This is my first attempt at writing fan fiction, any fiction really. Please read and review if you would like, even if critical. This is a fem!harry fic. Don't know why, just felt like it. This may be a gen fic or femslash with Harry/Tauriel. I don't know yet. It depends on how well I can write the lovey dovey stuff.

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter, The Hobbit, or The Lord of the Rings.

Wizard of the Storm

Harry watched as red energy met green. He blinked at the flash of light as both spells now raced toward the Dark Lord. Voldemort took the impact of both spells to the chest and fell to his knees in the courtyard. Voldemort seemed to let out a silent scream of agony as his body dissolved away into ash.

It was over. It was all over. Voldemort was dead and the Wizarding World could have peace. These were the only thoughts in Harry's head as on instinct and with the reflexes of a seeker he reached out with his left hand and grabbed the Elder Wand flying at him. Harry realized his mistake as his hand closed around the wand.

Suddenly his invisibility cloak was draped over his right hand and the Resurrection Stone was hovering right in front of him. The sky began to darken for as far as Harry could see and a vortex of black clouds began to form right above Harry. Voices brought Harry's eye back to the ground as he saw Hermione and Ron running toward him.

He held up his hand for them to stop, his mind expecting something big and dangerous to happen. And he wasn't wrong. The last thing Harry saw was an alien look of confusion on Hermione's face and the worried look of Ron before electricity poured out of the vortex over head, slamming down into Harry. The massive lightning blast raged for a few seconds before the skies clears and the lightning faded, taking Harry with it.

Something flared in the mind of the Lady of the Wood. Something new had come. She moved quickly from her chambers to the Mirror Room. Galadriel gracefully glided across the room to fetch enough water to fill the looking glass. Gazing into the Mirror proved quite confusing for the Wisest still dwelling in Arda Marred. Her eyes told her this was a woman of the race of Men, her mind told her this girl was a wizard, and her heart told her this girl was hope.

Harry awoke with a grunt of pain. His body felt as if it had been torn apart and remade. He opened his eye and thought maybe that was the case. His vision was perfect, which led to his next revalation as he propped himself up on his elbows. He was laying on grass not far from a set of mountains that seemed connected to a long chain of mountains that stretched as far as he could see in one direction, and he had breast. Panic flooded his mind as he shot to his feet, looking down at himself, or rather herself.

'Hello little Wizard,' a beautiful voice said in his head. Panic gave way to indignation as the first thought that came to mind was 'I'm not that little.'

He heard a laugh like a melody in his mind before the voice said 'Perhaps not a little as you once were.'

Harry looking around noticed he did seem to stand about 5'11" in his new female form. 'Why am I a girl?" Harry asked the voice, 'and who are you and where am I?'

'To the first I cannot say. I do not know what bought you here only that I felt you the moment you arrived. Was it fate, or chance, or some higher power's hand at play?'

Harry pondered this idea of a new world and a new body for a moment until the voice answered his other questions. 'I am Galadriel, Lady of the Elven Kingdom of Lothlorien. As for where you are, well, you seem to be in Eregion, I am fifty leagues across the mountains before you.' Harry looking around at his surrounding noticed a wand and a stone laying atop a silvery cloak and bent to pick them up thinking 'and how long is a league exactly?' 'Three of your miles I believe. Though I would offer you sanctuary it would be long journey south around the Misty Mountains. I would advise...'

'You would advise what?' Harry thought sarcastically, finally regaining his full focus after waking up and finding it hard to trust a voice in his head, no matter how lovely a voice it was. Beautiful things can be evil too, Harry thought.

'You must hide yourself. A hunting party of orcs and goblins are close by. They will pick up your scent soon enough. They will show you no mercy Wizard, you must show them none.' Harry quickly pulled the cloak over himself, moving the Elder wand to his right hand and holding the stone and the cloak closed with his left.

Afraid his feet might show out the bottom, and not really feeling like looking at his own female body anymore, he raise the Elder Wand inside the cloak to tap himself on the head and cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself. Just as Harry felt the cold magic reach his toes he heard a howl behind him. Turning, he saw about twenty dark shapes that seems to be mounted crest a hill but the morning sun was at their backs making Harry squint to look at them. As they approached his view became clearer, these were ugly creatures, big and small, in black armor riding some gross approximation of wolves.

"Ah know Ah smelled summin over here. Summin female and tasty," Harry heard one of the smaller creatures say.

"You betta hope so, or else its your meat we'll feast on," said the biggest of all the creatures. Harry was about to take a slow step back when the last rider that spoke said, "Split up, if you find anyting blow your horn."

Harry watched as the group split of in two, with the small goblin that first spoke remaining with what Harry assumed was the leader, presumably for punishment if he was wrong.

