A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter.

I have no beta.



The end of term came fast and with it, came the yearly exams. Morticia was ecstatic to learn that she had done really well on all of her exams and only had a minute worry over something and Herbology. Other than that, she knew that she had done really well, and that Sirius, Sev, Remus, and Tom especially, would be happy for her. Proud of her. It made her giddy to think of such things.

Hermione had managed every exam perfectly. She got all Os across the board. Hermione was a bit of an overachiever and tended to do more than was necessary. But Morticia couldn't blame her for wanting to know more than the books so their classes have to offer. And really, she was quite proud that Hermione had been able to do so well despite only finding out a few months before the start of the first term that she was a witch.

On another note, all of the Slytherin had managed to average and Exceeds Expectations, thereby earning themselves a small party in the common room. Through a lot of Parselmagic, Tom was able to convince the room to expand to fit everybody in the House. And Tom and Sev had both gotten their hands on some very good food and sweets. The Elves decorated everything though.

Slytherin managed to win the Quidditch Cup, earning them 150 points toward the House Cup. On top of that, they also managed to win the House Cup. Hufflepuff won the Outstanding Mentality Cup for the second year in a row. Overall, it was a very good year and Morticia was happy to have been apart of it despite small upsets along the way and her curse interrupting good moments.

On another note, Dumbledore announced that something was missing from the school. Something that was extremely important to a friend of his, that he had been guarding and if anybody knew anything about said object, they should meet with him before departing for Hogsmeade. Morticia glanced across the Great Hall, to see Fred and George both wearing looks of complete innocence. They would have been great Slytherin had they been sorted with the snakes.

With the promise of seeing Sev on the platform, Morticia bade Tom a sad farewell. The Slytherin Lord smiled lightly and reminded her that she would be visiting him during the summer holiday for their lessons. And of course he would be returning the visit during her birthday and any other time he felt so moved to see her.

On the way out of the castle, Morticia was mortified when she got a good look at the carriages that would be taking them down to Hogsmeade. Tethered to the black carriages, were Thestrals. She had heard of them before, but had never seen one. A Thestral was a skeletal, horse like creature, with black, leathery wings. They were black as pitch, with foggy white eyes. The most important thing to know about them, was that they could only be seen by people who had witnessed someone's death and had comprehended the passing. Morticia had killed a vampire a year and a half ago, so she knew why she was able to see them.

It was just so unnerving because none of her friends could see them and they kept asking her what she was staring at. She didn't really feel like explaining to them exactly what it was that was bothering her and what was so important about them, so she simply lied and said that she was lost in thought. Of course Draco took out the wrong way and assumed that she had been thinking about Tom, which she obviously haven't been. Honestly, why did he always assume that she was thinking about Tom? It wasn't like Tom was the center focus of everything in her life. And in school, he was one of her professors and Head of House so obviously she would have to think about him at some point every day.

Not that she thought about him that much or anything!

The Hogwarts Express was a welcome sight. Morticia, Draco, Hermione, Blaise, and Theodore, all shared the compartment near the back of the train. Pansy Parkinson tried to join them, but ended up being booted out with Vincent and Gregory because of her horrible attitude toward Hermione. While Hermione may not have been a Pureblood, not that that really mattered sing as Morticia wasn't Pureblooded either, she still had a better head on her shoulders and was overall better company than Pansy ever was.

Hermione had brought along her copy of the Daily Profit from breakfast that morning. She had been flipping through it relentlessly, hissing and everything she had seen. Especially to whole Grindelwald situation that had the entire wizarding population of Europe and Asia in an uproar. Originally, Britain wouldn't have been all that worried, except Albus Dumbledore resided within Britain and he was the one who caught Grindelwald in the last war. So Britain was basically a prime target for whatever Grindelwald was planning in the future, and the magical populous was going wild.

"I don't understand, if he's about a century old or older, how can you be that much of a threat?" Hermione asked, face scrunched together in confusion as she glared at the paper in her hand.

Theodore decided to answer that question. "Before Vol-Voldemort, Grindelwald was the greatest Dark Lord in history. And he didn't get that way by doing nothing. He was inundated in the Dark Arts and I don't doubt that he knows some horrible things that would bring him back into power. So even for him, his old age means absolutely nothing in the long run."

Hermione nodded pensively.

