Hello! I am so sorry that this chapter took so long to get out! My last couple weeks of college had been so busy; I had so much homework it was crazy. And as soon as the spring semester ended, my summer classes started up I'm going to try my best to update faster!

Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed my last chapter! I'm really glad that people are liking my story lol! Oh, and I had somebody question whether or not this is going to be a Mabel/Dipper story, and the answer is yes it is! I'm sorry if I hadn't really made that clear. Anyway, please leave a review and let me know what you think! Enjoy!

Dipper woke up early and quickly got ready for the day. He had lots to do, and he couldn't afford to lose any time. He was working the evening shift tonight, which meant that any boyfriend hunting he wanted to do would have to be taken care of in the morning. He had had zero luck at the park last night. There hadn't been a single decent guy that Mabel could date. Dipper surely had to have at least a little bit more luck today than he had yesterday.

He made his way down the stairs, went into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast off of the table, and headed out the door. He contemplated where he should start searching as he idly munched on his toast. Most stores around town weren't open yet, meaning his options were limited. He mentally went through a list of places on Main Street. It was much too early for anyone to be at the arcade, so Dipper checked that place off of his list. Grocery store? Nah. Mr. Zzz's Mattresses? Nope. Heart-A-Tap Dance Studio? Definitely not.

Dipper continued to mull over where he should go first, thinking of all the places he knew that were open this early in the morning. As he finished off the last of his toast, Dipper thought of Greasy's Diner. It was perfect. Everyone around town loved to get their morning fixings at Greasy's Diner. Dipper smiled and hurried on his way.

The scent of maple syrup and smoky bacon invaded his senses as soon as he stepped foot in the diner. Dipper looked around. Lazy Susan was walking from booth to booth with a steaming pot of coffee in her right hand. Families were gathered together, enjoying their breakfast as they chattered amicably. Off to his left was a table filled with a group of teenagers. Deciding that was his best bet, Dipper made his way over to the small booth situated in the corner of the diner. He stood in front of the table, and the teens stopped their conversation to look up at him.

Despite the nervousness he felt from their confused stares, Dipper went on with his plan. "Um, h-hey," he started out awkwardly. "I was wondering if I could maybe join you guys." Though it was meant to be a statement, it came out sounding more like a question.

After about a minute of gaping, the group of teens came back to life and smiled at the boy in front of them.

"Yeah, sure," one of the boys said.

"Here, you can sit next to Kevin," said a girl as she pointed across the table to where a boy with shaggy black hair sat.

Dipper smiled gratefully and sat down in the extra seat. There were a total of five teens: two girls and three boys. They all seemed relatively nice, which pleased Dipper very much. He was hoping that one of the three boys would turn out to be Mabel's dream guy.

"I'm Morgan," said the girl who had told Dipper to sit next to Kevin. "This is Lily and this is Eric," she said as she pointed to the teens sitting beside her. She then proceeded to point across the table and introduce the last two people of the group, "That's Brandon and that's Kevin."

Dipper smiled at the group and introduced himself, "I'm Dipper."

Brandon laughed, "What kind of a name is Dipper?"

Morgan hushed her friend and shot him a light glare, "Don't be rude, Brandon."

Dipper just chuckled, "It's alright; I get that a lot actually. Dipper isn't a very common name after all." He purposefully didn't point out that his rather unusual name wasn't his real name after all and was, in fact, nothing more than a silly nickname. Though the group of teens seemed nice enough, Dipper didn't know them well enough to be completely comfortable around them. Heck, there were even some of his family members that didn't know the full truth behind his nickname. Only a select few actually knew about the much hated constellation shaped birth mark that was plastered on his forehead.

"So do you live here? I don't think I've ever seen you around before," Eric asked with a raised brow.

"No, I don't actually. I'm from California, but every summer my sister and I visit our great uncle who lives here."

The group nodded their heads in unison, which Dipper found slightly comical.

Lily's eyes lit with excitement, "Is it really as nice in California as everyone makes it out to be?"

Dipper shrugged his shoulders, "I guess so. I mean, it's always nice and sunny."

Lily squealed a bit at his statement, "I wish I lived in California. Gravity Falls is so boring!" Dipper almost had to restrain himself from asking 'have you been living under a rock or something,' because as far as he was concerned Gravity Falls was the most interesting place he had ever been in his entire life. He figured saying as much probably wasn't the best idea, seeing as how talking about all of the crazy supernatural stuff he and Mabel had encountered over the years would most likely end up in the group of teens writing him off as an insane freak. And people probably wouldn't want to be friends with an insane freak, much less date the sister of an insane freak. So Dipper held his tongue and went along with the notion that Gravity Falls was the most mind numbing place he had ever been.

