The next week is nothing out of the ordinary. More training, the occasional request for raw magick, Wenge pulls another prank on me, e thought it would be funny to scribble graffiti all over my dorm door. Apparently I'm a "Wanker". I can only be thankful for the writing being inside my room, not outside. Which makes me more worried than relaxed.

The graffiti insult "Teacher's Wench" appear in the bathroom mirror as I brush my teeth, or "Dumb Broad" on the shower wall as I bathe. Another in my bowl of alphabet cereal. "Don't ignore me you hag!"

I wasn't even mad, I merely nodded my head and shrugged it off. What I want to know is where did e find the apostrophe for "Don't" and the exclamation mark to end the sentence?

It's an effective method however. As much as I want to hunt em down and prank em back, I know retaliation only fuels further retaliation. Besides, I've made enough of a fool of myself for es amusement already.

The idling by and training and pranks continue.

I make tea time with Professor Grabiner and we engage in getting to know ourselves a little more. Nothing juicy, just that we explore our personalities in greater detail.

He has his skills and I have mine. My absolute favorite thing to do is craft. Yeah, I like sports, and video games, and sometimes I enjoy a good read. But who doesn't? The rest of the things I do are just generic activities that any not-hard-to-please-person would like. Other than that, I don't have any specific hobbies. During one special talk over Darjeeling I realized that neither of us share a common interest other than reading.

He sketches and paints. He revealed that he writes poetry. I haven't read any of his poems, and I've asked but he refused. It's just based on the letters I've received I can deduce he's an excellent writer.

I care deeply about nature, which means I love being outside while he prefers the indoors. He lives for reading! He writes a lot too, he keeps a journal. A JOURNAL! I can barely bring myself to write in my Iris Academy Diary.

I'm also very active because I enjoy exercise. I know how to ride a bike, ice skate and roller blade. And of course I can do crazy flips, spins, jumps and somersaults.

But he's one hell of a dancer and fighter so that's probably how he stays in shape.

I wouldn't say I'm a people person, but I enjoy a social life. I maintain a small circle.

He's a complete loner. The Headmistress and myself? Just may be his only friends. ...Actually, I might not even be his friend.

I've learned about his archery, fencing, sailing and horseback riding. He also had to take ballroom dancing and multiple language classes! Which is how he speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian, Latin and Elven-JEEZ! He even knows sign-language, morse-code, and brail.

I speak two languages. Two! And I thought I was the sheezy.

He plays the violin, piano, and he decided on his own accord to practice the flute. He had to take chorus, refine his penmanship? And he grudgingly had to take etiquette courses all the way into adulthood. Yuck. Apparently his father wanted a "model citizen" rather than a son. I mean, this guy can do anything!

Being the silly, young schoolgirl that I am, I think something really cheesy:

We complete each other.

It may be too early to assume that, but... I'm generally nice and he's generally mean. I'm compassionate and empathetic- though some people like Ell beg to differ. And he's stoic and cold. I like having friends and he likes studying. He sings and dances and plays all of these instruments the proper way. While I jump and spin and flail my arms about while screeching at the top of my lungs.

He can paint a mountainside or riverbank or sketch a realistic replica of someone's face.

At best, I manage to make Ginia look like Mr. Potato Head.

On the other hand, I can sew and knit and sculpt. I also cook and clean. He doesn't bother to dirty himself with such things.

Even the way we fight is parallel. Both physically and verbally! In an argument, he'll be mocking yet subtle, never bringing himself to resort to obvious vulgarities. I tell it as it is. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.

In battle, he dives, lunges and parries, while I swing my fists and kick my feet, unafraid to use tooth and nail.

Two more weeks have passed and now I know he's better than me in almost every way. Does wonders for my self-esteem I tell you.

We're so opposite it's almost polar. If it weren't for our common interest, I don't know how we would stand each other.

All of this talking is swell and all. But I'm frustrated by the lack of physical contact. I'm DYING for another kiss! Summer is almost over too. There's less than a month left. The new school year is approaching. Sophomore Year is coming and I'm not ready! I'm not able to use a wand and I'm certainly not any closer to losing my virginity- well, closer in date, but not in mental aptitude.

