A/N: Ok everyone, this is the last chapter so enjoy! Thank you for all your amazing reviews. Keep an eye out this weekend, because I will be posting a new story. It should be up tomorrow sometime depending on how much Casey Power Brew I drink!

Alex and Casey sat by the resort pool on the last day of their honeymoon. They were determined to enjoy every last minute of their stay soaking up the sun, swimming, and enjoying frozen drinks and each other. Life was perfect right now.

Alex watched as Casey finished her call with her boss. She seemed intent on finding out all the possible information she could about her new assignment before ending the call. Despite Alex being cleared of all charges Branch held to his decision to not let Abbie or Casey back in White Collar. He still found their behavior unethical and worthy of punishment which made Alex sad but Casey had reassured her that she really didn't care as long as she was still a prosecutor. It was a huge change for Casey, but Casey pointed out that getting Alex in the end made moving to a different unit completely worth it.

Ending the call, Casey looked to Alex with a smile. "So Alex, when I start back to work on Monday I will officially be working Sex Crimes and Abbie in Homicide. I am kind of excited and mostly terrified." Casey says with a lopsided grin.

"Well babe I am more than happy to do whatever I can to support you. Just let me know what it is and I will do it, or I will just shower you with all sorts of gifts to make you happy." Alex says kissing Casey.

"Hmm, I think I like the love messages written in eye and lip liner on the bathroom mirror the best!" Casey says with a laugh.

"Well then, I will make sure you have a new message every single morning!" Alex exclaims plopping back down on the chaise.

Alex looked over to admire her gorgeous wife's body. Everything about Casey was perfect. Her long legs, her toned stomach, perfect boobs, beautiful face and hair.

"Alex you are drooling can I help you with something," Casey asks with a smirk looking over her glasses.

Alex swallows thickly, "Yes, go to the room with me."

"We just got back from the room a little over two hours ago and you want to go back right now?" Casey laughs.

"Yes." Alex whispers.

Casey's eyes darken a little, running a finger up Alex's arm she softly asks, "Are you up for an adventure?"

Alex nods trying to find words, finally she manages to say yes as Casey shoves there stuff in their bag and grabs Alex's hand leading her towards the beach. On their way, she stops at the beach bar and grabs two frozen drinks and then continues out onto the white sandy beach turning around to grin widely at the blonde. Alex doesn't know what's in store for her, but she can only imagine if Casey seems this proud of her idea.

Casey leads the way to one of the last beach cabanas. It's not a particularly nice area of the beach since it's a bit rocky but it is nicely deserted for at least a football field length in each direction. Climbing into the cabana, Casey grabs Alex's hand and pulls her in on top of her, causing Alex's breath to hitch in her throat.

Casey wraps one hand behind Alex's back and the other behind her head, pulling her into her body and kissing her passionately. Lightly biting Casey's lip before breaking the kiss, Alex asks, "Are we really going to have sex here? Anyone could see us Case."

"It's our honeymoon Alex who cares. Plus, no one is anywhere near here. I think we will be fine." Casey replies pulling Alex into another kiss.

Alex breaks the kiss again, "I am nervous Casey."

"I will make you a deal, give me two minutes if you are still nervous then we can go back to the room. Deal?" Casey says with a very serious face as she runs one hand up the inside of one of Alex's things.

Alex nods and whispers, "Yes deal." Casey doesn't waste any time getting to work, she only has two minutes to convince her. She runs her hand over the fabric covering Alex's hot center. Alex bites her bottom lip at the sensation as she spreads her legs a little wider while allowing a small moan escape her. Casey smiles' seeing how turned on Alex is already just by this touch. Leaning forward, she kisses Alex passionately.

Moving the fabric aside, Casey runs her fingers through Alex's wetness. "Want me to stop?" Casey questions as she enters Alex with two fingers.

"Oh…no don't stop Casey…please don't." Alex gasps as Casey begins to move in and out her. Casey moves her thumb to press against Alex's clit as Alex moves her hips to further intensify Casey's thrusts. Casey is so turned on watching Alex react to her ministrations that she moves her other hand into her bikini bottoms and begins to rub her clit. As her pleasure builds Casey begins to join Alex in moaning. Hearing Casey, Alex opens her eyes to see what Casey is doing to herself and gasps, "Oh God Casey" as she begins to come hard. Feeling Alex's orgasm around her fingers Casey can't hold back and comes as well.

Coming down from her electric high, Alex falls down next to Casey. "Oh my anytime you want to do that again let me know. You were so hot." Alex says still trying to catch her breath.