"I for one, would like to know what the ministry is planning to do in regards to our safety as citizens," Morticia stated, her complete annoyance was evident on her face. It wasn't like magical Britain was the most advanced magical community in the world. And it was sad that their poor law enforcement weren't going to have any breaks, and that basically every division and their government was lacking because of stuffy Purebloods who refused to realize the dangers out there besides wizards.

Draco scoffed, "My father, as you all know, is close friends with Minister Fudge. Fudge refuses to acknowledge the potential danger that magical Britain is in. He feels that Grindelwald will be too terrified of Dumbledore to even step foot in our country. However, my father told me that in recent events several witches and wizards on the mainland have gone missing. There weren't specifics or anything of the sort, they were just random people picked out of nowhere. Several from Germany, and then France, then Austria, and finally Poland. A little over 100 people are gone and nobody knows where they are. This happened a week after Grindelwald was reported to have broken out of prison."

Both Blaise and Theodore shuttered, taking on various expressions of fear. Morticia and Hermione were left confused, not comprehending the situation.

"So... any chance you could enlighten us as to what is so bad about a hundred people going missing?" Morticia asked.

Blaise took the reins on this one, "There are many kinds of rituals that require different things. Some require the blood of a hundred people, or the hearts of 100 people, or just the deaths of hundred people, and things of that nature. But all of these rituals are extremely Dark in nature and are illegal for very obvious reasons. While you may be of a Dark family, your Godfather doesn't fully embrace all of the Black history, therefore he may not know everything. But our families have no problem with our heritage. We are taught to identify Dark things from a young age. And the fact that 100 people went missing is an obvious sign that extremely Dark Magic is being used.

And I don't want you thinking that all Dark Magic is bad. Technically it's just like any other kind of magic. However, like there are some Light Magic spells that cannot be used, and are illegal, there also illegal things in Dark Magic. Technically this level of dark magic is called Black Magick, and it is not a good kind of magic, because unlike normal Dark Magic, it taints the soul permanently."

"So basically, Grindelwald is getting a few power-ups."


Morticia rolled her eyes. Basically, a war was on the horizon and their 'esteemed Minister' did not want to acknowledge it. Meaning that he was putting all of their lives in danger.

"I can't help but hope that someone will off Fudge rather quickly."

Her friends nodded in unabashed agreement.

The first day of the summer holidays were spent readjusting to a different time frame. Morticia did not have to wake up at 7 in the morning these days, so her body was getting used to sleeping in for an extra 2 hours. The next day, was when she began her summer studies. It was basically summer school, but not with the intent of bringing her grades up. It was the intent to teach her the next year's curriculum ahead of time, so that she could focus her studies on more important ventures, such as her Necromancy training.

Morticia did not have tutors in the sense that people were being hired to teach her anything. She had Sev who was a Potions and Defense Master, she had Sirius who was a Transfiguration and Charms Master, and she had Remus who had history, Arithmancy, and Astronomy Masteries, and finally Tom, who would be teaching her Parselmagic among other things.

The wards around Grimmauld Place allowed for magical use during the holidays which pretty much meant that anytime she wanted to use her wand, she could. However, she had to get it from Sev first, before being able to do any magic with it. This had been one of the imposed rules so that she would learn to not use magic for every little thing in her life. Sev did not want her to grow up being lazy and personally, she did not want to end up like Ronald Weasley.

On a completely different note, Morticia was being instructed in genealogy by many of the portraits in the library. This was done in order for her to know her history, and to put her on equal footing with the other Pureblood raised children who were taught the genealogy charts of every Pureblood or almost Pureblooded family in order to use information for possible blackmail purposes.

There was a small pop and she found herself staring at Kreacher. His head was bowed, allowing his long nose to brush against the floor. "Master bes wanting you to come down for lunch, Mistress. Filthy blood traitor dares demand of a true Black, my mistress would be disgusted."

Morticia closed her book and stood, intent upon coming back after lunch. Tom had standards that she was determined to follow and to have his book memorized before they began their training would do wonders… and make him proud of her.

"Thank you, Kreacher. Could I have some milk in my tea, please?"

Their relationship had been rocky at first, because she was the daughter of a blood traitor and a mudblood, but Kreacher eventually warmed up to her when he learned that she had been cursed with the Mors Atra - which he'd only heard of from his ancestors - and that she was a Parselmouth. In his addled mind, the Mora Atra made her more Pureblooded that Sirius, earning her the same respect that Aunt Cissy received for being one of the last, true Blacks left.