Oh, what do I do? It's Tuesday, tomorrow starts another day of useless training.

I'm mindlessly tapping my pen on a piece of paper while staring out the window. It hits me. Papa! I can write a letter to Papa!

"Dear Papa,

Sorry I haven't written to you in so long. But I've been so busy. Let me fill you in on my training situation:

I still cannot use a catalyst. No matter what I do, it seems hopeless. The instructors have come up with a plan that just might work.

We're running out of options. I've used my wands, school wands, ribbons, brushes, blades and even an old hat. Nothing. So the idea is to make me a custom-catalyst; something I could get attached to. Bonding with my weapon is the only thing I haven't tried yet. But what form should it be in? We have yet to decide. Right now we're narrowing it down based on what object I show the best results with. I don't think I'll be returning home in time. So wish me luck. I miss you both.

P.S.- A boy named Damien Ramsey was expelled last year. He was a senior, the one with blue skin and devil wings. It turns out he was a cambian and he attacked a student. Remember Initiation? He is that Damien. I'm not in danger. But I've been told since he escaped capture, he is a wanted criminal now, I handed over a pocket knife he gave to me when we knew each other in hopes of aiding the search.

Love- Lumina"

I'll get this sent. I have every right to demand my return back home to spend the last month with my family. But truth be told, I don't want to leave Professor Grabiner again. It's selfish and dumb. But I want to stay by his side. I want to improve our relationship. Whatever it is.

With that out of the way, I spend the rest of my day avoiding the slippery floors and shocking doorknobs left behind by Wenge.

I'm walking back to my dorm, bored and ready to go to sleep. When I hear a Scottish accent from behind me. I turn around and look down, and to my shock, e has shown emself! Wenge is standing firm on the floor, hands on hips, head cocked up to me, brows furrowed, with a "menacing" scowl. Es tail flickers back and forth in agitation and es beady eyes are squinted into what I assume is supposed to be an intimidating leer.

But the first thing that goes through my head is: Awwwwww. E is so cute! I smile.

"Wut are ye smiling at?!" E demands.

My grin widens. Cute and sassy!

"Think yer real smart, duint ye? Brushin me off like doost!" E tip toes.

Now I'm gushing. I can't believe someone so annoying could be so cute~!

"Oi! Are ye listenin?!"

Look at es fuzzy tail and frizzy hair. E looks like a little brown tumbleweed!


I snap out of it. "Hm?"

"Hm?! HM?! Quit tunin me out! I'm talkin here!"

"Oh, yes. You were saying?"

"Uggh! I didn't drag meself over here to be taken fer a fool. I'm askin ye- no. I'm ORDERIN YE. How dare ye give me the cold shoolder?"

I shrug.

E twitches in disbelief. "WUT?!"

"You were annoying. So I stopped bothering with you. If you were expecting me to stoop down to your level, you're horribly mistaken. I'm not here for your petty entertainment." I flip my hair and flutter my eyelashes in a cocky manner.

"P-p-p-petty?!" E repeats, insulted.

I put my hands on my hips and imitate es stance. "Yes, that's right. Pet-ty. I bet you were just doing it for attention. I mean, gosh, if you wanted to talk to me so badly, all you had to do was ask."

"Yer nuthin special! Who are ye to act like The Queen herself?!"

The Queen huh? So you're from the U.K.? Is Scotland part of the U.K.? It is, isn't it? Though it's gained a fair amount of autonomy...

"Huh. I'm done wit ye. Shove off!"

I smile triumphantly. "Fine, I'm leaving. Your pranks were lame anyway. Bye Wenge." I continue on to my room, walking slowly. Three. Two. One.



E scurries over and climbs up my body to stand on my arm, which I outstretch to give em more room to stand. E screams in my face. "I thought Russet said you were educated aboot brownies! Ye should be grateful I even pranked ye in the first place! Don't ye know a privilege when ye see it?! Rude, little brat!"

I roll my eyes.

"And if ye think I'm lame, I'll just have to kick it up a notch! How would ye like that?"

I burst into giggles.