"I got this idea our second day here, I just didn't have the nerve to mention it. Finding out my news about work just gave me the confidence to go for it when you said you were in the mood again." Casey says looking at Alex playfully.

Alex chuckles, "Well I am happy that it did. I am going to miss being able to enjoy you anytime I want once we get home."

"Well," Casey says climbing on top of Alex, "I guess we will have to make the most of our last day here!"

Thanksgiving Day Five Years Later…

Alex looks up from the living room floor of the beach house towards her beautiful wife who is busy making yet another casserole for dinner. Casey looks up and smiles brightly catching Alex's eyes. "I know you think it's the hormones, but really with everyone that's coming we are going to need all this food." Casey calls out.

Alex prepares to respond when one of their twins jumps on her. Lying back on the toy scattered ground while lifting the two and a half year old little boy over her head, Alex says, "You are very lucky Mama is very thankful for you James otherwise I would put you to work in the kitchen with Mommy!" The overly excited two year old squeals, "No cookin'" while kicking his little legs as his sister Charlotte comes to his rescue by jumping on Alex stomach. "Oh!" Alex exclaims rolling over on her side as Casey comes to the rescue.

"Come on you two, I think it's time for a nap before Aunt Abbie and Aunt Kim get here with your cousin." Casey says guiding the two little ones towards the stairs, "Alex, don't let my sweet potatoes burn if this takes longer than fifteen minutes."

Alex looks up from the floor and groans, "No problem babe."

Climbing weakly up from the floor Alex rubs her sore stomach. She internally laughs thinking she never would have thought such a little body could pack such force. Walking to the fireplace Alex looks at all of her and Casey's pictures from the last five years. There are photos from their wedding day, their honeymoon, Casey pregnant with the twins, the twins on their first birthday, amongst others covering happy moments. If anyone had told Alex she would be this happy one day before she met Casey she would have called them a liar. Hearing Casey come down stairs Alex turns to see the redhead smile widely.

"I can't believe they went to bed so willingly." Alex states with a knowing look.

Casey smirks at the blonde, "Okay I admit I turned on Finding Nemo in the kids room and they willing laid down to watch the tantalizing search for the missing goofy finned clown fish. But I didn't want to miss Santa at the end of the parade and I really didn't want my sweet potatoes to burn." Alex laughs at her wife's confession.

"Awe babe, I am really happy you are a prosecutor and don't write movie synopses instead for a living because that was the worst description of Finding Nemo I have ever heard." Alex says taking Casey in her arms. Kissing Casey softly Alex pulls back and says, "Why don't we watch the end of the parade together, you can put your feet up and when the casserole is finished I will get up and take care of it."

Casey smiles, "You spoil me way to much baby, but I will take you up on your offer." Snuggling into Alex's side Casey lays her head on her wife's shoulder while Alex lays her hand across Casey's baby bump. Casey was only five months along and finally showing. Alex was so excited for this baby and every chance she got she had her hand on Casey's belly. Leaning in to Casey's ear Alex asks, "What should we name this one?"

Casey tilts her up to look Alex in the eyes, "I think we should name him Joseph and call him Joey in honor of Jo. If it hadn't been for all her hard work five years ago we wouldn't be here now."

"I love it," Alex says leaning to Casey's belly, "You here that little guy you have a name, hi Joey!"

Casey laughs, "So should we tell Jo tonight at dinner or wait till Christmas?"

"Oh tonight completely, but you know Abbie and Kim will be so sad, they had their hearts set on Oliver." Alex says with faked concern in her voice.

Casey shakes her head, "Like I told them if they want an Oliver they can have another baby."

They look at one another and burst out laughing. Alex shakes her head, "I don't think Abbie could withstand Kim pregnant again."

"You are so right. Oh! It's Santa!" Casey exclaims watching the TV excitedly as Alex jumps up and turns on the Christmas music. It was Casey's tradition to start playing Christmas music directly after Santa passed by on the Macy's Day Parade. Casey looks at Alex and smiles brightly. Alex just takes in the beauty of her wife before saying, "I love you Casey."

"I love you too Alex." Casey says allowing her wife to wrap her arms around her. Alex kisses her before softly saying, "I was helping the kids scribble in a coloring book this morning and I realized something."

"What was that baby?"

"Without you in my life I am like a blank coloring book page, but you and your love colors me in. I always feel so complete with you and you have brought so much beauty to my life. Thank you Casey for everything wonderful in my life." Alex says leaning her head against Casey's.

Casey smiles, "Thank you for loving me Alex. I will always love you."