Disclaimer: I still own nothing and it still saddens me but whatcha gonna do. Anyways.

AN: I got threatened with a mob last night if I didn't write an update for this story. Understandably, I was a little shocked and I am now more than a little concerned for my personal wellbeing. Therefore, I'm writing a new update. But you people need to learn patience! On with Umbra Mortis…though I'm really curious why no one's asked the reason behind the title XD.

"It was the best of times…."

"It was the worst of times…"

Harry raised an eyebrow at the twins as he took a bite out of his biscuit. "You know, I really don't think this requires quotes from Dickens."

Daphne grinned as the Soon-to-be-non-Weasley twins looked appalled and affronted by Harry's statement. Harry just shook his head, clearly amused by their antics.

"As we were saying…" Fred began again.

"It was the best of ti—"

George tried to duck as Hermione flung a carrot at him from a dish near her and then turned in time to see it whack Adrian upside the head which only served to make Hermione start laughing.

Adrian glared down the table, his face clearly one of playfulness.

"Harry, leash your girls. They're getting violent and trying to start food fig—" Adrian never got to finish his sentence as the girl sitting next to up dumped an entire bowl of strawberries over his head. "fight. Danielle! Was that really necessary?!"

The girl in question, Danielle Nott, giggled and nodded. "I think so. It seemed like fun. And guess what? It was!"

This started a wave of people throwing food at each other down Slytherin table, the teens seemingly choosing to ignore how improper and unpureblooded such displays were. When a thrown biscuit managed to hit a Hufflepuff, they joined in immediately and soon the entire hall was taking part besides the staff who seemed content to ignore it.

At least, until some mashed potatoes accidentally got their direction changed by minor banishing charms thrown at various food items and hit Flitwick in the face. Instead of yelling, Flitwick just got involved with throwing food which prompted the rest of the teachers aside from the Slytherin Head of House. Surprisingly, though, he did not sneer—he simply kept an impassive face and a shield charm up and running around his body and food.

A good half an hour into said food fight, which would have been shorter if House Elves didn't constantly replenish the food, the students and staff finally managed to get a good look at each other. They all promptly burst out laughing; aside from Severus Snape, every person within the Great Hall had food on them ranging from simply splattered to completely covered in it.

Harry took a drink of fresh coffee that had just been replenished by the elves and looked at his sister with a perfectly straight face. "Hermione? You got a little somethin' somethin'."

Hermione glared at her brother and waved her wand, spelling gravy to dump over him before repeating the process with every guy at the house tables to much laughter from the females in the room. She was even so brave as to wait til he removed his shield charm and do it to Professor Snape. He stared at her for her gall.

Daphne looked out the window of the Charm's classroom. Yesterday had been fun; everyone had forgotten about blood status for a while and had a lot of childish fun—even Harry which clearly shocked a few people before they got more actively involved. Of course, to be fair, the fact that Slytherin House had done something so….lacking in decorum had probably shocked the rest of the school as well as some of the Slytherins. At least once that had time to evaluate their own behavior.

She pulled a confused face as she saw Harry's owl, Hedwig, fly into sight with a letter clearly attached to her ankle and coming straight for the classroom window. She nudged Harry who looked at her before looking out the window. He waved his wand and the window opened, allowing Hedwig to enter the room without needing to hover outside at all. She landed on his shoulder and let him detach the letter, though it was very clearly addressed to Fred and George Weasley, before taking flight back out the window.

Harry shrugged and opened the missive anyways. A minute later he smirked and handed the letter to Daphne, resuming his note taking out of his Dark Arts book he had been reading.

Daphne smiled slightly and turned to the letter.

To Messrs. Fred and George Weasley,

My name is Allison Greengrass. I am Daphne's mother. My daughter wrote to me and my husband and I accepted and suggested blood adoption as you may well be aware at this point considering my daughter is not usually one to keep such from the person to whom it applies to.

That being said, we feel the need to change your middle names as well instead of just your last names. Obviously your last name will be Greengrass. I do not doubt that my daughter has made some jokes about you going green or something similar. She tells me it's related to some muggle thing about paper or trees, however, I suppose she is essentially correct considering you will take the name Greengrass and you went from Gryffindor to Slytherin.

I am writing you at this time to inform you of those last names. Fred, or Frederick, will become Frederick Alexander Greengrass and George will become George Gabriel Greengrass.