Dipper was just about to reply back when he noticed Eric put his hand over Lily's on the table. Lily smiled sweetly at him and gave his hand a little squeeze. Ok, so Eric was out of the equation. He obviously couldn't date Mabel if he was already involved with someone else. Hopefully he'd have better luck with Brandon and Kevin.

They all talked for a solid two hours about nothing in particular. The conversation kept switching from topic to topic, and they continued to ramble on even after they had finished ordering and eating their food. Dipper was a little surprised to find that he genuinely had a good time. He could easily see himself hanging out with these people more often, which, unfortunately, wasn't normal for him.

The group had just finished up a heated debate over whether or not the first Pony Heist was a better movie than the second, when Morgan suddenly gave Kevin a pleading expression.

"You know, I was talking to Rachel the other day and she said something about me asking you to go to the movies with her."

The boy just rolled his eyes and huffed, "Forget about it."

Morgan pouted, "Aw c'mon, Eric. Dating really shouldn't be that big of a deal by this point in time. Honestly, I highly doubt Annie would care now. It's been three full months since you two broke up."

Eric looked like he was about to reply when Brandon cut in, "Give it a rest, Morgan. If he doesn't want to start dating again that's fine. Besides, I already promised him that this summer would be dedicated to bro time. No girls all summer long. It's just gonna be us bros, loads of snacks, and two PS4 controllers."

Brandon slapped the boy beside him on the back, and Kevin gave him a grateful smile.

Morgan slumped down in her seat, "Whatever."

Well crap, Dipper thought. There went all of his hope of finding a guy for Mabel. He'd have to look somewhere else because he evidently wasn't going to get anywhere with this group of teens. He wasn't going to try to convince Brandon or Kevin to give Mabel a chance. Not when Kevin was clearly still trying to get over a past relationship, and Brandon was focusing his time on cheering his friend back up. At least they had been nice and he had had fun. So, in the end, it wasn't a complete waste of time. But he still needed to get back to searching ASAP.

Eric looked down at his watch and whistled, "We should probably get going; it's almost noon." The rest of his friends shook their heads in agreement.

Before parting ways, Dipper made sure to thank the group of friends for letting him join. Once Dipper left the diner, he decided to head out to Main Street. All of the stores were open by this point, so Dipper had a better chance at finding Mabel a guy there.


Dipper growled in frustration as he opened the door to the Mystery Shack. No luck. Again. Absolutely no luck again at finding a guy for Mable. He threw himself down onto the couch and raked his hands through his curly brown locks. This whole thing was starting to seem hopeless. How was Mabel supposed to have the perfect summer romance when Dipper couldn't even find a guy for her? Maybe Wendy was right. This plan was going to go up in smoke. Dipper continued to sulk on the couch, his eyes glaring holes in the wall across from him.

Stan entered the room and was about to tell Dipper to get his heinie off of the sofa and start getting ready for work, when he noticed the way his nephew was practically shooting lasers from his eye sockets.

"What's up, kid?"

Dipper jumped a bit, startled by his great uncle's presence. He sighed and shook his head, "Nothing."

Stan walked over and sat down beside Dipper on the couch, "Look, I know I may not be the most comforting and understanding guy, but you can tell me what's bothering you. And don't tell me it's nothing, because I'd sooner believe that Soos is a girl in disguise before I believed that something isn't on your mind."

Dipper glanced at his great uncle from the corner of his eye before sighing and giving in. He mulled over how to state his troubles to Stan. He obviously couldn't tell him the truth or else his plan would be out in the open. Dipper scratched at the back of his neck nervously and tilted his head to the side, "Um, I guess you could say that… I've been having… girl troubles?" His voice came out squeakier than he had intended it to. Dipper cursed puberty and tried to clear his throat.

Stan gave him a blank look before throwing his head back and laughing. Dipper scowled. What exactly was so funny about him having girl troubles? Granted, he didn't actually have girl troubles, but he didn't understand why it would be hilarious if he did.

When Stan was done laughing he looked back down to Dipper, "Don't we all. Dipper, when it comes to women, you can't force anything. Sometimes, the best way to go about things is letting the girls come to you."

Dipper scrunched his face in confusion. That wouldn't exactly work for him. He was looking for a boy for Mabel. He couldn't just sit around and hope that some guy would come to him. And if some guy did happen to come to Dipper about dating, then he wouldn't exactly be a good match for Mabel in the first place.

"No offense, Grunkle Stan, but I really don't think that would work."

