Gen hugs back slowly and looks down embarrassed.

Athena coughs, "Can you get off me? You're kind of sitting on another wound."

Gen got off annoyed. "Sorry," She stated aggravated and looks away.

Athena didn't notice Gen's change in mood as she reached down and patched a wound stretching across the top of her right thigh. It wasn't leaking blood, but it hurt like hell.

Gen slept in Athena's bed quietly, not wanting to bother her.

After Athena dressed all her wounds and changed into fresh clothes she too fell into bed, next to Gen.

Gen nuzzles her.

Athena chuckled and asked softly, "Even though I wanted to get away from that place, I wonder how Sanctuary's doing…"

"Me too."

"What should we do now?" Athena asked her voice quiet and low despite the fact that they were the only ones in the house.

"I dunno hun."

"Oh I have an idea, how about we go on an adventure. Is there anywhere you've always wanted to go?" Athena asked. She was already thinking of the perfect place, a secluded location with a waterfall and a natural swimming area.

Gen thought for a moment, then said, "No not really, I like a place with a waterfall though."

"Oh really? Well I have a surprise for you my girlfriend, when would you like to go? Tomorrow of course," Athena yawned. "I need sleep, what do you think?"

"Tomorrow!" Gen nuzzles Athena and then went to sleep.

Athena went to sleep with a smile on her face, she was imagining Gen both in a swim suit and imagining her reaction to herself being in a swim suit.

Gen woke early in the morning tired.

Athena sat up on her side of the bed swinging her legs over the side. She asked without looking at Gen, "How're you feeling? Still up for my surprise? Because if not we can always do something different."

"I'm ok. I just want to shower that's all," Gen said. She got up and began to vomit.

Athena held a trash can for Gen to puke in. While she also held Gen's hair back from getting caught in the vomit.

Gen shook and wiped her face clean and began to brush her teeth.

Athena rubbed her back and asked, "You sure you're okay, now?"

Gen nodded.

Athena gave Gen a pat on the back and walked to the kitchen. "Let me know when you want to go, I'm just getting something from the kitchen," Athena called back.

Gen nodded and waited for her smiling softly.

Athena led Gen out of their home and along a long winding road that eventually meandered out of Atlas City limits. Now they were trekking through the suburbs. "Don't worry Gen, it's not going to be long now. There's a small hilly range outside the city limits I'm trying to get to, just a mile or two beyond the suburbs."

Gen nodded and smiles as she follows behind blushing. "Athena…"

"Yes, sweetie?" Athena asked slowing down and looking over her shoulder at Gen.

Gen hugs her right. "C-can you carry me? I feel …weak," She looks up to her and smiles weakly.

Athena chuckles and smiles warmly, "Of course. But come on … I think you're going to like this." Athena leads them Gen on and they arrive at a secluded grove with a clear crystal water pool with a beautiful splashing waterfall at one end. The entire area was shaded by trees overhead. "So … care for a swim? Hmm?"

Gen nodded but then realized. "We have no swim clothes Athena!" She pipes out with a small frown on her face. But the girl soon began to strip down and jumped in.

Athena waited until Gen was in the water then she said, "Gen! I have your swim clothes in this duffle bag. But don't worry, you don't have to wear clothes." Athena laughed as she crouched down and opened the duffle bag drawing out the outfit she had on in the picture she had shown Gen earlier.

Gen sat still in the water sighing softly, she ignores Athena and rubs her temple.

Athena dressed quickly and after stretching her arms above her head slid into the cool water. Athena sighed in relief, she flipped on her back and floated just under the water.

Gen rubs her arms and lays on her back, floating around.

Athena looks over at Gen and chuckles saying, "You're lucky no one comes here … like ever. You're naked. If someone came here it wouldn't be bad for you it'd be bad for them. I'd kill 'em." Athena's voice became serious … "But I'd only do that if they tried anything of course, if people came here and started gawking I wouldn't mind, I mean you are a stripper."

Gen glares, "I would mind, I told you I didn't want to be a stripper." She narrows her eyes.

Athena straightened and floated with only her head above the water. "Well … eh never mind. No one comes here anyway," She smiled trying to sooth things out.

Gen looks down to Athena smiling sadly.

Athena said, "Do you want to… talk about it?"

Gen smiled as she was now in the hot water. Over time they had moved to an equally peaceful hotspring.

Athena smiled back down at Gen, then she hopped in with Gen and began floating next to her. After a while Athena asked, "Quite peaceful, isn't it?"

Gen nodded as she completely went underwater and grabbed Athena's foot stealthily.

Keeping still Athena tried not to freak out, "Gen, what are you doing?"

Gen comes back up and shrugs, "I dunno, I'm a bit bored!"

Athena, after swimming around for a bit gets out and sits of the edge of the hot spring drying off. She kept her feet in the water. Athena turned her face to the sky as the sun came out and showered her in its warm rays.

Gen sighs as she slept in the water, sleeping above it as she floated on top.

Looking down briefly from her sun bathing Athena looked at Gen, after giggling at her girlfriend's cuteness Athena made her way all the way out of the water and lay down with her bikini body in the sun.