I've been told where we will be for the Christmas holiday as well as to not share that information with anyone including the people to whom own the home we will be at. Please inform my daughter there better be a really good reason for such a thing as it is unforgivingly rude of her.


Allison Greengrass

Daphne leaned into Harry slightly and laid the letter side, resuming her note taking for Charms peacefully.

Harry was walking back to the Slytherin common room, with his arm around Daphne as usual, when they ran into the Weasley twins and, at a nod from him, Daphne held the letter out to them before continuing to the common room at Harry's side.

For obvious reasons, like their just holding a letter out and then walking away, both Fred and George immediately followed them.

No words were spoken until they reached the quarters of The Court, although Harry gave a nod to Adrian who waved as they walked by. When they finally entered the quarters, Harry was the first to speak.

"Congrats on your new names, boys?"

"Huh?" Fred and George spoke in unison, their voices making their confusion clear as they hadn't read the letter yet.

"Read my mother's letter." Harry just smiled silently and led the way to the lounge part of the quarters, taking his usual chair, as Daphne perched on the arm of the chair as she always did.

Fred and George immediately began to read the letter and the nodded when they finished and smiled again.

"We can't wait until Christmas."

Just as Harry was about to respond, Hermione ran into the quarters, out of breath and looking both worried and furious.

"Er…yes Hermione?"

"Dumbledork is looking for you."

Harry's scowl was immediate and more than slightly frightening to The Court members who were currently in the room with him.

"Are you aware as to the reason, dear sister?"

"He saw the list for who is staying for Christmas. I heard him tell Potions Master Snape that you are not to be allowed to leave. Potions Master Snape requested I inform you that he will not be attempting to stop you and should you wish to leave even with the Headmaster's disapproval then you should be aware that he cannot stop you from leaving the castle unless your guardians specifically forbid it. He also mentioned that according to the attendance roll, you've taken on Lord Potter and as such are emancipated and do not need permission from your guardians."

Harry smirked and rose from his chair, passing my Hermione even as he kissed her cheek. "Thank you for the informative message dear sister. I will go visit the headmaster and see was Dumbledork wants precisely."

Hermione nodded and headed for the couch, taking her seat gracefully.

"Acid pops." Harry rolled his eyes over the password for a moment before stepping onto the swiftly rising steps and opening the door, dismissing the idea of even feigning polite behavior towards the headmaster.

"Yes Dumbledore? What did you want?"

"You cannot leave the castle over Christmas. Your guardians will not allow you."

"Old man, I'm emancipated and we both know what that means. Anyone who tries to stop me on your behalf will wind up in the Hospital Wing. At best. And while I'm here, Accio Peverall Invisibility Cloak."

Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle for the moment. "Your father gave me that to hold onto."

"Can it Dumbledore or I will take the other thing that belongs to the Peverall family that is currently within this office and believe me, it wants to come to me as you very well know.

How does he know that? Dumbledore wondered. I can feel the wand shaking in my desk. At least it's stuck in the drawer.

Harry blew that idea out of the water as he stood up and stopped just before the door. "A drawer won't stop me when I decide to take it old man. Nothing will. It is mine by blood."

Dumbledore visibly blanched even as Harry turned completely and left his office, whistling a jaunty tune as he descended the stairs that could still be heard until after he turned the corner down the hallway, headed for the dungeons once more. Dumbledore was mystified by the boy's knowledge and attitude.

AN: There's a chapter for you merciless people. I realized this morning that I have four different fanfictions but only three of them have any reviews. Why are people so against Slytherin Princess? Hmph.

Harry: Can we just kill him off yet?

GK: I don't think my readers would be ecstatic over a character death. Especially one caused simply because our Hero doesn't like the man.

Harry: Kitten, I'm dark in this one. How am I a Hero?

Daphne: *smirks and fake swoons* You're my Hero, Harry.

Harry: Hush wench.

Hermione: Wench really? Is this like the 1700s? Good Merlin Harry.

Draco: Daphne could pull it off.

Harry: Eyes off, cousin.

Daphne: *smirks with Hermione* Such a gentleman, my Harry.

Hermione: Such a gentleman, my brother. BLAISE! You're dropping the ball!

Blaise: Thanks man. Thanks a lot. Hermione, how about I buy you chocolate and flowers?

Hermione: Hmm, okay. Better be good ones though!

Blaise: Yes ma'am.

Daphne, Harry, and Draco: *all smirk*