A/N : Well recently I've been really into One Piece and I decided...why not make an OC gets reborn as MC story like the ones with Sakura in Naruto? So here it is my OC getting reborn as Nami.

This story is just for fun but if it becomes a hit I'll take it more seriously.

Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or any other shows I might mention in this story.

Starting All Over

Nami/ Ashley POV.

'This is not my bed'

That was the first thought that flew in my head as I opened my eyes.

It was funny considering I don't even sleep in a bed most of the time, I just snooze wherever I want. I tried to sit up but found that I couldn't move, more like my body felt weak.

Feeling panicked my eyes darted around my surroundings, much to my shock I could only see ruins much to my confusion. Last I remember I was...I can't remember but I certainly was not near ruins.

I tried to yell for help, but my voice was so high pitched and sounded like gibberish. I woke up, my body won't move, my body feels weak and my speech is now gibberish. Maybe I was drugged? It's the only thing I can think of.

"I-is...someone there..?" I heard another high pitched voice ask

I tried to yell "Here!" but of course it sounded like gibberish.

"A baby..?" the high pitched voice questioned as footsteps neared my position.

I grinned, finally someone could help me. My grin dropped as I registered what the voice asked. I am not a baby, I am a nineteen year old girl. Now is that girl high or something?

Squinting my eyes I made out the approaching figure, the only thing I could think at the moment was 'Whoah...cool blue hair...'

Then the little girl picked me up much to my surprise, she was smaller than me so how the heck could she pick me up that easily.

I squirmed letting her know my discomfort, she adjusted her grip on me 'Smart girl'

Now I was a person who relied on common sense.

I'm not going to keep insisting something else is going on when I'm clearly smaller right now. Speaking gibberish helped me figure out that I was one year old or younger.

'...a baby. I'm a baby.' those thoughts rung in my head.

Now I was a person who always tried to maintain my calm regardless of the situation. Lucky me I barely managed to keep calm and think.

Where am I? Why am I a baby? Did I die and get reborn? Did my soul switched out and enter this body? Where's my family? Is someone else in my body?

A tear dripped on my face making me blink away seeing the girl who saved me crying. Why is she crying? Did something bad happen? Is she crying because everything's in ruins?

I tried to console her but it just came out as gibberish.

She blinked looking down at me "Why aren't you crying...?" she questioned in what appeared to be confusion

"If the adult cries we're doomed" I tried to say but it came out as gibberish, my eyes wouldn't roll either much to my frustration.

"I wonder where your parents are..." the girl mused with a sad look

"Hey cheer up!" I tried to tell her with a grin, of course me being a baby it just turned into nonsense gibbering and a lopsided toothless grin.

The girl gave me a small determined smile as she continued walking.

I wanted to nod in approval, but of course I couldn't. So I just kept calming her down with my nonsense gibbering. 'She kind of looks like someone I know...' I thought to myself during this rant

'Kind of like an anime girl...I mean blue hair? That screams anime. Her parents must have been die-hard anime fans who dyed her hair.' I concluded to myself

Speaking of anime, I totally regret not watching the new episode of Fairy Tail and not watching the second season of Durarara and...basically not watching my anime watch list.

"Your little sister...?" a more mature sounding voice panted out making me pause

I felt the girl who was holding me look towards the person speaking, but I was tense. The girl shook her head "No, I found her..." she answered

I allowed myself to look at the person she was talking about only to freeze, my eyes grew wide at the marine uniform, 'No it can't be' I denied, but just to be sure I looked at the woman who had a unique mohawk. My suspicion had been confirmed

'Belle-mere...Nami and Nojiko's step mother. Retired marine, tangerine farmer and killed by Arlong.' My mind supplied as the woman fell on her knees in pain.

But that's the problem.

Bell-mere is a fictional character from One Piece, she can't possibly be here. And this situation is too...drastic for it to be a cosplay. Then that means...

'No this can not be happening!'

But I knew it was happening.

'I, Ashley Ayame nineteen year old am stuck in baby Nami's body.'


'How did this happen? Why did it happen? Why me? Why Nami? Who did this?' I kept questioning myself.

How was I supposed to get back? Can I even get back? CALM DOWN.

Okay, my life back in the real world is really important to me and this situation is just unbelievable. I mean come on! What was I supposed to do? Change the plot? Leave it? Am I even in the anime/manga? Was I in a different dimension? This whole situation is giving me a headache.

Before I could keep contemplating my situation Bell-mere's fingers tickled my face...and I am highly ticklish for a baby. So I giggled nonsense

"How did she survive?" Bell-mere asked with a smile as tears streamed down her face out of what appeared to be relief

Good question though, how did I survive? I always wondered how baby Nami survived her village being attacked by pirates. Guess it will forever be a mystery, darn...I really wanted to know what her parents looked like.

Soon enough the other girl...Nojiko also began crying with a smile.

Me being me laughed at the irony of the situation.

I mean...even I could figure out that my missing memories won't really help me. That I probably died or my spirit was switched with Nami's. But one thing's for sure...I am now a baby. Meaning I have to live life all over again...in the world of One Piece.

'Well I always liked adventures...' I thought to myself

'This woman is insane' was the only thing I could think as Bell-mere started navigating us into the sea towards her home island.

I had a bad feeling, not because I knew that the weather was going to change...more like because I could feel it, that something was going to change. I can't explain how exactly it felt because the moment I felt it the feeling went away as if nothing happened. Maybe I was just being paranoid?

My thoughts drifted back to my predicament...was I supposed to join Luffy's crew when I'm older?

Just like every fan I had a favorite crew or a top favorite crew list anyways which consisted of :

Number one, Roger Pirates. Number two, The red haired Pirates. Number three, Whitebeard pirates. Number four, Heart Pirates. Number five, Straw Hat Pirates.

Don't ask why Luffy's crew is number five, it just is. The members are my favorite characters but their crew isn't exactly my top favorite which brings me back to my dilemma...I really wanted to join Shanks' crew. But Luffy needs me, no he needs Nami. Otherwise they won't make it far without Nami as their navigator.

"Hold on tight girls" Bell-mere instructed as she too noticed the weather turning bad.

I'm a prideful person. But I believe in survival of the fittest more so I clutched on to the woman as if she was my lifeline, which she kinda is right now. Pride be damned, I wanna live!

First chapter complete! Hope y'all liked it. I'll continue with my other stories later on ;)