Morticia refused to be demanding or rude to Kreacher and thanked him at every opportunity, which did unnerve the Elf a bit, but they had a better relationship now. Especially since Morticia convinced Sirius not to throw out any of his family's priceless artifacts and to hang Regulus' portrait in the entryway where Kreacher could admire it. Also, Morticia had taken over Regulus' old room and made it habitable once again, taking care of all of his old belongings and such.

Kreacher bowed again and in a throaty tone, answered, "As Mistress wishes. So much better than Master who lazes about with not a care in the world of his great mother's wishes."

Morticia made her way to the kitchen where Sev and Sirius were arguing about Transfiguration and Potions. Which one was best was a discussion they had at least once a month.

Lily and James were floating behind the two, Lily was by Severus and James was by Sirius.

"This is ridiculous!" said Lily, huffing.

James nodded, "It's so obvious which is best!

"Potions," Lily said the same second James said, "Transfiguration." Both glared at each other.

Great, not only were her living guardians quarreling but her deceased watchers were getting into it as well.

"Can we just admit that Parselmagic is best and leave it at that?" she asked with an eye roll.

"Exactly as I was thinking!" crooned a familiar voice that had her whirling around to see Tom standing in the doorway!

Her heart did a little flutter when she saw him standing right behind her in the doorway to the kitchen. Even though she'd seen him nearly a month ago, he hadn't changed a bit, not that she was expecting him to. And she relished in the approving smile he was sending her way.

"Thank Merlin you're here!" she gushed. "They get into these little domestics often enough and they can last for days!"

"They do not!" protested Sirius.

"Yes they do," replied Morticia and her parents, though the latter two weren't heard by anyone but herself.

She fixed her attention on the dashing man who had taken a seat beside her. "So, what is the visit for?"

"Have you forgotten the date already?"


She had to think about it.

Date. Date. Date. Date.


She was going to Tom's for a month! To learn Parselmagic and Necromancy! She barely was able to withhold her squeal of delight.

"I see you've finally caught on, well done you," he smirked, making her flush a bit. "Also know that someone of your fellow Slytherins will be coming over and learning from me. I take great pride in training the young minds and many of my former students have gone on to do many great and important things."

Sev scoffed, "You are Slughorn's replacement, admit it."

Tom glared, but Sev wasn't budged. "You are," he said. "A much better and less creepy version, but you have a collection of best students that always stay in contact no matter what."

"And you tend to throw little parties and invite old acquaintances and students," Sirius added.

"Not to mention that you are the Head of Slytherin House and that you love Firewhiskey almost as much as he did," finished Sev.

Morticia didn't understand why Tom looked so disgusted, but she decided not to bring it up. If it made him feel so bad, then leaving it alone would be best for all of them involved.

Lord Slytherin turned and gave Morticia a charming smile that made her tummy do flips and flops. "Are you ready to depart?"

"I need clothing!"


"Kreacher has packed Mistress' things. Good Mistress going with the great Lord to learn how to bring honor back to the Blacks."

She sent the Elf a grateful smile, ignoring his mumbling and said, "Thank you, Kreacher."

He grumbled, and Disapparated, leaving the room.

"It seems that you are ready."

Morticia nodded and turned to wave at Sev and Padfoot, wishing for a moment, that she should hug them goodbye. But she was growing and she was at least two inches taller now. Her face was the only open flesh on her body and she couldn't risk hurting them with a hug.

James was already standing by the door, waiting for them to get a move on. "Can't wait to see where he lives," he said mischievously.

Lily cuffed him upside the head, "Don't you dare try anything."

James tried something the moment they arrived at Slytherin's Keep. He located the House Elf that had stayed to welcome Morticia to Tom's humble abode and had managed to dangle the poor thing upside down, scaring the wits out of it in the process.

Lily refrained from smacking him until the Elf was turned upright and placed on the ground, not wanting the poor thing to suffer any further because of James.

While Lily railed into her husband for his rude behavior, Morticia bent and apologized to the Elf, explaining that her father's ghost was a prankster and liked to cause mischief. The Elf merely nodded in understanding and stood once more in order to bow.