"Uh. Huh? Wut are ye laughin at?" Wenge says, puzzled.

I scoop em up for a warm hug. "It's okay Wenge, I miss Russet too."

E seizes up in my arms, es face depicting disgust. I don't let go however, I pet em on the head, my fingers running through es fuzzy, buzzcut hair.

"L-let me go!" E shouts, not sounding so sure of emself anymore.

I whisper to em. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Wenge. I do know how special you are, and I'm honored you took time out of your day to talk to me."

E wiggles in my grasp. "Quit huggin me like yer Petunia! I hate that! I HATE bein treated like a wee babe! Ye wouldn't want me to turn into a boggart would ye?!"

I hold em out. "Being coddled? That's your trigger?"

"*Gasp!* Ohp!" E quickly covers es mouth.

I put em down. "I won't treat you like a baby. That's good to know- and I won't use it against you either."

Wenge looks absolutely livid. "Ye tricky lass!"

I sigh and bend down to kneel beside em. Wenge backs up in hostility. "It's late, I'm tired, I'm going to bed. I know you miss Russet, but I didn't take em away."

This stops Wenge in es tracks.

"Maybe you feel bitter because Russet talks about me a lot, and that we spend so much time together, and now all of a sudden e left with me to go on vacation. But in the end, it's Russet's life. E can do whatever e likes. If you really need to talk to em straight away, I have a letter I need to mail in the morning, and you can feel free to send Russet a message."

Wenge is speechless.

I stand up. "Goodnight Wenge." I bow slightly, and make my leave. From behind me I hear a soft. "Damn you..." Followed by the scuttling of little feet.

In the morning I exit my dorm and step on a piece of paper. I peel it off the bottom of my shoe and notice tiny, angry words written onto it. "Tell Russet to come home!" I smile and shake my head. Yes, I think you're warming up to me at last.

I'm walking to the conference room, unsure of myself. At the door, I sigh. I don't want to do this today.

I slowly open the door. "Morning." I greet quietly.

"Is there a problem?" Professor Grabiner asks me.

"Where did that come from?" I ask back.

"You sighed at the door. I heard you."

Woops. I look away.

"Tell me." He closes his book and sets it aside on the table.

"I'm not… I just don't feel like doing it today."

"The experiments."

"Yes. I'm not motivated for it anymore." I admit.

"Then we shall not train today."

"T-that's it? I haven't upset you?"

He shakes his head. "I am a teacher, and I know well enough that if a student does not wish to learn, they simply will not, no matter how much you force them."

I shake my hands. "No! Please don't think I'm ungrateful! I'm just feeling discouraged is all! I mean, we do the same things over and over, and with little results."

He stands. "I was not chastising you. I was sympathizing with you."

Y-you were?

"Well then, what would you do if we are not going to train, it is after all, the reason you are here. We now have a whole day to spare."

I'm peeved by his answer. "That is not why I'm here!" I shout.

He looks unimpressed at my display of emotion.

"I'm here for you!"

"Come again?"

"I'm here for us! I'm here, because we have something very important to do. Something we haven't been preparing for. I'll train, but don't you dare prioritize it over my life!"

He suddenly understands my anger. "I-"

"No! Don't say 'I'm sorry.' DO SOMETHING INSTEAD. Please." I pull at my hair and shut my eyes. What a moron.

"Yes. You are right. I apologize. If you would join me, we may… Work on this."

I look up at him. "Like what?"

He walks towards me. "Would you join me for a walk?"

"A walk." I repeat.

"Did you have something else in mind?"

"No." I don't want him to think that my mind is in the gutter.

"Then, would you like take a walk with me?" He offers up his hand.

"One condition."

"What would that be?"

"We leave the campus."

He chuckles. "I believe that is fair."

I take his hand. At last! And then we're teleported outside the school walls. I let him go, and I do some much needed stretching and yawn, taking in the fresh morning air.

"I do not wish to stray very far."

"That's fine. I'm only stir crazy."

"I know, and I have been selfish."

I turn to him.

"You should know, I am not blind."

I squint.