Stan scratched at the scruff on his chin and looked to be deep in thought. He looked down and gave Dipper a scrutinizing gaze, "You're right, no girl is going to come to you with your squeaky voice and noodle arms."

Dipper glared hard at his uncle. He was staring to really regret confiding in him in the first place.

Stan chuckled and gave Dipper a pat on the back, "The most important thing to know when it comes to dating is to make sure you and your partner are compatible. There's no point in even looking at a girl who doesn't like at least some of the same stuff as you. After all, you can't really have a fun time with someone who's vastly different from yourself."

Dipper blinked and then gave his uncle a smile. His advice was actually pretty helpful. Every time he had gone out searching for a guy for Mabel, he just looked about the town blindly. He hadn't been thinking about where Mabel would most likely find a guy that was similar to her. He needed to narrow the places he went searching by only checking places that Mabel would want to go. If he were to find someone that liked all of the same stuff as Mabel, then there would be a much greater chance that the guy would actually be interested in meeting his sister.

"Thanks, Grunkle Stan, that's actually really good advice."

Stan gave his nephew a slight smirk before slapping his knee, "Alright, well now that that's over you better start getting ready for work. It's almost time for your shift."


Once he was finished with his shift and the Mystery Shack closed for the night, Dipper silently made his way up into his and Mabel's attic bedroom. He grabbed a pen and ripped a piece of paper from his notebook. Sitting down at his desk, Dipper wrote another love note to his sister as she got ready for bed in their shared bathroom.

Dear Mabel,

You are on my mind twenty four seven;

And I know that being with you would feel like I died and went to Heaven.

You truly are an angel, so kind and so pure;

Kissing you softly would be wonderful I am sure.

~Your secret admirer~


Dipper aimlessly roamed the aisles of the candy store. Shelves upon shelves were filled to the brim with brightly colored candies that were surely able to raise the blood sugar levels of even the undead themselves. Dipper reckoned if there was one place in the entire universe that Mabel couldn't stay away from it was the candy store. That girl could eat her weight alone in candy. As he milled about, Dipper decided upon which cavity inducing snack to check out first. After a moment of hesitation, Dipper made his way to the aisle that housed all of the gummy candies. Gummy Koalas were by far Mabel's favorite food. Dipper figured that even if he failed at finding a guy for Mabel, (which he most likely would), he could at least bring her favorite snack home with him. That way he wouldn't feel like a complete jerk of a brother.

Spotting the Gummy Koalas, Dipper extended his arm, ready to grab the bag of edible marsupials. As soon as he had hold of the bag, however, he felt the weight of another hand on top of his. Dipper looked up, and the person beside him jolted back, his hand retracting with him.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there."

Dipper just stared, a bit slack jawed. Standing before him was the most handsome boy he had ever seen. He had golden hair that was neatly groomed and arranged into spikes that surrounded his head like a halo, striking blue eyes, and cheekbones that could make Angelina Jolie jealous. Dipper could hardly believe it. It was like something out of a movie: an accidental brush of hands and then oh my heavens he had found his dream boy. Or Mabel's dream boy. Whatever.

The boy coughed awkwardly and shifted his eyes a little bit to the side. Dipper realized, with slight trepidation, that he hadn't said anything yet. Straightening up, Dipper removed his hand from the bag of candy and faced the boy.

"It's alright, I hadn't seen you either. I'm Dipper." He brought his hand up, leaving it to hover before the beautiful stranger.

The boy smiled, his blue eyes crinkling, and took Dipper's hand in his own, "I'm Nate." Dipper noted that Nate had quite the firm handshake.

"So," Dipper began, "You like Gummy Koalas?" It was a lame excuse of a conversation starter, but Dipper really didn't know what else to say.

Nate just shook his head and smiled again, "Yep, they're my favorite snack."

Perfect! Mabel and Nate shared a favorite snack. That was a good sign as far as Dipper was concerned.

"They're my sister's favorite snack, too. That's why I'm actually here, to bring some home for her," Dipper lied. He couldn't exactly tell this guy that the real reason he was here was to try and find his sister a boyfriend. Especially since Dipper was going to try and convince said guy to become his sister's boyfriend. After all, this boy was utterly flawless in Dipper's opinion.

Nate smiled at Dipper, "That's nice of you. I wish I could say that I was here to get candy for somebody close to me, but I sadly have to admit that I'm extremely selfish and am here for nobody else but myself." He lightly chuckled at himself before flashing Dipper another grin.

Dipper grinned back and then began asking Nate questions that would help him determine whether or not this guy was the real deal. "So are you from around here?"