"Master bes telling Minky about Mistress Potter's powers. Minky bes understanding just fine mistress."

Her voice was small and squeaky and she was cute as a button with large, green eyes that just shimmered with her emotions. Morticia wanted to hug her she was so cute, but refrained in order to protect her.

Tom was like an angel in disguise though no proper Slytherin would ever like to be called angelic for the thought meant kind and innocent. Tom may not necessarily be a good person but he was certainly a great one. Morticia admired that about him and when he easily picked on her diving mood, she adored him for it.

He always made things easier. The moment depressing thought would weigh her down, he'd come up with something to occupy her so that she didn't get lost in self-deprecation or self loathing.

I was nice to be surrounded by people that cared. She just wished that she could properly thank them.

"How about I show you to your room?" Tom suggested, pulling her from her negativity once more.

She nodded, allowing him to take her away from her discomfort and unhappiness.

Her room ended up being black with a crimson decor. She loved it immediately.

"I knew that you love the color red, so I made certain to change the colors for you," said Tom as he remained in the doorway, letting her get comfortable in her new space.

James and Lily were looking around too. James' frown was much less pronounced as he said, "At least he didn't stick her in the family wing of the manor."

Lily huffed, "Tom isn't improper, James. He'd never be so crass as to put her there. And I highly doubt those are his intentions."

"He is a man and my little Morcy is a blossom. He'll think about it eventually if he hasn't already, Lils."

Morticia decided to ignore their argument because they were talking about Tom as if he was trying to seduce her or something and she wasn't ready for those kind of thoughts yet. Maybe in another year or so.

"I like the room, Tom. Thank you."

"My pleasure."

Morticia found out that Blaise Zabini would be joining them for her first week at the Keep.

She liked Blaise. She especially liked how he kept control of himself. As an Incubus, he'd gone through sexual maturity and puberty much faster than others. Incubi and Succubi weren't human and did not weave their society around human morals. Some children matured so quickly they began their sexual escapades early on in life. Before their teen years even.

Blaise was respectful to a degree and he didn't try to hound anyone for sex. Whether he had a separate time to feed or not didn't matter. He didn't ogle or leer at his classmates. He was quiet sometimes and a little withdrawn, but he was nice all the same and Morticia respected him.

"Mr. Zabini will be staying here for the next week in order to gain some clarity on what he is expected to be going through with his majority. As his mother is a Succubus and not an Incubus she cannot fully help him understand himself. I however, have had much experience and have enough literature for him to learn from. He is expected to be on his best behavior and I expect no more or less from you."

Morticia gave a nod of understanding. Tom always expected the best of the best out of his Slytherins and would not take disrespect. He would not allow puberty as an excuse, and he most certainly would not accept emotional upheaval. For Tom there was no excuse and he was very strict about it.

While he would never raise a hand to any of his students as he did not like abuse, he knew how to make the punishment painful. If you did not want to sit around writing for 10 hours straight only stopping for a meal or to use the lavatory, you were not disrespectful. The Slytherins more intimately acquainted with this concept and Morticia was certain that the concept was used at all times not just a while at school.

She didn't feel so inclined as to learn whether or not it was all the time kind of thing. Nor was she foolish enough to do something bad to find out.

"I have an extensive library here and I am going to give you one book. Depending on how well you retain your information and how fast you can read, you could get through several books. Obviously you will be taking notes while doing this and you will be doing them in your own hand to prove that you understood what you are meaning. If you do not understand something you will come to me and I will explain it."

"You're not a Necromancer," Morticia pointed out. "Necromancers are born, not created. Why would you study about something if you can never actively do it yourself?"

Tom sent her a smirk, one that was taunting and devilish. "Knowledge is power, Morticia. Just because I may never be able to do it does not mean that I shouldn't learn of it. I know how to do a Patronus. I know the workings behind the Patronus. I however do not have the happy memories necessary to create a Patronus but that doesn't mean I shouldn't know about them. I may not be able to do it but I can still instruct others out how to do it and I have passed many students who have made Patroni over the years."

She could understand to an extent.

"Besides, Salazar Slytherin was a Necromancer."

Her jaw dropped, not expecting to hear that. There was nothing in the history books that said Salazar was a necromancer. Was that why he left Hogwarts? Was it because the others didn't like the fact that he could speak to the dead or raise demons? In fact, did he ever raise a demon of his own?