"I am aware that you have been the only one to initiate conversation, who makes effort to see the other and ensure contact outside of a work-environment. You have been reminding me that we have a deadline, but not in a manner that feels rushed. You even attempt to lighten the mood during our training sessions. Yet, I have done nothing to progress our predicament."

I nod.

"So today, I plan on taking action, like you have requested."

I feel myself getting happy and excited.

"Let us be off." He turns around and walks down the grassy slope from the school. I walk beside him. Then I feel my heart stop. He takes my hand in his. Not in the usual way. He is not picking me up from a stumble, or offering a link for teleportation. He firmly takes my hand and intertwines his long fingers with my own. I twitch slightly, unsure of what he was doing for a moment, but he does not allow me to wriggle free.

We've never held hands like this.

"Uh." I look up at him, but he does not retract his hand. He leads me down with him, and I silently pray that my palms won't get too sweaty. Iris Academy is at the very tip of the mountain. But at the top is a plateau, which is a foundation for the academy grounds. Sloping from this plateau are many hills and steep drops, all covered in grass, shrubs, flowers and rock. It's a bumpy hike down, and our hands are held strong to ensure balance.

As I'm hopping and skipping to keep up with gravity's constant tugging, I can't believe this is happening. "Ah!" I trip.

"Be careful, do not let go of me." He advises. And he tightens his grip to prevent my fall. I'm facing a steep drop, realizing he just saved me from a nasty accident. He pulls me back up, positions me inside, away from the edge, instead of at the edge and we head towards the left. We reach another high hill and climb it. Grabiner reaches the top first and hoists me up to join him on the top of the hill. We sit there, completely mute, still joined.

My heart is threatening to burst out of my chest, but not because I need to catch my breath. His warm, large hand covers my own, and as we gaze down at the town far below, rocky hills blanketed in wildflowers and sharp rock. I feel him squeeze a little. I jump, and he chuckles at my reaction.

A cool breeze flies past us, lifting the scent of the hills to our nostrils, I inhale it deeply.

"I like this." I break the silence.

"A bit hazardous to admit, but worth the energy." He adds.

Clouds drift lazily overhead, the sun shines bright, breezes occasionally visit to keep us cool, and the smell of wet earth and freshly grown grass makes me sleepy.

"You've done this before I assume?"

"Only alone, I admit. I cannot afford to be a complete shut-in."

I sniff at that.

"It is the truth." He insists. "A wizard's magick will wane if the body is not kept in peak condition."

"That makes sense."

I look down. He still hasn't let go of my hand.

"Are you overheating? We could relocate to a spot with more shade."

"N-no. I'm fine."

He smiles devilishly. "So that is merely a blush spreading across your face."

I back away, but he tugs me closer to him. "Hahahaha!"

He's- he's laughing?! Sure enough he is, a hearty, happy burst of laughter erupts from Grabiner's throat, almost too foreign a sound for my ears to process.

"You really can be quite amusing on occasion." He teases.

What's gotten into him?! "And you're as cruel as ever." I pout.

This doesn't faze him. I clench my fist, involuntarily holding his hand tighter, to which he responds by squeezing back. I hold back a squeal. Why? Why am I so lame? I silently shame myself. I'm so inexperienced, it's just hand holding right? Why am I so embarrassed? A few more minutes of sitting. I exhale, hoping to calm down.


I zip my head to his attention.

"I am sorry."

"But I already forgave you."

"No. You have not."

"What do you-?"

"I am not apologizing for what we discussed earlier. I am apologizing for last year."

"What happened last year?"

He looks to the distance. "Do you remember our argument on May Day?"

I shrink, of course I do, it resulted in my first kiss.

"You pointed out a connection between us. One that existed before the marriage."

Yes, I remember!

"You were right, though I was too proud to admit it."

I inhale sharply.

"I am going to tell you something- and this is because you have earned my trust and respect."

I say nothing, only wanting to hear him speak.

"The truth is… I find you- I have always found you… Interesting."

Wait, seriously?! M-me?

"From the very moment we met, I thought you were peculiar. I walked up to you out of curiosity, as you looked nothing like the crowd and I was drawn to that. It was my fault we had that little mishap, I drew myself too close."

It was you?