"Mhmm, I've lived in good ole' Gravity Falls my whole life."

Dipper nodded and continued, "Cool, cool. So tell me a little bit more about yourself, Nate. You seem like a neat dude."

Nate looked at Dipper a little funny, raising his eyebrows and cocking his head to the side. But he seemed to shrug his confusion off, before clearing his throat and speaking, "Um, well, I go to Gravity Falls High, I'm a part of student council, I like to play paintball, and uh," Nate placed his hand under his chin and looked upwards as he mulled over his thoughts, "I have a big sweet tooth and am a pretty big animal lover."

If this were a game show there would surely be a big bell ringing 'Ding! Ding! Ding!' because Nate was clearly a winner. He was a perfect fit for Mabel and Dipper couldn't be giddier. Finally! After almost losing all hope in his plan, he found just the person he was looking for. Mabel had been on student council at school back home, she had the biggest sweet tooth in the entire world, she absolutely adored animals (as was evident by Waddles), and though she had never actually played paintball before, Dipper was 99% sure that it could end up being one of her favorite games. Now all he needed to do was to get Mabel and Nate to meet and everything would surely fall right into place.

"Wow," Dipper began, "You sure have a whole lot in common with my sister. You know, I bet you two would get along really well. You'll have to meet her sometime! Maybe the three of us could get together and chill sometime this weekend?"

Nate's smile faltered, and he looked off to the side awkwardly, "Oh, um, I don't think that's a good idea. Thanks for the offer, but, uh sorry." Nate brought his gaze back to Dipper and gave him a half smile, "Well, I better get going. It was nice meeting you."

Dipper didn't reply as he was still in slight shock over what had happened. What the heck? Why did Nate act like that? Why didn't he think that meeting Mabel would be a good idea? What had even just happened?

Dipper's heart sank as realized that he was right back where he started. Just when he had thought he found the right guy, too. Great. It looked like his search for Mabel's dream guy wasn't over just yet. Dipper sighed and snatched the bag of Gummy Koalas from the shelf.


As soon as Dipper entered the house he was jumped by a blob of sparkles and rainbow. Dipper laughed and tried batting his sister off of him, "Geeze Mabel, would you at least let me get all the way through the door before attacking me?"

Mabel just giggled and squeezed her brother tighter, "I got another one, Dipper! Another one!"

Dipper finally managed to pry Mabel off of him. It took a much longer time than he'd like to admit, so he played it off as if he had purposefully let his sister cling to him for the amount of time that she did. Stupid noodle arms. He shut the door behind him and made his way into the living room, "What are you talking about, Mabes?"

Mabel let out a squeal of excitement as she retrieved a folded up piece of paper from her pink skirt pocket. She held it up to Dipper, practically shoving it in his face as she shouted, "A note! I got another note from my secret admirer!"

Dipper smiled at Mabel's enthusiasm regardless of the slight guilt that he felt. He had hid the note this morning by Waddles' pig house outside. He was happy that she had found it, be he also felt a bit guilty since he was doing such a bad job at finding Mabel her dream guy. He needed to find one soon, or else these love notes would turn out to be nothing but a cruel joke. And that was the last thing Dipper wanted. He wanted Mabel to be happy, and a bunch of love notes without a real secret admirer surely wasn't the way to go about bringing his sister happiness.

"That's great, Mabel!"

Mabel beamed at her brother, "I know!"

Dipper suddenly remembered the candy he had bought earlier. He fished out the bag of Gummy Koalas in the front pocket of his hoodie, "Here, Mabel, I went to the store today and got these for you."

Mabel's eyes lit up in even more excitement (something Dipper hadn't even known was possible), and she snatched the bag of candy out of her brother's hands, "Omigosh, thank you so much, Dipper! You're the best bro-bro ever!"

She suffocated him in another one of her signature Mabel hugs and began jumping up and down. Dipper started to think that maybe buying her candy wasn't the smartest decision, seeing as how she was already so hyper. He honestly didn't know where she got all of her energy from.

Mabel pulled back from her hug and grabbed Dipper's hands in each of hers. She giggled and began wriggling about, sashaying her hips and moving her feet, "Come on, Dipper! Dance with me!"

Dipper laughed at his sister's antics, but he followed along none the less. He twirled Mabel around in a circle and dipped her. When he brought her back up, her smile was wide and bright, and Dipper couldn't help but smile back just as big. Mabel's enthusiasm was contagious, as always. As they continued to dance across the living room floor, moving their feet, swinging their hips, and bopping their heads to their imagined beat, Dipper forgot all about his worries.