"I know what you were thinking and yes, Salazar frequently employed the use of demons and spirits. There have been wars through every age and during the Founder's Era the Dark Lord of that time had tried to seize Hogwarts during its beginning years. Salazar would not take it lying down. It was actually he and Gryffindor who went out to face the enemy head on while Helga and Rowena protected the castle through extensive wards and magical study.

The difference between Salazar and Godric was that Salazar did not show mercy to the people trying to disrupt his home and hurt his students. Gryffindor was kind enough to give second chances to those who begged for mercy but Salazar took their lives.

As I'm sure you are aware of, sometimes in exchange for raising a demon or a particular spirit you need to bargain with them or give them something before entering into a contract with them."

Morticia nodded because she had read that in one of the Black Family tomes in the library before. Sirius didn't want her doing any kind of blood rituals until she had a better understanding of Necromancy and her own magic. While he was a little skeptical of the Dark Magics involved he also wanted to make sure that she had skilled people around her who also knew what they were doing in case she needed a guide.

"Often times, Salazar would give the demons or spirits the blood or lives of the people he was killing. In his mind it was perfect payment as they had attempted to harm his precious ones and he removed the threat while keeping himself out of debt.

I have Salazars grimoire which is full of his own journal entries containing magic and history. It's a very extensive background and when I learned that my direct ancestor was a Necromancer I immediately saw fit to learn as much as I could. It is a fascinating field of study."

"So then, you understand the importance of a focal necklace right?"

"Indeed. Focals aid in many areas that I'm even sure you are not aware of. You need it to channel your power. You need it sometimes as payment. You need it to prove your station. You need it to enhance your power. The various uses of a focal necklace are vast and time consuming and I have a book entirely dedicated to the explanation of them. I think you should read that one first."

Focal Necklaces: Uses and Interpretations

Chapter 1: Power

A focal necklace determines the amount of power used in a summoning. Depending on what is summoned, certain objects are required from the beginning.

Varying bones and fangs of different creatures allow for more widespread usage in rituals, summoning, and normal magicks.

Things such as Acromantula Stingers, Dragon Scales, Basilisk Fangs, Thestral Bones, and Werewolf Claws are some of the best focals to obtain. Soaking them in the blood of other creatures gives them more power.

Clear crystals are required to keep the inherent magicks of the different focals, focused on themselves so they do not bleed into each other. Bleeding leads to diminishing power and can cause weakness in the focals themselves, inspiring breakage and ruin.

The focal chosen in the ritual of choice will affect how well the ritual is performed. Should one attempt to summon a demon with only the bone from a dead human, their magic will attack them in punishment. Should the summoning be performed with a Basilisk Fang for example, the demon summoned will be of high power.

*Note: Do not attempt to summon a powerful demon if you do not have the remuneration prepared ahead of time! Demons are tricksters and will swindle you easily. Always be prepared.

Not all demons are monstrous and it is the human shaped ones that you must always be prepared to handle. They are suave and charming and will easily entrance you if you are not careful.

Morticia sighed as she took in that amount of information. She hadn't known about that.

While Death frequently had the answers she needed, They never told her everything. Just felt that Morticia needed to learn these things on her own and only the most important of lessons did she need to learn from Them. Uncle Death was very particular and said that she was not to learn certain things until she was old enough to understand them. Apparently some truths about Necromancy were things that children shouldn't have to think about. Morticia may have to suffer a bloodline curse that prevented her from touching anyone unless they die, but that didn't mean that she had to add on such horrifying and mortifying thoughts on to her exceeding baggage already.

While curious, Morticia didn't want more depression.

She looked down at the book with interest. This was simply on focals. She hadn't even gotten into the various steps that Necromancy possessed and it would be awhile before she did. If an entire book was dedicated only to focals, she could only imagine what was left for her to read.

Each Necromancer has a certain amount a focals they can use at once. Depending upon the level of Necromancy they have reached, they will be able to handle more than one focal at any given moment.

A level 1 Necromancer will most likely only be able to wield one focal at a time. This means that their ritual and summoning strength is not at its highest and they need constant training and meditation in the order to exceed their current power levels.

A level 10 Necromancer will be able to use their entire focal necklace in a summoning or ritual. Ten being the highest of the available levels in Necromancy.