"But I was both furious and embarrassed and I quickly put you to blame for my mistake. You did not deserve those demerits."


"As I came to familiarize myself with you, I could not shake my burning curiosity and to mask it I was especially hard on you."

When you were picking on me in class?

"I found myself even coming to admire you, once I was hinted at your true intelligence. Do you have any idea that you are, in fact, a brilliant young woman?"

He means this?

"Never before had I been so enamored with a student. So much, that it frightened me."

Frightened?! I sit up straight.

"Surely you must know that you do not look your age. So when I found myself so absorbed with you, I thought myself perverse."

Oh, God. You must've gone through some serious self-loathing- is what I want to say. But my mouth remains shut. Frankly, I'm too dumbstruck to speak.

He shuts his eyes. "So I did my best to avoid forming a connection. I did not wish for even the smallest fraction of friendliness between us, because I could not trust myself to not succumb to greed and desire."

Greed... Desire... You can't be talking about me.

"But distancing myself from you, did not change my concern for your well-being. I assured that everything I did was fair in conduct, for that would jeopardize both my career and your education if I displayed favoritism, but I did treat you differently from the rest. I wanted you to know that I was watching over you in those exams, hoping that maybe you would be comforted. A ludicrous thought, why would my voice bring you comfort? But still, it was a small hope of mine, that you would find it so."

I did.

"Then came the Dark Dance Ceremony and I gave in to temptation. A foolish whim, but one mistake I would gladly make again. I could not resist the opportunity to hold you, to feel you, to…"

My eyes widen.

He notices my face and clears his throat. "Then we… Married. Once again I lashed out at you. I blamed you yet again for my mistake. I was an idiot. It was my idiocy that tied an innocent soul like your own to my corrupted vessel. I failed to protect you from myself. I was miserable, but it pained me even more because I had dragged your happiness and freedom down with me."

You were in so much pain and inner conflict.

"You are aware of the rest…"

"So. When you found out how old I was?"

He sighs. "I was angry, but I was also relieved. I felt like my emotions were finally justified- that I was not this sick creature who held romantic interest in children. But merely a man... Who held feelings for a woman."

"What would you have done… If I wasn't of age?"

"I would have quit my job."

"Just to get away from me?!"

"I thought myself an abomination. I was not going to remain employed in an academy if I had truly developed a sexual attraction to an underage student."


"I-I r-respect that." I stutter, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

His serious expression suddenly goes grave at my change of hue. He grits his teeth and slaps his forehead. "Damn it all!" He curses his folly.

Y-you're sexually attracted to me?! He admitted it! He's regretting right now, but he wants me in that way. My face goes hotter than ever before. I feel myself nearly burning.

"I-!" He starts.

"No it's okay… I… I find you very attractive myself..."

He's extremely surprised. "You what? How could someone like you ever-"

"I don't care about how old you are. I think you're handsome. I... Have a confession too…" I can't look at him for this. "I've been hiding the c-crush I have on you."


"I-I'm not saying this to make you feel better. I-I n-never thought you were ugly, and I don't know exactly when, but I kind of developed a silly teacher's crush on you early in the school year. I knew it was ridiculous, a-and I had no intention of acting on it. I thought you hated me to be honest."

"No... No, I do not hate you." He whispers.

"Thank y-you." I smile nervously at him.

We stare at each other awkwardly. Luckily for me, he salvages the moment. "I have a serious question to ask you."

I nod for him to go ahead.

"When the deadline arrives... Would it be wrong of me to ask you... Not to use the other methods of consummation?"

"You mean... Being put to sleep or having it erased from my memory."

"I do not wish to do either of those things." He admits with hope in his eyes.

"Are you s-sure you want me? We haven't even known each other that long. You... You could have any woman you want."

He takes both of my hands in his. "Which is exactly what I intend to do now."

Am I dreaming?!

We lock eyes. "Lumina. Will you see this through with me? Not just as an obligation of our marriage, but perhaps... With fondness? "

I can feel myself beginning to tremble. He doesn't want me to dread the day we have sex, he wants me to look forward to it.

"Y-yes. Yes, of course! Let's make this work."