And she never even said anything about being with Van…I mean…she knew how I felt, she could have told me earlier…" He balled his hands into fists. "Who am I kidding," He said in a lover tone. "It's not like I'm handsome, important, smart, heroic…I can't do anything right."

"Not true." Raven said with a warming smile. "Not true at all. Think of that BEEK thing you made, that's important and shows how amazing you are with machines. And what of the Trinity Ghosts, you went single-handedly to protect and impress her, right?"
"But, I lost--"

"So? Even I've lost; defeat makes you stronger, Thomas, Remember that." He leant forward and swept his fingers across the bandages. "And you are handsome, very much so, even battle scarred."

The heat rose in Thomas' cheeks as Raven's lips touched his forehead, where the two bandages met. His pulse quickened and a slightly immoral thought crossed his mind. Here lay an exit, a release; and he took it, pressing his lips hard against the other's. A low rumbling laugh came from Raven's throat as he drew away, staring into him with those piercing eyes, pushing him against the bed, crawling half on top of him, kissing him again.

Thomas' mind raced as he twisted his long black hair between his fingers as the other took his hands up him. He moaned as the kisses continued until Raven smiled evilly and stopped. He put a finger to the Lieutenant's pouty lips and opened his arms to him, seeing his pleading look. He smiled happily and snuggled himself inside, pressing close against him.

——— † ———

Raven lay awake, toying with Thomas' soft hair as he slept. He draped his leg over his waist, listening to him purr at the contact. He kissed him again softly as the door opened. Ruth stood there, hands on her hips but smiling.

She stayed silent a few moments until Raven spoke.

"He's mine, you can't take him from me." he said almost in challenge.

She chuckled softly.

"If you go to sleep now I'll ignore not giving you your sedatives." She said, placing a cup on the nightstand. "Just make sure that Lieutenant Schubaltz takes his antibiotics when he wakes up."

He nodded cautiously, still pulling his fingers through Thomas' sandy blonde hair.

"Sweet dreams." She said, shutting the door.

Raven kissed his lieutenant again and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

[to be continued?]


I'm thinking of making more of it but I dunno. *shrugs* depends on how many reviews I get.

Okay, I know what you are all thinking (those of you who have not read either "Disarm" by me or "Moonlight" by December) Thomas and RAVEN. Thomas being YAOI COMPLIANT. Well, I have a theory or several ideas etcetera.

1.) They just look so cute together.

2.) It makes about enough sense as RavenxVan/VanxRaven

3.) Thomas seems to be someone who when has his heart broken, would be on the rebound fast. My idea kind of being who ever is willing. In this place, Raven.

4.) Raven is the epitome of dark, sin and sexy.

5.) Thomas is trusting and loyal and deep down will give people a real chance.

6.) Thomas is sexy too. ^_--

7.) Fiona is a bitch and will break Thomas' heart at the drop of a pin.

8.) When said heart is broken, guess who will be there.

And thus brings us Back to the rebound effect. ^_^

*stretches* I'm debating to go read more of Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Anderson or start on the next bit.

Hm! Whatever.

Mata ne.

Naomi Hun†er.

Disc: I own nothing. If I did, do you think I'd be writing Fanfiction?

-Ps: sorry about the font, I'm sick of Times New Roman or whatever and Centaur was a little too tiny on size ten.