It is entirely possible for a Level 1 Necromancer to have extremely high power levels but lack the knowledge or available training methods in order to exceed their current status. Some Necromancers have never evolved past the first level and yet have attained higher commendations and renown than even the best Necromancers in history.

Examples: Frigga the Famous, Mordred of Alexandria, and Ignotus Peverell.

Blaise Zabini did not know much about Morticia Potter-Black. He knew to some extent that she was a Necromancer, that she could speak Parseltongue, and that she suffered the legendary bloodline curse of the Black Family.

The girl found herself being friendly with all manner of people. Their blood status did not matter. Their creature status did not matter. So long as they proved to not be nitwits, or rude, she had no problem with being around them.

Blaise did not often find himself alone in her company. In fact she seems to be the kind that tried her best not to be alone unless absolutely necessary. Whenever she was alone, she tended to get lost. She had gotten lost in the dungeons dozens of times during their first year at Hogwarts. While greatly intelligent, she had no sense of direction. It was a bit funny. The defeater of Lord Voldemort, the greatest Dark Lord in history, and one of the most intelligent of the younger years at Hogwarts, could not remember the way to her own common room.

It was in moments like those, where Morticia would walk through the common room entrance following behind the Bloody Baron, that lifted everyone's spirits. While she had powerful magic, while she was incredibly intelligent, and while she was attractive, there seemed to be something that she just wasn't good at. Memorizing patterns and Herbology seemed to be the weakest links for her. It made her seem like a normal person instead of the perfect heroine that papers built her up to be.

Like anyone could be just like her if they tried hard enough.

They did not converse often. There usually wasn't much to say. And while Blaise found her attractive, he knew the probability of finding her soul mate in him and therefore he wouldn't die at her touch, was so low he wasn't even going to attempt to come on to her.

Professor Slytherin had ensured that Blaise could feed at the appropriate moments and would not need to use any of his fellow students within five years of him. All seventh years were free game in the sense. All seventh year Slytherins and Ravenclaws had agreed that if Blaise approached them, they would help him. The Hufflepuffs had been a bit more worried but a good number of them have agreed and Blaise didn't really care that none of the Gryffindors had decided to help him. If anything, he would usually go to a Slytherin first and foremost for any help he needed.

When in the sanctuary of their own House, one could trust their classmates. Professor Slytherin did not allow bullying and he was very strict on being respectful to your fellow snakes.

Blaise turedn the page in the time he was reading. Apparently, he was expected to go through a second puberty in the summer. He was not looking forward to it because it also meant and increased amount of lust. Just for sex and blood and unfortunately he could not get both from the same supplier without accidentally killing someone.

He only had a week. A week to learn as much as he could.

It was too bad that he couldn't actually get to spend time with Morticia outside of school. Perhaps he could get a few moments at mealtimes.

"Why are the plans moving so slowly?" Demanded the wizard from his place on his throne.

Albus quivered before his longtime friend, unable to meet his gaze because he felt so ashamed. "None of your followers are live any longer," he explained. "You will need to acquire new ones. And since Tom is still alive, none of Lord Voldemort's followers will aid you. There aren't many people who would agree with your views. if so you will only find them within the European continent and many of the magical societies within subcontinent look down on you and your ideals. Even some of the darker families want nothing to do with your name."

Albus had been reluctant to break this news to Gellert. In terms of gaining a following, Tom was much more charismatic then Albus' friend was. He was able to play to the desires of the masses easily and convince them to do was he wished. To make them believe that his wants were their own. Gellert was not so naturally attractive nor so suave nor as magically powerful.

While Gellert certainly had an enormous amount of power, Tom had simply been born with more of it. And unfortunately Tom had spent many years gathering up his own strength while Gellert wasted away in a cold prison cell unable to do much. In terms of strength, Gellert and Tom were uneven. In terms of power they were both still uneven. At present if Gellert were to go up against Tom, he would lose.

Albus did not want to be the one to do inform the man but he knew that he was the only one who could. He simply did not want to deal with a disappointment his friend would no doubt feel when the information was dropped.

Gellert's cornflower, blue eyes more narrow. He stared at Albus as if trying to detect a lie anything he had said. But there was no lie.

It was said that truth hurts.

If only people knew how much it really hurt.

A/N: Another is done.

How was it? Let me know.

Check out my other fics. I updated a bunch of fics. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

See ya! :D