Harry held back a sigh of relief when none of the orcs or goblins began to move toward him, but he knew he couldn't safely move around them all to get away and he had nothing but mountains behind him and no desire to play hide and seek with beings that could smell him, let alone his femaleness. Channeling his inner Ron, who was admitted short sighted in everything but strategy, Harry thought killing the leader from stealth might send the group into disarry. But he would have to do it quickly before the groups moved away from the leader.

Poking the Elder Wand slightly through the cloak, Harry slashed his wand horizontally, silently casting Sectumsepra. The lead orc's head fell from his body as his neck was slash as if by an invisible sword. The effect was immediate. The wolf abomination that bore the leader, unburdened and uncontrolled, turned and attacked the wolf creature next to it bearing the small rider. The rider drew his sword and slashed at the wolf right as the others turned to see what was going on.

"That stinken goblin kill the boss. These goblins be traitors."

'This couldn't have gone better,' Harry thought to himself as he watched these digusting things turn on each other. The wolf mounts proved to be as savage as they looked, and a great equalizer for the smaller goblins, but the orcs slightly outnumbered the seven or so goblins. Black steel clash against each other and mounts tried to get at the neck of its opponent in a gnash of teeth. When the short battle was over only six orcs and their mounts still stood alive.

'Very clever. Might I suggest lightning to finish off the rest,' the beautiful voice said to him in his head.

'Why not,' Harry thought angrily as he pulled magic from within himself to try and perform a spell based solely on intent and will while watching the surviving orcs and mounts gather together. He was suprised to feel magic from the environment seep into him slowly and join the magic pooling in his wand hand. He was even more surprised when he jabbed the Elder Wand foward and electricity blazed out of the wand striking the orc closest to Harry. The orc and his mount, and the two immediately behind him started screaming and writhing in pain before being and beast fell to the ground, dead.

Harry ended the stream of energy and jabbed the Elder Wand again sending another bolt of lightning at the three remaining riders. The magic seemed to outshine to sun for a moment before Harry lifted the wand in his hand. Before him the once pristine grass was now littered with charred corpses and dark blood. With a few flick of the Elder Wand, the bodies of twisted man and beast flew to lay in a pile where the leader had fallen to Harry's cutting curse and where most of the fighting took place. Pointing the wand at the stinking pile of carcasses, Harry unleashed a torrent a blue flames.

As the Bluebell Flame Charm poured from the Elder Wand, Harry thought of Hermione and Ron and his other friends, apparently in another world from him. 'My World. Our World,' Harry thought as tears leaked out of his eyes and down his face. Ending the charm, Harry pulled off the cloak and cancelled the Disillusionment Charm. He then tapped the wand to his chest, right between his breast, and he could feel magic swirl around him as he conjured a simple black robe.

'I suppose I should thank you for the warning, Galadriel, but I'm not too keen on people poking around in my head. Even under normal circumstances.' These thought were met with silence for a few seconds and Harry began to panic, realizing he might have lost his only ally in the foreign world, even if he didn't like her method.

'I usually do not enter someone's mind unless they first trust me, but sometimes exceptions must be made when needs must.' Harry had just begun to dry his eyes on his newly conjured robe when Galadriel replied and he could almost feel her smile kindly at him. 'Will I ever make it home?" Harry asked, hoping for something to strive for, a goal.

'There is no craft that I know of that can send a person beyond the Walls between Worlds. It is said at death the race of Men journey beyond those Walls, but I do not think your death is close, Wizard of the Storm.' Harry grimaced, 'My name is Harry Potter.'

'A boy's name, you are now a woman.' Galadriel said consolingly. 'You must choose a name befitting an Istari of your power.'

'Istari?' Harry questioned. 'The elfish word for Wizards. There are five Wizards in these lands, which are called Middle Earth. They have names like Saruman the White and Gandalf the Grey.' Galadriel seemed to be sending all the solace she could through whatever this connection was. Legilimency didn't work over any distance and the connection he shared with Voldemort was never this clear and pain free.

Harry sat back on the grass thought back over all that had happen since he entered the Wizarding World. His lasting accomplishment was his final victory over Lord Voldemort. Harry didn't realize how long he sat there, his face down staring at his black robes before an idea came to him. Raising his head he saw the sun with high in the sky.

'If I must choose a woman's name then I shall be called Victoria the Black.'

'So be it, Victoria the Black Wizard!'

This chapter came in at 1900 words before A/Ns. The chapters may get longer once I get to the movie stuff. Not sure though. I have the story roughly outlined on paper, so to speak, through the first movie. I have a plan in mind for the whole story up to the Battle of the Five Armies. I don't know how long it will be between updates but I do have a lot of free time recently, that might change. Also I don't want to make a God!Harry or even a Super!Harry. Harry is a pretty strong wizard in canon. Yes Harry will have an affinity with lightning like Dumbledore had with fire, as you saw Harry with the lightning bolts but each spell only killed three orcs and their wargs. Dumbledore would have wiped the floor of all 20 orc, goblins, and mounts without the subterfuge.