I fall to my knees in shock. Sokka was taken? My best friend? My brother? Gone?

"Its all my fault" I say as a tear falls down my face.

"Aang," Says Korra, kneeling next to me "It wasn't your fault-"

"I could've protected him! But instead, I just "Had" to fight the grievers! What the hell is wrong with me!" I yell.

"True, but by fighting the grievers, you got stung, and now you remember how to get out" Says Mako. I look up at him shake my head.

"I'd rather be stuck in this maze for the rest of my life than lose another friend" I say.

"Well, I've been here two years and I'm already sick of it. You say you know how to get out, we're getting out" Bolin says. I wipe my tear and stand up. Korra grabs my shoulder.

"For Sokka" She says with a smile. I slightly grin to her.

"Before we run" I yell "we need a bag of water and a few stones."

Everyone nods and a few people run off to get the supplies. Once prepared we run into the maze.

As we run, I look at Zuko. Something has been bugging me about him and I just feel the need to ask.

"Zuko?" I ask.


"On your left eye, how did you get that scar?"

He touches his face.

"I don't know. Its just how I looked when I first came in the maze." He replies.

We run for a little while until we come across the metal box that me and Mako always run past.

"This thing?" Mako questions.

"Yes" I reply. "This is what will get us out of the maze. How it works is that you see on each side is one of each symbol for the four elements with holes underneath. Inside the machine is hollow. Each bender has to use there bending and hold their element in the hole. You cannot drop it because it won't work. Me and Korra have to enter what is called the "avatar state" and, using our bending, push the machine into the ground. The reason me and Korra have to push it down is because the machine is made of the same material in the walls that only avatars can bend, also we have to bend the four elements the benders hold inside the machine. There is also a sensor inside the machine that can see if the four elements are inside. Once me and Korra have pushed the machine down, something will happen that leads us to an exit. Its basically a giant, complex button"

"You don't know what will happen next?" One of the gladers questions me.

"No" I reply.

"Can we trust you?" Someone asks.

"Yes" I reply. The benders all discuss with each other who should be the one holding their element. Then, they all line up. The order is Bolin, Zuko, Kai, and Desna. Desna waterbends the water from his pouch and holds it the hole. Bolin holds the stones inside, then Zuko with his fire, then Kai with a small air ball. Me and Korra look at eachother and nod. Suddenly, I hear a loud screeching noise. Grievers.

"Nobody move. I'll handle them" I say. I run towards the beasts and extend my arms forward, sending some of the stone below me towards the creatures. One falls dead and the other continues its path. I crush the monsters with both sides of the wall. Suddenly, I hear someone scream. I whip my body around and see a grievers giant claw pick up Mako and run off. Bolin falls to his knee's and screams. Mako is carried off into the darkness further in the maze. I run the Bolins side and he cries.

"We have to save him!" He yells. I grab his shoulder but he just pushes me off.

"Bolin, he's g-"

"Shut up! You don't know anything!"

"Look, once we get out, we can figure something out." I say.

"Get Haru to take my place. I'm going after my brother." He says standing up.

"No Bolin. He's gone, just accept it. I'm not gonna lose any more friends" I say.

"Then save Mako. He's your friend, right? Or do you want everyone who isn't Sokka dead."

"No! We can't chase after the griever, their too fast. Mako is long gone. We need to get out of here, now, before more grievers show up"

"How do you know its the way out? It could be a trap! A trap YOU set up so we can all be killed"

"Stop it Bolin" Korra interrupts. Bolin looks at me and shakes his head.

"You guys can leave. I'm going after my brother" Bolin says before turning around and sprinting into the darkness.

"Bolin! Get back here!" I yell. "Bolin!"

I start to run after him but Korra grabs my shoulder.

"Let him go. Its his choice, he wants us to go without him" She says softly.

"But he'll die. They both will" I reply.

"Aang, we need to leave" She says more sternly. I sigh and nod my head.

Haru stands in the spot Bolin was standing and holds the stone in place. I take a deep breath and hold my hands in front of myself. Suddenly, I feel myself get more powerful and my body rises from the earth. I look in front of me and see Korra rising as well, but here eyes are glowing. Are my eyes glowing too? I push the thought aside and begin to bend the machine. We use all of our strength and hold the machine and all four of elements in our bending grasp and begin to push it all into the earth. Sweat drips down my face. Who knew this would be so difficult. The machine doesn't budge. I take another deep breath and try to push all the power running through my body into my bending. Come on! I can do it! I am the avatar! Suddenly, the machine makes a loud bang sound and slowly shifts into the earth. We did it! After ten seconds the machine stops going down and makes a loud clicking sound. The machine has been activated. The benders release their elements and me and Korra hover to the ground. Once the power leaves my body, I collapse onto my knees. We did it. The machine suddenly opens up and inside is a staircase. Zuko helps me stand up and we walk to the stairs.

"What now?" Someone asks.

"We go down" I say. I leave Zuko's side and walk down the stairs. The gladers follow quickly behind. The sunlight above is the only light we are provided. I end up at a metal door. I turn to the gladers and nod to them. I twist the handle push slightly on the door. The room is bright white, full of cameras facing the door. I walk inside and the room erupts with applause. I look to my left and see a giant group of people standing behind a glass wall. In the front row of all the people, sitting on a giant red chair is a tall man with long black hair, a long beard and he wears a fancy red and black robe. He wears a small, gold crown on his bun and has a sly smile. He claps loudly.

"Congratulations young men young woman. You did it" He says. His voice is low and raspy.

"Who are you?" Korra asks.

"I am Firelord Ozai. None of you remember, but I'm the one who runs F.I.R.E. Nation. I'm the one who put you in the maze, of course with the help of my four assistants."

"Four? I thought only me and Korra helped-" I start.

"You really think I wouldn't let me own children not help with the creating of the maze?"

"Chikdren?" I ask.

"Of course. My daughter Azula and my son, Zuko."

We all turn to Zuko in surprise.

"What?" Zuko asks in shock.

"Hello son. Did you have fun in the maze?" Ozai asks.

"You're my father? No...NO!" Zuko yells. He falls to his knee's in shock.

"Whats wrong? You don't want to accept the fact that you're a prince?"

"Prince?" Korra asks, turning to Zuko. He stares blankly at the floor.

"I can't believe I'm the son of the man who-"

"Started the flare" I interrupt. "Firelord Ozai, you're the one who attempted to set the world ablaze. In doing so, you created the flare."

The Firelord leans back in his chair, smiling.

"Smart boy. Seems you remembered a lot from the changing."

"Ok, you have us here, what now?" Korra asks.

"Stage two" He replies.

To be continued.

Author note: That's the end of part one, Element Maze Runner. Part two will be titled F.I.R.E. Nation. I'm so glad that so many people liked this story. Honestly, when I wrote the first chapter, I expected no one to read it. I thought "why would someone want to read a crossover of avatar and maze runner?" But then I thought that if someone DID write it, I would totally read it. So I hoped that there were more people like me and there are. Thank you everyone for the reviews and the follows and the favs. Thank you all. Peace and Love.